- ACCEPT - Accept New Long Error Message
- ALLOWD - Are Changes of Long Error Message Allowed?
- ALLTRU - All entries true?
- ANA - AN or A ?
- APPNDC - Append an item to a character cell
- APPNDD - Append an item to a double precision cell
- APPNDI - Append an item to an integer cell
- APPROX - Approximate equality
- ASTRIP - STRIP Ascii characters from a string
- AXISAR - Axis and angle to rotation
- AZLCPO - AZ/EL, constant position observer state
- AZLREC - AZ/EL to rectangular coordinates
- B1900 - Besselian Date 1900.0
- B1950 - Besselian Date 1950.0
- BADKPV - Bad Kernel Pool Variable
- BEDEC - Be a decimal number?
- BEINT - Be an Integer?
- BENUM - Be a number?
- BEUNS - Be an unsigned integer?
- BLTFRM - Built-in frame IDs
- BODC2N - Body ID code to name translation
- BODC2S - Body ID code to string translation
- BODDEF - Body name/ID code definition
- BODEUL - Return Euler angles for a body
- BODFND - Find values from the kernel pool
- BODMAT - Return transformation matrix for a body
- BODN2C - Body name to ID code translation
- BODS2C - Body string to ID code translation
- BODVAR - Return values from the kernel pool
- BODVCD - Return d.p. values from the kernel pool
- BODVRD - Return d.p. values from the kernel pool
- BRCKTD - Bracket a d.p. value within an interval
- BRCKTI - Bracket an integer value within an interval
- BSCHOC - Binary search with order vector, character
- BSCHOI - Binary search with order vector, integer
- BSRCHC - Binary search for a character string
- BSRCHD - Binary search for double precision value
- BSRCHI - Binary search for an integer value
- CARDC - Cardinality of a character cell
- CARDD - Cardinality of a double precision cell
- CARDI - Cardinality of an integer cell
- CCIFRM - frame Class and Class Id to FRaMe id and name
- CGV2EL - Center and generating vectors to ellipse
- CHBDER - Derivatives of a Chebyshev expansion
- CHBIGR - Chebyshev expansion integral
- CHBINT - Interpolate a Chebyshev expansion
- CHBVAL - Value of a Chebyshev polynomial expansion
- CHCKID - Check ID string
- CHGIRF - Change inertial reference frames
- CIDFRM - Center ID to FRaMe id and name
- CKBSR - C-kernel, buffer segments for readers
- CKBSS - CK, begin search for segment
- CKCLS - CK, Close file
- CKCOV - CK coverage
- CKE01 - CK evaluate pointing record, data type 1
- CKE02 - C-kernel, evaluate pointing record, data type 2
- CKE03 - C-kernel, evaluate pointing record, data type 3
- CKE04 - C-kernel, evaluate pointing record, type 4
- CKE05 - C-Kernel, evaluate, type 5
- CKE06 - C-Kernel, evaluate, type 6
- CKFROT - CK frame, find position rotation
- CKFXFM - CK frame, find state transformation
- CKGP - C-kernel, get pointing
- CKGPAV - C-kernel, get pointing and angular velocity
- CKGR01 - C-kernel, get record, type 01
- CKGR02 - C-kernel, get record, type 02
- CKGR03 - C-kernel, get record, type 03
- CKGR04 - C-kernel, get record, type 04
- CKGR05 - C-kernel, get record, type 05
- CKGR06 - C-kernel, get record, type 06
- CKHAVE - CK --- Are there any loaded?
- CKLPF - CK, load pointing file
- CKMETA - CK ID to associated SCLK
- CKMP06 - C-kernel, get mini-segment parameters, type 06
- CKNM06 - C-kernel, number of mini-segments, type 06
- CKNR01 - C-kernel, number of records, type 01
- CKNR02 - C-kernel, number of records, type 02
- CKNR03 - C-kernel, number of records, type 03
- CKNR04 - C-kernel, number of records, data type 4
- CKNR05 - C-kernel, number of records, type 05
- CKOBJ - CK objects
- CKOPN - CK, open new file.
- CKPFS - C-kernel, get pointing from segment
- CKR01 - C-kernel, read pointing record, data type 1
- CKR02 - C-kernel, read pointing record, data type 2
- CKR03 - C-kernel, read pointing record, data type 3
- CKR04 - C-kernel, read pointing record, data type 4
- CKR05 - Read CK record from segment, type 05
- CKR06 - C-kernel, read record from segment, type 6
- CKSNS - C-kernel, Select next segment
- CKUPF - CK, Unload pointing file
- CKW01 - C-Kernel, write segment to C-kernel, data type 1
- CKW02 - C-Kernel, write segment to C-kernel, data type 2
- CKW03 - C-Kernel, write segment to C-kernel, data type 3
- CKW04A - CK type 04: Add data to a segment
- CKW04B - CK type 04: Begin a segment
- CKW04E - CK type 04: End a segment
- CKW05 - Write CK segment, type 5
- CKW06 - CK, Write segment, type 6
- CLEARC - Clear an array of strings
- CLEARD - Clear a double precision array
- CLEARI - Clear an integer array
- CLIGHT - C, Speed of light in a vacuum
- CLPOOL - Clear the pool of kernel variables
- CMPRSS - Compress a character string
- CNMFRM - Center NaMe to FRaMe id and name
- CONICS - Determine state from conic elements
- CONVRT - Convert Units
- COPYC - Copy a character cell
- COPYD - Copy a double precision cell
- COPYI - Copy an integer cell
- COUNTC - Count characters in a text file
- CPOS - Character position
- CPOSR - Character position, reverse
- CVPOOL - Check variable in the pool for update
- CYACIP - Cycle the elements of a character array
- CYADIP - Cycle the elements of a DP array, in place
- CYAIIP - Cycle the elements of an integer array, in place
- CYCLAC - Cycle the elements of a character array
- CYCLAD - Cycle the elements of a DP array
- CYCLAI - Cycle the elements of an integer array
- CYCLEC - Cycle a character string
- CYLLAT - Cylindrical to latitudinal
- CYLREC - Cylindrical to rectangular
- CYLSPH - Cylindrical to spherical
- DACOSH - Double precision arc hyperbolic cosine
- DACOSN - arc cosine of bracketed argument
- DAFA2B - DAF, ASCII to binary
- DAFAC - DAF add comments
- DAFADA - DAF, add data to array
- DAFAH - DAF, assign handles
- DAFANA - DAF, add new array
- DAFARR - DAF, add reserved records
- DAFARW - DAF, address to record/word
- DAFB2A - DAF, binary to ASCII
- DAFB2T - DAF, binary to text
- DAFBBS - DAF, begin backward search
- DAFBFS - DAF, begin forward search
- DAFBNA - DAF, begin new array
- DAFBT - DAF, convert binary file to transfer file
- DAFCAD - DAF, continue adding data
- DAFCLS - DAF, close
- DAFCS - DAF, continue search
- DAFDC - DAF delete comments
- DAFEC - DAF extract comments
- DAFENA - DAF, end new array
- DAFFA - DAF, find array
- DAFFNA - DAF, find next array
- DAFFNH - DAF, file name to handle
- DAFFPA - DAF, find previous array
- DAFGDA - DAF, read data from address
- DAFGDR - DAF, get double precision record
- DAFGH - DAF, get handle
- DAFGN - DAF, get array name
- DAFGS - DAF, get summary
- DAFGSR - DAF, get summary/descriptor record
- DAFHFN - DAF, handle to file name
- DAFHLU - DAF, handle to logical unit
- DAFHOF - DAF, handles of open files
- DAFHSF - DAF, handle to summary format
- DAFLUH - DAF, logical unit to handle
- DAFNRR - DAF number of reads, requests
- DAFONW - DAF, open new
- DAFOPN - DAF, open new
- DAFOPR - DAF, open for read
- DAFOPW - DAF, open for write
- DAFPS - DAF, pack summary
- DAFRA - DAF, Re-order arrays
- DAFRCR - DAF, read character record
- DAFRDA - DAF, read data from address
- DAFRDR - DAF, read double precision record
- DAFRFR - DAF, read file record
- DAFRN - DAF, change array name
- DAFRRR - DAF, remove reserved records
- DAFRS - DAF, replace summary
- DAFRWA - DAF, record/word to address
- DAFRWD - DAF, read, write double precision
- DAFSIH - DAF, signal invalid handles
- DAFT2B - DAF, text to binary
- DAFTB - DAF, convert transfer file to binary file
- DAFUS - DAF, unpack summary
- DAFWCR - DAF, write character record
- DAFWDA - DAF, write data to address
- DAFWDR - DAF, write double precision record
- DAFWFR - DAF write file record
- DAFWS - DAF, write summary
- DASA2L - DAS, address to physical location
- DASAC - DAS add comments
- DASACR - DAS, add comment records
- DASACU - DAS add comments from a logical unit
- DASADC - DAS, add data, character
- DASADD - DAS, add data, double precision
- DASADI - DAS, add data, integer
- DASBT - DAS, convert binary file to transfer file
- DASCLS - DAS, close file
- DASCUD - DAS, create or update directories
- DASDC - DAS delete comments
- DASEC - DAS extract comments
- DASECU - DAS extract comments to a logical unit
- DASINE - arc sine of bracketed argument
- DASIOC - DAS, Fortran I/O, character
- DASIOD - DAS, Fortran I/O, double precision
- DASIOI - DAS, Fortran I/O, integer
- DASLLA - DAS, last logical addresses
- DASRCR - DAS, remove comment records
- DASRDC - DAS, read data, character
- DASRDD - DAS, read data, double precision
- DASRDI - DAS, read data, integer
- DASRFR - DAS, read file record
- DASRRC - DAS, read record, character
- DASRRD - DAS, read record, double precision
- DASRRI - DAS, read record, integer
- DASRWR - DAS, read/write records
- DASSDR - DAS, segregate data records
- DASTB - DAS, convert transfer file to binary file
- DASUDC - DAS, update data, character
- DASUDD - DAS, update data, double precision
- DASUDI - DAS, update data, integer
- DASURC - DAS, update record, character
- DASURD - DAS, update record, double precision
- DASURI - DAS, update record, integer
- DASWBR - DAS, write buffered records
- DASWFR - DAS write file record
- DASWRC - DAS, write record, character
- DASWRD - DAS, write record, double precision
- DASWRI - DAS, write record, integer
- DATANH - Double precision arc hyperbolic tangent
- DAZLDR - Derivative of AZ/EL w.r.t. rectangular
- DCBRT - Double precision cube root
- DCYLDR - Derivative of cylindrical w.r.t. rectangular
- DECHAR - Decode a character string
- DELFIL - Delete a file
- DELTET - Delta ET, ET - UTC
- DET - Determinant of a double precision 3x3 matrix
- DGEODR - Derivative of geodetic w.r.t. rectangular
- DHFA - Time derivative of half angle
- DIAGS2 - Diagonalize symmetric 2x2 matrix
- DIFFC - Difference of two character sets
- DIFFD - Difference of two double precision sets
- DIFFI - Difference of two integer sets
- DLABBS - DLA, begin backward search
- DLABFS - DLA, begin forward search
- DLABNS - DLA, begin new segment
- DLAENS - DLA, end new segment
- DLAFNS - DLA, find next segment
- DLAFPS - DLA, find previous segment
- DLAOPN - DLA, open new file
- DLASSG - DLA, same segment?
- DLATDR - Derivative of latitudinal w.r.t. rectangular
- DNEARP - Derivative of near point
- DP2HX - D.p. number to hexadecimal string
- DPFMT - Format a double precision number
- DPGRDR - Derivative of planetographic w.r.t. rectangular
- DPR - Degrees per radian
- DPSPCE - Evaluate "two-line" element data, deep-space
- DPSTR - Double Precision Number to Character
- DPSTRF - Double Precision Number to Character
- DRDAZL - Derivative of rectangular w.r.t. AZ/EL
- DRDCYL - Derivative of rectangular w.r.t. cylindrical
- DRDGEO - Derivative of rectangular w.r.t. geodetic
- DRDLAT - Derivative of rectangular w.r.t. latitudinal
- DRDPGR - Derivative of rectangular w.r.t. planetographic
- DRDSPH - Derivative of rectangular w.r.t. spherical
- DROTAT - Derivative of a rotation matrix
- DSKB02 - DSK, fetch type 2 bookkeeping data
- DSKCLS - DSK, close file
- DSKD02 - DSK, fetch d.p. type 2 data
- DSKGD - DSK, return DSK segment descriptor
- DSKGTL - DSK, get tolerance
- DSKI02 - DSK, fetch integer type 2 data
- DSKMI2 - DSK, make spatial index for type 2 segment
- DSKN02 - DSK, type 2, compute normal vector for plate
- DSKOBJ - DSK, get object IDs
- DSKOPN - DSK, open new file
- DSKP02 - DSK, fetch type 2 plate data
- DSKRB2 - DSK, determine range bounds for plate set
- DSKSRF - DSK, get surface IDs for body
- DSKSTL - DSK, set tolerance
- DSKTOL - DSK, tolerance umbrella
- DSKV02 - DSK, fetch type 2 vertex data
- DSKW02 - DSK, write type 2 segment
- DSKX02 - DSK, ray-surface intercept, type 2
- DSKXSI - DSK, ray-surface intercept with source information
- DSKXV - DSK, ray-surface intercept, vectorized
- DSKZ02 - DSK, fetch type 2 model size parameters
- DSPHDR - Derivative of spherical w.r.t. rectangular
- DTPOOL - Data for a kernel pool variable
- DUCRSS - Unit Normalized Cross Product and Derivative
- DVCRSS - Derivative of Vector cross product
- DVDOT - Derivative of Vector Dot Product, 3-D
- DVHAT - Derivative and unit vector "V-hat" of a state
- DVNORM - Derivative of vector norm
- DVPOOL - Delete a variable from the kernel pool
- DVSEP - Derivative of separation angle
- DWPOOL - Delete watch from kernel pool
- DXTRCT - Extract Double Precision Values From A String
- EDLIMB - Ellipsoid Limb
- EDNMPT - Ellipsoid normal vector to surface point
- EDPNT - Ellipsoid point
- EDTERM - Ellipsoid terminator
- EKACEC - EK, add character data to column
- EKACED - EK, add d.p. data to column
- EKACEI - EK, add integer data to column
- EKACLC - EK, add character column to segment
- EKACLD - EK, add d.p. column to segment
- EKACLI - EK, add integer column to segment
- EKAPPR - EK, append record onto segment
- EKBSEG - EK, start new segment
- EKCCNT - EK, column count
- EKCII - EK, column info by index
- EKCLS - EK, close file
- EKDELR - EK, delete record from segment
- EKFFLD - EK, finish fast write
- EKFIND - EK, find data
- EKGC - EK, get event data, character
- EKGD - EK, get event data, double precision
- EKGI - EK, get event data, integer
- EKIFLD - EK, initialize segment for fast write
- EKINSR - EK, insert record into segment
- EKLEF - EK, load event file
- EKNELT - EK, get number of elements in column entry
- EKNSEG - EK, number of segments in file
- EKNTAB - EK, return number of loaded tables
- EKOPN - EK, open new file
- EKOPR - EK, open file for reading
- EKOPS - EK, open scratch file
- EKOPW - EK, open file for writing
- EKPSEL - EK, parse SELECT clause
- EKQMGR - EK, query manager
- EKRCEC - EK, read column entry element, character
- EKRCED - EK, read column entry element, d.p.
- EKRCEI - EK, read column entry element, integer
- EKSHDW - EK, return shadowing status
- EKSRCH - EK, search for events
- EKSSUM - EK, return segment summary
- EKTNAM - EK, return name of loaded table
- EKUCEC - EK, update character column entry
- EKUCED - EK, update d.p. column entry
- EKUCEI - EK, update integer column entry
- EKUEF - EK, unload event file
- EL2CGV - Ellipse to center and generating vectors
- ELEMC - Element of a character set
- ELEMD - Element of a double precision set
- ELEMI - Element of an integer set
- ELLTOF - Elliptic time of flight
- ENCHAR - Encode a character string
- EQCHR - Equivalent characters
- EQNCPV - Equinoctial Elements to position and velocity
- EQSTR - Equivalent strings
- ERRACT - Get/Set Default Error Action
- ERRCH - Insert String into Error Message Text
- ERRDP - Insert D.P. Number into Error Message Text
- ERRFNM - Insert filename into long error message text
- ERRHAN - Insert DAF/DAS file name into long error message
- ERRINT - Insert Integer into Error Message Text
- ERRPRT - Get/Set Error Output Items
- ESRCHC - Equivalence search, character
- ET2LST - ET to Local Solar Time
- ET2UTC - Ephemeris Time to UTC
- ETCAL - Convert ET to Calendar format
- EUL2M - Euler angles to matrix
- EUL2XF - Euler angles and derivative to transformation
- EV2LIN - Evaluate "two-line" element data, near-earth
- EVEN - Is an integer even?
- EVSGP4 - Evaluate "two-line" element data
- EXACT - Round to exact value
- EXCESS - Report an excess of elements in a cell
- EXISTS - Does the file exist?
- EXPLN - Get Explanation for Short Error Message
- EXPOOL - Confirm the existence of a pooled kernel variable
- FAILED - Error Status Indicator
- FETCHC - Fetch from a character set
- FETCHD - Fetch from a DP set
- FETCHI - Fetch from an integer set
- FILLC - Fill a character array
- FILLD - Fill a double precision array
- FILLI - Fill an integer array
- FN2LUN - Map name of open file to its logical unit.
- FNDNWD - Find the next word after an index
- FOVRAY - Is ray in FOV at time?
- FOVTRG - Is target in FOV at time?
- FRAME - Build a right handed coordinate frame
- FRINFO - FRame INFOrmation
- FRMCHG - Frame Change
- FRMGET - Frame get transformation
- FRMNAM - FRaMe id to frame NAMe
- FRSTNB - First non-blank character
- FRSTNP - First non-printable character
- FRSTPC - First printable character
- FURNSH - Furnish a program with SPICE kernels
- GCD - Greatest Common Divisor
- GCPOOL - Get character data from the kernel pool
- GDPOOL - Get d.p. values from the kernel pool
- GEOREC - Geodetic to rectangular coordinates
- GETACT - Get Error Response Action
- GETELM - Get the components from two-line elements
- GETFOV - Get instrument FOV parameters
- GETFVN - Get instrument FOV parameters, by instrument name
- GETLMS - Get Long Error Message
- GETLUN - Get a free logical unit
- GETMSG - Get Error Message
- GETSMS - Get Short Error Message
- GFBAIL - GF, default bailout function
- GFDIST - GF, distance search
- GFEVNT - GF, Geometric event finder
- GFFOVE - GF, is target in FOV?
- GFILUM - GF, illumination angle search
- GFOCCE - GF, occultation event
- GFOCLT - GF, find occultation
- GFPA - GF, phase angle search
- GFPOSC - GF, observer-target vector coordinate search
- GFREFN - GF, default refinement estimator
- GFREPF - GF, progress report finalization
- GFREPI - GF, progress report initialization
- GFREPU - GF, progress report update
- GFRFOV - GF, is ray in FOV?
- GFRPRT - GF, progress reporting package
- GFRR - GF, range rate search
- GFSEP - GF, angular separation search
- GFSNTC - GF, surface intercept vector coordinate search
- GFSSTP - Geometry finder set step size
- GFSTEP - GF, step size
- GFSTOL - GF, set a tolerance value for GF
- GFSUBC - GF, subpoint vector coordinate search
- GFTFOV - GF, is target in FOV?
- GFUDB - GF, user defined boolean
- GFUDS - GF, user defined scalar
- GIPOOL - Get integers from the kernel pool
- GNPOOL - Get names of kernel pool variables
- GR2JUL - Gregorian to Julian Calendar
- HALFPI - Half the value of pi
- HRMESP - Hermite polynomial interpolation, equal spacing
- HRMINT - Hermite polynomial interpolation
- HX2DP - Hexadecimal string to d.p. number
- HX2INT - Signed hexadecimal string to integer
- HYPTOF - Hyperbolic time of flight
- IDENT - Return the 3x3 identity matrix
- IDW2AT - Get file architecture and type from ID word
- ILLUM - Illumination angles
- ILLUMF - Illumination angles, general source, return flags
- ILLUMG - Illumination angles, general source
- ILUMIN - Illumination angles
- INCNSG - Intersection of cone and line segment
- INEDPL - Intersection of ellipsoid and plane
- INELPL - Intersection of ellipse and plane
- INRYPL - Intersection of ray and plane
- INSANG - Inside Tetrahedral Angle
- INSLAC - Insert at location in a character array
- INSLAD - Insert at location in double precision array
- INSLAI - Insert at location in an integer array
- INSRTC - Insert an item into a character set
- INSRTD - Insert an item into a double precision set
- INSRTI - Insert an item into an integer set
- INSSUB - Insert a substring
- INT2HX - Integer to signed hexadecimal string
- INTERC - Intersect two character sets
- INTERD - Intersect two double precision sets
- INTERI - Intersect two integer sets
- INTORD - Convert an integer to ordinal text
- INTSTR - Integer to character string
- INTTXT - Convert an integer to text
- INVERT - Invert a 3x3 matrix
- INVORT - Invert nearly orthogonal matrices
- INVSTM - Inverse of state transformation matrix
- IOERR - I/O error message writer
- IRFDEF - Inertial reference frame, default
- IRFNAM - Inertial reference frame name
- IRFNUM - Inertial reference frame number
- IRFROT - Inertial reference frame rotation
- IRFTRN - Inertial reference frame transformation
- ISO2UTC - Convert ISO time strings to UTC strings.
- ISOPEN - Is a file currently open?
- ISORDV - Is it an order vector
- ISRCHC - Search in a character array
- ISRCHD - Search in a double precision array
- ISRCHI - Search in an integer array
- ISROT - Indicate whether a matrix is a rotation matrix
- J1900 - Julian Date of 1900.0 JAN 0.5
- J1950 - Julian Date of 1950.0 JAN 1.0
- J2000 - Julian Date of 2000 JAN 1.5
- J2100 - Julian Date of 2100 JAN 1.5
- JUL2GR - Julian to Gregorian Calendar
- JYEAR - Seconds per julian year
- KCLEAR - Keeper clear
- KDATA - Kernel Data
- KEEPER - Keeps track of SPICE kernels
- KEPLEQ - Solve Kepler's Equation --- Equinoctial Form
- KINFO - Kernel Information
- KPLFRM - Kernel pool frame IDs
- KPSOLV - Solve Kepler's Equation --- Vector Form
- KTOTAL - Kernel Totals
- KXTRCT - Extract a substring starting with a keyword
- LASTNB - Last non-blank character
- LASTPC - Last printable character
- LATCYL - Latitudinal to cylindrical coordinates
- LATREC - Latitudinal to rectangular coordinates
- LATSPH - Latitudinal to spherical coordinates
- LATSRF - Latitudinal grid to surface points
- LBUILD - Build a list in a character string
- LCASE - Convert to lowercase
- LDPOOL - Load variables from a kernel file into the pool
- LGRESP - Lagrange interpolation on equally spaced points
- LGRIND - Lagrange polynomial interpolation with derivative
- LGRINT - Lagrange polynomial interpolation
- LIMBPT - Limb points on an extended object
- LJUCRS - Left-justify, Uppercase, Compress
- LJUST - Left justify a character string
- LMPOOL - Load variables from memory into the pool
- LNKAN - LNK, allocate node
- LNKFSL - LNK, free sublist of a list
- LNKHL - LNK, head of list
- LNKILA - LNK, insert list after node
- LNKILB - LNK, insert list before node
- LNKINI - LNK, initialize
- LNKNFN - LNK, number of free nodes
- LNKNXT - LNK, next node
- LNKPRV - LNK, previous node
- LNKSIZ - LNK, size
- LNKTL - LNK, tail of list
- LNKXSL - LNK, extract sublist from list
- LOCATI - Locate an identifier in a list
- LOCLN - Locate lines in a text file
- LPARSE - Parse items from a list
- LPARSM - Parse a list of items
- LPARSS - Parse a list of items; return a set.
- LSPCN - Longitude of the sun, planetocentric
- LSTCLD - Last closest double precision array element
- LSTCLI - Closest integer array element
- LSTLEC - Last character element less than or equal to.
- LSTLED - Last double precision element less than or equal
- LSTLEI - Last integer element less than or equal to
- LSTLTC - Last character element less than
- LSTLTD - Last double precision element less than
- LSTLTI - Last integer element less than
- LTIME - Light Time
- LTRIM - Left trim
- LUN2FN - Map logical unit of open file to its name.
- LX4DEC - Scan for signed integer
- LX4NUM - Scan for a number
- LX4SGN - Scan for signed integer
- LX4UNS - Scan for unsigned integer
- LXCSID - Lex, custom identifier characters
- LXDFID - Lex, default identifier characters
- LXIDNT - Lex identifier
- LXNAME - Lex names
- LXQSTR - Lex quoted string
- M2EUL - Matrix to Euler angles
- M2Q - Matrix to quaternion
- MATCHI - Match string against wildcard template
- MATCHW - Match string against wildcard template
- MAXAC - Maximum element of array, character
- MAXAD - Maximum element of array, DP
- MAXAI - Maximum element of array, integer
- MEQU - Matrix equal to another, 3x3
- MEQUG - Matrix equal to another, general dimension
- MINAC - Minimum element of array, character
- MINAD - Minimum element of array, DP
- MINAI - Minimum element of array, integer
- MOVEC - Move a character array to another
- MOVEI - Move a integer array to another
- MTXM - Matrix transpose times matrix, 3x3
- MTXMG - Matrix transpose times matrix, general dimension
- MTXV - Matrix transpose times vector, 3x3
- MTXVG - Matrix transpose times vector, general dimension
- MXM - Matrix times matrix, 3x3
- MXMG - Matrix times matrix, general dimension
- MXMT - Matrix times matrix transpose, 3x3
- MXMTG - Matrix times matrix transpose, general dimension
- MXV - Matrix times vector, 3x3
- MXVG - Matrix time vector, general dimension
- NAMFRM - frame NAMe to FRaMe id
- NBLEN - Non blank length of a string
- NBWID - Non-blank width of a character array
- NCPOS - NOT character position
- NCPOSR - NOT character position, reverse
- NEARPT - Nearest point on an ellipsoid
- NECHR - Not Equivalent characters
- NEXTWD - Next word in a character string
- NOTRU - No true entries?
- NPARSD - Double Precision parsing of a string
- NPARSI - Integer parsing of a character string
- NPEDLN - Nearest point on ellipsoid to line
- NPELPT - Nearest point on ellipse to point
- NPLNPT - Nearest point on line to point
- NPSGPT - Nearest point on line segment
- NTHWD - N'th word in a character string
- NVC2PL - Normal vector and constant to plane
- NVP2PL - Normal vector and point to plane
- OCCULT - find occultation type at time
- ODD - Is a number odd?
- OPSGND - Opposite Sign Double Precision Numbers
- OPSGNI - Opposite Sign Integers
- ORDC - The ordinal position of an element in a set
- ORDD - The ordinal position of an element in a set
- ORDERC - Order of a character array
- ORDERD - Order of a double precision array
- ORDERI - Order of an integer array
- ORDI - The ordinal position of an element in a set
- OSCELT - Determine conic elements from state
- OSCLTX - Extended osculating elements from state
- PACKAC - Pack a character array
- PACKAD - Pack a double precision array
- PACKAI - Pack an integer array
- PARSQS - Parse quoted string token
- PARTOF - Parabolic time of flight
- PCK03A - PCK, add data to a type 3 segment
- PCK03B - PCK, begin a type 3 segment
- PCK03E - PCK, end a type 3 segment
- PCKBSR - PCK, buffer segments for readers
- PCKCLS - PCK, close file
- PCKCOV - PCK, coverage
- PCKE02 - PCK, evaluate data record from type 2 segment
- PCKE03 - PCK, evaluate data record from type 3 segment
- PCKE20 - PCK, evaluate record, type 20
- PCKEUL - PCK, get Euler angles at time from PCK file
- PCKFRM - PCK, get reference frame class ID set
- PCKLOF - PCK, load binary file
- PCKMAT - PCK, get transformation matrix at time
- PCKOPN - PCK, open new file
- PCKPDS - PCK, pack descriptor
- PCKR02 - PCK, read record from type 2 segment
- PCKR03 - PCK, read record from type 3 segment
- PCKR20 - PCK, read record from segment, type 20
- PCKSFS - PCK, select file and segment
- PCKUDS - PCK, unpack segment descriptor
- PCKUOF - PCK, unload binary file
- PCKW02 - PCK, write type 2 segment
- PCKW20 - PCK, write segment, type 20
- PCPOOL - Put character strings into the kernel pool
- PCWID - Printable width of a character array
- PDPOOL - Put d.p.'s into the kernel pool
- PGRREC - Planetographic to rectangular
- PHASEQ - Phase angle quantity between bodies centers
- PI - Value of pi
- PIPOOL - Put integers into the kernel pool
- PJELPL - Project ellipse onto plane
- PL2NVC - Plane to normal vector and constant
- PL2NVP - Plane to normal vector and point
- PL2PSV - Plane to point and spanning vectors
- PLNSNS - Planetographic Longitude Sense
- PLTAR - Compute area of plate set
- PLTEXP - Plate expander
- PLTNP - Nearest point on triangular plate
- PLTNRM - DSK, compute outward normal of plate
- PLTVOL - Compute volume of plate model
- POLYDS - Compute a Polynomial and its Derivatives
- POOL - Maintain a pool of kernel variables
- POS - Position of substring
- POSR - Position of substring, reverse search
- PREFIX - Prefix a character string
- PRODAD - Product of a double precision array
- PRODAI - Product of an integer array
- PROP2B - Propagate a two-body solution
- PRSDP - Parse d.p. number with error checking
- PRSINT - Parse integer with error checking
- PRTDEC - Decode a character string
- PRTENC - Encode a character string, portably
- PSV2PL - Point and spanning vectors to plane
- PUTACT - Store Error Response Action
- PUTLMS - Store Long Error Message
- PUTSMS - Store Short Error Message
- PXFORM - Position Transformation Matrix
- PXFRM2 - Position Transform Matrix, Different Epochs
- Q2M - Quaternion to matrix
- QDERIV - Quadratic derivative
- QDQ2AV - Quaternion and quaternion derivative to a.v.
- QUOTE - Enclose in quotes
- QXQ - Quaternion times quaternion
- RADREC - Range, RA and DEC to rectangular coordinates
- RAV2XF - Rotation and angular velocity to transform
- RAXISA - Rotation axis of a matrix
- RDENCC - Read encoded characters from a text file
- RDENCD - Read encoded d.p. numbers from file
- RDENCI - Read encoded integers from text file
- RDKVAR - Read the next variable from a kernel file
- RDNBL - Read non-blank line
- READLA - Read array of lines from a logical unit
- READLN - Read a text line from a logical unit
- RECAZL - Rectangular coordinates to AZ/EL
- RECCYL - Rectangular to cylindrical coordinates
- RECGEO - Rectangular to geodetic
- RECLAT - Rectangular to latitudinal coordinates
- RECPGR - Rectangular to planetographic
- RECRAD - Rectangular coordinates to RA and DEC
- RECSPH - Rectangular to spherical coordinates
- REFCHG - Reference frame Change
- REMLAC - Remove elements from a character array
- REMLAD - Remove elements from a double precision array
- REMLAI - Remove elements from an integer array
- REMOVC - Remove an item from a character set
- REMOVD - Remove an item from a double precision set
- REMOVI - Remove an item from an integer set
- REMSUB - Remove a substring
- REORDC - Reorder a character array
- REORDD - Reorder a double precision array
- REORDI - Reorder an integer array
- REORDL - Reorder a logical array
- REPLCH - Replace characters in a string
- REPLWD - Replace a word
- REPMC - Replace marker with character string
- REPMCT - Replace marker with cardinal text
- REPMD - Replace marker with double precision number
- REPMF - Replace marker with formatted d.p. value
- REPMI - Replace marker with integer
- REPML - Replace marker with logical value text
- REPMOT - Replace marker with ordinal text
- REPSUB - Replace one substring with another
- RESET - Reset Error Status
- RETURN - Immediate Return Indicator
- RJUST - Right justify a character string
- RMAIND - Remainder --- double precision
- RMAINI - Remainder --- integer
- RMDUPC - Remove duplicates from a character array
- RMDUPD - Remove duplicates from a double precision array
- RMDUPI - Remove duplicates from an integer array
- ROTATE - Generate a rotation matrix
- ROTGET - Frame get rotation
- ROTMAT - Rotate a matrix
- ROTVEC - Transform a vector via a rotation
- RPD - Radians per degree
- RQUAD - Roots of a quadratic equation
- RTPOOL - Return the value of a pooled kernel variable
- RTRIM - Right trim
- SAELGV - Semi-axes of ellipse from generating vectors
- SAMCH - Same character
- SAMCHI - Same character --- case insensitive
- SAMEAI - Are two integer arrays the same?
- SAMSBI - Same substrings, case insensitive
- SAMSUB - Same substrings
- SC01 - Spacecraft clock, type 1
- SCAN - Scan a string for tokens
- SCANIT - Scan a character string
- SCANPR - Scanning preparation
- SCANRJ - Scan --- reject tokens
- SCARDC - Set the cardinality of a character cell
- SCARDD - Set the cardinality of a double precision cell
- SCARDI - Set the cardinality of an integer cell
- SCDECD - Decode spacecraft clock
- SCE2C - ET to continuous SCLK ticks
- SCE2S - ET to SCLK string
- SCE2T - ET to discrete SCLK ticks
- SCEC01 - ET to continuous ticks, type 1
- SCENCD - Encode spacecraft clock
- SCET01 - ET to discrete ticks, type 1
- SCFM01 - Convert ticks to a type 1 SCLK string.
- SCFMT - Convert SCLK "ticks" to character clock format
- SCID2N - SCLK ID code to name
- SCLD01 - SCLK lookup of double precision data, type 1
- SCLI01 - SCLK lookup of integer data, type 1
- SCLU01 - SCLK look up, type 1
- SCN2ID - SCLK name to ID code
- SCPARS - Parse a spacecraft clock string
- SCPART - Spacecraft Clock Partition Information
- SCPR01 - SCLK partition bounds, type 1
- SCPS01 - Convert type 1 SCLK string to ticks
- SCS2E - SCLK string to ET
- SCT2E - SCLK ticks to ET
- SCTE01 - Ticks to ET, type 01
- SCTIKS - Convert spacecraft clock string to ticks.
- SCTK01 - Convert type 1 SCLK string to ticks
- SCTRAN - SCLK name/ID code translation
- SCTY01 - SCLK type, using type 1 SCLK database
- SCTYPE - SCLK type
- SDIFFC - Symmetric difference of two character sets
- SDIFFD - Symmetric difference of two double precision sets
- SDIFFI - Symmetric difference of two integer sets
- SEPOOL - String from pool
- SETC - Compare character sets
- SETD - Compare double precision sets
- SETERR - Set Error Status
- SETI - Compare integer sets
- SETMSG - Set Long Error Message
- SGBWFS - Generic segments: Begin a fixed size segment.
- SGBWVS - Generic segments: Begin a variable size segment.
- SGFCON - Generic Segments: Fetch constants
- SGFPKT - Generic Segment: Fetch data packets
- SGFREF - Generic Segments: Fetch references
- SGFRVI - Generic Segments: Fetch ref. value and index
- SGMETA - Generic segments: Fetch meta data value
- SGSEQW - Generic segments: Sequential writer.
- SGWES - Generic segments: End a segment.
- SGWFPK - Generic segments: Write fixed size packets.
- SGWVPK - Generic segment: Write variable size packets.
- SHARPR - Sharpen a rotation
- SHELLC - Shell sort a character array
- SHELLD - Shell sort a double precision array
- SHELLI - Shell sort an integer array
- SHIFTC - Shift a character string
- SHIFTL - Shift left
- SHIFTR - Shift right
- SIGDGT - Retain significant digits
- SIGERR - Signal Error Condition
- SINCPT - Surface intercept
- SIZEC - Size of a character cell
- SIZED - Size of a double precision cell
- SIZEI - Size of an integer cell
- SMSGND - Same Sign Double Precision Numbers
- SMSGNI - Same Sign Integer Numbers
- SOMFLS - Some entries false?
- SOMTRU - Some entries true?
- SPCA2B - SPK and CK, ASCII to binary
- SPCAC - SPK and CK, add comments
- SPCB2A - SPK and CK, binary to ASCII
- SPCB2T - SPK and CK, binary to text
- SPCDC - SPK and CK, delete comments
- SPCEC - SPK and CK, extract comments
- SPCOPN - SPK or CK, open new file
- SPCRFL - SPK and CK, read first line of comments
- SPCRNL - SPK and CK, read next line of comments
- SPCT2B - SPK and CK, text to binary
- SPD - Seconds per day
- SPHCYL - Spherical to cylindrical coordinates
- SPHLAT - Spherical to latitudinal coordinates
- SPHREC - Spherical to rectangular coordinates
- SPHSD - Spherical surface distance
- SPK14A - SPK type 14: Add data to a segment
- SPK14B - SPK type 14: Begin a segment.
- SPK14E - SPK type 14: End a segment.
- SPKACS - SPK, aberration corrected state
- SPKAPO - S/P Kernel, apparent position only
- SPKAPP - S/P Kernel, apparent state
- SPKAPS - SPK, apparent state
- SPKBSR - S/P Kernel, Buffer segments for readers
- SPKCLS - SPK, Close file
- SPKCOV - SPK coverage
- SPKCPO - SPK, constant position observer state
- SPKCPT - SPK, constant position target state
- SPKCVO - SPK, constant velocity observer state
- SPKCVT - SPK, constant velocity target state
- SPKE01 - S/P Kernel, evaluate, type 1
- SPKE02 - SPK, evaluate record, type 2
- SPKE03 - S/P Kernel, evaluate, type 3
- SPKE05 - Evaluate SPK record, type 5
- SPKE08 - S/P Kernel, evaluate, type 8
- SPKE09 - S/P Kernel, evaluate, type 9
- SPKE10 - Evaluate SPK record, type 10
- SPKE12 - S/P Kernel, evaluate, type 12
- SPKE13 - S/P Kernel, evaluate, type 13
- SPKE14 - S/P Kernel, evaluate, type 14
- SPKE15 - Evaluate a type 15 SPK data record
- SPKE17 - Evaluate a type 17 SPK data record
- SPKE18 - S/P Kernel, evaluate, type 18
- SPKE19 - SPK, evaluate record, type 19
- SPKE20 - SPK, evaluate Chebyshev polynomials, type 20
- SPKE21 - S/P Kernel, evaluate, type 21
- SPKEZ - S/P Kernel, easy reader
- SPKEZP - S/P Kernel, easy position
- SPKEZR - S/P Kernel, easier reader
- SPKGEO - S/P Kernel, geometric state
- SPKGPS - S/P Kernel, geometric position
- SPKLEF - S/P Kernel, Load ephemeris file
- SPKLTC - S/P Kernel, light time corrected state
- SPKOBJ - SPK objects
- SPKOPA - SPK open for addition
- SPKOPN - SPK, open new file.
- SPKPDS - SPK pack descriptor
- SPKPOS - S/P Kernel, position
- SPKPV - S/P Kernel, position and velocity
- SPKPVN - S/P Kernel, position and velocity in native frame
- SPKR01 - Read SPK record from segment, type 1
- SPKR02 - SPK, read record from segment, type 2
- SPKR03 - SPK, read record from segment, type 3
- SPKR05 - Read SPK record from segment, type 5
- SPKR08 - Read SPK record from segment, type 8
- SPKR09 - Read SPK record from segment, type 9
- SPKR10 - SPK, read record from SPK type 10 segment
- SPKR12 - Read SPK record from segment, type 12
- SPKR13 - Read SPK record from segment, type 13
- SPKR14 - Read SPK record from segment, type 14
- SPKR15 - Read SPK record from segment, type 15
- SPKR17 - Read SPK record from segment, type 17
- SPKR18 - Read SPK record from segment, type 18
- SPKR19 - SPK, read record from segment, type 19
- SPKR20 - SPK, read record from segment, type 20
- SPKR21 - Read SPK record from segment, type 21
- SPKS01 - S/P Kernel, subset, type 1
- SPKS02 - S/P Kernel, subset, type 2
- SPKS03 - S/P Kernel, subset, type 3
- SPKS05 - S/P Kernel, subset, type 5
- SPKS08 - S/P Kernel, subset, type 8
- SPKS09 - S/P Kernel, subset, type 9
- SPKS10 - S/P Kernel, subset, type 10
- SPKS12 - S/P Kernel, subset, type 12
- SPKS13 - S/P Kernel, subset, type 13
- SPKS14 - S/P Kernel, subset, type 14
- SPKS15 - S/P Kernel, subset, type 15
- SPKS17 - S/P Kernel, subset, type 17
- SPKS18 - S/P Kernel, subset, type 18
- SPKS19 - S/P Kernel, subset, type 19
- SPKS20 - S/P Kernel, subset, type 20
- SPKS21 - S/P Kernel, subset, type 21
- SPKSFS - S/P Kernel, Select file and segment
- SPKSSB - S/P Kernel, solar system barycenter
- SPKSUB - S/P Kernel, subset
- SPKUDS - SPK - unpack segment descriptor
- SPKUEF - SPK Kernel, Unload ephemeris file
- SPKW01 - Write SPK segment, type 1
- SPKW02 - SPK, write segment, type 2
- SPKW03 - SPK, write segment, type 3
- SPKW05 - Write SPK segment, type 5
- SPKW08 - Write SPK segment, type 8
- SPKW09 - Write SPK segment, type 9
- SPKW10 - SPK - write a type 10 segment
- SPKW12 - SPK, write segment, type 12
- SPKW13 - Write SPK segment, type 13
- SPKW15 - SPK, write a type 15 segment
- SPKW17 - SPK, write a type 17 segment
- SPKW18 - Write SPK segment, type 18
- SPKW19 - Write SPK segment, type 19
- SPKW20 - SPK, write segment, type 20
- SPKW21 - Write SPK segment, type 21
- SRFC2S - Surface and body ID codes to surface string
- SRFCSS - Surface ID and body string to surface string
- SRFNRM - Map surface points to outward normal vectors
- SRFREC - Surface to rectangular coordinates
- SRFS2C - Surface and body strings to surface ID code
- SRFSCC - Surface string and body ID code to surface ID code
- SRFXPT - Surface intercept point
- SSIZEC - Set the size of a character cell
- SSIZED - Set the size of a double precision cell
- SSIZEI - Set the size of an integer cell
- STCC01 - STAR catalog type 1, check whether type 1
- STCF01 - STAR catalog type 1, find stars in RA-DEC box
- STCG01 - STAR catalog type 1, get star data
- STCL01 - STAR catalog type 1, load catalog file
- STDIO - Standard IO
- STELAB - Stellar Aberration
- STLABX - Stellar aberration, transmission case
- STPOOL - String from pool
- STR2ET - String to ET
- SUBPNT - Sub-observer point
- SUBPT - Sub-observer point
- SUBSLR - Sub-solar point
- SUBSOL - Sub-solar point
- SUFFIX - Suffix a character string
- SUMAD - Sum of a double precision array
- SUMAI - Sum of an integer array
- SURFNM - Surface normal vector on an ellipsoid
- SURFPT - Surface point on an ellipsoid
- SURFPV - Surface point and velocity
- SWAPAC - Swap array, character
- SWAPAD - Swap elements within a DP array
- SWAPAI - Swap elements within an integer array
- SWAPC - Swap character values
- SWAPD - Swap double precision values
- SWAPI - Swap integer values
- SWPOOL - Set watch on a pool variable
- SXFORM - State Transformation Matrix
- SYDELC - Delete a symbol from the symbol table
- SYDELD - Delete a symbol from a symbol table
- SYDELI - Delete a symbol from a symbol table
- SYDIMC - Return the dimension of a symbol
- SYDIMD - Return the dimension of a symbol
- SYDIMI - Return the dimension of a symbol
- SYDUPC - Create a duplicate of a symbol
- SYDUPD - Create a duplicate of a symbol
- SYDUPI - Create a duplicate of a symbol
- SYENQC - Enqueue a value onto a symbol
- SYENQD - Enqueue a value onto a symbol
- SYENQI - Enqueue a value onto a symbol
- SYFETC - Fetch the Nth symbol in the table
- SYFETD - Fetch the Nth symbol in the table
- SYFETI - Fetch the Nth symbol in the table
- SYGETC - Return all components for a symbol
- SYGETD - Return all components for a symbol
- SYGETI - Return all components for a symbol
- SYNTHC - Return Nth value associated with the symbol
- SYNTHD - Return the Nth component of a symbol
- SYNTHI - Return the Nth component of a symbol
- SYORDC - Order the components of a single symbol
- SYORDD - Order the components of a single symbol
- SYORDI - Order the components of a single symbol
- SYPOPC - Pop a value from a particular symbol
- SYPOPD - Pop a value from a particular symbol
- SYPOPI - Pop a value from a particular symbol
- SYPSHC - Push a value onto a particular symbol
- SYPSHD - Push a value onto a particular symbol
- SYPSHI - Push a value onto a particular symbol
- SYPUTC - Set the values associated with a symbol
- SYPUTD - Set the values associated with a symbol
- SYPUTI - Set the values associated with a symbol
- SYRENC - Rename an existing symbol
- SYREND - Rename an existing symbol
- SYRENI - Rename an existing symbol
- SYSELC - Select a subset of the values of a symbol
- SYSELD - Select a subset of the values of a symbol
- SYSELI - Select a subset of the values of a symbol
- SYSETC - Set the value associated with a symbol
- SYSETD - Set the value associated with a symbol
- SYSETI - Set the value associated with a symbol
- SYTRNC - Transpose two values associated with a symbol
- SYTRND - Transpose two values associated with a symbol
- SYTRNI - Transpose two values associated with a symbol
- SZPOOL - Get size limitations of the kernel pool
- TANGPT - Ray-ellipsoid tangent point
- TCHCKD - Time components are checked
- TCHECK - Time Check
- TERMPT - Terminator points on an extended object
- TEXPYR - Time --- Expand year
- TIMDEF - Time Software Defaults
- TIMOUT - Time Output
- TIPBOD - Transformation, inertial position to bodyfixed
- TISBOD - Transformation, inertial state to bodyfixed
- TKFRAM - TK frame, find position rotation
- TKVRSN - Toolkit version strings
- TOSTDO - To Standard Output
- TOUCHC - Touch a variable
- TOUCHD - Touch a variable
- TOUCHI - Touch a variable
- TOUCHL - Touch a variable
- TPARCH - Parse check---check format of strings
- TPARSE - Parse a UTC time string
- TPARTV - Time string ---parse to a time vector
- TPICTR - Create a Time Format Picture
- TRACE - Trace of a 3x3 matrix
- TRACEG - Trace of a matrix, general dimension
- TRGSEP - Separation quantity from observer
- TSETYR - Time --- set year expansion boundaries
- TTRANS - Time transformation
- TWOPI - Twice the value of pi
- TWOVEC - Two vectors defining an orthonormal frame
- TWOVXF - Two states defining a frame transformation
- TYEAR - Seconds per tropical year
- UCASE - Convert to uppercase
- UCRSS - Unitized cross product, 3x3
- UDDC - Derivative of function less than zero, df(x)/dx < 0
- UDDF - First derivative of a function, df(x)/dx
- UDF - Dummy function for UDFUNS
- UNIONC - Union two character sets
- UNIOND - Union two double precision sets
- UNIONI - Union two integer sets
- UNITIM - Uniform time scale transformation
- UNLOAD - Unload a kernel
- UNORM - Unit vector and norm, 3 dimensional
- UNORMG - Unit vector and norm, general dimension
- UTC2ET - UTC to Ephemeris Time
- VADD - Vector addition, 3 dimensional
- VADDG - Vector addition, general dimension
- VALIDC - Validate a character set
- VALIDD - Validate a double precision set
- VALIDI - Validate an integer set
- VCRSS - Vector cross product, 3 dimensions
- VDIST - Vector distance
- VDISTG - Vector distance, general dimension
- VDOT - Vector dot product, 3 dimensions
- VDOTG - Vector dot product, general dimension
- VEQU - Vector equality, 3 dimensions
- VEQUG - Vector equality, general dimension
- VHAT - "V-Hat", unit vector along V, 3 dimensions
- VHATG - "V-Hat", unit vector along V, general dimension
- VHATIP - "V-Hat", 3-d unit vector along V, in place
- VLCOM - Vector linear combination, 3 dimensions
- VLCOM3 - Vector linear combination, 3 dimensions
- VLCOMG - Vector linear combination, general dimension
- VMINUG - Negate vector, "-V", general dimension
- VMINUS - Negate vector, "-V", 3 dimensions
- VNORM - Vector norm, 3 dimensions
- VNORMG - Vector norm, general dimension
- VPACK - Pack three scalar components into a vector
- VPERP - Perpendicular component of a 3-vector
- VPRJP - Vector projection onto plane
- VPRJPI - Vector projection onto plane, inverted
- VPROJ - Vector projection, 3 dimensions
- VPROJG - Vector projection, general dimension
- VREL - Vector relative difference, 3 dimensions
- VRELG - Vector relative difference, general dimension
- VROTV - Vector rotation about an axis
- VSCL - Vector scaling, 3 dimensions
- VSCLG - Vector scaling, general dimension
- VSCLIP - Vector scaling, 3 dimensions, in place
- VSEP - Angular separation of vectors, 3 dimensions
- VSEPG - Angular separation of vectors, general dimension
- VSUB - Vector subtraction, 3 dimensions
- VSUBG - Vector subtraction, general dimension
- VTMV - Vector transpose times matrix times vector, 3 dim
- VTMVG - Vector transpose times matrix times vector
- VUPACK - Unpack three scalar components from a vector
- VZERO - Is a vector the zero vector?
- VZEROG - Is a vector the zero vector? -- general dim.
- WDCNT - Word Count
- WDINDX - Index of a Word Within a String
- WNCARD - Cardinality of a double precision window
- WNCOMD - Complement a DP window
- WNCOND - Contract the intervals of a DP window
- WNDIFD - Difference two DP windows
- WNELMD - Element of a DP window
- WNEXPD - Expand the intervals of a DP window
- WNEXTD - Extract the endpoints from a DP window
- WNFETD - Fetch an interval from a DP window
- WNFILD - Fill small gaps in a DP window
- WNFLTD - Filter small intervals from a DP window
- WNINCD - Included in a double precision window
- WNINSD - Insert an interval into a DP window
- WNINTD - Intersect two DP windows
- WNRELD - Compare two DP windows
- WNSUMD - Summary of a double precision window
- WNUNID - Union two DP windows
- WNVALD - Validate a DP window
- WRENCD - Write encoded d.p. numbers to text file
- WRENCI - Write encoded integers to text file
- WRITLA - Write array of lines to a logical unit
- WRKVAR - Write a variable to a kernel file
- WRPOOL - Write the variables in pool to a specified unit
- XDDA - list voxels intersected by a ray
- XF2EUL - State transformation to Euler angles
- XF2RAV - Transform to rotation and angular velocity
- XFMSTA - Transform state between coordinate systems
- XPOSBL - Transpose a matrix by blocks
- XPOSE - Transpose a matrix, 3x3
- XPOSEG - Transpose a matrix, general
- XPSGIP - Transpose a matrix, general dimension, in place