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     GETELM ( Get the components from two-line elements )



     Parse the "lines" of a two-line element set, returning the
     elements in units suitable for use in SPICE software.







     INTEGER               FRSTYR
     CHARACTER*(*)         LINES ( 2  )


     --------  ---  --------------------------------------------------
     FRSTYR     I   Year of earliest representable two-line elements.
     LINES      I   A pair of "lines" containing two-line elements.
     EPOCH      O   The epoch of the elements in seconds past J2000.
     ELEMS      O   The elements converted to SPICE units.


     FRSTYR   is the first year possible for two-line elements.
              Since two-line elements allow only two digits for
              the year, some conventions must be followed concerning
              which century the two digits refer to. FRSTYR
              is the year of the earliest representable elements.
              The two-digit year is mapped to the year in
              the interval from FRSTYR to FRSTYR + 99 that
              has the same last two digits as the two digit
              year in the element set. For example if FRSTYR
              is set to 1960  then the two digit years are mapped
              as shown in the table below:

                 Two-line         Maps to
                 element year
                    00            2000
                    01            2001
                    02            2002
                     .              .
                     .              .
                     .              .
                    58            2058
                    59            2059
                    60            1960
                    61            1961
                    62            1962
                     .              .
                     .              .
                     .              .
                    99            1999

              Note that if Space Command should decide to represent
              years in 21st century as 100 + the last two digits
              of the year (for example: 2015 is represented as 115)
              instead of simply dropping the first two digits of
              the year, this routine will correctly map the year
              as long as you set FRSTYR to some value between 1900
              and 1999.

     LINES    is a pair of lines of text that comprise a Space
              command "two-line element" set. These text lines
              should be the same as they are presented in the
              two-line element files available from Space Command
              (formerly NORAD). See $Particulars for a detailed
              description of the format.


     EPOCH    is the epoch of the two-line elements supplied via
              the input array LINES. EPOCH is returned in TDB
              seconds past J2000.

     ELEMS    is an array containing the elements from the two-line
              set supplied via the array LINES. The elements are
              in units suitable for use by the SPICE routines
              EV2LIN and SPKW10.

              Also note that the elements XNDD6O and BSTAR
              incorporate the exponential factor present in the
              input two-line elements in LINES. (See $Particulars

                 ELEMS (  1 ) = NDT20 in radians/minute**2
                 ELEMS (  2 ) = NDD60 in radians/minute**3
                 ELEMS (  3 ) = BSTAR
                 ELEMS (  4 ) = INCL  in radians
                 ELEMS (  5 ) = NODE0 in radians
                 ELEMS (  6 ) = ECC
                 ELEMS (  7 ) = OMEGA in radians
                 ELEMS (  8 ) = M0    in radians
                 ELEMS (  9 ) = N0    in radians/minute
                 ELEMS ( 10 ) = EPOCH of the elements in seconds
                                past ephemeris epoch J2000.




     1)  If an error occurs while trying to parse the two-line element
         set, the error SPICE(BADTLE) is signaled and a description of
         the detected issue in the "two-line element" set is reported
         on the long error message.


     You must have loaded a SPICE leapseconds kernel into the
     kernel pool prior to calling this routine.


     This routine parses a Space Command Two-line element set and
     returns the orbital elements properly scaled and in units
     suitable for use by other SPICE software. Input elements
     are provided in two-lines in accordance with the format
     required by the two-line element sets available from Space
     Command (formerly NORAD). See [1] and [2] for details.

     Each of these lines is 69 characters long. The following table
     define each of the individual fields for lines 1 and 2.

        Line  Column  Type  Description
        ----  ------  ----  ------------------------------------------
          1      01     N   Line number of Element Data (always 1)
          1    03-07    N   Satellite number (NORAD catalog number)
          1      08     A   Classification (U:Unclassified; S:Secret)
          1    10-11    N   International designator (last two digits
                            of launch year).
          1    12-14    N   International designator (launch number of
                            the year).
          1    15-17    A   International designator (piece of the
          1    19-20    N   Epoch year (last two digits of year).
          1    21-32    N   Epoch (day of the year and portion of the
          1    34-43    N   NDT20: first time derivative of Mean
          1    45-52    N   NDD60: Second time derivative of Mean
                                   Motion (decimal point assumed)
          1    54-61    N   BSTAR drag term (decimal point assumed)
          1      63     N   Ephemeris type
          1    65-68    N   Element number
          1      69     N   Checksum.

          2      01     N   Line number of Element Data (always 2)
          2    03-07    N   Satellite number (must be the same as in
                            line 1)
          2    09-16    N   INCL: Inclination, in degrees
          2    18-25    N   NODE0: Right Ascension of the Ascending
                                   Node, in degrees
          2    27-33    N   ECC: Eccentricity (decimal point assumed)
          2    35-42    N   OMEGA: Argument of Perigee, in degrees
          2    44-51    N   M0: Mean Anomaly, in degrees
          2    53-63    N   N0: Mean Motion (revolutions per day)
          2    64-68    N   Revolution number at epoch
          2      69     N   Checksum

     The column type A indicates "characters A-Z", the type N means

     Column refers to the substring within the line, e.g.

  1 22076U 92052A   97173.53461370 -.00000038  00000-0  10000-3 0   594
  2 22076  66.0378 163.4372 0008359 278.7732  81.2337 12.80930736227550
           1         2         3         4         5         6

        In this example, the satellite number (column 03-07) is 22076.

     The "raw" elements used by this routine in the first lines are
     described in detail below as in several instances exponents and
     decimal points are implied. Note that the input units are
     degrees, degrees/day**n and revolutions/day.

     The epoch (column 19-32; line 1) has a format NNNNN.NNNNNNNN,

            DOY  of day
            --- --------

     An epoch of 00001.00000000 corresponds to 00:00:00 UTC on
     2000 January 01.

     The first derivative of Mean Motion (column 34-43, line 1), has
     a format +.NNNNNNNN, where the first character could be either a
     plus sign, a minus sign or a space.

     The second derivative of Mean Motion (column 45-52, line 1) and
     the BSTAR drag term (see [1] for details -- column 54-61, line 1)
     have a format +NNNNN-N, where the first character could be either
     a plus sign, a minus sign or a space, the decimal point is
     assumed, and the exponent is marked by the sign (+/-) at
     character 6 (column 51 and 60 for the second derivative and BSTAR
     drag term respectively).

     The "raw" elements in the second line consists primarily of mean
     elements calculated using the SGP4/SDP4 orbital model (See [1]).
     The Inclination, the Right Ascension of the Ascending Node, the
     Argument of Perigee and the Mean Anomaly have units of degrees
     and can range from 0 up to 360 degrees, except for the
     Inclination that ranges from 0 to 180 degrees. The Eccentricity
     value is provided with an assumed leading decimal point. For
     example, a value of 9790714 corresponds to an eccentricity of
     0.9790714. The Mean motion is measured in revolutions per day and
     its format is NN.NNNNNNN.

     This routine extracts these values, "inserts" the implied
     decimal points and exponents and then converts the inputs
     to units of radians, radians/minute, radians/minute**2, and


     The numerical results shown for these examples may differ across
     platforms. The results depend on the SPICE kernels used as
     input, the compiler and supporting libraries, and the machine
     specific arithmetic implementation.

     1) Suppose that you have collected the two-line element data
        for a spacecraft with NORAD ID 18123. The following example
        code demonstrates how you could go about creating a type 10
        SPK segment.

        Use the meta-kernel shown below to load the required SPICE


           File name:

           This meta-kernel is intended to support operation of SPICE
           example programs. The kernels shown here should not be
           assumed to contain adequate or correct versions of data
           required by SPICE-based user applications.

           In order for an application to use this meta-kernel, the
           kernels referenced here must be present in the user's
           current working directory.

           The names and contents of the kernels referenced
           by this meta-kernel are as follows:

              File name           Contents
              ---------           ------------------------------------
              naif0012.tls        Leapseconds
              geophysical.ker     geophysical constants for evaluation
                                  of two-line element sets.

           The geophysical.ker is a PCK file that is provided with the
           SPICE toolkit under the "/data" directory.


              KERNELS_TO_LOAD = ( 'naif0012.tls',
                                  'geophysical.ker'  )


           End of meta-kernel

        Example code begins here.

              PROGRAM GETELM_EX1
              IMPLICIT NONE

        C     SPICELIB functions.
              DOUBLE PRECISION      SPD

        C     Local parameters.
              INTEGER               NAMLEN
              PARAMETER           ( NAMLEN = 40               )

              INTEGER               PNAMLN
              PARAMETER           ( PNAMLN = 2                )

              CHARACTER*(*)         SPK10
              PARAMETER           ( SPK10  = 'getelm_ex1.bsp' )

              INTEGER               TLELLN
              PARAMETER           ( TLELLN = 69               )

        C     The SPK type 10 segment will contain 18 two-line
        C     elements sets for the NORAD spacecraft 18123 with
        C     respect to the Earth (ID 399) in the J2000 reference
        C     frame.
        C     As stated in the naif_ids required reading, for Earth
        C     orbiting spacecraft lacking a DSN identification code,
        C     the NAIF ID is derived from the tracking ID assigned to
        C     it by NORAD via:
        C        NAIF ID = -100000 - NORAD ID code
              INTEGER               TLESSZ
              PARAMETER           ( TLESSZ = 9       )

              INTEGER               BODY
              PARAMETER           ( BODY   = -118123 )

              INTEGER               CENTER
              PARAMETER           ( CENTER = 399     )

              CHARACTER*(*)         FRMNAM
              PARAMETER           ( FRMNAM = 'J2000' )

        C     Local variables.
              CHARACTER*(NAMLEN)    IFNAME
              CHARACTER*(PNAMLN)    NOADPN ( 8           )
              CHARACTER*(NAMLEN)    SEGID
              CHARACTER*(TLELLN)    TLE    ( 2  * TLESSZ )

              DOUBLE PRECISION      CONSTS ( 8           )
              DOUBLE PRECISION      ELEMS  ( 10 * TLESSZ )
              DOUBLE PRECISION      EPOCHS (      TLESSZ )
              DOUBLE PRECISION      FIRST
              DOUBLE PRECISION      LAST

              INTEGER               HANDLE
              INTEGER               I
              INTEGER               N
              INTEGER               NCOMCH

        C     These are the variables that will hold the constants
        C     required by SPK type 10. These constants are available
        C     from the loaded PCK file, which provides the actual
        C     values and units as used by NORAD propagation model.
        C        Constant   Meaning
        C        --------   ------------------------------------------
        C        J2         J2 gravitational harmonic for Earth.
        C        J3         J3 gravitational harmonic for Earth.
        C        J4         J4 gravitational harmonic for Earth.
        C        KE         Square root of the GM for Earth.
        C        QO         High altitude bound for atmospheric model.
        C        SO         Low altitude bound for atmospheric model.
        C        ER         Equatorial radius of the Earth.
        C        AE         Distance units/earth radius.
              DATA          NOADPN  /  'J2', 'J3', 'J4', 'KE',
             .                         'QO', 'SO', 'ER', 'AE'  /

        C     Define the Two-Line Element sets.
              TLE(1)  = '1 18123U 87 53  A 87324.61041692 -.00000023'
             .      //                   '  00000-0 -75103-5 0 00675'
              TLE(2)  = '2 18123  98.8296 152.0074 0014950 168.7820 '
             .      //                   '191.3688 14.12912554 21686'
              TLE(3)  = '1 18123U 87 53  A 87326.73487726  .00000045'
             .      //                   '  00000-0  28709-4 0 00684'
              TLE(4)  = '2 18123  98.8335 154.1103 0015643 163.5445 '
             .      //                   '196.6235 14.12912902 21988'
              TLE(5)  = '1 18123U 87 53  A 87331.40868801  .00000104'
             .      //                   '  00000-0  60183-4 0 00690'
              TLE(6)  = '2 18123  98.8311 158.7160 0015481 149.9848 '
             .      //                   '210.2220 14.12914624 22644'
              TLE(7)  = '1 18123U 87 53  A 87334.24129978  .00000086'
             .      //                   '  00000-0  51111-4 0 00702'
              TLE(8)  = '2 18123  98.8296 161.5054 0015372 142.4159 '
             .      //                   '217.8089 14.12914879 23045'
              TLE(9)  = '1 18123U 87 53  A 87336.93227900 -.00000107'
             .      //                   '  00000-0 -52860-4 0 00713'
              TLE(10) = '2 18123  98.8317 164.1627 0014570 135.9191 '
             .      //                   '224.2321 14.12910572 23425'
              TLE(11) = '1 18123U 87 53  A 87337.28635487  .00000173'
             .      //                   '  00000-0  10226-3 0 00726'
              TLE(12) = '2 18123  98.8284 164.5113 0015289 133.5979 '
             .      //                   '226.6438 14.12916140 23475'
              TLE(13) = '1 18123U 87 53  A 87339.05673569  .00000079'
             .      //                   '  00000-0  47069-4 0 00738'
              TLE(14) = '2 18123  98.8288 166.2585 0015281 127.9985 '
             .      //                   '232.2567 14.12916010 24908'
              TLE(15) = '1 18123U 87 53  A 87345.43010859  .00000022'
             .      //                   '  00000-0  16481-4 0 00758'
              TLE(16) = '2 18123  98.8241 172.5226 0015362 109.1515 '
             .      //                   '251.1323 14.12915487 24626'
              TLE(17) = '1 18123U 87 53  A 87349.04167543  .00000042'
             .      //                   '  00000-0  27370-4 0 00764'
              TLE(18) = '2 18123  98.8301 176.1010 0015565 100.0881 '
             .      //                   '260.2047 14.12916361 25138'

        C     Load the PCK file that provides the geophysical
        C     constants required for the evaluation of the two-line
        C     elements sets. Load also an LSK, as it is required by
        C     GETELM to perform time conversions. Use a metakernel for
        C     convenience.
              CALL FURNSH ( '' )

        C     Retrieve the data from the kernel, and place it on
        C     the CONSTS array.
              DO I = 1, 8

                 CALL BODVCD ( CENTER, NOADPN(I), 1, N, CONSTS(I) )

              END DO

        C     Convert the Two Line Elements lines to the
        C     element sets.
              DO I = 1, TLESSZ

                 CALL GETELM ( 1950,      TLE( (I-1)*2 + 1 ),
             .                 EPOCHS(I), ELEMS( (I-1)*10 + 1 ) )

              END DO

        C     Define the beginning and end of the segment to be
        C     -/+ 12 hours from the first and last epochs,
        C     respectively.
              FIRST = EPOCHS(1     ) - 0.5D0 * SPD()
              LAST  = EPOCHS(TLESSZ) + 0.5D0 * SPD()

        C     NCOMCH is the number of characters to reserve for the
        C     kernel's comment area. This example doesn't write
        C     comments, so set to zero.
              NCOMCH = 0

        C     Internal file name and segment ID.
              IFNAME = 'Test for type 10 SPK internal file name'
              SEGID  = 'SPK type 10 test segment'

        C     Open a new SPK file.

        C     Now add the segment.
             .              FIRST,  LAST,  SEGID,  CONSTS,
             .              TLESSZ, ELEMS, EPOCHS         )

        C     Close the SPK file.
              CALL SPKCLS ( HANDLE )


        When this program is executed, no output is presented on
        screen. After run completion, a new SPK type 10 exists in
        the output directory.

     2) Suppose you have a set of two-line elements for the LUME 1
        cubesat. This example shows how you can use this routine
        together with the routine EVSGP4 to propagate a state to an
        epoch of interest.

        Use the meta-kernel from the previous example to load the
        required SPICE kernels.

        Example code begins here.

              PROGRAM GETELM_EX2
              IMPLICIT NONE

        C     Local parameters.
              CHARACTER*(*)         TIMSTR
              PARAMETER           ( TIMSTR = '2020-05-26 02:25:00' )

              INTEGER               PNAMLN
              PARAMETER           ( PNAMLN = 2  )

              INTEGER               TLELLN
              PARAMETER           ( TLELLN = 69 )

        C     The LUME-1 cubesat is an Earth orbiting object; set
        C     the center ID to the Earth ID.
              INTEGER               CENTER
              PARAMETER           ( CENTER  = 399     )

        C     Local variables.
              CHARACTER*(PNAMLN)    NOADPN ( 8  )
              CHARACTER*(TLELLN)    TLE    ( 2  )

              DOUBLE PRECISION      ELEMS  ( 10 )
              DOUBLE PRECISION      EPOCH
              DOUBLE PRECISION      ET
              DOUBLE PRECISION      GEOPHS ( 8  )
              DOUBLE PRECISION      STATE  ( 6  )

              INTEGER               I
              INTEGER               N

        C     These are the variables that will hold the constants
        C     required by EV2LIN. These constants are available from
        C     the loaded PCK file, which provides the actual values
        C     and units as used by NORAD propagation model.
        C        Constant   Meaning
        C        --------   ------------------------------------------
        C        J2         J2 gravitational harmonic for Earth.
        C        J3         J3 gravitational harmonic for Earth.
        C        J4         J4 gravitational harmonic for Earth.
        C        KE         Square root of the GM for Earth.
        C        QO         High altitude bound for atmospheric model.
        C        SO         Low altitude bound for atmospheric model.
        C        ER         Equatorial radius of the Earth.
        C        AE         Distance units/earth radius.
              DATA          NOADPN  /  'J2', 'J3', 'J4', 'KE',
             .                         'QO', 'SO', 'ER', 'AE'  /

        C     Define the Two-Line Element set for LUME-1.
              TLE(1)  = '1 43908U 18111AJ  20146.60805006  .00000806'
             .      //                   '  00000-0  34965-4 0  9999'
              TLE(2)  = '2 43908  97.2676  47.2136 0020001 220.6050 '
             .      //                   '139.3698 15.24999521 78544'

        C     Load the PCK file that provides the geophysical
        C     constants required for the evaluation of the two-line
        C     elements sets. Load also an LSK, as it is required by
        C     GETELM to perform time conversions. Use a metakernel for
        C     convenience.
              CALL FURNSH ( '' )

        C     Retrieve the data from the kernel, and place it on
        C     the GEOPHS array.
              DO I = 1, 8

                 CALL BODVCD ( CENTER, NOADPN(I), 1, N, GEOPHS(I) )

              END DO

        C     Convert the Two Line Elements lines to the element sets.
        C     Set the lower bound for the years to be the beginning
        C     of the space age.
              CALL GETELM ( 1957, TLE, EPOCH, ELEMS )

        C     Now propagate the state using EV2LIN to the epoch of
        C     interest.
              CALL STR2ET ( TIMSTR, ET )
              CALL EVSGP4 ( ET, GEOPHS, ELEMS, STATE )

        C     Display the results.
              WRITE(*,'(2A)')       'Epoch   : ', TIMSTR
              WRITE(*,'(A,3F16.8)') 'Position:', (STATE(I), I=1,3)
              WRITE(*,'(A,3F16.8)') 'Velocity:', (STATE(I), I=4,6)


        When this program was executed on a Mac/Intel/gfortran/64-bit
        platform, the output was:

        Epoch   : 2020-05-26 02:25:00
        Position:  -4644.60403398  -5038.95025539   -337.27141116
        Velocity:     -0.45719025      0.92884817     -7.55917355


     1)  The format of the two-line elements suffer from a "millennium"
         problem --- only two digits are used for the year of the
         elements. It is not clear how Space Command will deal with
         this problem. NAIF hopes that by adjusting the input FRSTYR
         you should be able to use this routine well into the 21st

         The approach taken to mapping the two-digit year to the
         full year is given by the code below. Here, YR is the
         integer obtained by parsing the two-digit year from the first
         line of the elements.

            BEGYR = (FRSTYR/100)*100
            YEAR  = BEGYR + YR

            IF ( YEAR .LT. FRSTYR ) THEN
               YEAR = YEAR + 100
            END IF

         This mapping will be changed if future two-line element
         representations make this method of computing the full year


     [1]  F. Hoots and R. Roehrich, "Spacetrack Report #3: Models for
          Propagation of the NORAD Element Sets," U.S. Air Force
          Aerospace Defense Command, Colorado Springs, CO, 1980.

     [2]  "SDC/SCC Two Card Element Set - Transmission Format,"
          ADCOM/DO Form 12.

     [3]  F. Hoots, "Spacetrack Report #6: Models for Propagation of
          Space Command Element Sets,"  U.S. Air Force Aerospace
          Defense Command, Colorado Springs, CO, 1986.

     [4]  F. Hoots, P. Schumacher and R. Glover, "History of Analytical
          Orbit Modeling in the U. S. Space Surveillance System,"
          Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics. 27(2):174-185,

     [5]  D. Vallado, P. Crawford, R. Hujsak and T. Kelso, "Revisiting
          Spacetrack Report #3," paper AIAA 2006-6753 presented at the
          AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, Keystone, CO.,
          August 21-24, 2006.


     J. Diaz del Rio    (ODC Space)
     W.L. Taber         (JPL)
     E.D. Wright        (JPL)


    SPICELIB Version 3.1.0, 06-NOV-2021 (JDR) (MCS)

        Changed the output array declaration from assumed-size array
        to a constant size array.

        Edited the header to comply with NAIF standard. Added complete
        code examples; second one based on existing code fragments.

        Corrected the input element names in ELEMS.

        Updated $Particulars to describe in detail the TLE format,
        $Restrictions to provide indications on the "millennium"
        problem of TLE data, and $Literature_References to point to
        the sources of the detailed documentation.

    SPICELIB Version 3.0.0, 30-MAR-2004 (EDW)

        Routine now passes inputs to ZZGETELM then responds to
        any error condition.

    SPICELIB Version 2.0.0, 03-MAR-2000 (WLT)

        The routine was modified to check that all of the terms
        in the two-line element set are parsed correctly.

    SPICELIB Version 1.0.0, 26-JUN-1997 (WLT)
Fri Dec 31 18:36:23 2021