failed |
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ProcedureFAILED ( Error Status Indicator ) ENTRY FAILED () AbstractReturn .TRUE. if an error condition has been signaled via SIGERR. FAILED is the SPICELIB status indicator. Required_ReadingERROR KeywordsERROR DeclarationsIMPLICIT NONE Brief_I/OThe function takes the value .TRUE. if an error condition was detected; it is .FALSE. otherwise. Detailed_InputNone. Detailed_OutputPlease read the required reading file before reading this! The value taken by FAILED indicates status. The status value applies to the SPICELIB routines, and to any other routines which call the status-setting routine, SIGERR. When FAILED has the value, .TRUE., an error condition exists. .FALSE. means "no error." More specifically, when FAILED has the value .TRUE., some routine has indicated an error by calling the SPICELIB routine, SIGERR. All SPICELIB routines which can detect errors do this. Non-SPICELIB routines may also reference SIGERR if desired. When FAILED has the value .FALSE., either no routine has yet signaled an error via SIGERR, or the status has been reset using, what else, RESET. FAILED is initialized to have the value, .FALSE. This indicates a "no error" status. See "particulars" below for (slightly) more information. ParametersNone. ExceptionsError free. 1) However, this routine is part of the SPICELIB error handling mechanism. FilesNone. ParticularsSee the required reading file for details of error processing. However, here are some notes: When any SPICELIB routine detects an error, the status is set to indicate an error condition via a call to SIGERR. After SIGERR returns, further calls to FAILED will return the value, .TRUE., indicating an error condition. Non-SPICELIB routines may also call SIGERR to indicate an error condition; FAILED will reflect such calls as well. It is possible to re-set the error status to indicate "no error" using the SPICELIB routine, RESET (see). The effect on FAILED of resetting the status is that FAILED will again return the value .FALSE., indicating "no error." One of the main virtues of the SPICELIB error handling mechanism is that you don't HAVE to test the error status after every call to a SPICELIB routine. If you set the error handling mode to 'RETURN', using the routine, ERRACT, SPICELIB routines won't crash when an error occurs; following the detection of the error, each routine will return immediately upon entry. Therefore, you call several SPICELIB routines in a row, and just test status at the end of the sequence of calls, if you wish. See "examples" below. Examples1. Here's an example of a simple call to RDTEXT, followed by a test of the status. C C We read a line of text from file SPUD.DAT: C CALL RDTEXT ( 'SPUD.DAT', LINE, EOF ) IF ( FAILED() ) THEN C An error occurred during the read. [respond to error here] END IF 2. Here's an example in which we don't want to put the error test inside our loop. We just test the error status after the loop terminates. We can do this because we (that is, you, the user) have made the call, CALL ERRACT ( 'RETURN' ) prior to execution of the following code. If an error does occur, the remaining calls to RDTEXT will have no effect. Here's the example: C C We read the first 5000 lines of a file, or until C EOF is reached, whichever comes first: C C Note: the "DO WHILE" construct is available in C VAX FORTRAN. C LCOUNT = 0 DO WHILE ( ( .NOT. EOF ) .AND. ( LCOUNT .LE. 5000 ) ) CALL RDTEXT ( 'SPUD.DAT', LINE(LCOUNT), EOF ) LCOUNT = LCOUNT + 1 END DO IF ( FAILED() ) THEN C C An error occurred during the read C [respond to error here] END IF Restrictions1) This routine automatically detects errors occurring in the SPICELIB code. To make this routine work for your own routines, your routines must call SIGERR to report errors. Literature_ReferencesNone. Author_and_InstitutionN.J. Bachman (JPL) J. Diaz del Rio (ODC Space) W.L. Taber (JPL) VersionSPICELIB Version 1.1.0, 26-OCT-2021 (JDR) (NJB) Added IMPLICIT NONE statement. Edited the header to comply with NAIF standard. SPICELIB Version 1.0.1, 10-MAR-1992 (WLT) Comment section for permuted index source lines was added following the header. SPICELIB Version 1.0.0, 31-JAN-1990 (NJB) |
Fri Dec 31 18:36:22 2021