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     TRGSEP ( Separation quantity from observer )

    .                                   TARG1,  SHAPE1, FRAME1,
    .                                   TARG2,  SHAPE2, FRAME2,
    .                                   OBSRVR, ABCORR )


     Compute the angular separation in radians between two spherical
     or point objects.







     INCLUDE ''
     INCLUDE ''

     CHARACTER*(*)         TARG1
     CHARACTER*(*)         SHAPE1
     CHARACTER*(*)         FRAME1
     CHARACTER*(*)         TARG2
     CHARACTER*(*)         SHAPE2
     CHARACTER*(*)         FRAME2
     CHARACTER*(*)         OBSRVR
     CHARACTER*(*)         ABCORR


     --------  ---  --------------------------------------------------
     ET         I   Ephemeris seconds past J2000 TDB.
     TARG1      I   First target body name.
     SHAPE1     I   First target body shape.
     FRAME1     I   Reference frame of first target.
     TARG2      I   Second target body name.
     SHAPE2     I   First target body shape.
     FRAME2     I   Reference frame of second target.
     OBSRVR     I   Observing body name.
     ABCORR     I   Aberration corrections flag.

     The function returns the angular separation between two targets,
     TARG1 and TARG2, as seen from an observer OBSRVR, possibly
     corrected for aberration corrections.


     ET       is the time in ephemeris seconds past J2000 TDB at
              which the separation is to be measured.

     TARG1    is the string naming the first body of interest. You can
              also supply the integer ID code for the object as an
              integer string. For example both 'MOON' and '301'
              are legitimate strings that indicate the moon is the
              target body.

     SHAPE1   is the string naming the geometric model used to
              represent the shape of the TARG1 body. Models
              supported by this routine:

                 'SPHERE'        Treat the body as a sphere with
                                 radius equal to the maximum value of

                 'POINT'         Treat the body as a point;
                                 radius has value zero.

              The SHAPE1 string lacks sensitivity to case, leading
              and trailing blanks.

     FRAME1   is the string naming the body-fixed reference frame
              corresponding to TARG1. TRGSEP does not currently use
              this argument's value, its use is reserved for future
              shape models. The value 'NULL' will suffice for
              'POINT' and 'SPHERE' shaped bodies.

     TARG2    is the string naming the second body of interest. You can
              also supply the integer ID code for the object as an
              integer string. For example both 'MOON' and '301'
              are legitimate strings that indicate the moon is the
              target body.

     SHAPE2   is the string naming the geometric model used to
              represent the shape of the TARG2. Models supported by
              this routine:

                 'SPHERE'        Treat the body as a sphere with
                                 radius equal to the maximum value of

                 'POINT'         Treat the body as a single point;
                                 radius has value zero.

              The SHAPE2 string lacks sensitivity to case, leading
              and trailing blanks.

     FRAME2   is the string naming the body-fixed reference frame
              corresponding to TARG2. TRGSEP does not currently use
              this argument's value, its use is reserved for future
              shape models. The value 'NULL' will suffice for
              'POINT' and 'SPHERE' shaped bodies.

     OBSRVR   is the string naming the observing body. Optionally, you
              may supply the ID code of the object as an integer
              string. For example, both 'EARTH' and '399' are
              legitimate strings to supply to indicate the
              observer is Earth.

     ABCORR   is the string description of the aberration corrections
              to apply to the state evaluations to account for
              one-way light time and stellar aberration.

              This routine accepts the same aberration corrections
              as does the SPICE routine SPKEZR. See the header of
              SPKEZR for a detailed description of the aberration
              correction options. For convenience, the options are
              listed below:

                 'NONE'     Apply no correction.

                 'LT'       "Reception" case: correct for
                            one-way light time using a Newtonian

                 'LT+S'     "Reception" case: correct for
                            one-way light time and stellar
                            aberration using a Newtonian

                 'CN'       "Reception" case: converged
                            Newtonian light time correction.

                 'CN+S'     "Reception" case: converged
                            Newtonian light time and stellar
                            aberration corrections.

                 'XLT'      "Transmission" case: correct for
                            one-way light time using a Newtonian

                 'XLT+S'    "Transmission" case: correct for
                            one-way light time and stellar
                            aberration using a Newtonian

                 'XCN'      "Transmission" case: converged
                            Newtonian light time correction.

                 'XCN+S'    "Transmission" case: converged
                            Newtonian light time and stellar
                            aberration corrections.

              The ABCORR string lacks sensitivity to case, leading
              and trailing blanks.


     The function returns the angular separation between two targets,
     TARG1 and TARG2, as seen from an observer OBSRVR expressed in

     The observer is the angle's vertex. The angular separation between
     the targets may be measured between the centers or figures (limbs)
     of the targets, depending on whether the target shapes are modeled
     as spheres or points.

     If the target shape is either a spheroid or an ellipsoid, the
     radius used to compute the limb will be the largest of the radii
     of the target's tri-axial ellipsoid model.

     If the targets are modeled as points the result ranges from 0
     to Pi radians or 180 degrees.

     If the target shapes are modeled as spheres or ellipsoids, the
     function returns a negative value when the bodies overlap
     (occult). Note that in this situation the function returns 0 when
     the limbs of the bodies start or finish the overlap.

     The positions of the targets may optionally be corrected for light
     time and stellar aberration.




     1)  If the three objects TARG1, TARG2 and OBSRVR are not
         distinct, an error is signaled by a routine in the call tree
         of this routine.

     2)  If the object names for TARG1, TARG2 or OBSRVR cannot resolve
         to a NAIF body ID, an error is signaled by a routine in the
         call tree of this routine.

     3)  If the reference frame associated with TARG1, FRAME1, is not
         centered on TARG1, or if the reference frame associated with
         TARG2, FRAME2, is not centered on TARG2, an error is signaled
         by a routine in the call tree of this routine. This
         restriction does not apply to shapes 'SPHERE' and 'POINT', for
         which the frame input is ignored.

     4)  If the frame name for FRAME1 or FRAME2 cannot resolve to a
         NAIF frame ID, an error is signaled by a routine in the call
         tree of this routine.

     5)  If the body shape for TARG1, SHAPE1, or the body shape for
         TARG2, SHAPE2, is not recognized, an error is signaled by a
         routine in the call tree of this routine.

     6)  If the requested aberration correction ABCORR is not
         recognized, an error is signaled by a routine in the call tree
         of this routine.

     7)  If either one or both targets' shape is modeled as sphere, and
         the required PCK data has not been loaded, an error is
         signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine.

     8)  If the ephemeris data required to perform the needed state
         look-ups are not loaded, an error is signaled by a routine in
         the call tree of this routine.

     9)  If the observer OBSRVR is located within either one of the
         targets, an error is signaled by a routine in the call tree of
         this routine.

     10) If an error is signaled, the function returns a meaningless


     Appropriate SPICE kernels must be loaded by the calling program
     before this routine is called.

     The following data are required:

     -  An SPK file (or files) containing ephemeris data sufficient to
        compute the position of each of the targets with respect to the
        observer. If aberration corrections are used, the states of
        target and observer relative to the solar system barycenter
        must be calculable from the available ephemeris data.

     -  A PCK file containing the targets' tri-axial ellipsoid model,
        if the targets are modeled as spheres.

     -  If non-inertial reference frames are used, then PCK files,
        frame kernels, C-kernels, and SCLK kernels may be needed.


     This routine determines the apparent separation between the
     two objects as observed from a third. The value reported is
     corrected for light time. Moreover, if at the time this routine
     is called, stellar aberration corrections are enabled, this
     correction will also be applied to the apparent positions of the
     centers of the two objects.

     Please refer to the Aberration Corrections Required Reading
     (abcorr.req) for detailed information describing the nature and
     calculation of the applied corrections.


     The numerical results shown for this example may differ across
     platforms. The results depend on the SPICE kernels used as
     input, the compiler and supporting libraries, and the machine
     specific arithmetic implementation.

     1) Calculate the apparent angular separation of the Earth and
        Moon as observed from the Sun at a TDB time known as a time
        of maximum separation. Calculate and output the separation
        modeling the Earth and Moon as point bodies and as spheres.
        Provide the result in degrees.

        Use the meta-kernel shown below to load the required SPICE


           File name:

           This meta-kernel is intended to support operation of SPICE
           example programs. The kernels shown here should not be
           assumed to contain adequate or correct versions of data
           required by SPICE-based user applications.

           In order for an application to use this meta-kernel, the
           kernels referenced here must be present in the user's
           current working directory.

           The names and contents of the kernels referenced
           by this meta-kernel are as follows:

              File name                     Contents
              ---------                     --------
              de421.bsp                     Planetary ephemeris
              pck00009.tpc                  Planet orientation and
              naif0009.tls                  Leapseconds


              KERNELS_TO_LOAD = ( 'de421.bsp',
                                  'naif0009.tls'  )


           End of meta-kernel

        Example code begins here.

              PROGRAM TRGSEP_EX1
              IMPLICIT NONE

        C     SPICELIB functions
              DOUBLE PRECISION      TRGSEP
              DOUBLE PRECISION      DPR

        C     Local variables.
              CHARACTER*(32)        TARG  (2)
              CHARACTER*(32)        SHAPE (2)
              CHARACTER*(32)        FRAME (2)
              CHARACTER*(64)        TDBSTR
              CHARACTER*(32)        OBSRVR
              CHARACTER*(32)        ABCORR

              DOUBLE PRECISION      ET
              DOUBLE PRECISION      VALUE

              DATA             FRAME  / 'IAU_MOON', 'IAU_EARTH' /

              DATA             TARG   / 'MOON', 'EARTH'   /

              DATA             SHAPE  / 'POINT', 'SPHERE' /

        C     Load the kernels.
              CALL FURNSH( '')

              TDBSTR = '2007-JAN-11 11:21:20.213872 (TDB)'
              OBSRVR = 'SUN'
              ABCORR = 'LT+S'

              CALL STR2ET ( TDBSTR, ET )

              VALUE = TRGSEP( ET,
             .             TARG(1),  SHAPE(1), FRAME(1),
             .             TARG(2),  SHAPE(1), FRAME(2),
             .             OBSRVR,   ABCORR )

              WRITE(*, FMT='(A,A6,A6)') 'Bodies:          ',
             .                                      TARG(1), TARG(2)
              WRITE(*, FMT='(A,A6)')    'as seen from:    ', OBSRVR
              WRITE(*, FMT='(A,A36)')   'at TDB time:     ', TDBSTR
              WRITE(*, FMT='(A,A)')     'with correction: ', ABCORR

              WRITE(*, FMT='(A)') 'Apparent angular separation:'
              WRITE(*, FMT='(A,F12.8)')
             .     '   point body models  (deg.): ',
             .                                        VALUE * DPR()

              VALUE = TRGSEP( ET,
             .             TARG(1),  SHAPE(2), FRAME(1),
             .             TARG(2),  SHAPE(2), FRAME(2),
             .             OBSRVR, ABCORR )

              WRITE(*, FMT='(A,F12.8)')
             .     '   sphere body models (deg.): ',
             .                                        VALUE * DPR()


        When this program was executed on a Mac/Intel/gfortran/64-bit
        platform, the output was:

        Bodies:          MOON  EARTH
        as seen from:    SUN
        at TDB time:     2007-JAN-11 11:21:20.213872 (TDB)
        with correction: LT+S

        Apparent angular separation:
           point body models  (deg.):   0.15729276
           sphere body models (deg.):   0.15413221






     M. Costa Sitja     (JPL)
     J. Diaz del Rio    (ODC Space)
     E.D. Wright        (JPL)


    SPICELIB Version 1.0.0, 07-AUG-2021 (EDW) (JDR) (MCS)

        Based on code originally found in zzgfspu.f.
Fri Dec 31 18:37:03 2021