pckeul |
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ProcedurePCKEUL ( PCK, get Euler angles at time from PCK file ) SUBROUTINE PCKEUL ( BODY, ET, FOUND, REF, EULANG ) AbstractThis routine is obsolete. It supports only the type 02 binary PCK format. It is maintained only for backward compatibility Return Euler angles and their derivatives and their reference frame, given an input time and body and reference frame from a PCK binary file. Required_ReadingNAIF_IDS ROTATION TIME PCK KeywordsROTATION TRANSFORMATION DeclarationsIMPLICIT NONE INTEGER BODY DOUBLE PRECISION ET LOGICAL FOUND CHARACTER*(*) REF DOUBLE PRECISION EULANG ( 6 ) Brief_I/OVARIABLE I/O DESCRIPTION -------- --- -------------------------------------------------- BODY I ID code of body ET I Epoch of transformation FOUND O .TRUE. if ET, BODY found in a PCK file REF O Name of inertial ref. frame of state EULANG O Euler angles and their derivatives. Detailed_InputBODY is the integer ID code of the body for which the state transformation matrix is requested. Bodies are numbered according to the standard NAIF numbering scheme. The numbering scheme is explained in the NAIF_IDS required reading file. ET is the epoch at which the state transformation matrix is requested. Detailed_OutputFOUND if the Euler angles for the requested time and body are found in a PCK binary file, FOUND is .TRUE. Otherwise, it's false. REF is the name of an inertial ref. frame. (See the routine CHGIRF for a full list of names.) EULANG is the Euler angles and their derivatives at time ET. The rotation matrix is [ EULANG(3) ] [EULANG(2)] [EULANG(1)] 3 1 3 and dEULANG(1)/dt = EULANG(4) dEULANG(2)/dt = EULANG(5) dEULANG(3)/dt = EULANG(6) ParametersNone. ExceptionsNone. FilesNone. ParticularsNone. ExamplesHere we load a binary PCK files and use PCKEUL to get the Euler angles. C C Load binary PCK file. C CALL PCKLOF ('example.pck', HANDLE) C Call routine to get Euler angles phi, delta, w. CALL PCKEUL ( BODY, ET, FOUND, REF, EULANG ) The Euler angles and their derivatives are returned in EULANG. Restrictions1) A binary PCK kernel must be loaded with PCKLOF before calling this routine. Literature_ReferencesNone. Author_and_InstitutionJ. Diaz del Rio (ODC Space) E.D. Wright (JPL) K.S. Zukor (JPL) VersionSPICELIB Version 2.1.0, 20-AUG-2021 (JDR) Added IMPLICIT NONE statement. Edited the header to comply with NAIF standard. SPICELIB Version 2.0.1, 03-JAN-2014 (EDW) Minor edits to $Procedure; clean trailing whitespace. Removed unneeded $Revisions section. SPICELIB Version 2.0.0, 21-MAR-1995 (KSZ) PCKEUL modified to check in. PCKMAT takes over for PCKEUL in many cases. REF now a character. SPICELIB Version 1.1.0, 18-OCT-1994 (KSZ) Fixed bug which incorrectly modded DW by two pi. SPICELIB Version 1.0.0, 11-MAR-1994 (KSZ) |
Fri Dec 31 18:36:37 2021