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ProcedureDASEC ( DAS extract comments ) SUBROUTINE DASEC ( HANDLE, BUFSIZ, N, BUFFER, DONE ) AbstractExtract comments from the comment area of a binary DAS file. Required_ReadingDAS KeywordsFILES UTILITY DeclarationsIMPLICIT NONE INCLUDE 'das.inc' INTEGER HANDLE INTEGER BUFSIZ INTEGER N CHARACTER*(*) BUFFER(*) LOGICAL DONE Brief_I/OVARIABLE I/O DESCRIPTION -------- --- -------------------------------------------------- HANDLE I Handle of binary DAS file open with read access. BUFSIZ I Maximum size, in lines, of BUFFER. N O Number of comments extracted from the DAS file. BUFFER O Buffer in which extracted comments are placed. DONE O Indicates whether all comments have been extracted. Detailed_InputHANDLE is the file handle of a binary DAS file which has been opened with read access. BUFSIZ is the maximum number of comments that may be placed into BUFFER. This would typically be the declared array size for the Fortran character string array passed into this routine. Detailed_OutputN is the number of comment lines extracted from the comment area of the binary DAS file attached to HANDLE. This number will be <= BUFSIZ on output. If N = BUFSIZ and DONE <> .TRUE. then there are more comments left to to extract. If N = 0, then DONE = .TRUE., i.e., there were no comments in the comment area. If there are comments in the comment area, or comments remaining after the extraction process has begun, N > 0, always. BUFFER is a list of at most BUFSIZ comments which have been extracted from the comment area of the binary DAS file attached to HANDLE. DONE is a logical flag indicating whether or not all of the comment lines from the comment area of the DAS file have been read. This variable has the value .TRUE. after the last comment line has been read. It will have the value .FALSE. otherwise. If there are no comments in the comment area, this variable will have the value .TRUE., and N = 0. ParametersNone. Exceptions1) If the size of the output line buffer is is not positive, the error SPICE(INVALIDARGUMENT) is signaled. 2) If a comment line in a DAS file is longer than the length of a character string array element of BUFFER, the error SPICE(COMMENTTOOLONG) is signaled. 3) If there is a mismatch between the number of comment characters found and the number of comment characters expected, the error SPICE(BADDASCOMMENTAREA) is signaled. 4) If the binary DAS file attached to HANDLE is not open for reading, an error is signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine. FilesSee argument HANDLE in $Detailed_Input. ParticularsBinary DAS files contain an area which is reserved for storing annotations or descriptive textual information describing the data contained in a file. This area is referred to as the ``comment area'' of the file. The comment area of a DAS file is a line oriented medium for storing textual information. The comment area preserves any leading or embedded white space in the line(s) of text which are stored, so that the appearance of the of information will be unchanged when it is retrieved (extracted) at some other time. Trailing blanks, however, are NOT preserved, due to the way that character strings are represented in standard Fortran 77. This routine will read the comments from the comment area of a binary DAS file, placing them into a line buffer. If the line buffer is not large enough to hold the entire comment area, the portion read will be returned to the caller, and the DONE flag will be set to .FALSE. This allows the comment area to be read in ``chunks,'' a buffer at a time. After all of the comment lines have been read, the DONE flag will be set to .TRUE. This routine can be used to ``simultaneously'' extract comments from the comment areas of multiple binary DAS files. See Example 2 in the $Examples section. ExamplesExample 1 --------- The following example will extract the entire comment area of a binary DAS file attached to HANDLE, displaying the comments on the terminal screen. Let BUFFER have the following declaration: CHARACTER*(80) BUFFER(25) HANDLE be the handle of an open binary DAS file. then BUFSIZ = 25 DONE = .FALSE. DO WHILE ( .NOT. DONE ) CALL DASEC( HANDLE, BUFSIZ, N, BUFFER, DONE ) DO I = 1, N WRITE (*,*) BUFFER(I) END DO END DO Example 2 --------- The following example demonstrates the use of this routine to simultaneously read the comment areas of multiple DAS files. For each file, the comments will be displayed on the screen as they are extracted. Let BUFFER have the following declaration: CHARACTER*(80) BUFFER(25) NUMFIL be the number of binary DAS files that are to have their comment areas displayed. DASNAM(I) Be a list of filenames for the DAS files which are to have their comment areas displayed. HANDLE(I) be a list of handles for the DAS files which are to have their comment areas displayed. DONE(I) be a list of logical flags indicating whether we are done extracting the comment area from the DAS file attached to HANDLE(I) then BUFSIZ = 25 DO I = 1, NUMFIL DONE(I) = .FALSE. HANDLE(I) = 0 END DO C C Open the DAS files. C DO I = 1, NUMFIL CALL DASOPR ( DASNAM(I), HANDLE(I) ) END DO C C While there are still some comments left to read in at C least one of the files, read them and display them. C DO WHILE ( .NOT. ALLTRU( DONE, NUMFIL ) ) DO I = 1, NUMFIL IF ( .NOT. DONE(I) ) THEN WRITE (*,*) WRITE (*,*) 'File: ', DASNAM(I)(:RTRIM(DASNAM(I))) WRITE (*,*) N = 0 CALL DASEC ( HANDLE(I), . BUFSIZ, . N, . BUFFER, . DONE(I) ) DO J = 1, N WRITE (*,*) BUFFER(J)(:RTRIM(BUFFER(J))) END DO END IF END DO END DO Restrictions1) The comment area may consist only of printing ASCII characters, decimal values 32 - 126. 2) There is NO maximum length imposed on the significant portion of a text line that may be placed into the comment area of a DAS file. The maximum length of a line stored in the comment area should be kept reasonable, so that they may be easily extracted. A good value for this would be 255 characters, as this can easily accommodate "screen width" lines as well as long lines which may contain some other form of information. Literature_ReferencesNone. Author_and_InstitutionN.J. Bachman (JPL) J. Diaz del Rio (ODC Space) K.R. Gehringer (JPL) W.L. Taber (JPL) VersionSPICELIB Version 1.4.1, 20-AUG-2021 (JDR) Edited the header to comply with NAIF standard. Removed reference to non-described parameters from entry #1 in $Restrictions section. SPICELIB Version 1.4.0, 10-FEB-2017 (NJB) Updated to use ZZDDHHLU. Now imports parameter FTSIZE from das.inc. SPICELIB Version 1.3.0, 18-JUN-1999 (WLT) Changed name used in CHKOUT to be consistent with the CHKIN value. SPICELIB Version 1.2.0, 04-AUG-1994 (KRG) Rearranged some of the code to avoid always reading the file record. Now we look for the input HANDLE in the file table first, and only read the file record if we do not find it. Also added a new array to be saved: FILCNT. This is the number of comment characters in a file; we save it now rather than reading it every time. Fixed a bug. If the Fortran character string array elements have exactly the same length as a comment in the comment area, this routine would halt rather unexpectedly from a memory over run. SPICELIB Version 1.1.0, 22-NOV-1993 (KRG) Changed the value of the parameter FTSIZE from 20 to 21. This change makes the value of FTSIZE in DASEC compatible with the value in DASFM. See DASFM for a discussion of the reasons for the increase in the value. SPICELIB Version 1.0.0, 23-NOV-1992 (KRG) |
Fri Dec 31 18:36:10 2021