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     ERRACT  ( Get/Set Default Error Action )



     Retrieve or set the default error action.







     CHARACTER*(*)                 OP
     CHARACTER*(*)                 ACTION


     --------  ---  --------------------------------------------------
     OP         I   Operation -- 'GET' or 'SET'
     ACTION    I-O  Error response action


     OP       indicates the operation -- 'GET' or 'SET'.  'GET' means,
              "Set ACTION to the current value of the error response
              'SET' means, "update the error response action to the
              value indicated by ACTION."

              OP may be in mixed case; for example,

                     CALL ERRACT ( 'gEt', ACTION )

              will work.

     ACTION   when OP is 'SET', ACTION is an input argument.  It
              takes the values,  'ABORT',  'IGNORE',
              'REPORT', 'RETURN', and 'DEFAULT'.

              Please read the "required reading" file if you
              haven't already done so!

              Briefly, the meanings of the error response
              choices are as follows:

              1.  'ABORT'  --  When an error is detected by a
                               SPICELIB routine, or when
                               ANY routine signals detection
                  of an error via a call to SIGERR, the
                  toolkit will output any error messages that
                  it has been enabled to output (see ERRPRT
                  and ERRDEV also ), and then execute a
                  FORTRAN STOP statement.

              2.  'REPORT' --  In this mode, the toolkit does
                               NOT abort when errors are detected.
                               When SIGERR is called to report
                  an error, all error messages that the toolkit
                  is enabled to output will be sent to the
                  designated error output device. Similarly,
                  a call to SETMSG will result in the long
                  error message being output, if the toolkit
                  is enabled to output it.

              3.  'RETURN' --  In this mode, the toolkit also
                               does NOT abort when errors are
                               detected. Instead, error messages
                  are output if the toolkit is enabled to do
                  so, and subsequently, ALL TOOLKIT ROUTINES
                  RETURN IMMEDIATELY UPON ENTRY until the
                  error status is reset via a call to RESET.
                  (No, RESET itself doesn't return on entry).
                  Resetting the error status will cause the
                  toolkit routines to resume their normal
                  execution threads.

              4.  'IGNORE' --  The toolkit will not take any
                               action in response to errors;
                               calls to SIGERR will have no

              5.  'DEFAULT' -- This mode is the same as 'ABORT',
                               except that an additional error
                               message is output.  The additional
                               message informs the user that the
                               error response action can be
                               modified, and refers to documentation
                               of the error handling feature.

              ACTION may be in mixed case; for example,

                         CALL ERRACT ( 'SET', 'igNORe' )

              will work.


     ACTION   when OP is 'GET', ACTION is the current error response
              action. Possible values are:  'ABORT', 'REPORT',
              'RETURN', and 'IGNORE'. See "Detailed Input"
              for descriptions of the meanings of these values.

              ACTION is not an output unless OP is 'GET'.




     1)  If an invalid value of the operation OP is supplied, the error
         SPICE(INVALIDOPERATION) is signaled.

     2)  If OP is 'SET' and the input argument ACTION does not indicate
         a valid error handling action, the error SPICE(INVALIDACTION)
         is signaled.




     This routine is part of the SPICELIB error handling mechanism.

     First of all, please read the ``required reading'' file.
     The information below will make a lot more sense if you do.

     Here is a brief discussion of how to use this routine.

     If you are a user, you will probably be interested
     in only the 'SET' operation (as far as this routine is
     concerned, ok?).  As indicated in the "detailed
     input" section above, the choices for ACTION are
     'ABORT', 'REPORT', 'RETURN', 'IGNORE', and 'DEFAULT'.  These
     choices control the way the toolkit behaves when an
     error is detected.  The toolkit thinks an error has
     been detected when SIGERR is called.

     1.  'ABORT'   In this mode, the toolkit sends error messages
         to the error output device and then stops.
         This is the default mode. It is probably
         the one to choose for running non-interactive programs.
         You may also wish to use this for programs which
         have many bugs, or in other cases where continued
         operation following detection of an error isn't useful.

     2.  'REPORT'  In this mode, the toolkit sends error messages
         to the error output device and keeps going. This mode
         may be useful if you are debugging a large program,
         since you can get more information from a single test run.
         You will probably want to use ERRDEV to indicate a file
         where your error messages should be sent.

     3.  'RETURN'  In this mode, the toolkit also sends error messages
          to the error output device and "keeps going".  But
          instead of following their normal execution threads,
          the toolkit routines will simply return immediately upon
          entry, once an error has been detected.
          The availability of this feature makes it safe to call
          multiple toolkit routines without checking the error
          status after each one returns; if one routine detects
          an error, subsequent calls to toolkit routines will have
          no effect; therefore, no crash will occur. The error
          messages set by the routine which detected the error
          will remain available for retrieval by GETMSG.

     4.   'IGNORE'  This mode can be dangerous!  It is best
          used when running a program whose behavior you
          understand well, in cases where you wish to suppress
          annoying messages.  BUT, if an unexpected error
          occurs, you won't hear about it from anyone, except
          possibly your run-time system.

     5.  'DEFAULT'  As the name suggests, this is the default
          error handling mode. The error handling mechanism
          starts out in this mode when a program using the
          toolkit is run, and the mode remains 'DEFAULT' until
          it is changed via a call to this routine.
          This mode is the same as 'ABORT',
          except that an additional error message is output.
          The additional message informs the user that the
          error response action can be modified, and refers
          to documentation of the error handling feature.


         By default, error messages are printed to the screen
         when errors are detected.  You may want to send them
         to a different output device, or choose a subset to
         output.  Use the routines ERRDEV and ERRPRT to choose
         the output device and select the messages to output,

         You can also suppress the automatic output of messages
         and retrieve them directly in your own program.  GETMSG
         can be used for this.  To make sure that the messages
         retrieved correspond to the FIRST error that occurred,
         use 'RETURN' mode. In 'REPORT' mode, new messages
         overwrite old ones in the SPICELIB message storage
         area, so GETMSG will get the messages from the LATEST
         error that occurred.


     1. Setting up 'ABORT' mode:

         C      We wish to have our program abort if an error
         C      is detected. But instead of having the error
         C      messages printed on the screen, we want them
         C      to be written to the file, ERROR_LOG.DAT
         C      (This is valid VAX/VMS file name; syntax
         C      on your system may be different ).
         C      We want to see all of the messages, so we
         C      call ERRPRT, using the 'ALL' option.
         C      Finally, we call ERRACT to set the action to 'ABORT':

                CALL ERRDEV ( 'SET', 'ERROR_LOG.DAT' )

                CALL ERRPRT ( 'SET',  'ALL'  )

                CALL ERRACT ( 'SET', 'ABORT' )

     2. Setting up 'REPORT' mode:

         C      This is the same thing as before, except
         C      that the argument supplied to ERRACT
         C      is different.

                CALL ERRDEV ( 'SET', 'ERROR_LOG.DAT' )

                CALL ERRPRT ( 'SET',   'ALL'  )

                CALL ERRACT ( 'SET', 'REPORT' )

     3. Setting up 'RETURN' mode: This is the same
         as example #2, except that the ERRACT call becomes:

                CALL ERRACT ( 'SET', 'RETURN' )

     4. Setting up 'IGNORE' mode:

         C      In this case, we aren't going to have
         C      ANY error messages (unless the call
         C      to ERRACT itself fails), so we don't
         C      really need to call ERRPRT and ERRDEV.
         C      (If the call to ERRACT DOES fail, which
         C      it can do only if we misspell "IGNORE,"
         C      the resulting error messages will go to
         C      the screen).

                CALL ERRACT ( 'SET', 'IGNORE' )






     N.J. Bachman       (JPL)
     J. Diaz del Rio    (ODC Space)
     K.R. Gehringer     (JPL)
     W.L. Taber         (JPL)


    SPICELIB Version 2.1.0, 12-AUG-2021 (JDR)

        Added IMPLICIT NONE statement.

        Edited the header to comply with NAIF standard. $Exceptions
        section has been completely updated to provide only the list
        of exceptions. Additional information provided there has been
        moved to $Particulars.

    SPICELIB Version 2.0.0, 22-APR-1996 (KRG)

        This subroutine has been modified in an attempt to improve
        the general performance of the SPICELIB error handling
        mechanism. The specific modification has been to change the
        type of the error action passed to PUTACT from a short
        character string to an integer. This change is backwardly
        incompatible because the type of the input argument has
        changed. This should pose no difficulties because PUTACT is a
        private subroutine used by the error handling system, and
        hence isolated from direct use.

    SPICELIB Version 1.0.1, 10-MAR-1992 (WLT)

        Comment section for permuted index source lines was added
        following the header.

    SPICELIB Version 1.0.0, 31-JAN-1990 (NJB)
Fri Dec 31 18:36:20 2021