ducrss |
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ProcedureDUCRSS ( Unit Normalized Cross Product and Derivative ) SUBROUTINE DUCRSS ( S1, S2, SOUT ) AbstractCompute the unit vector parallel to the cross product of two 3-dimensional vectors and the derivative of this unit vector. Required_ReadingNone. KeywordsDERIVATIVE VECTOR DeclarationsIMPLICIT NONE DOUBLE PRECISION S1 ( 6 ) DOUBLE PRECISION S2 ( 6 ) DOUBLE PRECISION SOUT ( 6 ) Brief_I/OVARIABLE I/O DESCRIPTION -------- --- -------------------------------------------------- S1 I Left hand state for cross product and derivative. S2 I Right hand state for cross product and derivative. SOUT O Unit vector and derivative of the cross product. Detailed_InputS1 is any state vector. Typically, this might represent the apparent state of a planet or the Sun, which defines the orientation of axes of some coordinate system. S2 is any state vector. Detailed_OutputSOUT is the unit vector parallel to the cross product of the position components of S1 and S2 and the derivative of the unit vector. If the cross product of the position components is the zero vector, then the position component of the output will be the zero vector. The velocity component of the output will simply be the derivative of the cross product of the position components of S1 and S2. ParametersNone. ExceptionsError free. 1) If the position components of S1 and S2 cross together to give a zero vector, the position component of the output will be the zero vector. The velocity component of the output will simply be the derivative of the cross product of the position vectors. 2) If S1 and S2 are large in magnitude (taken together, their magnitude surpasses the limit allowed by the computer) then it may be possible to generate a floating point overflow from an intermediate computation even though the actual cross product and derivative may be well within the range of double precision numbers. FilesNone. ParticularsDUCRSS calculates the unit vector parallel to the cross product of two vectors and the derivative of that unit vector. ExamplesThe numerical results shown for this example may differ across platforms. The results depend on the SPICE kernels used as input, the compiler and supporting libraries, and the machine specific arithmetic implementation. 1) One can construct non-inertial coordinate frames from apparent positions of objects or defined directions. However, if one wants to convert states in this non-inertial frame to states in an inertial reference frame, the derivatives of the axes of the non-inertial frame are required. Define a reference frame with the apparent direction of the Sun as seen from Earth as the primary axis X. Use the Earth pole vector to define with the primary axis the XY plane of the frame, with the primary axis Y pointing in the direction of the pole. Use the meta-kernel shown below to load the required SPICE kernels. KPL/MK File name: ducrss_ex1.tm This meta-kernel is intended to support operation of SPICE example programs. The kernels shown here should not be assumed to contain adequate or correct versions of data required by SPICE-based user applications. In order for an application to use this meta-kernel, the kernels referenced here must be present in the user's current working directory. The names and contents of the kernels referenced by this meta-kernel are as follows: File name Contents --------- -------- de421.bsp Planetary ephemeris pck00008.tpc Planet orientation and radii naif0009.tls Leapseconds \begindata KERNELS_TO_LOAD = ( 'de421.bsp', 'pck00008.tpc', 'naif0009.tls' ) \begintext End of meta-kernel Example code begins here. PROGRAM DUCRSS_EX1 IMPLICIT NONE C C Local variables C DOUBLE PRECISION ET DOUBLE PRECISION LT DOUBLE PRECISION STATE ( 6 ) DOUBLE PRECISION TRANS ( 6, 6 ) DOUBLE PRECISION X_NEW ( 6 ) DOUBLE PRECISION Y_NEW ( 6 ) DOUBLE PRECISION Z ( 6 ) DOUBLE PRECISION Z_NEW ( 6 ) DOUBLE PRECISION ZINERT ( 6 ) INTEGER I C C Define the earth body-fixed pole vector (Z). The pole C has no velocity in the Earth fixed frame IAU_EARTH. C DATA Z / 0.D0, 0.D0, 1.D0, . 0.D0, 0.D0, 0.D0 / C C Load SPK, PCK, and LSK kernels, use a meta kernel for C convenience. C CALL FURNSH ( 'ducrss_ex1.tm' ) C C Calculate the state transformation between IAU_EARTH and C J2000 at an arbitrary epoch. C CALL STR2ET ( 'Jan 1, 2009', ET ) CALL SXFORM ( 'IAU_EARTH', 'J2000', ET, TRANS ) C C Transform the earth pole vector from the IAU_EARTH frame C to J2000. C CALL MXVG ( TRANS, Z, 6, 6, ZINERT ) C C Calculate the apparent state of the Sun from Earth at C the epoch ET in the J2000 frame. C CALL SPKEZR ( 'Sun', ET, 'J2000', 'LT+S', . 'Earth', STATE, LT ) C C Define the z axis of the new frame as the cross product C between the apparent direction of the Sun and the Earth C pole. Z_NEW cross X_NEW defines the Y axis of the C derived frame. C CALL DVHAT ( STATE, X_NEW ) CALL DUCRSS ( STATE, ZINERT, Z_NEW ) CALL DUCRSS ( Z_NEW, STATE, Y_NEW ) C C Display the results. C WRITE(*,'(A)') 'New X-axis:' WRITE(*,'(A,3F16.12)') ' position:', (X_NEW(I), I=1,3) WRITE(*,'(A,3F16.12)') ' velocity:', (X_NEW(I), I=4,6) WRITE(*,'(A)') 'New Y-axis:' WRITE(*,'(A,3F16.12)') ' position:', (Y_NEW(I), I=1,3) WRITE(*,'(A,3F16.12)') ' velocity:', (Y_NEW(I), I=4,6) WRITE(*,'(A)') 'New Z-axis:' WRITE(*,'(A,3F16.12)') ' position:', (Z_NEW(I), I=1,3) WRITE(*,'(A,3F16.12)') ' velocity:', (Z_NEW(I), I=4,6) END When this program was executed on a Mac/Intel/gfortran/64-bit platform, the output was: New X-axis: position: 0.183446637633 -0.901919663328 -0.391009273602 velocity: 0.000000202450 0.000000034660 0.000000015033 New Y-axis: position: 0.078846540163 -0.382978080242 0.920386339077 velocity: 0.000000082384 0.000000032309 0.000000006387 New Z-axis: position: -0.979862518033 -0.199671507623 0.000857203851 velocity: 0.000000044531 -0.000000218531 -0.000000000036 Note that these vectors define the transformation between the new frame and J2000 at the given ET: .- -. | : | | R : 0 | M = | ......:......| | : | | dRdt : R | | : | `- -' with DATA R / X_NEW(1:3), Y_NEW(1:3), Z_NEW(1:3) / DATA dRdt / X_NEW(4:6), Y_NEW(4:6), Z_NEW(4:6) / Restrictions1) No checking of S1 or S2 is done to prevent floating point overflow. The user is required to determine that the magnitude of each component of the states is within an appropriate range so as not to cause floating point overflow. In almost every case there will be no problem and no checking actually needs to be done. Literature_ReferencesNone. Author_and_InstitutionN.J. Bachman (JPL) J. Diaz del Rio (ODC Space) W.L. Taber (JPL) VersionSPICELIB Version 1.3.0, 06-JUL-2021 (JDR) Added IMPLICIT NONE statement. Edited the header to comply with NAIF standard. Removed unnecessary $Revisions section. Added complete code example. SPICELIB Version 1.2.0, 08-APR-2014 (NJB) Now scales inputs to reduce chance of numeric overflow. SPICELIB Version 1.1.1, 22-APR-2010 (NJB) Header correction: assertions that the output can overwrite the input have been removed. SPICELIB Version 1.1.0, 30-AUG-2005 (NJB) Updated to remove non-standard use of duplicate arguments in DVHAT call. SPICELIB Version 1.0.0, 15-JUN-1995 (WLT) |
Fri Dec 31 18:36:16 2021