sgfrvi |
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ProcedureSGFRVI ( Generic Segments: Fetch ref. value and index ) SUBROUTINE SGFRVI ( HANDLE, DESCR, X, VALUE, INDX, FOUND ) AbstractFind the reference value associated with the value X and its index in a generic segment. The segment is identified by a DAF file handle and segment descriptor. Required_ReadingDAF KeywordsGENERIC SEGMENTS DeclarationsIMPLICIT NONE INTEGER HANDLE DOUBLE PRECISION DESCR ( * ) DOUBLE PRECISION X DOUBLE PRECISION VALUE INTEGER INDX LOGICAL FOUND Brief_I/OVARIABLE I/O DESCRIPTION -------- --- -------------------------------------------------- HANDLE I The handle of a DAF open for reading. DESCR I The descriptor for a DAF generic segment. X I The key value used to find a reference and index. VALUE O The reference value associated with X. INDX O The index of VALUE within the reference values. FOUND O A flag indicating whether values for X were found. Detailed_InputHANDLE is the handle of a DAF open for reading DESCR is the descriptor of the generic segment that we are going to search for a reference value to associate with X. X is a value for which the associated reference value and reference index is requested. Detailed_OutputVALUE is the reference value associated with the input value X. INDX is the index of VALUE within the set of reference values for the generic segment. This value may be used to obtain a particular packet of data from the generic segment. FOUND is a logical flag indicating whether a reference value associated with X was found. If a reference value was found, FOUND will have a value of .TRUE.; otherwise it will have a value of .FALSE. ParametersThis subroutine makes use of parameters defined in the file ''. Exceptions1) If the reference directory structure is unrecognized, the error SPICE(UNKNOWNREFDIR) is signaled. The most likely cause of this error is that an upgrade to your version of the SPICE toolkit is needed. 2) If a value computed for the index of an implicitly indexed generic segment is too large to be represented as an integer, the error SPICE(INDEXTOOLARGE) is signaled. FilesSee the description of HANDLE above. ParticularsThis routine allows you to easily find the index and value of the reference item that should be associated with a value X. Given this information you can then easily retrieve the packet that should be associated with X. ExamplesSuppose that you have a generic segment that contains the following items. 1) Packets that model the motion of a body as a function of time over some interval of time. 2) Reference values that are the epochs corresponding to the beginning of the intervals for the packets. To retrieve the correct packet to use to compute the position and velocity of the body at a particular epoch, ET, you could use the following code. (Note this block of code assumes that you aren't going to run into any exceptional cases such as ET falling outside the range of times for which the packets can provide ephemeris data.) Find out the index of the time that should be associated with the ET we've been given CALL SGFRVI ( HANDLE, DESCR, ET, ETFND, INDX, FOUND ) Fetch the INDX'th ephemeris packet from the segment. CALL SGFPKT ( HANDLE, DESCR, INDX, EPHEM ) Restrictions1) The segment described by DESCR MUST be a generic segment, otherwise the results of this routine are not predictable. Literature_ReferencesNone. Author_and_InstitutionJ. Diaz del Rio (ODC Space) K.R. Gehringer (JPL) W.L. Taber (JPL) E.D. Wright (JPL) VersionSPICELIB Version 1.2.1, 26-OCT-2021 (JDR) Edited the header to comply with NAIF standard. SPICELIB Version 1.2.0, 07-SEP-2001 (EDW) Replaced DAFRDA call with DAFGDA. SPICELIB Version 1.1.0, 08-MAY-1996 (WLT) A bug was found in the EXPCLS index case when the trying to retrieve the last value in a generic segment. This bug was discovered by the HP compiler complaining that an index used was not initialized. The offending line was MYVALU = BUFFER(I) The corrected line is: MYVALU = BUFFER(BFINDX) SPICELIB Version 1.0.0, 28-MAR-1994 (KRG) (WLT) |
Fri Dec 31 18:36:48 2021