rtpool |
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ProcedureRTPOOL ( Return the value of a pooled kernel variable ) ENTRY RTPOOL ( NAME, N, VALUES, FOUND ) AbstractReturn the value of a kernel variable from the kernel pool. This routine is maintained only for backward compatibility. It should be regarded as obsolete. Use one of the entry points GDPOOL, GIPOOL or GCPOOL in its place. Required_ReadingKERNEL KeywordsCONSTANTS FILES DeclarationsCHARACTER*(*) NAME INTEGER N DOUBLE PRECISION VALUES ( * ) LOGICAL FOUND Brief_I/OVARIABLE I/O DESCRIPTION -------- --- -------------------------------------------------- NAME I Name of the variable whose value is to be returned. N O Number of values associated with NAME. VALUES O Values associated with NAME. FOUND O .TRUE. if variable is in pool. Detailed_InputNAME is the name of the variable whose values are to be returned. If the variable is not in the pool, FOUND will be .FALSE. Detailed_OutputN is the number of values associated with NAME. If NAME is not in the pool, no value is given to N. VALUES is the array of values associated with NAME. If NAME is not in the pool, no values are given to the elements of VALUES. FOUND is .TRUE. if the variable is in the pool, .FALSE. if it is not. ParametersNone. Exceptions1) If the output argument VALUES is not large enough to hold all of the values of the kernel variable designated by NAME, then memory will be corrupted. RTPOOL cannot detect this error. FilesNone. ParticularsNone. ExamplesThe following code fragment demonstrates how the data from several kernel files can be loaded into a kernel pool. After the pool is loaded, the values in the pool are written to a kernel file. C C Store in an array the names of the kernel files whose C values will be loaded into the kernel pool. C FNAME (1) = 'AXES.KER' FNAME (2) = 'GM.KER' FNAME (3) = 'LEAP_SECONDS.KER' C C Clear the kernel pool. (This is optional.) C CALL CLPOOL C C Load the variables from the three kernel files into the C the kernel pool. C DO I = 1, 3 CALL LDPOOL ( FNAME (I) ) END DO C C We can examine the values associated with any variable C in the kernel pool using RTPOOL. C CALL RTPOOL ( VARIABLE, NUMVAL, VALUES, FOUND ) C C Open the new text file 'NEWKERNEL.KER'. C CALL TXTOPN ( 'NEWKERNEL.KER', UNIT ) C C Write the values in the kernel pool to the file. C CALL WRPOOL ( UNIT ) RestrictionsSee $Exceptions section. Literature_ReferencesNone. Author_and_InstitutionN.J. Bachman (JPL) J. Diaz del Rio (ODC Space) W.L. Taber (JPL) I.M. Underwood (JPL) VersionSPICELIB Version 8.1.1, 17-AUG-2021 (JDR) (NJB) Edited the header to comply with NAIF standard. SPICELIB Version 8.1.0, 19-MAR-2009 (NJB) ZZPINI call was updated for compatibility with new watcher system implementation. Updated code example to use TXTOPN. SPICELIB Version 8.0.1, 22-DEC-2004 (NJB) Corrected an in-line comment relating to finding the head node of the conflict resolution list for NAME. SPICELIB Version 8.0.0, 04-JUN-1999 (WLT) Added the entry points PCPOOL, PDPOOL and PIPOOL to allow direct insertion of data into the kernel pool without having to read an external file. Added the interface LMPOOL that allows SPICE programs to load text kernels directly from memory instead of requiring a text file. Added the entry point SZPOOL to return kernel pool definition parameters. Added the entry point DVPOOL to allow the removal of a variable from the kernel pool. Added the entry point GNPOOL to allow users to determine variables that are present in the kernel pool SPICELIB Version 7.0.0, 20-SEP-1995 (WLT) The implementation of the kernel pool was completely redone to improve performance in loading and fetching data. In addition the pool was upgraded so that variables may be either string or numeric valued. The entry points GCPOOL, GDPOOL, GIPOOL and DTPOOL were added to the routine. The entry point RTPOOL should now be regarded as obsolete and is maintained solely for backward compatibility with existing routines that make use of it. SPICELIB Version 4.0.0, 12-JUN-1990 (IMU) All entry points except POOL and CLPOOL now initialize the pool if it has not been done yet. SPICELIB Version 1.0.0, 08-JAN-1989 (IMU) |
Fri Dec 31 18:36:44 2021