esrchc |
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ProcedureESRCHC ( Equivalence search, character ) INTEGER FUNCTION ESRCHC ( VALUE, NDIM, ARRAY ) AbstractSearch for a given value within a character string array. Return the index of the first equivalent array entry, or zero if no equivalent element is found. Required_ReadingNone. KeywordsARRAY SEARCH DeclarationsIMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER*(*) VALUE INTEGER NDIM CHARACTER*(*) ARRAY ( * ) Brief_I/OVARIABLE I/O DESCRIPTION -------- --- -------------------------------------------------- VALUE I Key value to be found in ARRAY. NDIM I Dimension of ARRAY. ARRAY I Character string array to search. The function returns the index of the first array entry equivalent to VALUE, or zero if none is found. Detailed_InputVALUE is an arbitrary character string. NDIM is the dimension of (number of elements in) an array of character strings. ARRAY is the array. Detailed_OutputThe function returns the index of the first element of the input array equivalent to the input value, or zero if the array contains no such elements. Two strings are equivalent if they contain the same characters in the same order, when blanks are ignored and uppercase and lowercase characters are considered equal. ParametersNone. ExceptionsError free. FilesNone. ParticularsESRCHC is identical to ISRCHC, except that it looks for the first equivalent string (as defined by EQSTR) instead of the first identical one. ExamplesLet ARRAY contain the following elements: ARRAY(1) = 'This' ARRAY(2) = 'little' ARRAY(3) = 'piggy' ARRAY(4) = 'went' ARRAY(5) = 'to' ARRAY(6) = 'market' Then ESRCHC ( 'PIGGY', 6, ARRAY ) = 3 ESRCHC ( ' LiTtLe ', 6, ARRAY ) = 2 ESRCHC ( 'W e n t', 6, ARRAY ) = 4 ESRCHC ( 'mall', 6, ARRAY ) = 0 Restrictions1) ESRCHC assumes that the function EQSTR does not participate in normal SPICELIB error handling. Literature_ReferencesNone. Author_and_InstitutionJ. Diaz del Rio (ODC Space) W.L. Taber (JPL) I.M. Underwood (JPL) VersionSPICELIB Version 1.1.0, 12-AUG-2021 (JDR) Added IMPLICIT NONE statement. Edited the header to comply with NAIF standard. SPICELIB Version 1.0.1, 10-MAR-1992 (WLT) Comment section for permuted index source lines was added following the header. SPICELIB Version 1.0.0, 31-JAN-1990 (IMU) |
Fri Dec 31 18:36:21 2021