lstlei |
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ProcedureLSTLEI ( Last integer element less than or equal to ) INTEGER FUNCTION LSTLEI ( X, N, ARRAY ) AbstractFind the index of the largest array element less than or equal to a given integer X in an array of non-decreasing integers. Required_ReadingNone. KeywordsARRAY SEARCH DeclarationsIMPLICIT NONE INTEGER X INTEGER N INTEGER ARRAY ( * ) Brief_I/OVARIABLE I/O DESCRIPTION -------- --- -------------------------------------------------- X I Upper bound value to search against. N I Number of elements in ARRAY. ARRAY I Array of possible lower bounds. The function returns the index of the last element of ARRAY that is less than or equal to X. Detailed_InputX is an integer value acting as an upper bound: the element of ARRAY that is the greatest element less than or equal to X is to be found. N is the total number of elements in ARRAY. ARRAY is an array of integers that forms a non-decreasing sequence. The elements of array need not be distinct. Detailed_OutputThe function returns the index of the highest-indexed element in the input array that is less than or equal to X. The routine assumes the array elements are sorted in non-decreasing order. Indices range from 1 to N. If all elements of ARRAY are greater than X, the routine returns the value 0. If N is less than or equal to zero, the routine returns the value 0. ParametersNone. ExceptionsError free. 1) If N is less than or equal to zero, the function returns 0. This case is not treated as an error. 2) If the input array is not sorted in non-decreasing order, the output of this routine is undefined. No error is signaled. FilesNone. ParticularsThis routine uses a binary search algorithm and so requires at most on the order of log (N) 2 steps to compute the value of LSTLEI. Note: If you need to find the first element of the array that is greater than X, simply add 1 to the result returned by this function and check to see if the result is within the array bounds given by N. ExamplesSuppose that you have an reasonably large ordered array of integers, into which you want to insert a few more without destroying the ordering. Depending upon your application, it may be desirable to not insert duplicates, to insert duplicates before existing entries or to insert them after existing entries. The code fragment below, illustrates an insertion scheme that will insert duplicate items after existing items and simultaneously update a second parallel array of double precision numbers. get the pair to insert READ (*,*) KEY, VALUE locate the place to insert the new KEY into the sorted array of keys. LOC = LSTLEI ( KEY, NKEYS, KEYS ) + 1 insert the key and its associated value into the KEYS and VALUES arrays at location LOC CALL INSLAI ( KEY, 1, LOC, NKEYS, KEYS ) CALL INSLAD ( VALUE, 1, LOC, NVALS, VALUES ) If at the READ statement the arrays KEYS and VALUES looked like: KEYS VALUES NKEYS = 6, NVALS = 6 ---- ------- 2 3.00D0 5 1.00D0 7 3.14D0 16 7.11D0 18 2.14D0 23 12.12D0 and 9 and 33.33D3 were read into KEY and VALUE respectively then LSTLEI (KEY, NKEYS, KEYS ) would be 3 and LOC would be 4. After the calls to the routines INSLAI and INSLAD we would have KEYS VALUES NKEYS = 7, NVALS = 7 ---- ------- 2 3.00D0 5 1.00D0 7 3.14D0 9 33.33D3 <===== inserted items. 16 7.11D0 18 2.14D0 23 12.12D0 If 7 and 33.33D3 were read into KEY and VALUE respectively then again LSTLEI (KEY, NKEYS, KEYS ) would be 3 and LOC would be 4. After the calls to the routines INSLAI and INSLAD we would have: KEYS VALUES NKEYS = 7, NVALS = 7 ---- ------- 2 3.00D0 5 1.00D0 7 3.14D0 7 33.33D3 <===== inserted items. 16 7.11D0 18 2.14D0 23 12.12D0 If we replaced the line of code LOC = LSTLEI ( KEY, NKEYS, KEYS ) + 1 by LOC = LSTLTI ( KEY, NKEYS, KEYS ) + 1 we would obtain a routine that inserted duplicates before existing entries. (LSTLTI is similar to LSTLEI except it finds the last occurrence of an integer strictly less than a value.) Using 7 and 33.33D3 for KEY and VALUE again, the modified code fragment would yield the results shown below. KEYS VALUES NKEYS = 7, NVALS = 7 ---- ------- 2 3.00D0 5 1.00D0 7 33.33D3 <===== inserted items. 7 3.14D0 16 7.11D0 18 2.14D0 23 12.12D0 (Note: you should NOT use the code outlined above as the basis of a sorting algorithm. The NAIF routines SHELLI, SHELLD, SHELLC, ORDERI, ORDERD, ORDERC, REORDI, REORDD and REORDC are much more efficient routines for sorting arrays or sorting a set of parallel arrays using one of the set as a key. The fragment presented here is useful for performing update insertions into previously ordered arrays.) For more ideas regarding the use of this routine, see LSTLEC and LSTLTC. Restrictions1) If the sequence of integer numbers in the input array ARRAY is not non-decreasing, the program will run to completion but the index found will not mean anything. Literature_ReferencesNone. Author_and_InstitutionJ. Diaz del Rio (ODC Space) H.A. Neilan (JPL) W.L. Taber (JPL) VersionSPICELIB Version 1.1.0, 26-OCT-2021 (JDR) Added IMPLICIT NONE statement. Edited the header to comply with NAIF standard. Removed unnecessary $Revisions section. Improved $Detailed_Input, $Detailed_Output, $Particulars, $Exceptions and $Restrictions sections. SPICELIB Version 1.0.1, 10-MAR-1992 (WLT) Comment section for permuted index source lines was added following the header. SPICELIB Version 1.0.0, 31-JAN-1990 (WLT) (HAN) |
Fri Dec 31 18:36:32 2021