chbint |
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ProcedureCHBINT ( Interpolate a Chebyshev expansion ) SUBROUTINE CHBINT ( CP, DEGP, X2S, X, P, DPDX ) AbstractReturn the value of a polynomial and its derivative, evaluated at the input X, using the coefficients of the Chebyshev expansion of the polynomial. Required_ReadingNone. KeywordsINTERPOLATION MATH POLYNOMIAL DeclarationsIMPLICIT NONE DOUBLE PRECISION CP ( * ) INTEGER DEGP DOUBLE PRECISION X2S ( 2 ) DOUBLE PRECISION X DOUBLE PRECISION P DOUBLE PRECISION DPDX Brief_I/OVARIABLE I/O DESCRIPTION -------- --- -------------------------------------------------- CP I DEGP+1 Chebyshev polynomial coefficients. DEGP I Degree of polynomial. X2S I Transformation parameters of polynomial. X I Value for which the polynomial is to be evaluated P O Value of the polynomial at X DPDX O Value of the derivative of the polynomial at X Detailed_InputCP is an array of coefficients of a polynomial with respect to the Chebyshev basis. The polynomial to be evaluated is assumed to be of the form: CP(DEGP+1)*T(DEGP,S) + CP(DEGP)*T(DEGP-1,S) + ... + CP(2)*T(1,S) + CP(1)*T(0,S) where T(I,S) is the I'th Chebyshev polynomial evaluated at a number S whose double precision value lies between -1 and 1. The value of S is computed from the input variables X2S(1), X2S(2) and X. DEGP is the degree of the Chebyshev polynomial to be evaluated. X2S is an array of two parameters. These parameters are used to transform the domain of the input variable X into the standard domain of the Chebyshev polynomial. X2S(1) should be a reference point in the domain of X; X2S(2) should be the radius by which points are allowed to deviate from the reference point and while remaining within the domain of X. The value of X is transformed into the value S given by S = ( X - X2S(1) ) / X2S(2) Typically X2S(1) is the midpoint of the interval over which X is allowed to vary and X2S(2) is the radius of the interval. The main reason for doing this is that a Chebyshev expansion is usually fit to data over a span from A to B where A and B are not -1 and 1 respectively. Thus to get the "best fit" the data was transformed to the interval [-1,1] and coefficients generated. These coefficients are not rescaled to the interval of the data so that the numerical "robustness" of the Chebyshev fit will not be lost. Consequently, when the "best fitting" polynomial needs to be evaluated at an intermediate point, the point of evaluation must be transformed in the same way that the generating points were transformed. X is the value for which the polynomial is to be evaluated. Detailed_OutputP is the value of the polynomial to be evaluated. It is given by CP(DEGP+1)*T(DEGP,S) + CP(DEGP)*T(DEGP-1,S) + ... + CP(2)*T(1,S) + CP(1)*T(0,S) where T(I,S) is the I'th Chebyshev polynomial evaluated at a number S = ( X - X2S(1) )/X2S(2) DPDX is the value of the derivative of the polynomial at X. It is given by 1/X2S(2) [ CP(DEGP+1)*T'(DEGP,S) + CP(DEGP)*T'(DEGP-1,S) + ... + CP(2)*T'(1,S) + CP(1)*T'(0,S) ] where T(I,S) and T'(I,S) are the I'th Chebyshev polynomial and its derivative, respectively, evaluated at a number S = ( X - X2S(1) )/X2S(2) ParametersNone. ExceptionsError free. 1) No tests are performed for exceptional values (DEGP negative, etc.). This routine is expected to be used at a low level in ephemeris evaluations. For that reason it has been elected as a routine that will not participate in error handling. FilesNone. ParticularsThis routine computes the value of a Chebyshev polynomial expansion and the derivative of the expansion with respect to X. The polynomial is given by CP(DEGP+1)*T(DEGP,S) + CP(DEGP)*T(DEGP-1,S) + ... + CP(2)*T(1,S) + CP(1)*T(0,S) where S = ( X - X2S(1) ) / X2S(2) and T(I,S) is the I'th Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind evaluated at S. ExamplesThe numerical results shown for this example may differ across platforms. The results depend on the SPICE kernels used as input, the compiler and supporting libraries, and the machine specific arithmetic implementation. 1) Depending upon the user's needs, there are 3 routines available for evaluating Chebyshev polynomials. CHBVAL for evaluating a Chebyshev polynomial when no derivatives are desired. CHBINT for evaluating a Chebyshev polynomial and its first derivative. CHBDER for evaluating a Chebyshev polynomial and a user or application dependent number of derivatives. Of these 3 the one most commonly employed by SPICE software is CHBINT as it is used to interpolate ephemeris state vectors; this requires the evaluation of a polynomial and its derivative. When no derivatives are desired one should use CHBVAL, or when more than one or an unknown number of derivatives are desired one should use CHBDER. The code example below illustrates how this routine might be used to obtain points for plotting a polynomial and its derivative. Example code begins here. PROGRAM CHBINT_EX1 IMPLICIT NONE C C Local variables. C DOUBLE PRECISION CP (7) DOUBLE PRECISION DPDX DOUBLE PRECISION X DOUBLE PRECISION P DOUBLE PRECISION X2S (2) INTEGER DEGP INTEGER I C C Set the coefficients of the polynomial and its C transformation parameters C DATA CP / 1.D0, 3.D0, 0.5D0, . 1.D0, 0.5D0, -1.D0, . 1.D0 / DATA X2S / 0.5D0, 3.D0 / DEGP = 6 X = 1.D0 CALL CHBINT ( CP, DEGP, X2S, X, P, DPDX ) WRITE(*,'(A,F10.6)') . 'Value of the polynomial at X=1: ', P WRITE(*,'(A,F10.6)') ' First derivative' . // ' at X=1 : ', DPDX END When this program was executed on a Mac/Intel/gfortran/64-bit platform, the output was: Value of the polynomial at X=1: -0.340878 First derivative at X=1 : 0.382716 Restrictions1) One needs to be careful that the value (X-X2S(1)) / X2S(2) lies between -1 and 1. Otherwise, the routine may fail spectacularly (for example with a floating point overflow). Literature_References[1] W. Press, B. Flannery, S. Teukolsky and W. Vetterling, "Numerical Recipes -- The Art of Scientific Computing," chapter 5.4, "Recurrence Relations and Clenshaw's Recurrence Formula," p 161, Cambridge University Press, 1986. [2] T. Rivlin, "The Chebyshev Polynomials," Wiley, 1974. [3] R. Weast and S. Selby, "CRC Handbook of Tables for Mathematics," 4th Edition, CRC Press, 1976. Author_and_InstitutionJ. Diaz del Rio (ODC Space) W.L. Taber (JPL) VersionSPICELIB Version 1.1.0, 26-OCT-2021 (JDR) Added IMPLICIT NONE statement. Updated the header to comply with NAIF standard. Added full code example. SPICELIB Version 1.0.1, 10-MAR-1992 (WLT) Comment section for permuted index source lines was added following the header. SPICELIB Version 1.0.0, 31-JAN-1990 (WLT) |
Fri Dec 31 18:36:01 2021