spke20 |
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ProcedureSPKE20 ( SPK, evaluate Chebyshev polynomials, type 20 ) SUBROUTINE SPKE20 ( ET, RECORD, XYZDOT ) AbstractEvaluate a single data record from an SPK or PCK segment of type 20 (Chebyshev polynomials, velocity only). Required_ReadingSPK PCK KeywordsEPHEMERIS DeclarationsIMPLICIT NONE DOUBLE PRECISION ET DOUBLE PRECISION RECORD ( * ) DOUBLE PRECISION XYZDOT ( 6 ) Brief_I/OVARIABLE I/O DESCRIPTION -------- --- -------------------------------------------------- ET I Evaluation epoch. RECORD I Data record. XYZDOT O Three function components and their derivatives. Detailed_InputET is the epoch at which a state vector or Euler angle state is to be computed. The epoch is represented as seconds past J2000 TDB. RECORD is a data record which, when evaluated at epoch ET, will yield three function components and their derivatives with respect to time. The record structure for SPK type 20 data is: +--------------------------------------+ | record size (excluding this element) | +--------------------------------------+ | Coverage interval midpoint | +--------------------------------------+ | Coverage interval radius | +--------------------------------------+ | Coeffs for X velocity component | +--------------------------------------+ | Coeffs for Y velocity component | +--------------------------------------+ | Coeffs for Z velocity component | +--------------------------------------+ | X position component | +--------------------------------------+ | Y position component | +--------------------------------------+ | Z position component | +--------------------------------------+ In the above record - Times are expressed as seconds past J2000 TDB. - Position components have units of km. - Velocity coefficients have units of km/s. See PCKE20 for a description of PCK type 20 records. PCK type 20 records contain coefficients for Euler angle rates and Euler angles corresponding to the interval midpoint. See PCKE20 for a more detailed description of the contents of PCK type 20 records. Detailed_OutputXYZDOT is a 6-vector. In order, the components of XYZDOT are X, Y, Z, X', Y', and Z'. Units for state evaluations will be km and km/sec. Units for angles will be radians and radians/sec. ParametersNone. Exceptions1) If the input record contains an invalid coefficient count, the error SPICE(INVALIDCOUNT) is signaled. 2) If the input record contains invalid domain transformation parameters, an error is signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine. FilesNone. ParticularsThis routine evaluates both type 20 SPK and PCK records. The exact format and structure of type 20 (Chebyshev polynomials, position only) segments are described in the SPK and PCK Required Reading files. A type 20 record contains three sets of Chebyshev coefficients--- one set each for velocity components dX/dt, dY/dt, and dZ/dt. It also contains a position vector (or for a PCK record, Euler angles) associated with the midpoint of the record's coverage interval. The position (or orientation) is obtained from the indefinite integral of the velocity and the given vector. ExamplesThe data returned by the routine is in its rawest form, taken directly from the segment. As such, it will be meaningless to a user unless he/she understands the structure of the data type completely. The code fragment below demonstrates reading and evaluating a type 20 SPK record. C C Get a segment applicable to a specified body and epoch. C CALL SPKSFS ( BODY, ET, HANDLE, DESCR, IDENT, FOUND ) C C Look at parts of the descriptor. C CALL DAFUS ( DESCR, 2, 6, DCD, ICD ) CENTER = ICD( 2 ) REF = ICD( 3 ) TYPE = ICD( 4 ) IF ( TYPE .EQ. 20 ) THEN CALL SPKR20 ( HANDLE, DESCR, ET, RECORD ) . . Look at the RECORD data. . CALL SPKE20 ( ET, RECORD, XYZDOT ) . . Check out the evaluated state. . END IF RestrictionsNone. Literature_ReferencesNone. Author_and_InstitutionN.J. Bachman (JPL) J. Diaz del Rio (ODC Space) R.E. Thurman (JPL) K.S. Zukor (JPL) VersionSPICELIB Version 1.1.0, 14-APR-2021 (JDR) Added IMPLICIT NONE statement. Edited the header to comply with NAIF standard. Moved SPK required reading from $Literature_References to $Required_Reading section. SPICELIB Version 1.0.0, 17-JAN-2014 (NJB) (RET) (KSZ) |
Fri Dec 31 18:36:52 2021