ckgr04 |
Table of contents
ProcedureCKGR04 ( C-kernel, get record, type 04 ) SUBROUTINE CKGR04 ( HANDLE, DESCR, RECNO, RECORD ) AbstractReturn a specified pointing record from a CK type 04 segment. The segment is identified by a CK file handle and segment descriptor. Required_ReadingCK DAF KeywordsPOINTING DeclarationsIMPLICIT NONE INCLUDE '' INTEGER HANDLE DOUBLE PRECISION DESCR ( * ) INTEGER RECNO DOUBLE PRECISION RECORD ( * ) Brief_I/OVARIABLE I/O DESCRIPTION -------- --- -------------------------------------------------- HANDLE I The handle of the file containing the segment. DESCR I The segment descriptor. RECNO I The number of the pointing record to be returned. RECORD O The pointing record. Detailed_InputHANDLE is the handle of the binary CK file containing the desired segment. The file should have been opened for read or write access, either by CKLPF, DAFOPR, or DAFOPW. DESCR is the packed descriptor of the data type 4 segment. RECNO is the number of the pointing record to be returned from the data type 4 segment. Detailed_OutputRECORD is the pointing record indexed by RECNO in the segment. The contents of the record are as follows: --------------------------------------------------- | The midpoint of the approximation interval | --------------------------------------------------- | The radius of the approximation interval | --------------------------------------------------- | Number of coefficients for q0 | --------------------------------------------------- | Number of coefficients for q1 | --------------------------------------------------- | Number of coefficients for q2 | --------------------------------------------------- | Number of coefficients for q3 | --------------------------------------------------- | Number of coefficients for AV1 | --------------------------------------------------- | Number of coefficients for AV2 | --------------------------------------------------- | Number of coefficients for AV3 | --------------------------------------------------- | q0 Cheby coefficients | --------------------------------------------------- | q1 Cheby coefficients | --------------------------------------------------- | q2 Cheby coefficients | --------------------------------------------------- | q3 Cheby coefficients | --------------------------------------------------- | AV1 Cheby coefficients (optional) | --------------------------------------------------- | AV2 Cheby coefficients (optional) | --------------------------------------------------- | AV3 Cheby coefficients (optional) | --------------------------------------------------- ParametersSee ''. Exceptions1) If the segment is not of data type 4, the error SPICE(CKWRONGDATATYPE) is signaled. 2) If RECNO is less than one or greater than the number of records in the specified segment, the error SPICE(CKNONEXISTREC) is signaled. 3) If the specified handle does not belong to any DAF file that is currently known to be open, an error is signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine. 4) If DESCR is not a valid descriptor of a segment in the CK file specified by HANDLE, the results of this routine are unpredictable. FilesThe file specified by HANDLE should be open for read or write access. ParticularsFor a detailed description of the structure of a type 4 segment, see the CK required reading. This is a utility routine that may be used to read the individual pointing records that make up a type 4 segment. It is normally used in conjunction with CKNR04, which gives the number of pointing records stored in a segment. ExamplesSuppose that DATA.BC is a CK file that contains segments of data type 4. Then the following code fragment extracts the data packets contained in the segment. C C CK parameters include file. C INCLUDE '' C C Local variables. C DOUBLE PRECISION DCD ( 2 ) DOUBLE PRECISION DESCR ( 5 ) DOUBLE PRECISION PKTDAT ( CK4RSZ ) INTEGER AVFLAG INTEGER HANDLE INTEGER I INTEGER ICD ( 6 ) INTEGER K INTEGER LASTAD INTEGER NCOEF ( QAVSIZ ) INTEGER NREC LOGICAL FOUND C C First load the file. (The file may also be opened by using C CKLPF.) C CALL DAFOPR ( 'DATA.BC', HANDLE ) C C Begin forward search. Find the first array. C CALL DAFBFS ( HANDLE ) CALL DAFFNA ( FOUND ) C C Get segment descriptor. C CALL DAFGS ( DESCR ) C C Unpack the segment descriptor into its double precision C and integer components. C CALL DAFUS ( DESCR, 2, 6, DCD, ICD ) IF ( ICD( 3 ) .EQ. 4 ) THEN C C How many records does this segment contain? C CALL CKNR04 ( HANDLE, DESCR, NREC ) DO I = 1, NREC C C Get the data records stored in the segment. C CALL CKGR04 ( HANDLE, DESCR, I, PKTDAT ) C C Print data packet contents. Print coverage interval C midpoint & radii first. C WRITE (2,*) PKTDAT (1) WRITE (2,*) PKTDAT (2) C C Decode numbers of coefficients. C CALL ZZCK4D2I ( PKTDAT(3), QAVSIZ, CK4PCD, NCOEF ) C C Print number of coefficients for Q0, Q1, Q2 and Q3. C WRITE (2,FMT='(I2,6X,I2)') NCOEF( 1 ), NCOEF( 2 ) WRITE (2,FMT='(I2,6X,I2)') NCOEF( 3 ), NCOEF( 4 ) C C Print number coefficients for AV1, AV2 and AV3. C WRITE (2,FMT='(I2,6X,I2)') NCOEF( 5 ), NCOEF( 6 ) WRITE (2,FMT='(I2,6X,I2)') NCOEF( 7 ) C C Print Cheby coefficients. C LASTAD = 0 DO K = 1, QAVSIZ LASTAD = LASTAD + NCOEF( K ) END DO DO K = 4, LASTAD + 4 WRITE (2,*) PKTDAT (K) END DO END DO END IF Restrictions1) The binary CK file containing the segment whose descriptor was passed to this routine must be opened for read or write access by either CKLPF, DAFOPR, or DAFOPW. Literature_ReferencesNone. Author_and_InstitutionJ. Diaz del Rio (ODC Space) B.V. Semenov (JPL) Y.K. Zaiko (JPL) VersionSPICELIB Version 1.0.2, 26-OCT-2021 (JDR) Edited the header to comply with NAIF standard. SPICELIB Version 1.0.1, 18-APR-2014 (BVS) Minor header edits. SPICELIB Version 1.0.0, 05-MAY-1999 (YKZ) (BVS) |
Fri Dec 31 18:36:02 2021