readla |
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ProcedureREADLA ( Read array of lines from a logical unit ) SUBROUTINE READLA ( UNIT, MAXLIN, NUMLIN, ARRAY, EOF ) AbstractRead lines from a Fortran logical unit and place them in a character string array. Required_ReadingNone. KeywordsUTILITY DeclarationsIMPLICIT NONE INTEGER UNIT INTEGER MAXLIN INTEGER NUMLIN CHARACTER*(*) ARRAY(*) LOGICAL EOF Brief_I/OVARIABLE I/O DESCRIPTION -------- --- -------------------------------------------------- UNIT I Fortran unit number to use for input. MAXLIN I Maximum number of lines ARRAY can hold. NUMLIN O Number of lines read from the file. ARRAY O Array containing the lines read from the file. EOF O Logical flag indicating the end of file. Detailed_InputUNIT is the Fortran unit number for the input. This may be either the unit number for the terminal, or the unit number of a previously opened text file. MAXLIN is the maximum number of text lines that can be placed into the ARRAY. Detailed_OutputNUMLIN is the number of text lines read from the file attached to UNIT and placed into ARRAY. 0 <= NUMLIN <= MAXLIN. In the event of an error while attempting to read a line from the text file attached to UNIT, NUMLIN will contain the number of lines successfully read before the error occurred. ARRAY is the array which is to contain the lines of text read from the text file attached to UNIT. If an error or the end of file occurs while reading from the text file attached to UNIT, this array will contain the NUMLIN successfully read lines ARRAY(1) through ARRAY(NUMLIN). EOF on output, this variable will be set to .TRUE. if the end of file ( IOSTAT < 0 ) is encountered during an attempt to read from UNIT. Otherwise, this variable will be set to .FALSE. ParametersNone. Exceptions1) If the maximum number of lines, MAXLIN, is not positive, the error SPICE(INVALIDARGUMENT) is signaled. 2) If an error occurs while attempting to read from the text file attached to unit, the error is signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine. FilesSee the description of UNIT above. ParticularsThis routine reads lines of text from a file, placing each line into an element of a character string array. An end of file flag will have the value .TRUE. if the end of file is reached while reading. If the file contains more lines than the character string array ARRAY can hold, as specified by the argument MAXLIN, the routine will return and the end of file flag will have the value .FALSE., indicating that there are more lines of text that may be read from the file. Upon successful completion, the variable NUMLIN will contain the number of lines of text placed into the character string array. This value may be zero. ExamplesFor the examples which follow, assume that we have a file named 'mary.txt' which contains the following lines of text: <BOF> Mary had a little lamb Whose fleece was white as snow And every where that Mary went The lamb was sure to go <EOF> where <BOF> marks the beginning of the file <EOF> marks the end of the file For each example, assume that we have opened the file 'mary.txt', obtaining the Fortran logical unit TXTLUN, and that we are positioned to begin reading at the beginning of the file, '<BOF>'. For brevity, none of the examples perform any error handling functions: they simply assume that everything will work. Example 1: ARRAY is large enough to contain the entire contents of the file. CHARACTER*(80) ARRAY(10) INTEGER NUMLIN LOGICAL EOF CALL READLA ( TXTLUN, 10, NUMLIN, ARRAY, EOF ) At this point the output variables NUMLIN, ARRAY, and EOF have the following values: NUMLIN = 4 ARRAY(1) = 'Mary had a little lamb' ARRAY(2) = 'Whose fleece was white as snow' ARRAY(3) = 'And every where that Mary went' ARRAY(4) = 'The lamb was sure to go' EOF = .TRUE. Example 2: ARRAY is not large enough to contain the entire contents of the file -- perform multiple reads. CHARACTER*(80) ARRAY(3) INTEGER NUMLIN LOGICAL EOF EOF = .FALSE. DO WHILE ( .NOT. EOF ) CALL READLA ( TXTLUN, 3, NUMLIN, ARRAY, EOF ) END DO Because the line buffer ARRAY may contain at most 3 lines and the file contains 4 lines, the loop calling READLA will be executed twice, terminating after the second call because EOF will be true. After the first call to READLA the output variables NUMLIN, ARRAY, and EOF have the following values: NUMLIN = 3 ARRAY(1) = 'Mary had a little lamb' ARRAY(2) = 'Whose fleece was white as snow' ARRAY(3) = 'And every where that Mary went' EOF = .FALSE. After the second call to READLA the output variables NUMLIN, ARRAY, and EOF have the following values: NUMLIN = 1 ARRAY(1) = 'The lamb was sure to go' EOF = .TRUE. RestrictionsNone. Literature_ReferencesNone. Author_and_InstitutionJ. Diaz del Rio (ODC Space) K.R. Gehringer (JPL) VersionSPICELIB Version 1.1.0, 26-OCT-2021 (JDR) Added IMPLICIT NONE statement. Edited the header to comply with NAIF standard. Moved $Version history entries for relevant Beta versions to $Revisions section. SPICELIB Version 1.0.0, 20-DEC-1995 (KRG) |
Fri Dec 31 18:36:41 2021