dnearp |
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ProcedureDNEARP ( Derivative of near point ) SUBROUTINE DNEARP ( STATE, A, B, C, DNEAR, DALT, FOUND ) AbstractCompute the state (position and velocity) of an ellipsoid surface point nearest to the position component of a specified state. Required_ReadingNone. KeywordsDERIVATIVE ELLIPSOID GEOMETRY DeclarationsIMPLICIT NONE DOUBLE PRECISION STATE ( 6 ) DOUBLE PRECISION A DOUBLE PRECISION B DOUBLE PRECISION C DOUBLE PRECISION DNEAR ( 6 ) DOUBLE PRECISION DALT ( 2 ) LOGICAL FOUND Brief_I/OVARIABLE I/O DESCRIPTION -------- --- -------------------------------------------------- STATE I State of an object in body-fixed coordinates. A I Length of semi-axis parallel to X-axis. B I Length of semi-axis parallel to Y-axis. C I Length on semi-axis parallel to Z-axis. DNEAR O State of the nearest point on the ellipsoid. DALT O Altitude and derivative of altitude. FOUND O Flag that indicates whether DNEAR is degenerate. Detailed_InputSTATE is a 6-vector giving the position and velocity of some object in the body-fixed coordinates of the ellipsoid. In body-fixed coordinates, the semi-axes of the ellipsoid are aligned with the X, Y, and Z-axes of the coordinate system. A is the length of the semi-axis of the ellipsoid that is parallel to the X-axis of the body-fixed coordinate system. B is the length of the semi-axis of the ellipsoid that is parallel to the Y-axis of the body-fixed coordinate system. C is the length of the semi-axis of the ellipsoid that is parallel to the Z-axis of the body-fixed coordinate system. Detailed_OutputDNEAR is the 6-vector giving the position and velocity in body-fixed coordinates of the point on the ellipsoid, closest to the object whose position and velocity are represented by STATE. While the position component of DNEAR is always meaningful, the velocity component of DNEAR will be meaningless if FOUND if .FALSE. (See the discussion of the meaning of FOUND below.) DALT is an array of two double precision numbers. The first gives the altitude of STATE with respect to the ellipsoid. The second gives the rate of change of the altitude. Note that the rate of change of altitude is meaningful if and only if FOUND is .TRUE. (See the discussion of the meaning of FOUND below.) FOUND is a logical flag indicating whether or not the velocity portion of DNEAR is meaningful. If the velocity portion of DNEAR is meaningful FOUND will be returned with a value of .TRUE. Under very rare circumstance the velocity of the near point is undefined. Under these circumstances FOUND will be returned with the value .FALSE. FOUND can be .FALSE. only for states whose position components are inside the ellipsoid and then only at points on a special surface contained inside the ellipsoid called the focal set of the ellipsoid. A point in the interior is on this special surface only if there are two or more points on the ellipsoid that are closest to it. The origin is such a point and the only such point if the ellipsoid is a sphere. For non-spheroidal ellipsoids the focal set contains small portions of the planes of symmetry of the ellipsoid. ParametersNone. Exceptions1) If the axes are non-positive, an error is signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine. 2) If an object is passing through the interior of an ellipsoid there are points at which there is more than 1 point on the ellipsoid that is closest to the object. At these points the velocity of the near point is undefined. (See the description of the output variable FOUND). FilesNone. ParticularsIf an object is moving relative to some triaxial body along a trajectory C(t) then there is a companion trajectory N(t) that gives the point on the ellipsoid that is closest to C(t) as a function of `t'. The instantaneous position and velocity of C(t), STATE, are sufficient to compute the instantaneous position and velocity of N(t), DNEAR. This routine computes DNEAR from STATE. In addition it returns the altitude and rate of change of altitude. Note that this routine can compute DNEAR for STATE outside, on, or inside the ellipsoid. However, the velocity of DNEAR and derivative of altitude do not exist for a "small" set of STATE in the interior of the ellipsoid. See the discussion of FOUND above for a description of this set of points. ExamplesThe numerical results shown for these examples may differ across platforms. The results depend on the SPICE kernels used as input, the compiler and supporting libraries, and the machine specific arithmetic implementation. 1) Suppose you wish to compute the velocity of the ground track of a satellite as it passes over a location on Mars and that the moment of passage has been previously determined. (We assume that the spacecraft is close enough to the surface that light time corrections do not matter.) Use the meta-kernel shown below to load the required SPICE kernels. KPL/MK File: dnearp_ex1.tm This meta-kernel is intended to support operation of SPICE example programs. The kernels shown here should not be assumed to contain adequate or correct versions of data required by SPICE-based user applications. In order for an application to use this meta-kernel, the kernels referenced here must be present in the user's current working directory. The names and contents of the kernels referenced by this meta-kernel are as follows: File name Contents --------- -------- pck00010.tpc Planet orientation and radii naif0012.tls Leapseconds de430.bsp Planetary ephemeris mar097.bsp Mars satellite ephemeris mro_psp4_ssd_mro95a.bsp MRO ephemeris \begindata KERNELS_TO_LOAD = ( 'pck00010.tpc', 'naif0012.tls', 'de430.bsp', 'mar097.bsp', 'mro_psp4_ssd_mro95a.bsp' ) \begintext End of meta-kernel Example code begins here. PROGRAM DNEARP_EX1 IMPLICIT NONE C C SPICELIB functions C DOUBLE PRECISION VNORM C C Local parameters C CHARACTER*(*) BODYNM PARAMETER ( BODYNM = 'MARS' ) CHARACTER*(*) META PARAMETER ( META = 'dnearp_ex1.tm' ) C C Local variables C DOUBLE PRECISION A DOUBLE PRECISION B DOUBLE PRECISION C DOUBLE PRECISION DALT ( 2 ) DOUBLE PRECISION DNEAR ( 6 ) DOUBLE PRECISION ET DOUBLE PRECISION LT DOUBLE PRECISION RADII ( 3 ) DOUBLE PRECISION STATE ( 6 ) DOUBLE PRECISION GTVEL ( 3 ) INTEGER DIM LOGICAL FOUND C C Load kernel files via the meta-kernel. C CALL FURNSH ( META ) C C Convert the TDB input time string to seconds past C J2000, TDB. C CALL STR2ET ( '2007 SEP 30 00:00:00 TDB', ET ) C C First get the axes of the body. C CALL BODVRD ( BODYNM, 'RADII', 3, DIM, RADII ) CALL VUPACK ( RADII, A, B, C ) C C Get the geometric state of the spacecraft with C respect to BODYNM in the body-fixed reference frame C at ET and compute the state of the sub-spacecraft point. C CALL SPKEZR ( 'MRO', ET, 'IAU_MARS', 'NONE', . BODYNM, STATE, LT ) CALL DNEARP ( STATE, A, B, C, DNEAR, DALT, FOUND ) IF ( FOUND ) THEN C C DNEAR contains the state of the subspacecraft point. C CALL VEQU ( DNEAR(4), GTVEL ) WRITE(*,'(A,3F10.6)') . 'Ground-track velocity (km/s):', GTVEL WRITE(*,'(A,F10.6)') . 'Ground-track speed (km/s):', VNORM( GTVEL ) ELSE WRITE(*,*) 'DNEAR is degenerate.' END IF END When this program was executed on a Mac/Intel/gfortran/64-bit platform, the output was: Ground-track velocity (km/s): 0.505252 1.986553 -2.475506 Ground-track speed (km/s): 3.214001 2) Suppose you wish to compute the one-way doppler shift of a radar mounted on board a spacecraft as it passes over some region. Moreover, assume that for your purposes it is sufficient to neglect effects of atmosphere, topography and antenna pattern for the sake of this computation. Use the meta-kernel from Example 1 above. Example code begins here. PROGRAM DNEARP_EX2 IMPLICIT NONE C C SPICELIB functions C DOUBLE PRECISION CLIGHT C C Local parameters C CHARACTER*(*) BODYNM PARAMETER ( BODYNM = 'MARS' ) CHARACTER*(*) META PARAMETER ( META = 'dnearp_ex1.tm' ) C C Define the central frequency of the radar, C in megahertz. C DOUBLE PRECISION RCFRQ PARAMETER ( RCFRQ = 20.D0 ) C C Local variables C DOUBLE PRECISION A DOUBLE PRECISION B DOUBLE PRECISION C DOUBLE PRECISION DALT ( 2 ) DOUBLE PRECISION DNEAR ( 6 ) DOUBLE PRECISION ET DOUBLE PRECISION LT DOUBLE PRECISION RADII ( 3 ) DOUBLE PRECISION SHIFT DOUBLE PRECISION STATE ( 6 ) INTEGER DIM LOGICAL FOUND C C Load kernel files via the meta-kernel. C CALL FURNSH ( META ) C C Convert the TDB input time string to seconds past C J2000, TDB. C CALL STR2ET ( '2007 SEP 30 00:00:00 TDB', ET ) C C First get the axes of the body. C CALL BODVRD ( BODYNM, 'RADII', 3, DIM, RADII ) CALL VUPACK ( RADII, A, B, C ) C C Get the geometric state of the spacecraft with C respect to BODYNM in the body-fixed reference frame C at ET and compute the state of the sub-spacecraft point. C CALL SPKEZR ( 'MRO', ET, 'IAU_MARS', 'NONE', . BODYNM, STATE, LT ) CALL DNEARP ( STATE, A, B, C, DNEAR, DALT, FOUND ) IF ( FOUND ) THEN C C The change in frequency is given by multiplying SHIFT C times the carrier frequency C SHIFT = ( DALT(2) / CLIGHT() ) WRITE(*,'(A,F20.16)') 'Central frequency (MHz):', . RCFRQ WRITE(*,'(A,F20.16)') 'Doppler shift (MHz):', . RCFRQ * SHIFT ELSE WRITE(*,*) 'DNEAR is degenerate.' END IF END When this program was executed on a Mac/Intel/gfortran/64-bit platform, the output was: Central frequency (MHz): 20.0000000000000000 Doppler shift (MHz): -0.0000005500991159 RestrictionsNone. Literature_ReferencesNone. Author_and_InstitutionN.J. Bachman (JPL) J. Diaz del Rio (ODC Space) W.L. Taber (JPL) E.D. Wright (JPL) VersionSPICELIB Version 2.0.0, 26-OCT-2021 (JDR) (EDW) Reimplemented routine using ZZDNPT. Edited the header to comply with NAIF standard. Added complete code examples, based on the existing code fragments. SPICELIB Version 1.1.2, 26-JUN-2008 (NJB) Corrected spelling error in abstract; re-wrote abstract text. SPICELIB Version 1.1.1, 24-OCT-2005 (NJB) Header update: changed references to BODVAR to references to BODVCD. SPICELIB Version 1.1.0, 05-MAR-1998 (WLT) In the previous version of the routine FOUND could be returned without being set to .TRUE. when the velocity of the near point and rate of change of altitude could be determined. This error has been corrected. SPICELIB Version 1.0.0, 15-JUN-1995 (WLT) |
Fri Dec 31 18:36:14 2021