wrenci |
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ProcedureWRENCI ( Write encoded integers to text file ) SUBROUTINE WRENCI ( UNIT, N, DATA ) AbstractEncode and write integers to a text file. Required_ReadingNone. KeywordsCONVERSION NUMBERS UTILITY DeclarationsIMPLICIT NONE INTEGER UNIT INTEGER N INTEGER DATA(*) Brief_I/OVARIABLE I/O DESCRIPTION -------- --- -------------------------------------------------- UNIT I Fortran unit number of output text file. N I Number of integers to encode and write. DATA I List of integers to be encoded and written. Detailed_InputUNIT is the Fortran unit number for a previously opened text file. All writing will begin at the CURRENT POSITION in the text file. N is the number of integers to be encoded and written to the text file attached to UNIT. DATA is the list of integers to be encoded and written to the text file attached to UNIT. Detailed_OutputSee the $Particulars section for a description of the effect of this routine. ParametersNone. Exceptions1) If N, the number of data items, is not positive, the error SPICE(INVALIDARGUMENT) is signaled. 2) If an error occurs while writing to the text file attached to UNIT, the error SPICE(FILEWRITEFAILED) is signaled. 3) If the Fortran logical unit UNIT is not defined, the results of this routine are unpredictable. FilesSee the description of UNIT in the $Detailed_Input section. ParticularsThis routine will accept a list of one or more integers which it will encode into equivalent text strings and write to the current position in a text file. The current position in a file is defined to be the text line immediately following the last text line that was written or read. The encoded integers are written to the output text file as quoted character strings so that a Fortran list directed read may be used to read the encoded values, rather than a formatted read with the format specifier FMT = '(A)'. This routine is one of a pair of routines which are used to encode and decode integers: WRENCI -- Encode and write integers to a file. RDENCI -- Read and decode integers from a file. The encoding/decoding of integers is performed to provide a portable means for transferring data values. Currently the text string produced will be a signed hexadecimal number See INT2HX.FOR and HX2INT.FOR for details. ExamplesPlease note that the output format in the examples is not intended to be exactly identical with the output format of this routine in actual use. The output format used in the examples is intended to aid in the understanding of how this routine works. It is NOT intended to be a specification of the output format for this routine. Let UNIT be the Fortran logical unit of a previously opened text file. N = 100 DATA(I) = I, I = 1, N Then, the subroutine call CALL WRENCI( UNIT, N, DATA ) will write the first 100 integers, encoded, to the output text file attached to UNIT, beginning at the current position in the output file, which is marked by an arrow, '-->'. The resulting output will look something like the following: -->'1' '2' '3' '4' '5' '6' '7' '8' '9' 'A' 'B' 'C' 'D' 'E' 'F' '10' '11' '12' '13' '14' '15' '16' '17' '18' '19' '1A' '1B' '1C' '1D' '1E' '1F' '20' '21' '22' '23' '24' '25' '26' '27' '28' '29' '2A' '2B' '2C' '2D' '2E' '2F' '30' '31' '32' '33' '34' '35' '36' '37' '38' '39' '3A' '3B' '3C' '3D' '3E' '3F' '40' '41' '42' '43' '44' '45' '46' '47' '48' '49' '4A' '4B' '4C' '4D' '4E' '4F' '50' '51' '52' '53' '54' '55' '56' '57' '58' '59' '5A' '5B' '5C' '5D' '5E' '5F' '60' '61' '62' '63' '64' --> At this point, the arrow marks the position of the file pointer immediately after the call to WRENCI. RestrictionsNone. Literature_ReferencesNone. Author_and_InstitutionJ. Diaz del Rio (ODC Space) K.R. Gehringer (JPL) VersionSPICELIB Version 1.3.0, 13-AUG-2021 (JDR) Added IMPLICIT NONE statement. Edited the header to comply with NAIF standard. SPICELIB Version 1.2.0, 09-SEP-1993 (KRG) The list directed write was changed to a formatted write using the specifier FMT='(A)'. This was done in order to prevent a space from appearing as the first character on each line of the file for certain computer platforms. SPICELIB Version 1.1.0, 21-JUN-1993 (KRG) This routine was modified to avoid the creation of long output lines on some of the supported systems, such as the NeXT with Absoft Fortran 3.2. A disclaimer was added to the $Examples section concerning the output format used. The disclaimer simply states that the output format used in the example is not necessarily the output format actually used by the routine. SPICELIB Version 1.0.0, 19-OCT-1992 (KRG) |
Fri Dec 31 18:37:08 2021