dasioi |
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ProcedureDASIOI ( DAS, Fortran I/O, integer ) SUBROUTINE DASIOI ( ACTION, UNIT, RECNO, RECORD ) AbstractPerform Fortran reads and writes of DAS integer records. This routine operates on DAS files having native binary format. Required_ReadingDAS KeywordsDAS FILES UTILITY DeclarationsIMPLICIT NONE INTEGER NWI PARAMETER ( NWI = 256 ) CHARACTER*(*) ACTION INTEGER UNIT INTEGER RECNO INTEGER RECORD ( NWI ) Brief_I/OVARIABLE I/O DESCRIPTION -------- --- -------------------------------------------------- ACTION I Action to take (read or write). UNIT I Fortran unit connected to DAS file. RECNO I Number of record to read or write. RECORD I-O DAS integer record. Detailed_InputACTION is a character string specifying whether to read from or write to the specified DAS file. Possible values are: 'READ' 'WRITE' Case and leading or trailing blanks are not significant. UNIT is the Fortran unit number connected to the DAS file that is to be read or written. Given the handle of the DAS file, the unit number can be obtained using ZZDDHHLU. RECNO is the Fortran record number of the record to be read or written. RECORD is an integer array whose contents are to be written to record RECNO, if ACTION is WRITE. Detailed_OutputRECORD is an integer array whose contents are to be set equal to those of record RECNO, if ACTION is READ. ParametersNWI is the number of elements in a DAS integer record. Exceptions1) If the value of ACTION is not recognized, the error SPICE(UNRECOGNIZEDACTION) is signaled. 2) If a Fortran read error occurs, the error SPICE(DASFILEREADFAILED) is signaled. 3) If a Fortran write error occurs, the error SPICE(DASFILEWRITEFAILED) is signaled. FilesSee the description of the argument UNIT in $Detailed_Input. ParticularsThis routine may be used to write to and read from DAS files having the native binary file format of the host system. The routine ZZDASGDI should be used to read integer records from DAS files that may have either native or non-native format. Normally, routines outside of SPICELIB will not need to call this routine directly. Writes to DAS files should be performed using the DASADx and DASUDx routines; reads should be performed using the DASRDx routines. This routine centralizes I/O and the concomitant error handling for DAS integer records. Although most DAS routines use file handles to identify DAS files, this routine uses Fortran logical units for this purpose. Using unit numbers allows the DASIOx routines to be called from any DAS routine, including entry points of DASFM. Examples1) Read and print to the screen integer records number 10 through 20 from the DAS file designated by HANDLE. INTEGER RECORD ( NWI ) . . . CALL ZZDDHHLU ( HANDLE, 'DAS', .FALSE., UNIT ) CALL DASHFN ( HANDLE, NAME ) DO I = 1, 20 CALL DASIOI ( 'READ', UNIT, 10, RECORD ) LABEL = 'Contents of the # record in DAS file #: ' CALL REPMOT ( LABEL, '#', I, 'L', LABEL ) CALL REPMC ( LABEL, '#', NAME, LABEL ) WRITE (*,*) LABEL WRITE (*,*) ' ' WRITE (*,*) RECORD END DO 2) Write the contents of the array RECORD to record number 10 in the DAS file designated by HANDLE. INTEGER RECORD ( NWI ) . . . CALL ZZDDHHLU ( HANDLE, 'DAS', .FALSE., UNIT ) CALL DASIOI ( 'WRITE', UNIT, 10, RECORD ) Restrictions1) This routine may be used only on DAS files having the native binary file format of the host system. Literature_ReferencesNone. Author_and_InstitutionN.J. Bachman (JPL) J. Diaz del Rio (ODC Space) W.L. Taber (JPL) VersionSPICELIB Version 1.1.0, 12-AUG-2021 (JDR) Added IMPLICIT NONE statement. Edited the header to comply with NAIF standard. SPICELIB Version 1.0.1, 05-FEB-2015 (NJB) Header was updated to refer to ZZDDHHLU. $Restrictions section was updated. SPICELIB Version 1.0.0, 30-JUN-1992 (NJB) (WLT) |
Fri Dec 31 18:36:11 2021