twovxf |
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ProcedureTWOVXF ( Two states defining a frame transformation ) SUBROUTINE TWOVXF ( AXDEF, INDEXA, PLNDEF, INDEXP, XFORM ) AbstractFind the state transformation from a base frame to the right-handed frame defined by two state vectors: one state vector defining a specified axis and a second state vector defining a specified coordinate plane. Required_ReadingNone. KeywordsAXES FRAMES MATRIX TRANSFORMATION DeclarationsIMPLICIT NONE DOUBLE PRECISION AXDEF ( 6 ) INTEGER INDEXA DOUBLE PRECISION PLNDEF ( 6 ) INTEGER INDEXP DOUBLE PRECISION XFORM ( 6, 6 ) Brief_I/OVARIABLE I/O DESCRIPTION -------- --- ------------------------------------------------- AXDEF I State defining a principal axis. INDEXA I Principal axis number of AXDEF (X=1, Y=2, Z=3). PLNDEF I State defining (with AXDEF) a principal plane. INDEXP I Second axis number (with INDEXA) of principal plane. XFORM O Output state transformation matrix. Detailed_InputAXDEF is a "generalized" state vector defining one of the principal axes of a reference frame. This vector consists of three components of a vector-valued function of one independent variable `t' followed by the derivatives of the components with respect to that variable: ( a, b, c, da/dt, db/dt, dc/dt ) This routine treats the input states as unitless, but in most applications the input states represent quantities that have associated units. The first three components must have the same units, and the units of the last three components must be compatible with those of the first three: if the first three components of AXDEF ( a, b, c ) have units U and `t' has units T, then the units of AXDEF normally would be ( U, U, U, U/T, U/T, U/T ) Note that the direction and angular velocity defined by AXDEF are actually independent of U, so scaling AXDEF doesn't affect the output of this routine. AXDEF could represent position and velocity; it could also represent velocity and acceleration. AXDEF could for example represent the velocity and acceleration of a time-dependent position vector ( x(t), y(t), z(t) ), in which case AXDEF would be defined by a = dx/dt b = dy/dt c = dz/dt 2 2 da/dt = d x / dt 2 2 db/dt = d y / dt 2 2 dc/dt = d z / dt Below, we'll call the normalized (unit length) version of ( a, b, c ) the "direction" of AXDEF. We call the frame relative to which AXDEF is specified the "base frame." The input state PLNDEF must be specified relative to the same base frame. INDEXA is the index of the reference frame axis that is parallel to the direction of AXDEF. INDEXA Axis ------ ---- 1 X 2 Y 3 Z PLNDEF is a state vector defining (with AXDEF) a principal plane of the reference frame. This vector consists of three components followed by their derivatives with respect to the independent variable `t' associated with AXDEF, so PLNDEF is ( e, f, g, de/dt, df/dt, dg/dt ) Below, we'll call the unitized version of ( e, f, g ) the "direction" of PLNDEF. The second axis of the principal plane containing the direction vectors of AXDEF and PLNDEF is perpendicular to the first axis and has positive dot product with the direction vector of PLNDEF. The first three components of PLNDEF must have the same units, and the units of the last three components must be compatible with those of the first three: if the first three components of PLNDEF ( e, f, g ) have units U2 and `t' has units T, then the units of PLNDEF normally would be ( U2, U2, U2, U2/T, U2/T, U2/T ) Note that ***for meaningful results, the angular velocities defined by AXDEF and PLNDEF must both have units of 1/T.*** As with AXDEF, scaling PLNDEF doesn't affect the output of this routine. AXDEF and PLNDEF must be specified relative to a common reference frame, which we call the "base frame." INDEXP is the index of second axis of the principal frame determined by AXDEF and PLNDEF. The association of integer values and axes is the same as for INDEXA. Detailed_OutputXFORM is the 6x6 matrix that transforms states from the frame relative to which AXDEF and PLNDEF are specified (the "base frame") to the frame whose axes and derivative are determined by AXDEF, PLNDEF, INDEXA and INDEXP. The matrix XFORM has the structure shown below: .- -. | : | | R : 0 | | : | | .......:.......| | : | | dR/dt : R | | : | `- -' where R is a rotation matrix that is a function of the independent variable associated with AXDEF and PLNDEF, and where dR/dt is the derivative of R with respect to that independent variable. ParametersNone. Exceptions1) If INDEXA or INDEXP is not in the set {1,2,3}, the error SPICE(BADINDEX) is signaled. 2) If INDEXA and INDEXP are the same, the error SPICE(UNDEFINEDFRAME) is signaled. 3) If the cross product of the vectors AXDEF and PLNDEF is zero, the error SPICE(DEPENDENTVECTORS) is signaled. FilesNone. ParticularsGiven two linearly independent state vectors AXDEF and PLNDEF, define vectors DIR1 and DIR2 by DIR1 = ( AXDEF(1), AXDEF(2), AXDEF(3) ) DIR2 = ( PLNDEF(1), PLNDEF(2), PLNDEF(3) ) Then there is a unique right-handed reference frame F having: DIR1 lying along the INDEXA axis. DIR2 lying in the INDEXA-INDEXP coordinate plane, such that the dot product of DIR2 with the positive INDEXP axis is positive. This routine determines the 6x6 matrix that transforms states from the base frame used to represent the input vectors to the the frame F determined by AXDEF and PLNDEF. Thus a state vector S = ( x, y, z, dx/dt, dy/dt, dz/dt ) base in the input reference frame will be transformed to S = XFORM * S F base in the frame F determined by AXDEF and PLNDEF. ExamplesThe numerical results shown for this example may differ across platforms. The results depend on the SPICE kernels used as input, the compiler and supporting libraries, and the machine specific arithmetic implementation. 1) The time-dependent Sun-Canopus reference frame associated with a spacecraft uses the spacecraft-sun state to define the Z axis and the Canopus direction to define the X-Z plane. Find the apparent position of the Earth as seen from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft (MRO) at a specified time, relative to the Sun-Canopus reference frame associated with MRO. Use the meta-kernel shown below to load the required SPICE kernels. KPL/MK File: This meta-kernel is intended to support operation of SPICE example programs. The kernels shown here should not be assumed to contain adequate or correct versions of data required by SPICE-based user applications. In order for an application to use this meta-kernel, the kernels referenced here must be present in the user's current working directory. The names and contents of the kernels referenced by this meta-kernel are as follows: File name Contents --------- -------- naif0012.tls Leapseconds de430.bsp Planetary ephemeris mro_psp4_ssd_mro95a.bsp MRO ephemeris \begindata KERNELS_TO_LOAD = ( 'naif0012.tls', 'de430.bsp', 'mro_psp4_ssd_mro95a.bsp' ) \begintext End of meta-kernel Example code begins here. PROGRAM TWOVXF_EX1 IMPLICIT NONE C C SPICELIB functions C DOUBLE PRECISION RPD DOUBLE PRECISION JYEAR C C Local parameters C CHARACTER*(*) META PARAMETER ( META = '' ) C C Define the Right Ascension and Declination, and the C proper motion in both coordinates, of Canopus, relative C to the J2000 frame at J2000 epoch, in degrees and C arcsecond/yr respectively. Note that the values used here C may not be suitable for real applications. C DOUBLE PRECISION RAJ2K PARAMETER ( RAJ2K = 90.3991968556D0 ) DOUBLE PRECISION DECJ2K PARAMETER ( DECJ2K = -52.6956610556D0 ) DOUBLE PRECISION PMRA PARAMETER ( PMRA = 19.93D-3 ) DOUBLE PRECISION PMDEC PARAMETER ( PMDEC = 23.24D-3 ) C C Local variables C DOUBLE PRECISION CANREC ( 3 ) DOUBLE PRECISION DEC DOUBLE PRECISION ET DOUBLE PRECISION LT DOUBLE PRECISION PCANO ( 3 ) DOUBLE PRECISION RA DOUBLE PRECISION RPMRA DOUBLE PRECISION RPMDEC DOUBLE PRECISION STATE ( 6 ) DOUBLE PRECISION STCANO ( 6 ) DOUBLE PRECISION STERTH ( 6 ) DOUBLE PRECISION STSUN ( 6 ) DOUBLE PRECISION XFISC ( 6, 6 ) DOUBLE PRECISION XFORM ( 3, 3 ) INTEGER I C C Load kernel files via the meta-kernel. C CALL FURNSH ( META ) C C Convert the TDB input time string to seconds past C J2000, TDB. C CALL STR2ET ( '2007 SEP 30 00:00:00 TDB', ET ) C C Define an approximate "state vector" for Canopus using C the J2000-relative, unit direction vector toward Canopus C at a specified time ET (time is needed to compute proper C motion) as position and the zero vector as velocity. C CALL CONVRT ( PMRA, 'ARCSECONDS', 'RADIANS', RPMRA ) CALL CONVRT ( PMDEC, 'ARCSECONDS', 'RADIANS', RPMDEC ) RA = RAJ2K * RPD() + RPMRA * ET/JYEAR() DEC = DECJ2K * RPD() + RPMDEC * ET/JYEAR() CALL RADREC ( 1.D0, RA, DEC, PCANO ) C C Compute MRO geometric velocity w.r.t. the Solar System C Barycenter, and use it to correct the Canopus direction C for stellar aberration. C CALL SPKEZR ( 'MRO', ET, 'J2000', 'NONE', . 'SSB', STATE, LT ) CALL STELAB ( PCANO, STATE(4), STCANO ) CALL VPACK ( 0.D0, 0.D0, 0.D0, STCANO(4) ) C C Let STSUN be the J2000-relative apparent state of the Sun C relative to the spacecraft at ET. C CALL SPKEZR ( 'SUN', ET, 'J2000', 'CN+S', . 'MRO', STSUN, LT ) C C The matrix XFISC transforms states from J2000 frame C to the Sun-Canopus reference frame at ET. C CALL TWOVXF ( STSUN, 3, STCANO, 1, XFISC ) C C Compute the apparent state of the Earth as seen from MRO C in the J2000 frame at ET and transform that vector into C the Sun-Canopus reference frame. C CALL SPKEZR ( 'EARTH', ET, 'J2000', 'CN+S', . 'MRO', STATE, LT ) CALL MXVG ( XFISC, STATE, 6, 6, STERTH ) C C Display the results. C WRITE(*,'(A)') 'Earth as seen from MRO in Sun-Canopus ' . // 'frame (km and km/s):' WRITE(*,'(A,3F16.3)') ' position:', . ( STERTH(I), I=1,3 ) WRITE(*,'(A,3F16.3)') ' velocity:', . ( STERTH(I), I=4,6 ) END When this program was executed on a Mac/Intel/gfortran/64-bit platform, the output was: Earth as seen from MRO in Sun-Canopus frame (km and km/s): position: -16659764.322 97343706.915 106745539.738 velocity: 2.691 -10.345 -7.877 RestrictionsNone. Literature_ReferencesNone. Author_and_InstitutionN.J. Bachman (JPL) J. Diaz del Rio (ODC Space) W.M. Owen (JPL) W.L. Taber (JPL) VersionSPICELIB Version 1.1.0, 03-SEP-2020 (JDR) Added IMPLICIT NONE statement. Edited the header to comply with NAIF standard. Added complete code example, based on existing fragment. SPICELIB Version 1.0.0, 18-DEC-2004 (NJB) (WMO) (WLT) |
Fri Dec 31 18:37:03 2021