pcklof |
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ProcedurePCKLOF ( PCK, load binary file ) ENTRY PCKLOF ( FNAME, HANDLE ) AbstractLoad a binary PCK file for use by the readers. Return the handle of the loaded file which is used by other PCK routines to refer to the file. Required_ReadingDAF PCK KeywordsFILES PCK DeclarationsCHARACTER*(*) FNAME INTEGER HANDLE Brief_I/OVARIABLE I/O DESCRIPTION -------- --- -------------------------------------------------- FNAME I Name of the file to be loaded. HANDLE O Loaded file's handle. FTSIZE P Maximum number of loaded PCK files. Detailed_InputFNAME is the character name of the file to be loaded. Detailed_OutputHANDLE is the integer handle assigned to the file upon loading. Other PCK routines will subsequently use this number to refer to the file. ParametersFTSIZE is the maximum number of PCK files that may be loaded simultaneously under any circumstances. FTSIZE is currently set to match the maximum number of DAF files that may be loaded simultaneously. Exceptions1) If an attempt is made to open more DAF files than is specified by the parameter FTSIZE in DAF system, an error is signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine. 2) If an attempt is made to load more files than is specified by the parameter FTSIZE in the PCK subsystem, and if the DAF system has room to load another file, the error SPICE(PCKFILETABLEFULL) is signaled. The current setting of FTSIZE does not allow this situation to arise: the DAF system will trap the error before this routine has the chance. 3) This routine makes use of DAF file system routines and is subject to all of the constraints imposed by the DAF file system. See the DAF Required Reading daf.req or individual DAF routines for details. FilesA file specified by FNAME, to be loaded. The file is assigned a handle by PCKLOF, which will be used by other routines to refer to it. ParticularsIf there is room for a new file in the file table, PCKLOF creates an entry for it, and opens the file for reading. Also, if the file table is empty, PCKLOF initializes it. ExamplesSee $Examples in PCKBSR. RestrictionsNone. Literature_ReferencesNone. Author_and_InstitutionN.J. Bachman (JPL) J. Diaz del Rio (ODC Space) E.D. Wright (JPL) K.S. Zukor (JPL) VersionSPICELIB Version 2.0.2, 26-OCT-2021 (JDR) Edited the header to comply with NAIF standard. SPICELIB Version 2.0.1, 30-JAN-2017 (NJB) Corrected various spelling errors within comments. SPICELIB Version 2.0.0, 17-MAR-2014 (NJB) Updated segment pool initialization condition in entry point PCKLOF so that the pool is initialized only if the file table is empty. SPICELIB Version 1.1.1, 03-JAN-2014 (EDW) Minor edits to $Procedure; clean trailing whitespace. Removed unneeded $Revisions section. SPICELIB Version 1.1.0, 08-NOV-2001 (NJB) Bug fixes: 1) When an already loaded kernel is opened with DAFOPR, it now has its link count reset to 1 via a call to DAFCLS. 2) This routine now resets all file numbers when the next file number reaches INTMAX()-1, thereby avoiding arithmetic overflow. The numbers in the file table are replaced with consecutive integers in the range 1 : NFT, such that the ordering of the numbers is not changed. The HFS and LFS arrays are updated accordingly. Also, the flags indicating validity of the re-use intervals are set to .FALSE. here. SPICELIB Version 1.0.0, 16-MAR-1994 (KSZ) |
Fri Dec 31 18:36:37 2021