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     SGSEQW ( Generic segments: Sequential writer. )

    .                    NPKTS,  PKTSIZ, PKTDAT, NREFS, REFDAT,
    .                    IDXTYP                                 )


     This is the umbrella routine for managing the sequential writing
     of generic segments to DAF files. It should never be called
     directly, it provides the mechanism whereby data are shared by
     its entry points.







     INTEGER               HANDLE
     CHARACTER*(*)         SEGID
     INTEGER               NCONST
     INTEGER               NPKTS
     INTEGER               PKTSIZ ( * )
     INTEGER               NREFS
     INTEGER               IDXTYP


     --------  ---  --------------------------------------------------
     HANDLE    I    Handle of a DAF file opened with write access.
     DESCR     I    Descriptor for a generic segment.
     SEGID     I    Identifier for a generic segment.
     NCONST    I    Number of constant values in a generic segment.
     CONST     I    Array of constant values for a generic segment.
     NPKTS     I    Number of data packets to write to a segment.
     PKTSIZ    I    Size of fixed size packets or sizes of variable
                    size packets.
     PKTDAT    I    Array of packet data.
     NREFS     I    Number of reference values.
     REFDAT    I    Reference data.
     IDXTYP    I    Index type for the reference values.


     HANDLE   is the handle of a DAF file opened with write access.
              This is the handle of the file in which a generic segment
              will be started, or the handle of a file in which a
              generic segment is currently being written.

     DESCR    is the descriptor for the generic segment that is being
              written. This is the packed form of the DAF double
              precision and integer summaries which contains ND double
              precision numbers and NI integers, respectively.

     SEGID    is an identifier for the generic segment that is being
              written. This is a character string containing at most
              NC printing ASCII characters where

                                /  ND + ( NI + 1 )  \
                     NC =  8 *  | ----------------- |
                                \         2         /

               SEGID may be blank.

     NCONST   is the number of constant values to be placed in the
              generic segment.

     CONST    is an array of NCONST constant values for the generic

     NPKTS    is the number of data packets to write to a generic

     PKTSIZ   is the size of fixed size packets or sizes of variable
              size packets.

              The size of a packet is the number of double precision
              numbers it contains.

              When writing a segment with fixed size packets, only
              the first element of the array, PKTSIZ(1), is used, and
              it should contain the size of the fixed size packets. In
              this instance, the calling program need not declare this
              variable as an array of one integer; it may be declared
              as an integer variable.

              When writing a segment with variable size packets,
              there must be an element in the array PKTSIZ for each of
              the data packets.

     PKTDAT   is a singly dimensioned array containing the double
              precision data for the fixed or variable size data
              packets to be added to the generic segment associated
              with HANDLE.

              For fixed size data packets, PKTDAT will have the
              following structure:

                 Packet #  Range of locations for the packet data.
                 --------  ------------------------------------------

                    1      PKTDAT(1)              to PKTDAT(PS)
                    2      PKTDAT(PS+1)           to PKTDAT(2*PS)
                    3      PKTDAT(2*PS+1)         to PKTDAT(3*PS)
                    4      PKTDAT(3*PS+1)         to PKTDAT(4*PS)


                   NPKTS   PKTDAT((NPKTS-1)*PS+1) to PKTDAT(NPKTS*PS)

              where PS = PKTSIZ(1).

              For variable size data packets, PKTDAT will have the
              following structure:

                 Packet #  Range of locations for the packet data.
                 --------  ------------------------------------------

                    1      PKTDAT(1)           to PKTDAT(P(1))
                    2      PKTDAT(P(1)+1)      to PKTDAT(P(2))
                    3      PKTDAT(P(2)+1)      to PKTDAT(P(3))
                    4      PKTDAT(P(3)+1)      to PKTDAT(P(4))


                   NPKTS   PKTDAT(P(NPKTS-1)+1) to PKTDAT(P(NPKTS))

              where P(I) =    >   PKTSIZ(K).
                             K = 1

     NREFS    is the number of reference values.

              For implicitly indexed packets, NREFS must have a value
              of two (2).

              When writing packets to a generic segment which uses an
              implicit index type, the value specified by NREFS is
              used only on the first call to SGWFPK or SGWVPK. On all
              subsequent calls to these subroutines for a particular
              implicitly indexed generic segment, the value of NREFS
              is ignored.

              For explicitly indexed packets, NREFS must be equal to
              NPKTS; there should be a reference value for each data
              packet being written to the generic segment.

              When writing packets to a segment which uses an explicit
              index type, the value specified by NREFS is used on
              every call to SGWFPK or SGWVPK and it must always be
              equal to NPKTS.

     REFDAT   is the reference data values.

              For implicitly indexed packets, there must be two (2)
              values. The values represent a starting value, which
              will have an index of 1, and a step size between
              reference values, which are used to compute an index and
              a reference value associated with a specified key value.

              In order to avoid, or at least minimize, numerical
              difficulties associated with computing index values for
              generic segments with implicit index types, the value of
              the step size must be an integer, i.e., DINT(REFDAT(2))
              must equal REFDAT(2). In this case, we also recommend
              that REFDAT(1) be an integer, although this is not

              When writing packets to a generic segment which uses an
              implicit index type, the values specified by REFDAT are
              used only on the first call to SGWFPK or SGWVPK. On all
              subsequent calls to these subroutines for a particular
              implicitly indexed generic segment REFDAT is ignored.

              For explicitly indexed packets, there must be NPKTS
              reference values and the values must be in increasing

                 REFDAT(I) < REFDAT(I+1), I = 1, NPKTS-1

              When writing packets to a segment which uses an explicit
              index type, the values specified by REFDAT are used on
              every call to SGWFPK or SGWVPK. On all calls to these
              subroutines after the first, the value of REFDAT(1) must
              be strictly greater than than the value of REFDAT(NPKTS)
              from the previous call. This preserves the ordering of
              the reference values for the entire segment.

     IDXTYP   is the index type to use for the reference values.

              Two forms of indexing are provided:

                 1) An implicit form of indexing based on using two
                    values, a starting value, which will have an index
                    of 1, and a step size between reference values,
                    which are used to compute an index and a reference
                    value associated with a specified key value. See
                    the descriptions of the implicit types below for
                    the particular formula used in each case.

                 2) An explicit form of indexing based on a reference
                    value for each data packet.

              See the chapter on Generic segments in the DAF required
              or the include file '' for more details
              about the index types that are available.



     The data passed to the various entry points of this subroutine are
     used to construct a generic segment in one or more DAF files, with
     the current file specified by the input argument HANDLE.


     The entry points in this subroutine make use of parameters defined
     in the file ''.


     1)  If this subroutine is called directly rather than through one
         of its entry points, the error SPICE(BOGUSENTRY) is signaled.

     2)  See the individual entry points for descriptions of their


     See HANDLE in the $Detailed_Input section above.


     This is the umbrella routine for managing the sequential writing
     of generic segments to DAF files. It should never be called
     directly, but provides the mechanism whereby data are shared by
     its entry points. The entry points included in this subroutine

        Begin writing a generic segment with fixed size packets.

        Begin writing a generic segment with variable size packets.

        Write fixed size packets to a generic segment started by
        calling SGBWFS.

        Write variable size packets to a generic segment started by
        calling SGBWVS.

        End a generic segment.

     A DAF generic segment contains several logical data partitions:

        1) A partition for constant values to be associated with each
           data packet in the segment.

        2) A partition for the data packets.

        3) A partition for reference values.

        4) A partition for a packet directory, if the segment contains
           variable sized packets.

        5) A partition for a reference value directory.

        6) A reserved partition that is not currently used. This
           partition is only for the use of the NAIF group at the Jet
           Propulsion Laboratory (JPL).

        7) A partition for the meta data which describes the locations
           and sizes of other partitions as well as providing some
           additional descriptive information about the generic

                 |         Constants          |
                 |          Packet 1          |
                 |          Packet 2          |
                 |              .             |
                 |              .             |
                 |              .             |
                 |          Packet N          |
                 |      Reference Values      |
                 |      Packet Directory      |
                 |    Reference  Directory    |
                 |       Reserved  Area       |
                 |     Segment Meta Data      |

     Only the placement of the meta data at the end of a generic
     segment is required. The other data partitions may occur in any
     order in the generic segment because the meta data will contain
     pointers to their appropriate locations within the generic

     The meta data for a generic segment should only be obtained
     through use of the subroutine SGMETA. The meta data should not be
     written through any mechanism other than the ending of a generic
     segment begun by SGBWFS or SGBWVS using SGWES.

     The entry points of this subroutine when used together provide the
     following capabilities:

        1) The ability to write a generic segment with fixed size data
           packets to a DAF.

        2) the ability to write a generic segment with variable size
           data packets to a DAF.

        3) The ability to write generic segments to multiple files.
           Only a single generic segment may be written to a particular
           file at any time, but several files may each have a generic
           segment being written to them at the same time.

     Packets may be placed into a generic segment one at a time or N at
     at time, depending upon the whim of the programmer, limitations
     of the computing equipment (memory), or requirements placed upon
     the software that will write a generic segment.

     Packets are retrieved from a generic segment by an index which may
     be obtained by using the subroutine SGFRVI (generic segments fetch
     reference value and index).


     In examples 1 and 3, we make use of the fictitious subroutines





        DONE   is a logical flag indicating whether there is more data
               available. DONE = .TRUE. implies there is no more data.
               DONE = .FALSE. implies there is more data available.

        PACKET is a double precision array of an appropriate size to
               hold all of the data returned.

        REF    is a double precision reference value that will be used
               to create an index for the data packets in the segment.
               The values of this variable are always increasing, e.g.,
               the value of REF on the second call to GET_FIX_PKT or
               GET_VAR_PKT will be greater than the value on the first
               call to the subroutine.

        SIZE   is an integer for the size of the variable size data
               packet that is returned.

     These subroutines return a fixed size data packet and a variable
     size data packet, respectively. We make use of these fictitious
     subroutines in the examples to avoid adding unnecessary or
     distracting complications.

     You may think of these subroutines as methods for acquiring data
     from a "black-box" process. In the first case, the data is always
     returned in fixed size blocks from a black-box that fills a local
     buffer with data and always returned the entire buffer when data
     is requested, e.g., an instrument that measures the concentrations
     of carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, ozone, and other constituents
     of the air. In the second case, the data is returned in variably
     sized blocks from a black-box, e.g., an algorithm which integrates
     a function using polynomials of varying degree; different numbers
     of coefficients are required for polynomials of differing degrees.

     In examples 2 and 4, we make use of the fictitious subroutines





        DONE   is a logical flag indicating whether there is more data
               available. DONE = .TRUE. implies there is no more data.
               DONE = .FALSE. implies there is more data available;

        NPKTS  is the number of data packets returned in the array

        PKTS   is a double precision array containing NPKTS data
               packets, either fixed size or variable size, and is of
               an appropriate size to hold all of the data returned.
               See the description of PKTDAT above for the exact manner
               in which fixed size packets and variable size packets
               are stored in an array.

        REFS   is a double precision array which contains NPKTS
               reference values that will be used to create an index
               for the data packets in the segment. The values of this
               variable are always increasing, e.g., the first value of
               REFS on the second call to GET_FIX_PKTS or GET_VAR_PKTS
               will be greater than the last value of REFS on the first
               call to the subroutine.

        SIZES  is an array of integers containing the sizes of each of
               the variable size data packets that is returned in PKTS.

     These subroutines return arrays containing one or more fixed size
     data packets and one or more variable size data packets,
     respectively. We make use of these fictitious subroutines in the
     examples to avoid adding unnecessary or distracting complications.

     For each example, we provide a simple code fragment that
     demonstrates the use of the entry points to create generic
     segments. We assume that all of the relevant variables are defined
     at the time that the entry points are invoked. These code
     fragments are for illustrative purposes; they do not necessarily
     conform to what would be considered good programming practice.

     Example 1-A: Adding fixed size packets one at a time.

        For this example, we make no assumptions about the reference
        values returned by GET_VAR_PKT other than they are increasing.
        Having no other information about the reference values, we must
        use an explicit indexing method to store the packets.

        C     First we begin a fixed size segment. To do this, we
        C     need:
        C        HANDLE -- The handle of a DAF opened with write
        C                  access.
        C        DESCR  -- The packed descriptor for the segment that
        C                  we want to create.
        C        SEGID  -- A short character string that provides an
        C                  identifier for the segment.
        C        NCONST -- The number of constant values to be
        C                  associated with all of the packets in the
        C                  segment.
        C        CONST  -- An array of constant values to be associated
        C                  with all of the packets in a segment.
        C        PKTSIZ -- The size of the packets that will be stored
        C                  in this segment, i.e., the number of double
        C                  precision numbers necessary to store a
        C                  complete data packet.
        C        EXPCLS -- The type of indexing scheme that we will use
        C                  for searching the segment to obtain a data
        C                  packet. In this case, we are going to use an
        C                  explicit index, which requires a reference
        C                  value for each data packet, and when
        C                  searching for a data packet we will choose
        C                  the packet with a reference value closest to
        C                  the requested value. See the include file
        C                  '' for the value of EXPCLS.
             .              CONST,  PKTSIZ, EXPCLS          )
        C     We loop until done, obtaining a fixed size packet
        C     and writing it to the generic segment in the file.
              DONE = .FALSE.
              DO WHILE ( .NOT. DONE )
        C        Get a fixed size packet and a reference value.
                 CALL GET_FIX_PKT ( PACKET, REF, DONE )
        C        Write the packet to the segment, unless we're done.
                 IF ( .NOT. DONE ) THEN

                    CALL SGWFPK ( HANDLE, 1, PACKET, 1, REF )

                 END IF

              END DO
        C     End the segment and move on to other things.
              CALL SGWES ( HANDLE )

     Example 1-B: Adding fixed size packets with uniformly spaced
                  reference values.

        In the previous example, we made no assumptions about the
        reference values other than that they were increasing. We now
        will assume that the reference values are also equally spaced
        and that we have a priori values for a beginning reference
        value, BEGIN_REF, and a step size, STEP_SIZE, that is the
        difference between two consecutive reference values. We have

           BEGIN_REF <= REF <= BEGIN_REF + (N-1) * STEP_SIZE

        where BEGIN_REF equals the first reference value returned by
        GET_FIX_PKT and BEGIN_REF + (N-1) * STEP_SIZE equals the last
        reference value returned. Under these assumptions we can use an
        implicit index for the data packets which will provide a more
        space efficient method for putting the data packets into a
        generic segment. We repeat the example under these assumptions
        using an implicit indexing method. Nothing else has changed.

        The index for a data packet in the implicitly indexed generic
        segment we create is computed from the formula:

                          /          VALUE - REFDAT(1)    \
            INDEX = IDINT | 1.5 + ----------------------- |
                          \              REFDAT(2)        /

        where the index for the data packet associated with VALUE is

        The reference value associated with this index is:

            REF   =  REFDAT(1) + REFDAT*(INDEX - 1)

        C     First we begin a fixed size segment. To do this, we
        C     need:
        C        HANDLE -- The handle of a DAF opened with write
        C                  access.
        C        DESCR  -- The packed descriptor for the segment that
        C                  we want to create.
        C        SEGID  -- A short character string that provides an
        C                  identifier for the segment.
        C        NCONST -- The number of constant values to be
        C                  associated with all of the packets in the
        C                  segment.
        C        CONST  -- An array of constant values to be associated
        C                  with all of the packets in a segment.
        C        PKTSIZ -- The size of the packets that will be stored
        C                  in this segment, i.e., the number of double
        C                  precision numbers necessary to store a
        C                  complete data packet.
        C        IMPCLS -- The type of indexing scheme that we will use
        C                  for searching the segment to obtain a data
        C                  packet. In this case, we are going to use
        C                  an implicit index, which requires beginning
        C                  and ending times which bound all reference
        C                  values, and when searching for a data packet
        C                  we will choose the packet whose index is
        C                  computed by the formula above. See the
        C                  include file '' for the value
        C                  of IMPCLS
             .              CONST,  PKTSIZ, IMPCLS          )
        C     Set the beginning and ending reference values for the
        C     implicit indexing method.
              REFS(1) = BEGIN_REF
              REFS(2) = STEP_SIZE
        C     Get the first data packet and put it in the generic
        C     segment. At the same time, we write the bounds used for
        C     the implicit indexing. We ignore the value of REF since
        C     the reference values are equally spaced and we are using
        C     an implicit indexing method. We do not check DONE here
        C     because we assume that there is at least one data packet.
              CALL GET_FIX_PKT ( PACKET, REF, DONE )

              CALL SGWFPK ( HANDLE, 1, PACKET, 2, REFS )
        C     We loop until done, obtaining a fixed size packet
        C     and writing it to the generic segment in the file.
              DO WHILE ( .NOT. DONE )
        C        Get a fixed size packet and a reference value.
                 CALL GET_FIX_PKT ( PACKET, REF, DONE )
        C        Write the packet to the segment, unless we're done.
        C        Because this segment is implicitly indexed, the last
        C        two calling arguments are only used in the first call
        C        to SGWFPK above. they are ignored in all subsequent
        C        calls, so we may pass "dummy" arguments.
                 IF ( .NOT. DONE ) THEN

                    CALL SGWFPK ( HANDLE, 1, PACKET, DUM1, DUM2 )

                 END IF

              END DO
        C     End the segment and move on to other things.
              CALL SGWES ( HANDLE )

     Example 2: Adding fixed size packets more efficiently.

        It is possible to add more than one fixed size data packet to a
        generic segment at one time. Doing this will usually prove to
        be a more efficient way of adding the data packets, provided
        there is sufficient storage to hold more than one data packet
        available. This example demonstrates this capability.

        For this example, we make no assumptions about the reference
        values returned by GET_FIX_PKTS other than they are increasing.
        Having no other information about the reference values, we must
        use an explicit indexing method to store the packets.

        C     First we begin a fixed size segment. To do this, we
        C     need:
        C        HANDLE -- The handle of a DAF opened with write
        C                  access.
        C        DESCR  -- The packed descriptor for the segment that
        C                  we want to create.
        C        SEGID  -- A short character string that provides an
        C                  identifier for the segment.
        C        NCONST -- The number of constant values to be
        C                  associated with all of the packets in the
        C                  segment.
        C        CONST  -- An array of constant values to be associated
        C                  with all of the packets in a segment.
        C        PKTSIZ -- The size of the packets that will be stored
        C                  in this segment, i.e., the number of double
        C                  precision numbers necessary to store a
        C                  complete data packet.
        C        EXPCLS -- The type of indexing scheme that we will use
        C                  for searching the segment to obtain a data
        C                  packet. In this case, we are going to use an
        C                  explicit index, which requires a reference
        C                  value for each data packet, and when
        C                  searching for a data packet we will choose
        C                  the packet with a reference value closest to
        C                  the requested value. See the include file
        C                  '' for the value of EXPCLS
             .              CONST,  PKTSIZ, EXPCLS          )
        C     We loop until done, obtaining a fixed size packet
        C     and writing it to the generic segment in the file.
              DONE = .FALSE.
              DO WHILE ( .NOT. DONE )
        C        Get a collection of fixed size packet and associated
        C        array of increasing reference values.
                 CALL GET_FIX_PKTS ( NPKTS, PKTS, REFS, DONE )
        C        Write the packets to the segment if we have any. Since
        C        we are using an explicit index, the number of
        C        reference values is the same as the number of data
        C        packets.
                 IF ( .NOT. DONE ) THEN

                    CALL SGWFPK ( HANDLE, NPKTS, PKTS, NPKTS, REFS )

                 END IF

              END DO
        C     End the segment and move on to other things.
              CALL SGWES ( HANDLE )

        If we are using an implicit indexing method, multiple data
        packets may be added with one call to SGWFPK as in the above
        example for an explicit index, with the exception that there
        are only two reference values, and they are specified on the
        first call to SGWFPK, as in Example 1-B.

     Example 3-A: Adding variable size packets one at a time.

        For this example, we make no assumptions about the reference
        values returned by GET_VAR_PKT other than they are increasing.
        Having no other information about the reference values, we must
        use an explicit indexing method to store the packets.

        C     First we begin a variable size segment. To do this, we
        C     need:
        C        HANDLE -- The handle of a DAF opened with write
        C                  access.
        C        DESCR  -- The packed descriptor for the segment that
        C                  we want to create.
        C        SEGID  -- A short character string that provides an
        C                  identifier for the segment.
        C        NCONST -- The number of constant values to be
        C                  associated with all of the packets in the
        C                  segment.
        C        CONST  -- An array of constant values to be associated
        C                  with all of the packets in a segment.
        C        EXPCLS -- The type of indexing scheme that we will use
        C                  for searching the segment to obtain a data
        C                  packet. In this case, we are going to use an
        C                  explicit index, which requires a reference
        C                  value for each data packet, and when
        C                  searching for a data packet we will choose
        C                  the packet with a reference value closest to
        C                  the requested value. See the include file
        C                  '' for the value of EXPCLS.
             .              NCONST, CONST, EXPCLS )
        C     We loop until done, obtaining a variable size packet
        C     and writing it to the generic segment in the file.
              DONE = .FALSE.
              DO WHILE ( .NOT. DONE )
        C        Get a variable size packet and a reference value.
                 CALL GET_VAR_PKT ( PACKET, SIZE, REF, DONE )
        C        Write the packet to the segment, unless we're done.
                 IF ( .NOT. DONE ) THEN

                    CALL SGWVPK ( HANDLE, 1, SIZE, PACKET, 1, REF )

                 END IF

              END DO
        C     End the segment and move on to other things.
              CALL SGWES ( HANDLE )

     Example 3-B: Adding variable size packets one at a time with
                  uniformly spaced reference values.

        In the previous example, we made no assumptions about the
        reference values other than that they were increasing. We now
        will assume that the reference values are also equally spaced
        and that we have a priori values for a beginning reference
        value, BEGIN_REF, and a step size, STEP_SIZE, that is the
        difference between two consecutive reference values. We have

           BEGIN_REF <= REF <= BEGIN_REF + (N-1) * STEP_SIZE

        where BEGIN_REF equals the first reference value returned by
        GET_VAR_PKT and BEGIN_REF + (N-1) * STEP_SIZE equals the last
        reference value returned. Putting all of this together means
        that we can use an implicit index for the data packets which
        will provide a more space efficient method for putting the data
        packets into a generic segment. We repeat the example under
        these assumptions using an implicit indexing method. Nothing
        else has changed.

        The index for a data packet in the implicitly indexed generic
        segment we create is computed from the formula:

                          /          VALUE - REFDAT(1)    \
            INDEX = IDINT | 1.5 + ----------------------- |
                          \              REFDAT(2)        /

        where the index for the data packet associated with VALUE is

        The reference value associated with this index is:

            REF   =  REFDAT(1) + REFDAT*(INDEX - 1)

        C     First we begin a variable size segment. To do this, we
        C     need:
        C        HANDLE -- The handle of a DAF opened with write
        C                  access.
        C        DESCR  -- The packed descriptor for the segment that
        C                  we want to create.
        C        SEGID  -- A short character string that provides an
        C                  identifier for the segment.
        C        NCONST -- The number of constant values to be
        C                  associated with all of the packets in the
        C                  segment.
        C        CONST  -- An array of constant values to be associated
        C                  with all of the packets in a segment.
        C        IMPCLS -- The type of indexing scheme that we will use
        C                  for searching the segment to obtain a data
        C                  packet. In this case, we are going to use
        C                  an implicit index, which requires beginning
        C                  and ending times which bound all reference
        C                  values, and when searching for a data packet
        C                  we will choose the packet whose index is
        C                  computed by the formula above. See the
        C                  include file '' for the value of
        C                  IMPCLS.
             .              CONST,  IMPCLS                   )
        C     Set the beginning and ending reference values for the
        C     implicit indexing method.
              REFS(1) = BEGIN_REF
              REFS(2) = STEP_SIZE
        C     Get the first data packet and put it in the generic
        C     segment. At the same time, we write the bounds used for
        C     the implicit indexing. We ignore the value of REF since
        C     the reference values are equally spaced and we are using
        C     an implicit indexing method. We do not check DONE here
        C     because we assume that there is at least one data packet.

              CALL SGWVPK ( HANDLE, 1, SIZE, PACKET, 2, REFS )
        C     We loop until done, obtaining a fixed size packet
        C     and writing it to the generic segment in the file.
              DO WHILE ( .NOT. DONE )
        C        Get a variable size packet and a unique reference
        C        value.
                 CALL GET_VAR_PKT ( PACKET, SIZE, REF, DONE )
        C        Write the packet to the segment, unless we're done.
        C        Because this segment is implicitly indexed, the last
        C        two calling arguments are only used in the first call
        C        to SGWFPK above. they are ignored in all subsequent
        C        calls, so we may pass "dummy" arguments.
                 IF ( .NOT. DONE ) THEN

                    CALL SGVFPK ( HANDLE, 1, SIZE, PACKET, DUM1, DUM2 )

                 END IF

              END DO
        C     End the segment and move on to other things.
              CALL SGWES ( HANDLE )

     Example 4: Adding variable size packets more efficiently.

        It is possible to add more than one variable size data packet
        to a generic segment at one time. Doing this will usually prove
        to be a more efficient way of adding the data packets, provided
        there is sufficient storage to hold more than one data packet
        available. This example demonstrates this capability.

        For this example, we make no assumptions about the reference
        values returned by GET_VAR_PKTS other than they are increasing.
        Having no other information about the reference values, we must
        use an explicit indexing method to store the packets.

        C     First we begin a variable size segment. To do this, we
        C     need:
        C        HANDLE -- The handle of a DAF opened with write
        C                  access.
        C        DESCR  -- The packed descriptor for the segment that
        C                  we want to create.
        C        SEGID  -- A short character string that provides an
        C                  identifier for the segment.
        C        NCONST -- The number of constant values to be
        C                  associated with all of the packets in the
        C                  segment.
        C        CONST  -- An array of constant values to be associated
        C                  with all of the packets in a segment.
        C        EXPCLS -- The type of indexing scheme that we will use
        C                  for searching the segment to obtain a data
        C                  packet. In this case, we are going to use an
        C                  explicit index, which requires a reference
        C                  value for each data packet, and when
        C                  searching for a data packet we will choose
        C                  the packet with a reference value closest to
        C                  the requested value. See the include file
        C         for the value of EXPCLS.
        C    .              NCONST, CONST, EXPCLS  )
        C     We loop until done, obtaining a fixed size packet
        C     and writing it to the generic segment in the file.
              DONE = .FALSE.
              DO WHILE ( .NOT. DONE )
        C        Get a collection of variable size packets and an
        C        array of increasing reference values.
                 GET_VAR_PKTS ( NPKTS, PKTS, SIZES, REFS, DONE )
        C        Write the packets to the segment if we have any. Since
        C        we are using an explicit index, the number of
        C        reference values is the same as the number of data
        C        packets.
                 IF ( NPKTS .GT. 0 ) THEN

                    CALL SGWVPK ( HANDLE, NPKTS, SIZES,
             .                    PKTS,   NPKTS, REFS   )

                 END IF

              END DO
        C     End the segment and move on to other things.
              CALL SGWES ( HANDLE )

        If we are using an implicit indexing method, multiple data
        packets may be added with one call to SGWVPK as in the above
        example for an explicit index, with the exception that there
        are only two reference values, and they are specified on the
        first call to SGWVPK, as in Example 3-B.

     Example 5: Adding packets to multiple files.

        It is possible to write multiple generic segments to different
        DAFs at the same time. Only one generic segment may be written
        to a particular DAF at any given time, however.

        For this example we assume that we have previously opened four
        DAF files, having the handles HANDL1, HANDL2, HANDL3, HANDL4.
        We will be writing fixed size data packets to the DAFs
        associated with handles HANDL2 and HANDL3, with packet sizes of
        21 and 53, respectively. We will be writing variable size data
        packets to the DAFs associated with handles HANDL1 and HANDL4.
        We will be writing individual data packets to the files
        associated with handles HANDL2 and HANDL4, and one or more data
        packets to the files associated with handles HANDL1 and HANDL3.
        On each trip through the loop in the example below, we will add
        data to any of the segments whose status flags are not set. We
        are done with the loop below when we have finished each of the
        segments, as indicated by its status flag.

        For this example, we make no assumptions about the reference
        values returned by the GET_*_* subroutines other than they are
        increasing. Having no other information about the reference
        values, we must use an explicit indexing method to store the

        C     First we begin a generic segment of the appropriate type
        C     in each of the files. segment. To do this, we need:
        C        HANDL1, HANDL2, HANDL3, HANDL4 --
        C           The handles of a DAFs opened with write access to
        C           which we wish to add a new generic segment.
        C        DESCR1, DESCR2, DESCR3, DESCR4  --
        C           The packed descriptors for the segments that
        C           we want to create.
        C        SEGID1, SEGID2, SEGID3, SEGID4 --
        C           A short character string that provides an
        C           identifier for each of the segments we will be
        C           creating.
        C        NCON1, NCON2, NCON3, NCON4 --
        C           The number of constant values to be associated with
        C           all of the packets in each the segments we will be
        C           creating.
        C        CONST1, CONST2, CONST3, CONST4 --
        C           An array of constant values to be associated with
        C           all of the packets in each of the segments that we
        C           are creating.
        C        IDXT1, IDXT2, IDXT3, IDXT4 --
        C          The type of indexing scheme that we will use for
        C          searching each of the segments to obtain a data
        C          packet. In this example, each of the generic
        C          segments will use an explicit index, which requires
        C          a reference value for each data packet. When
        C          searching for a data packet we will choose the
        C          packet with a reference value closest to the
        C          requested value.
        C            IDXT1 = EXPCLS
        C            IDXT2 = EXPCLS
        C            IDXT3 = EXPCLS
        C            IDXT4 = EXPCLS
              CALL SGBWVS ( HANDL1, DESCR1, SEGID1,
             .              NCON1,  CONST1, IDXT1   )
              CALL SGBWFS ( HANDL2, DESCR2, SEGID2, 21,
             .              NCON2,  CONST2, IDXT2   )
              CALL SGBWFS ( HANDL3, DESCR3, SEGID3, 53,
             .              NCON3,  CONST3, IDXT3   )
              CALL SGBWVS ( HANDL4, DESCR4, SEGID4,
             .              NCON4,  CONST4, IDXT4   )
        C     We loop until done, obtaining data packets and writing
        C     them to the generic segments in the appropriate DAFs.
        C     We keep track of a status flag, DONE1, DONE2, DONE3,
        C     DONE4, for each of the segments we are writing. When we
        C     have finished writing all of the segments, we exit the
        C     loop.
              DONE  = .FALSE.
              DONE1 = .FALSE.
              DONE2 = .FALSE.
              DONE3 = .FALSE.
              DONE4 = .FALSE.

              DO WHILE ( .NOT. DONE )
        C        Get data packets and reference values for HANDL1 and
        C        write them to the generic segment in that file.
                 IF ( .NOT. DONE1 ) THEN
                    GET_VAR_PKTS ( NPKTS, PKTS, SIZES, REFS, DONE1 )

                    IF ( NPKTS .GT. 0 ) THEN
                       CALL SGWVPK ( HANDL1, NPKTS, SIZES,
             .                       PKTS,   NPKTS, REFS   )
                    END IF
                 END IF
        C        Get a data packet and reference value for HANDL2 and
        C        write it to the generic segment in that file.
                 IF ( .NOT. DONE2 ) THEN
                    CALL GET_FIX_PKT ( PACKET, REF, DONE2 )

                    IF ( .NOT. DONE2 ) THEN
                       CALL SGWFPK ( HANDL2, 1, PACKET, 1, REF )
                    END IF
                 END IF
        C        Get data packets and reference values for HANDL3 and
        C        write them to the generic segment in that file.
                 IF ( .NOT. DONE3 ) THEN
                    CALL GET_FIX_PKTS ( NPKTS, PKTS, REFS, DONE3 )

                    IF ( NPKTS .GT. 0 ) THEN
                       CALL SGWFPK ( HANDL3, NPKTS, PKTS, NPKTS, REFS )
                    END IF
                 END IF
        C        Get a data packet and reference value for HANDL4 and
        C        write it to the generic segment in that file.
                 IF ( .NOT. DONE4 ) THEN
                    GET_VAR_PKT ( PACKET, SIZE, REF, DONE4 )

                    IF ( .NOT. DONE4 ) THEN
                       CALL SGWVPK ( HANDL4, 1, SIZES, PKTS, 1, REFS )
                    END IF
                 END IF
        C        Set the DONE flag.
                 DONE = DONE1 .AND. DONE2 .AND. DONE3 .AND. DONE4

              END DO
        C     End the segments and move on to other things.
              CALL SGWES ( HANDL1 )
              CALL SGWES ( HANDL2 )
              CALL SGWES ( HANDL3 )
              CALL SGWES ( HANDL4 )


     1)  See the individual entry points for any restrictions they may




     N.J. Bachman       (JPL)
     J. Diaz del Rio    (ODC Space)
     K.R. Gehringer     (JPL)
     W.L. Taber         (JPL)
     E.D. Wright        (JPL)


    SPICELIB Version 1.2.1, 27-OCT-2021 (JDR)

        Edited the header to comply with NAIF standard.

    SPICELIB Version 1.2.0, 07-SEP-2001 (EDW)

        Replaced DAFRDA calls with DAFGDA.
        Removed DAFHLU calls; replaced ERRFN calls with ERRHAN.

    SPICELIB Version 1.1.0, 30-JUL-1996 (KRG) (NJB)

        Fixed an annoying little bug in the variable segments code
        when ending a segment. Rather than storing an appropriate
        offset from the beginning of the segment as the packet
        address in the packet directory, the absolute address, the
        DAF address, was stored. This bug has been fixed.

        See SGWES for the details of the changes.

    SPICELIB Version 1.0.0, 03-APR-1995 (KRG) (WLT)
Fri Dec 31 18:36:48 2021