pl2psv |
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ProcedurePL2PSV ( Plane to point and spanning vectors ) SUBROUTINE PL2PSV ( PLANE, POINT, SPAN1, SPAN2 ) AbstractReturn a point and two orthogonal spanning vectors that generate a specified plane. Required_ReadingPLANES KeywordsGEOMETRY MATH PLANE DeclarationsIMPLICIT NONE INTEGER UBPL PARAMETER ( UBPL = 4 ) DOUBLE PRECISION PLANE ( UBPL ) DOUBLE PRECISION POINT ( 3 ) DOUBLE PRECISION SPAN1 ( 3 ) DOUBLE PRECISION SPAN2 ( 3 ) Brief_I/OVARIABLE I/O DESCRIPTION -------- --- -------------------------------------------------- PLANE I A SPICE plane. POINT, SPAN1, SPAN2 O A point in the input plane and two vectors spanning the input plane. Detailed_InputPLANE is a SPICE plane. Detailed_OutputPOINT, SPAN1, SPAN2 are, respectively, a point and two orthogonal spanning vectors that generate the geometric plane represented by PLANE. The geometric plane is the set of vectors POINT + s * SPAN1 + t * SPAN2 where `s' and `t' are real numbers. POINT is the closest point in the plane to the origin; this point is always a multiple of the plane's normal vector. SPAN1 and SPAN2 are an orthonormal pair of vectors. POINT, SPAN1, and SPAN2 are mutually orthogonal. ParametersNone. ExceptionsError free. 1) The input plane MUST have been created by one of the SPICELIB routines NVC2PL ( Normal vector and constant to plane ) NVP2PL ( Normal vector and point to plane ) PSV2PL ( Point and spanning vectors to plane ) Otherwise, the results of this routine are unpredictable. FilesNone. ParticularsSPICELIB geometry routines that deal with planes use the `plane' data type to represent input and output planes. This data type makes the subroutine interfaces simpler and more uniform. The SPICELIB routines that produce SPICE planes from data that define a plane are: NVC2PL ( Normal vector and constant to plane ) NVP2PL ( Normal vector and point to plane ) PSV2PL ( Point and spanning vectors to plane ) The SPICELIB routines that convert SPICE planes to data that define a plane are: PL2NVC ( Plane to normal vector and constant ) PL2NVP ( Plane to normal vector and point ) PL2PSV ( Plane to point and spanning vectors ) Examples1) Project a vector V orthogonally onto a plane defined by POINT, SPAN1, and SPAN2. PROJ is the projection we want; it is the closest vector in the plane to V. CALL PSV2PL ( POINT, SPAN1, SPAN2, PLANE ) CALL VPRJP ( V, PLANE, PROJ ) 2) Find the intersection of a plane and the unit sphere. This is a geometry problem that arises in computing the intersection of a plane and a triaxial ellipsoid. The SPICELIB routine INEDPL computes this intersection, but this example does illustrate how to use this routine. C C The geometric plane of interest will be represented C by the SPICE plane PLANE in this example. C C The intersection circle will be represented by the C vectors CENTER, V1, and V2; the circle is the set C of points C C CENTER + cos(theta) V1 + sin(theta) V2, C C where theta is in the interval (-pi, pi]. C C The logical variable FOUND indicates whether the C intersection is non-empty. C C C The center of the intersection circle will be the C closest point in the plane to the origin. This C point is returned by PL2PSV. The distance of the C center from the origin is the norm of CENTER. C CALL PL2PSV ( PLANE, CENTER, SPAN1, SPAN2 ) DIST = VNORM ( CENTER ) C C The radius of the intersection circle will be C C ____________ C _ / 2 C \/ 1 - DIST C C since the radius of the circle, the distance of the C plane from the origin, and the radius of the sphere C (1) are the lengths of the sides of a right triangle. C RADIUS = SQRT ( 1.0D0 - DIST**2 ) CALL VSCL ( RADIUS, SPAN1, V1 ) CALL VSCL ( RADIUS, SPAN2, V2 ) FOUND = .TRUE. 3) Apply a linear transformation represented by the matrix M to a plane represented by the normal vector N and the constant C. Find a normal vector and constant for the transformed plane. C C Make a SPICE plane from N and C, and then find a C point in the plane and spanning vectors for the C plane. N need not be a unit vector. C CALL NVC2PL ( N, C, PLANE ) CALL PL2PSV ( PLANE, POINT, SPAN1, SPAN2 ) C C Apply the linear transformation to the point and C spanning vectors. All we need to do is multiply C these vectors by M, since for any linear C transformation T, C C T ( POINT + t1 * SPAN1 + t2 * SPAN2 ) C C = T (POINT) + t1 * T(SPAN1) + t2 * T(SPAN2), C C which means that T(POINT), T(SPAN1), and T(SPAN2) C are a point and spanning vectors for the transformed C plane. C CALL MXV ( M, POINT, TPOINT ) CALL MXV ( M, SPAN1, TSPAN1 ) CALL MXV ( M, SPAN2, TSPAN2 ) C C Make a new SPICE plane TPLANE from the C transformed point and spanning vectors, and find a C unit normal and constant for this new plane. C CALL PSV2PL ( TPOINT, TSPAN1, TSPAN2, TPLANE ) CALL PL2NVC ( TPLANE, TN, TC ) RestrictionsNone. Literature_References[1] G. Thomas and R. Finney, "Calculus and Analytic Geometry," 7th Edition, Addison Wesley, 1988. Author_and_InstitutionN.J. Bachman (JPL) J. Diaz del Rio (ODC Space) W.L. Taber (JPL) VersionSPICELIB Version 1.1.0, 24-AUG-2021 (NJB) (JDR) Added IMPLICIT NONE statement. Edited the header to comply with NAIF standard. SPICELIB Version 1.0.1, 10-MAR-1992 (WLT) Comment section for permuted index source lines was added following the header. SPICELIB Version 1.0.0, 01-NOV-1990 (NJB) |
Fri Dec 31 18:36:39 2021