frame |
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ProcedureFRAME ( Build a right handed coordinate frame ) SUBROUTINE FRAME ( X, Y, Z ) AbstractBuild a right handed orthonormal frame (x,y,z) from a 3-dimensional input vector, where the X-axis of the resulting frame is parallel to the original input vector. Required_ReadingNone. KeywordsAXES FRAME DeclarationsIMPLICIT NONE DOUBLE PRECISION X ( 3 ) DOUBLE PRECISION Y ( 3 ) DOUBLE PRECISION Z ( 3 ) Brief_I/OVARIABLE I/O DESCRIPTION -------- --- ------------------------------------------------ X I-O Input vector. A parallel unit vector on output. Y O Unit vector in the plane orthogonal to X. Z O Unit vector given by the cross product <X,Y>. Detailed_InputX is a 3-dimensional vector used to form the first vector of a right-handed orthonormal triple. Detailed_OutputX, Y, Z are the 3-dimensional unit vectors that form a right handed orthonormal frame, where X is now a unit vector parallel to the original input vector in X. There are no special geometric properties connected to Y and Z (other than that they complete the right handed frame). ParametersNone. ExceptionsError free. 1) If X on input is the zero vector the "standard" frame (ijk) is returned. FilesNone. ParticularsGiven an input vector X, this routine returns unit vectors X, Y, and Z such that XYZ forms a right-handed orthonormal frame where the output X is parallel to the input X. This routine is intended primarily to provide a basis for the plane orthogonal to X. There are no special properties associated with Y and Z other than that the resulting XYZ frame is right handed and orthonormal. There are an infinite collection of pairs (Y,Z) that could be used to this end. Even though for a given X, Y and Z are uniquely determined, users should regard the pair (Y,Z) as a random selection from this infinite collection. For instance, when attempting to determine the locus of points that make up the limb of a triaxial body, it is a straightforward matter to determine the normal to the limb plane. To find the actual parametric equation of the limb one needs to have a basis of the plane. This routine can be used to get a basis in which one can describe the curve and from which one can then determine the principal axes of the limb ellipse. ExamplesIn addition to using a vector to construct a right handed frame with the x-axis aligned with the input vector, one can construct right handed frames with any of the axes aligned with the input vector. For example suppose we want a right hand frame XYZ with the Z-axis aligned with some vector V. Assign V to Z Z(1) = V(1) Z(2) = V(2) Z(3) = V(3) Then call FRAME with the arguments X,Y,Z cycled so that Z appears first. CALL FRAME (Z, X, Y) The resulting XYZ frame will be orthonormal with Z parallel to the vector V. To get an XYZ frame with Y parallel to V perform the following Y(1) = V(1) Y(2) = V(2) Y(3) = V(3) CALL FRAME (Y, Z, X) RestrictionsNone. Literature_ReferencesNone. Author_and_InstitutionN.J. Bachman (JPL) J. Diaz del Rio (ODC Space) W.L. Taber (JPL) I.M. Underwood (JPL) VersionSPICELIB Version 1.3.0, 03-JUL-2021 (JDR) Added IMPLICIT NONE statement. Edited the header to comply with NAIF standard. Improved argument descriptions. SPICELIB Version 1.2.0, 02-SEP-2005 (NJB) Updated to remove non-standard use of duplicate arguments in VHAT call. SPICELIB Version 1.0.1, 10-MAR-1992 (WLT) Comment section for permuted index source lines was added following the header. SPICELIB Version 1.0.0, 31-JAN-1990 (WLT) (IMU) |
Fri Dec 31 18:36:22 2021