pckw20 |
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ProcedurePCKW20 ( PCK, write segment, type 20 ) SUBROUTINE PCKW20 ( HANDLE, CLSSID, FRAME, FIRST, . LAST, SEGID, INTLEN, N, . POLYDG, CDATA, ASCALE, TSCALE, . INITJD, INITFR ) AbstractWrite a type 20 segment to a PCK file. Required_ReadingDAF NAIF_IDS TIME PCK ROTATION KeywordsORIENTATION DeclarationsIMPLICIT NONE INCLUDE 'spk20.inc' INTEGER HANDLE INTEGER CLSSID CHARACTER*(*) FRAME DOUBLE PRECISION FIRST DOUBLE PRECISION LAST CHARACTER*(*) SEGID DOUBLE PRECISION INTLEN INTEGER N INTEGER POLYDG DOUBLE PRECISION CDATA ( * ) DOUBLE PRECISION ASCALE DOUBLE PRECISION TSCALE DOUBLE PRECISION INITJD DOUBLE PRECISION INITFR Brief_I/OVARIABLE I/O DESCRIPTION -------- --- -------------------------------------------------- HANDLE I Handle of PCK file open for writing. CLSSID I NAIF PCK frame class ID. FRAME I Reference frame name. FIRST I Start time of interval covered by segment. LAST I End time of interval covered by segment. SEGID I Segment identifier. INTLEN I Length of time covered by logical record (days). N I Number of logical records in segment. POLYDG I Chebyshev polynomial degree. CDATA I Array of Chebyshev coefficients and angles. ASCALE I Angular scale of data. TSCALE I Time scale of data. INITJD I Integer part of begin time (TDB Julian date) of first record. INITFR I Fractional part of begin time (TDB Julian date) of first record. MAXDEG P Maximum allowed degree of Chebyshev expansions. TOLSCL P Tolerance scale factor for coverage bound checking. Detailed_InputHANDLE is the DAF handle of a PCK file to which a type 20 segment is to be added. The PCK file must be open for writing. CLSSID is the integer NAIF PCK frame class ID code of the reference frame whose orientation relative to its base frame is described by the segment to be created. See the Frames Required Reading for details. FRAME is the NAIF name for a reference frame relative to which the orientation information for CLSSID is specified. This frame is called the "base frame." FIRST, LAST are the start and stop times of the time interval over which the segment defines the orientation of the reference frame identified by CLSSID. SEGID is a segment identifier. A PCK segment identifier may contain up to 40 characters. INTLEN is the length of time, in TDB Julian days, covered by each set of Chebyshev polynomial coefficients (each logical record). N is the number of logical records to be stored in the segment. There is one logical record for each time period. Each logical record contains three sets of Chebyshev coefficients---one for each coordinate---and three position vector components. POLYDG is the degree of each set of Chebyshev polynomials, i.e. the number of Chebyshev coefficients per angle minus one. POLYDG must be less than or equal to the parameter MAXDEG. CDATA is an array containing sets of Chebyshev polynomial coefficients and angles to be placed in the new segment of the PCK file. The Chebyshev coefficients represent Euler angle rates; the angles are values of the Euler angles at each interval midpoint. The angular and time units of the data are defined by the inputs ASCALE and TSCALE, which are described below. The Euler angles represent the orientation of the reference frame designated by CLSSID relative to its base frame. The angles, which are numbered according to their ordinal position in the logical records, define a transformation matrix R as follows: R = [ A*ANGLE_3 ] [ A*ANGLE_2 ] [ A*ANGLE_1 ] 3 1 3 where A is the angular scale ASCALE. Here the notation [ THETA ] i denotes a reference frame rotation of THETA radians in the right-hand sense about the ith coordinate axis. See the Rotation Required Reading for further discussion of this notation. The matrix R transforms vectors expressed in the base frame to vectors expressed in the frame associated with CLSSID by left multiplication: V = R * V CLSSID FRAME In cases where the frame designated by CLSSID (which we'll abbreviate as "the CLSSID frame") is a body-fixed, right-handed frame with its +Z axis aligned with a body's north pole, the orientation angles are related to right ascension (RA) and declination (DEC) of the CLSSID frame's north pole, and prime meridian orientation (W), by the equations ANGLE_1 * ASCALE = RA + pi/2 radians ANGLE_2 * ASCALE = pi/2 - DEC radians ANGLE_3 * ASCALE = W radians The coefficients and angles are stored in CDATA in order as follows: the (POLYDG + 1) coefficients for the rate of the first angle of the first logical record, followed by the value of the first angle at the first interval midpoint. the coefficients for the rate of the second angle of the first logical record, followed by the value of the second angle at the first interval midpoint. the coefficients for the rate of the third angle of the first logical record, followed by the value of the third angle at the first interval midpoint. the (degree + 1) coefficients for the rate of the first angle of the second logical record, followed by the value of the first angle at the second interval midpoint. and so on. The logical data records are stored contiguously: +----------+ | Record 1 | +----------+ | Record 2 | +----------+ ... +----------+ | Record N | +----------+ The contents of an individual record are: +--------------------------------------+ | Coeff set for ANGLE_1 rate | +--------------------------------------+ | ANGLE_1 | +--------------------------------------+ | Coeff set for ANGLE_2 rate | +--------------------------------------+ | ANGLE_2 | +--------------------------------------+ | Coeff set for ANGLE_3 rate | +--------------------------------------+ | ANGLE_3 | +--------------------------------------+ Each coefficient set has the structure: +--------------------------------------+ | Coefficient of T_0 | +--------------------------------------+ | Coefficient of T_1 | +--------------------------------------+ ... +--------------------------------------+ | Coefficient of T_POLYDG | +--------------------------------------+ Where T_n represents the Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind of degree n. ASCALE, TSCALE are, respectively, the angular scale of the input angle and angular rate data in radians, and the time scale of the input rate data in TDB seconds. For example, if the input angular data have units of degrees, ASCALE should be set to the number of radians in one degree. If the input rate data have time units of Julian days, then TSCALE should be set to the number of seconds per Julian day (86400). INITJD is the integer part of the Julian ephemeris date of initial epoch of the first record. INITJD may be less than, equal to, or greater than the initial epoch. INITFR is the fractional part of the Julian ephemeris date of initial epoch of the first record. INITFR has units of Julian days. INITFR has magnitude strictly less than 1 day. The sum INITJD + INITFR equals the Julian ephemeris date of the initial epoch of the first record. Detailed_OutputNone. This routine writes data to a PCK file. ParametersMAXDEG is the maximum allowed degree of the input Chebyshev expansions. MAXDEG is declared in the Fortran INCLUDE file pck20.inc. TOLSCL is a tolerance scale factor (also called a "relative tolerance") used for time coverage bound checking. TOLSCL is unitless. TOLSCL produces a tolerance value via the formula TOL = TOLSCL * MAX( ABS(FIRST), ABS(LAST) ) where FIRST and LAST are the coverage time bounds of a type 20 segment, expressed as seconds past J2000 TDB. The resulting parameter TOL is used as a tolerance for comparing the input segment descriptor time bounds to the first and last epoch covered by the sequence of time intervals defined by the inputs to PCKW20: INITJD INITFR INTLEN N TOLSCL is declared in the Fortran INCLUDE file pck20.inc. See the $Exceptions section below for a description of the error check using this tolerance. Exceptions1) If the number of sets of coefficients is not positive, the error SPICE(INVALIDCOUNT) is signaled. 2) If the interval length is not positive, the error SPICE(INTLENNOTPOS) is signaled. 3) If the name of the reference frame is not recognized, the error SPICE(INVALIDREFFRAME) is signaled. 4) If segment stop time is not greater then the begin time, the error SPICE(BADDESCRTIMES) is signaled. 5) If the start time of the first record exceeds the descriptor begin time by more than a computed tolerance, or if the end time of the last record precedes the descriptor end time by more than a computed tolerance, the error SPICE(COVERAGEGAP) is signaled. See the $Parameters section above for a description of the tolerance. 6) If the input degree POLYDG is less than 0 or greater than MAXDEG, the error SPICE(INVALIDDEGREE) is signaled. 7) If the last non-blank character of SEGID occurs past index 40, or if SEGID contains any nonprintable characters, an error is signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine. 8) If either the angle or time scale is non-positive, the error SPICE(NONPOSITIVESCALE) is signaled. FilesA new type 20 PCK segment is written to the PCK file attached to HANDLE. ParticularsThis routine writes a PCK type 20 data segment to the designated PCK file, according to the format described in the PCK Required Reading. Each segment can contain data for only one reference frame and base frame. The Chebyshev polynomial degree and length of time covered by each logical record are also fixed. However, an arbitrary number of logical records of Chebyshev polynomial coefficients can be written in each segment. Minimizing the number of segments in a PCK file will help optimize how the SPICE system accesses the file. ExamplesSuppose that you have in an array CDATA sets of Chebyshev polynomial coefficients and angles representing the orientation of the moon, relative to the J2000 reference frame, and you want to put these into a type 20 segment in an existing PCK file. The following code could be used to add one new type 20 segment. To add multiple segments, put the call to PCKW20 in a loop. C C First open the PCK file and get a handle for it. C CALL DAFOPW ( PCKNAM, HANDLE ) C C Create a segment identifier. C SEGID = 'MY_SAMPLE_PCK_TYPE_20_SEGMENT' C C Note that the interval length INTLEN has units C of Julian days. The start time of the first record C is expressed using two inputs: integer and fractional C portions of the Julian ephemeris date of the start C time. C C The PCK frame class ID code is stored in the C variable CLSSID. This ID must be associated in C with a PCK frame; usually such an association is C made via a frame kernel. C C Write the segment. C CALL PCKW20 ( HANDLE, CLSSID, 'J2000', FIRST, . LAST, SEGID, INTLEN, N, . POLYDG, CDATA, ASCALE, TSCALE . INITJD, INITFR ) C C Close the file. C CALL DAFCLS ( HANDLE ) RestrictionsNone. Literature_ReferencesNone. Author_and_InstitutionN.J. Bachman (JPL) J. Diaz del Rio (ODC Space) K.S. Zukor (JPL) VersionSPICELIB Version 1.0.1, 03-JUN-2021 (JDR) Edited the header to comply with NAIF standard. SPICELIB Version 1.0.0, 17-JAN-2014 (NJB) (KSZ) |
Fri Dec 31 18:36:38 2021