stcf01 |
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ProcedureSTCF01 (STAR catalog type 1, find stars in RA-DEC box) SUBROUTINE STCF01 ( CATNAM, WESTRA, EASTRA, STHDEC, NTHDEC, . NSTARS) AbstractSearch through a type 1 star catalog and return the number of stars within a specified RA - DEC rectangle. Required_ReadingEK KeywordsNone. DeclarationsIMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER*(*) CATNAM DOUBLE PRECISION WESTRA DOUBLE PRECISION EASTRA DOUBLE PRECISION STHDEC DOUBLE PRECISION NTHDEC INTEGER NSTARS Brief_I/OVARIABLE I/O DESCRIPTION -------- --- -------------------------------------------------- CATNAM I Catalog table name. WESTRA I Western most right ascension in radians. EASTRA I Eastern most right ascension in radians. STHDEC I Southern most declination in radians. NTHDEC I Northern most declination in radians. NSTARS O Number of stars found. Detailed_InputCATNAM is name of the catalog data table. This name is returned by the catalog loader routine STCL01. WESTRA are right ascension and declination constraints EASTRA giving the western, eastern, southern and northern STHDEC boundaries of a search rectangle as follows: NTHDEC RA BETWEEN WESTRA AND EASTRA and DEC BETWEEN STHDEC AND NTHDEC where RA and DEC are the right ascension and declination of a star. WESTRA always represents "west" side of this rectangle and EASTRA -- the "east" side. STHDEC represents the "south" side of the rectangle, NTHDEC represents the "north" side of the rectangle. For an observer standing on the surface of the earth at the equator, the west side of the rectangle ( the side associated with WESTRA) rises first. The east side (the side associated with EASTRA) rises last. All meridians that rise between the rising of the west and east edges of the rectangle cross through the RA-DEC rectangle. To specify the 6 degrees wide RA-DEC square centered on the celestial equator that has western most right ascension of 357 degrees, use the following values for WESTRA, EASTRA, STHDEC, and NTHDEC (we multiply the angles by the SPICELIB function RPD to convert degrees to radians). WESTRA = 357.0D0 * RPD() EASTRA = 3.0D0 * RPD() STHDEC = -3.0D0 * RPD() DEXMAX = 3.0D0 * RPD() To specify a 5 degree wide RA-DEC square that has western most right ascension 10 degrees and eastern most right ascension 15 degrees and southern most declination of 45 degrees, assign the following values to WESTRA, EASTRA, STHDEC and NTHDEC. WESTRA = 10.0D0 * RPD() EASTRA = 15.0D0 * RPD() STHDEC = 45.0D0 * RPD() DEXMAX = 50.0D0 * RPD() All RA and DECS should be in radians and relative to the J2000 inertial frame. All Right Ascension values should be in the interval [0, 2*pi ). This routine does not "fold" Right Ascension values into the this interval. For example if you request stars in whose right ascensions lie between 3*pi and 4*pi no stars will be found. All Declination values should be in the interval [-pi,pi]. Detailed_OutputNSTARS is number of catalog stars found within the specified RA - DEC rectangle. ParametersNone. Exceptions1) If no star catalog has been loaded, an error is signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine. 2) If the catalog query fails for any reason, the error SPICE(QUERYFAILURE) is signaled. FilesThis routine searches for stars within SPICE type 1 star catalog files that have been loaded by calls to the STCL01 routine and that contain that catalog data table named CATNAM. SPICE type 1 star catalog files MUST contain a single data table. It can occupy a single segment or it can spread across multiple segments. This table MUST include the following columns: column name data type units ------------------------------------------------------- RA DOUBLE PRECISION DEGREES DEC DOUBLE PRECISION DEGREES RA_SIGMA DOUBLE PRECISION DEGREES DEC_SIGMA DOUBLE PRECISION DEGREES CATALOG_NUMBER INTEGER SPECTRAL_TYPE CHARACTER*(4) VISUAL_MAGNITUDE DOUBLE PRECISION Nulls are not allowed in any of the columns. Other columns can also be present in the table but their data will NOT be accessible through STCF01 and STCG01 -- the interface used to access data in the catalog. Note that the names and attributes of these additional columns must be identical for all segments containing this table. ParticularsThis routine is intended to be a part of the user interface to the SPICE type 1 star catalog. It allows the caller to find all stars within a specified RA - DEC rectangle in the SPICE EK type 1 star catalog files loaded by STCL01. This subroutine MUST NOT be called before a catalog file has been loaded. Other routines in the SPICE type 1 star catalog access family are: STCL01 load the catalog file and make its data available for search and retrieval. STCG01 retrieve position and characteristics for a specified star in the set found by this routine. ExamplesIn the following code fragment, STCF01 is used to find all stars within a specified RA - DEC rectangle in a SPICE EK type 1 star catalog. C C Load catalog file. C CALL STCL01 ( CATFN, TABNAM, HANDLE ) C C Search through the loaded catalog. C CALL STCF01 ( TABNAM, WESTRA, EASTRA, . STHDEC, NTHDEC, NSTARS ) C C Retrieve data for every star found. C DO I = 1, NSTARS CALL STCG01 ( I, RA, DEC, RASIG, DECSIG, . CATNUM, SPTYPE, VMAG ) END DO Restrictions1) The catalog file STCF01 searches through MUST be loaded by STCL01 before STCF01 is called. Literature_ReferencesNone. Author_and_InstitutionJ. Diaz del Rio (ODC Space) B.V. Semenov (JPL) VersionSPICELIB Version 1.1.0, 20-AUG-2021 (JDR) Added IMPLICIT NONE statement. Edited the header to comply with NAIF standard. SPICELIB Version 1.0.0, 15-MAY-1996 (BVS) |
Fri Dec 31 18:36:57 2021