cke05 |
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ProcedureCKE05 ( C-Kernel, evaluate, type 5 ) SUBROUTINE CKE05 ( NEEDAV, RECORD, CMAT, AV, CLKOUT ) AbstractEvaluate a single data record from a type 5 CK segment. Required_ReadingCK KeywordsPOINTING DeclarationsIMPLICIT NONE INCLUDE '' INCLUDE '' LOGICAL NEEDAV DOUBLE PRECISION RECORD ( * ) DOUBLE PRECISION CMAT ( 3, 3 ) DOUBLE PRECISION AV ( 3 ) DOUBLE PRECISION CLKOUT Brief_I/OVARIABLE I/O DESCRIPTION -------- --- -------------------------------------------------- NEEDAV I .TRUE. if angular velocity is requested. RECORD I-O Data type 5 record. CMAT O C-matrix. AV O Angular velocity vector. CLKOUT O SCLK associated with C-matrix. Detailed_InputNEEDAV is .TRUE. if angular velocity is requested. RECORD is a record from a type 5 CK segment which, when evaluated at the epoch contained in its first element, will give the attitude and angular velocity of a spacecraft structure or instrument relative to a base reference frame. The structure of the record is as follows: +----------------------+ | evaluation epoch | +----------------------+ | subtype code | +----------------------+ | number of packets (n)| +----------------------+ | nominal SCLK rate | +----------------------+ | packet 1 | +----------------------+ | packet 2 | +----------------------+ . . . +----------------------+ | packet n | +----------------------+ | epochs 1--n | +----------------------+ See the CK Required Reading or the include file for details on CK type 5 packet contents. Detailed_OutputRECORD has been modified due to its use as a workspace array. The contents are undefined. CMAT is a rotation matrix that transforms the components of a vector expressed in the base frame given in the segment to components expressed in the instrument fixed frame at the returned time. Thus, if a vector v has components x, y, z in the base frame, then v has components x', y', z' in the instrument fixed frame where: [ x' ] [ ] [ x ] | y' | = | CMAT | | y | [ z' ] [ ] [ z ] If the x', y', z' components are known, use the transpose of the C-matrix to determine x, y, z as follows. [ x ] [ ]T [ x' ] | y | = | CMAT | | y' | [ z ] [ ] [ z' ] (Transpose of CMAT) AV is the angular velocity vector of the instrument fixed frame defined by CMAT. The angular velocity is returned only if NEEDAV is .TRUE. The direction of the angular velocity vector gives the right-handed axis about which the instrument fixed reference frame is rotating. The magnitude of AV is the magnitude of the instantaneous velocity of the rotation, in radians per second. The angular velocity vector is returned in component form AV = [ AV1 , AV2 , AV3 ] which is in terms of the base coordinate frame specified in the segment descriptor. CLKOUT is the encoded SCLK associated with the returned C-matrix and angular velocity vector. ParametersNone. Exceptions1) If the input record contains an unrecognized subtype code, the error SPICE(NOTSUPPORTED) is signaled. 2) If the record subtype is one for which quaternion derivatives are stored (subtypes 0 and 2), and if the Ith quaternion in the input record is farther than its negative from the (I-1)st quaternion in the record, the error SPICE(BADQUATSIGN) is signaled. For subtypes 1 and 3, this condition is not considered an error: the closer to the preceding quaternion of the two quaternion representations is used for interpolation. FilesNone. ParticularsThe exact format and structure of CK type 5 (MEX/Rosetta Attitude file interpolation) CK segments is described in the CK Required Reading. ExamplesThe CKEnn routines are almost always used in conjunction with the corresponding CKRnn routines, which read the records from CK files. The following code fragment searches through all of the segments in a file applicable to the Mars Express spacecraft bus that are of data type 5, for a particular spacecraft clock time. It then evaluates the pointing for that epoch and prints the result. CHARACTER*(20) SCLKCH CHARACTER*(20) SCTIME CHARACTER*(40) IDENT INTEGER I INTEGER SC INTEGER INST INTEGER HANDLE INTEGER DTYPE INTEGER ICD ( 6 ) DOUBLE PRECISION SCLKDP DOUBLE PRECISION TOL DOUBLE PRECISION CLKOUT DOUBLE PRECISION DESCR ( 5 ) DOUBLE PRECISION DCD ( 2 ) DOUBLE PRECISION RECORD ( 17 ) DOUBLE PRECISION CMAT ( 3, 3 ) DOUBLE PRECISION AV ( 3 ) LOGICAL NEEDAV LOGICAL FND LOGICAL SFND SC = -41 INST = -41000 DTYPE = 5 NEEDAV = .FALSE. C C Load the MEX SCLK kernel and the C-kernel. C CALL FURNSH ( 'MEX_SCLK.TSC' ) CALL DAFOPR ( 'MEX_CK.BC', HANDLE ) C C Get the spacecraft clock time. Then encode it for use C in the C-kernel. C WRITE (*,*) 'Enter spacecraft clock time string:' READ (*,FMT='(A)') SCLKCH CALL SCENCD ( SC, SCLKCH, SCLKDP ) C C Use a tolerance of 2 seconds ( half of the nominal C separation between MEX pointing instances ). C CALL SCTIKS ( SC, '0000000002:000', TOL ) C C Search from the beginning of the CK file through all C of the segments. C CALL DAFBFS ( HANDLE ) CALL DAFFNA ( SFND ) FND = .FALSE. DO WHILE ( ( SFND ) .AND. ( .NOT. FND ) ) C C Get the segment identifier and descriptor. C CALL DAFGN ( IDENT ) CALL DAFGS ( DESCR ) C C Unpack the segment descriptor into its integer and C double precision components. C CALL DAFUS ( DESCR, 2, 6, DCD, ICD ) C C Determine if this segment should be processed. C IF ( ( INST .EQ. ICD( 1 ) ) .AND. . ( SCLKDP + TOL .GE. DCD( 1 ) ) .AND. . ( SCLKDP - TOL .LE. DCD( 2 ) ) .AND. . ( DTYPE .EQ. ICD( 3 ) ) ) THEN CALL CKR05 ( HANDLE, DESCR, SCLKDP, TOL, NEEDAV, . RECORD, FND ) IF ( FND ) THEN CALL CKE05 (NEEDAV,RECORD,CMAT,AV,CLKOUT) CALL SCDECD ( SC, CLKOUT, SCTIME ) WRITE (*,*) WRITE (*,*) 'Segment identifier: ', IDENT WRITE (*,*) WRITE (*,*) 'Pointing returned for time: ', . SCTIME WRITE (*,*) WRITE (*,*) 'C-matrix:' WRITE (*,*) WRITE (*,*) ( CMAT(1,I), I = 1, 3 ) WRITE (*,*) ( CMAT(2,I), I = 1, 3 ) WRITE (*,*) ( CMAT(3,I), I = 1, 3 ) WRITE (*,*) END IF END IF CALL DAFFNA ( SFND ) END DO Restrictions1) This routine assumes that the input record is valid. Any checking of the input data is assumed to have been performed when the source CK file was created. 2) This routine assumes that the input data are suitable for the interpolation method indicated by the subtype code in the input record. Since the mapping of rotations to quaternions is multiple-valued, this routine assumes that whichever sign minimizes the Euclidean distance between one quaternion and the next is the correct sign. Literature_ReferencesNone. Author_and_InstitutionN.J. Bachman (JPL) J. Diaz del Rio (ODC Space) VersionSPICELIB Version 3.1.1, 12-AUG-2021 (JDR) Edited the header to comply with NAIF standard. SPICELIB Version 3.1.0, 11-AUG-2015 (NJB) Bug fix: PRVPTR is now updated at the end of the quaternion sequence check for Hermite subtypes. SPICELIB Version 3.0.0, 06-FEB-2014 (NJB) Bug fix and functional change: quaternion sign adjustment is no longer performed for the Hermite subtypes (0 and 2). If a sign adjustment is needed for quaternions belonging to a record of Hermite subtype, an error is signaled. Sign adjustment is still performed for the Lagrange subtypes. Corrected in-line comments concerning change of AV units. SPICELIB Version 2.0.0, 20-NOV-2006 (NJB) Bug fix: this routine now assumes that angular velocity and quaternion derivative values stored in the input record have units of radians/second. Bug fix: this routine no longer attempts to determine the correct sign of quaternion derivatives. The caller must supply quaternion derivatives that are suitable for interpolation. SPICELIB Version 1.3.0, 23-OCT-2005 (NJB) Updated to remove non-standard use of duplicate arguments in XPOSEG and VSCL calls. Replaced header reference to LDPOOL with reference to FURNSH. SPICELIB Version 1.2.0, 14-FEB-2003 (NJB) Bug fix: angular velocity computation was modified to match that used in the corresponding algorithm employed by the MEX/Rosetta attitude file reader. The quaternion derivative used to derive angular velocity now is the derivative of the *unit* quaternion. SPICELIB Version 1.1.0, 06-SEP-2002 (NJB) |
Fri Dec 31 18:36:02 2021