azlcpo |
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ProcedureAZLCPO ( AZ/EL, constant position observer state ) SUBROUTINE AZLCPO ( METHOD, TARGET, ET, ABCORR, AZCCW, . ELPLSZ, OBSPOS, OBSCTR, OBSREF, AZLSTA, LT ) AbstractReturn the azimuth/elevation coordinates of a specified target relative to an "observer," where the observer has constant position in a specified reference frame. The observer's position is provided by the calling program rather than by loaded SPK files. Required_ReadingFRAMES PCK SPK TIME KeywordsCOORDINATES EPHEMERIS DeclarationsIMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER*(*) METHOD CHARACTER*(*) TARGET DOUBLE PRECISION ET CHARACTER*(*) ABCORR LOGICAL AZCCW LOGICAL ELPLSZ DOUBLE PRECISION OBSPOS ( 3 ) CHARACTER*(*) OBSCTR CHARACTER*(*) OBSREF DOUBLE PRECISION AZLSTA ( 6 ) DOUBLE PRECISION LT Brief_I/OVARIABLE I/O DESCRIPTION -------- --- -------------------------------------------------- METHOD I Method to obtain the surface normal vector. TARGET I Name of target ephemeris object. ET I Observation epoch. ABCORR I Aberration correction. AZCCW I Flag indicating how azimuth is measured. ELPLSZ I Flag indicating how elevation is measured. OBSPOS I Observer position relative to center of motion. OBSCTR I Center of motion of observer. OBSREF I Body-fixed, body-centered frame of observer's center. AZLSTA O State of target with respect to observer, in azimuth/elevation coordinates. LT O One way light time between target and observer. Detailed_InputMETHOD is a short string providing parameters defining the computation method to be used to obtain the surface normal vector that defines the local zenith. Parameters include, but are not limited to, the shape model used to represent the body's surface of observer's center of motion. The only choice currently supported is 'ELLIPSOID' The intercept computation uses a triaxial ellipsoid to model the body's surface of the observer's center of motion. The ellipsoid's radii must be available in the kernel pool. Neither case nor white space are significant in METHOD. For example, the string ' eLLipsoid ' is valid. In a later Toolkit release, this argument will be used to invoke a wider range of surface representations. For example, it will be possible to represent the target body's surface using a digital shape model. TARGET is the name of a target body. Optionally, you may supply the ID code of the object as an integer string. For example, both 'EARTH' and '399' are legitimate strings to supply to indicate the target is Earth. Case and leading and trailing blanks are not significant in the string TARGET. ET is the ephemeris time at which the state of the target relative to the observer is to be computed. ET is expressed as seconds past J2000 TDB. ET refers to time at the observer's location. ABCORR is a short string that indicates the aberration corrections to be applied to the observer-target state to account for one-way light time and stellar aberration. ABCORR may be any of the following: 'NONE' Apply no correction. Return the geometric state of the target relative to the observer. The following values of ABCORR apply to the "reception" case in which photons depart from the target's location at the light-time corrected epoch ET-LT and *arrive* at the observer's location at ET: 'LT' Correct for one-way light time (also called "planetary aberration") using a Newtonian formulation. This correction yields the state of the target at the moment it emitted photons arriving at the observer at ET. The light time correction uses an iterative solution of the light time equation. The solution invoked by the 'LT' option uses one iteration. 'LT+S' Correct for one-way light time and stellar aberration using a Newtonian formulation. This option modifies the state obtained with the 'LT' option to account for the observer's velocity relative to the solar system barycenter. The result is the apparent state of the target---the position and velocity of the target as seen by the observer. 'CN' Converged Newtonian light time correction. In solving the light time equation, the 'CN' correction iterates until the solution converges. 'CN+S' Converged Newtonian light time and stellar aberration corrections. The following values of ABCORR apply to the "transmission" case in which photons *depart* from the observer's location at ET and arrive at the target's location at the light-time corrected epoch ET+LT: 'XLT' "Transmission" case: correct for one-way light time using a Newtonian formulation. This correction yields the state of the target at the moment it receives photons emitted from the observer's location at ET. 'XLT+S' "Transmission" case: correct for one-way light time and stellar aberration using a Newtonian formulation This option modifies the state obtained with the 'XLT' option to account for the observer's velocity relative to the solar system barycenter. The position component of the computed target state indicates the direction that photons emitted from the observer's location must be "aimed" to hit the target. 'XCN' "Transmission" case: converged Newtonian light time correction. 'XCN+S' "Transmission" case: converged Newtonian light time and stellar aberration corrections. Neither special nor general relativistic effects are accounted for in the aberration corrections applied by this routine. Case and leading and trailing blanks are not significant in the string ABCORR. AZCCW is a flag indicating how the azimuth is measured. If AZCCW is .TRUE., the azimuth increases in the counterclockwise direction; otherwise it increases in the clockwise direction. ELPLSZ is a flag indicating how the elevation is measured. If ELPLSZ is .TRUE., the elevation increases from the XY plane toward +Z; otherwise toward -Z. OBSPOS is the fixed (constant) geometric position of an observer relative to its center of motion OBSCTR, expressed in the reference frame OBSREF. OBSPOS does not need to be located on the surface of the object centered at OBSCTR. Units are always km. OBSCTR is the name of the center of motion of OBSPOS. The ephemeris of OBSCTR is provided by loaded SPK files. Optionally, you may supply the integer ID code for the object as an integer string. For example both 'MOON' and '301' are legitimate strings that indicate the moon is the center of motion. Case and leading and trailing blanks are not significant in the string OBSCTR. OBSREF is the name of the body-fixed, body-centered reference frame associated with the observer's center of motion, relative to which the input position OBSPOS is expressed. The observer has constant position relative to its center of motion in this reference frame. Case and leading and trailing blanks are not significant in the string OBSREF. Detailed_OutputAZLSTA is a state vector representing the position and velocity of the target relative to the specified observer, corrected for the specified aberrations and expressed in azimuth/elevation coordinates. The first three components of AZLSTA represent the range, azimuth and elevation of the target's position; the last three components form the corresponding velocity vector: AZLSTA = ( R, AZ, EL, dR/dt, dAZ/dt, dEL/dt ) The position component of AZLSTA points from the observer's location at ET to the aberration-corrected location of the target. Note that the sense of the position vector is independent of the direction of radiation travel implied by the aberration correction. The velocity component of AZLSTA is the derivative with respect to time of the position component of AZLSTA. Azimuth, elevation and its derivatives are measured with respect to the axes of the local topocentric reference frame. See the $Particulars section for the definition of this reference frame. The azimuth is the angle between the projection onto the local topocentric principal (X-Y) plane of the vector from the observer's position to the target and the principal axis of the reference frame. The azimuth is zero on the +X axis. The elevation is the angle between the vector from the observer's position to the target and the local topocentric principal plane. The elevation is zero on the plane. Units are km for R, radians for AZ and EL, km/sec for dR/dt, and radians/sec for dAZ/dt and dEL/dt. The range of AZ is [0, 2*pi] and the range of EL is [-pi/2, pi/2]. The way azimuth and elevation are measured depend respectively on the value of the logical flags AZCCW and ELPLSZ. See the description of these input arguments for details. LT is the one-way light time between the observer and target in seconds. If the target state is corrected for aberrations, then LT is the one-way light time between the observer and the light time corrected target location. ParametersNone. Exceptions1) If either the name of the center of motion or the target cannot be translated to its NAIF ID code, an error is signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine. 2) If the reference frame OBSREF is not recognized, the error SPICE(UNKNOWNFRAME) is signaled. A frame name may fail to be recognized because a required frame specification kernel has not been loaded; another cause is a misspelling of the frame name. 3) If the reference frame OBSREF is not centered at the observer's center of motion OBSCTR, the error SPICE(INVALIDFRAME) is signaled. 4) If the radii of the center of motion body are not available from the kernel pool, an error is signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine. 5) If the size of the OBSCTR body radii kernel variable is not three, an error is signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine. 6) If any of the three OBSCTR body radii is less-than or equal to zero, an error is signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine. 7) If the ratio of the longest to the shortest radii is large enough so that arithmetic expressions involving its squared value may overflow, an error is signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine. 8) If the radii of the center of motion body and the axes of OBSPOS have radically different magnitudes so that arithmetic overflow may occur during the computation of the nearest point of the observer on the center of motion's reference ellipsoid, an error is signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine. Note that even if there is no overflow, if the ratios of the radii lengths, or the ratio of the magnitude of OBSPOS and the shortest radius vary by many orders of magnitude, the results may have poor precision. 9) If the computation METHOD is not recognized, the error SPICE(INVALIDMETHOD) is signaled. 10) If the loaded kernels provide insufficient data to compute the requested state vector, an error is signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine. 11) If an error occurs while reading an SPK or other kernel file, the error is signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine. 12) If the aberration correction ABCORR is not recognized, an error is signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine. 13) If TARGET is on the Z-axis ( X = 0 and Y = 0 ) of the local topocentric frame centered at OBSPOS, an error is signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine. See item 2 in the $Restrictions section for further details. FilesAppropriate kernels must be loaded by the calling program before this routine is called. The following data are required: - SPK data: ephemeris data for the observer center and target must be loaded. If aberration corrections are used, the states of the observer center and target relative to the solar system barycenter must be calculable from the available ephemeris data. Typically ephemeris data are made available by loading one or more SPK files using FURNSH. - Shape and orientation data: if the computation method is specified as "Ellipsoid," triaxial radii for the center body must be loaded into the kernel pool. Typically this is done by loading a text PCK file via FURNSH. Additionally, rotation data for the body-fixed, body-centered frame associated with the observer's center of motion must be loaded. These may be provided in a text or binary PCK file. In some cases these data may be provided by a CK file. The following data may be required: - Frame data: if a frame definition not built into SPICE is required, for example to convert the observer-target state to the body-fixed body-centered frame, that definition must be available in the kernel pool. Typically frame definitions are supplied by loading a frame kernel using FURNSH. - Additional kernels: if a CK frame is used in this routine's state computation, then at least one CK and corresponding SCLK kernel is required. If dynamic frames are used, additional SPK, PCK, CK, or SCLK kernels may be required. In all cases, kernel data are normally loaded once per program run, NOT every time this routine is called. ParticularsThis routine computes azimuth/elevation coordinates of a target as seen from an observer whose trajectory is not provided by SPK files. Observers supported by this routine must have constant position with respect to a specified center of motion, expressed in a caller-specified reference frame. The state of the center of motion relative to the target must be computable using loaded SPK data. This routine is suitable for computing the azimuth/elevation coordinates and its derivatives of target ephemeris objects, as seen from landmarks on the surface of an extended object, in cases where no SPK data are available for those landmarks. The azimuth/elevation coordinates are defined with respect to the observer's local topocentric reference frame. This frame is generally defined as follows: - the +Z axis is aligned with the surface normal outward vector at the observer's location; - the +X axis is aligned with the component of the +Z axis of the body-fixed reference frame orthogonal to the outward normal vector, i.e. the +X axis points towards the body's North pole; - the +Y axis completes the right-handed system. For observers located on the +Z axis of the body-fixed frame designated by OBSREF, the following definition of the local topocentric reference frame is used by this routine: - the +Z axis is aligned with the surface normal outward vector at the observer's location; - the +X axis aligned with the +X axis of the body-fixed reference frame; - the +Y axis completes the right-handed system. In both cases, the origin of the local topocentric frame is the observer's location. ExamplesThe numerical results shown for this example may differ across platforms. The results depend on the SPICE kernels used as input, the compiler and supporting libraries, and the machine specific arithmetic implementation. 1) Find the azimuth/elevation state of Venus as seen from the DSS-14 station at a given epoch first using the position of the station given as a vector in the ITRF93 frame and then using the data provided in the kernel pool for the DSS-14 station. Task description ================ In this example, we will obtain the apparent state of Venus as seen from DSS-14 station in the DSS-14 topocentric reference frame. For this computation, we'll use the DSS-14 station's location given as a vector in the ITRF93 frame. Then we will compute same apparent state using SPKPOS to obtain a Cartesian state vector, after which we will transform the vector coordinates to azimuth, elevation and range and their derivatives using RECAZL and DAZLDR. In order to introduce the usage of the logical flags AZCCW and ELPLSZ, we will request the azimuth to be measured clockwise and the elevation positive towards the +Z axis of the DSS-14_TOPO reference frame. Results from the two computations will not agree exactly because of time-dependent differences in the orientation, relative to the ITRF93 frame, of the topocentric frame centered at DSS-14. This orientation varies with time due to movement of the station, which is affected by tectonic plate motion. The computation using AZLCPO evaluates the orientation of this frame using the station location at the observation epoch, while the SPKPOS computation uses the orientation provided by the station frame kernel. The latter is fixed and is derived from the station location at an epoch specified in the documentation of that kernel. Kernels ======= Use the meta-kernel shown below to load the required SPICE kernels. KPL/MK File name: This meta-kernel is intended to support operation of SPICE example programs. The kernels shown here should not be assumed to contain adequate or correct versions of data required by SPICE-based user applications. In order for an application to use this meta-kernel, the kernels referenced here must be present in the user's current working directory. The names and contents of the kernels referenced by this meta-kernel are as follows: File name Contents --------- -------- de430.bsp Planetary ephemeris naif0011.tls Leapseconds pck00010.tpc Planetary constants earth_720101_070426.bpc Earth historical binary PCK earthstns_itrf93_050714.bsp DSN station SPK DSN station FK \begindata KERNELS_TO_LOAD = ( 'de430.bsp', 'naif0011.tls', 'pck00010.tpc', 'earth_720101_070426.bpc', 'earthstns_itrf93_050714.bsp', '' ) \begintext End of meta-kernel. Example code begins here. PROGRAM AZLCPO_EX1 IMPLICIT NONE C C SPICELIB functions C DOUBLE PRECISION DPR C C Local parameters C CHARACTER*(*) FMT1 PARAMETER ( FMT1 = '(A,F20.8)' ) CHARACTER*(*) META PARAMETER ( META = '' ) INTEGER BDNMLN PARAMETER ( BDNMLN = 36 ) INTEGER CORLEN PARAMETER ( CORLEN = 10 ) INTEGER FRNMLN PARAMETER ( FRNMLN = 32 ) INTEGER STRLEN PARAMETER ( STRLEN = 40 ) INTEGER TIMLEN PARAMETER ( TIMLEN = 40 ) C C Local variables C CHARACTER*(CORLEN) ABCORR CHARACTER*(BDNMLN) OBS CHARACTER*(BDNMLN) OBSCTR CHARACTER*(FRNMLN) OBSREF CHARACTER*(TIMLEN) OBSTIM CHARACTER*(STRLEN) METHOD CHARACTER*(FRNMLN) REF CHARACTER*(BDNMLN) TARGET DOUBLE PRECISION AZ DOUBLE PRECISION AZLSTA ( 6 ) DOUBLE PRECISION AZLVEL ( 3 ) DOUBLE PRECISION EL DOUBLE PRECISION ET DOUBLE PRECISION JACOBI ( 3, 3 ) DOUBLE PRECISION LT DOUBLE PRECISION STATE ( 6 ) DOUBLE PRECISION OBSPOS ( 3 ) DOUBLE PRECISION R INTEGER I LOGICAL AZCCW LOGICAL ELPLSZ C C Load SPICE kernels. C CALL FURNSH ( META ) C C Convert the observation time to seconds past J2000 TDB. C OBSTIM = '2003 Jan 01 00:00:00 TDB' CALL STR2ET ( OBSTIM, ET ) C C Set the method, target, center of motion of the observer, C frame of observer position, and aberration corrections. C METHOD = 'ELLIPSOID' TARGET = 'VENUS' OBSCTR = 'EARTH' OBSREF = 'ITRF93' ABCORR = 'CN+S' C C Set the position of DSS-14 relative to the earth's C center at the observation epoch, expressed in the C ITRF93 reference frame. Values come from the C earth station SPK specified in the meta-kernel. C C The actual station velocity is non-zero due C to tectonic plate motion; we ignore the motion C in this example. C OBSPOS(1) = -2353.621419700D0 OBSPOS(2) = -4641.341471700D0 OBSPOS(3) = 3677.052317800D0 C C We want the azimuth/elevation coordinates to be measured C with the azimuth increasing clockwise and the C elevation positive towards +Z axis of the local C topocentric reference frame C AZCCW = .FALSE. ELPLSZ = .TRUE. CALL AZLCPO ( METHOD, TARGET, ET, ABCORR, . AZCCW, ELPLSZ, OBSPOS, OBSCTR, . OBSREF, AZLSTA, LT ) C C In order to check the results obtained using AZLCPO C we are going to compute the same azimuth/elevation state C using the position of DSS-14 and its local topocentric C reference frame 'DSS-14_TOPO' from the kernel pool. C OBS = 'DSS-14' REF = 'DSS-14_TOPO' C C Compute the observer-target state. C CALL SPKEZR ( TARGET, ET, REF, ABCORR, OBS, . STATE, LT ) C C Convert the position to azimuth/elevation coordinates. C CALL RECAZL ( STATE, AZCCW, ELPLSZ, R, AZ, EL ) C C Convert velocity to azimuth/elevation coordinates. C CALL DAZLDR ( STATE(1), STATE(2), STATE(3), . AZCCW, ELPLSZ, JACOBI ) CALL MXV ( JACOBI, STATE(4), AZLVEL ) WRITE(*,*) WRITE(*,'(A)') 'AZ/EL coordinates (from AZLCPO):' WRITE(*,*) WRITE(*,FMT1) ' Range (km) = ', AZLSTA(1) WRITE(*,FMT1) ' Azimuth (deg) = ', AZLSTA(2) . * DPR() WRITE(*,FMT1) ' Elevation (deg) = ', AZLSTA(3) . * DPR() WRITE(*,*) WRITE(*,'(A)') 'AZ/EL coordinates (using kernels):' WRITE(*,*) WRITE(*,FMT1) ' Range (km) = ', R WRITE(*,FMT1) ' Azimuth (deg) = ', AZ * DPR() WRITE(*,FMT1) ' Elevation (deg) = ', EL * DPR() WRITE(*,*) WRITE(*,'(A)') 'AZ/EL velocity (from AZLCPO):' WRITE(*,*) WRITE(*,FMT1) ' d Range/dt (km/s) = ', AZLSTA(4) WRITE(*,FMT1) ' d Azimuth/dt (deg/s) = ', AZLSTA(5) . * DPR() WRITE(*,FMT1) ' d Elevation/dt (deg/s) = ', AZLSTA(6) . * DPR() WRITE(*,*) WRITE(*,'(A)') 'AZ/EL velocity (using kernels):' WRITE(*,*) WRITE(*,FMT1) ' d Range/dt (km/s) = ', AZLVEL(1) WRITE(*,FMT1) ' d Azimuth/dt (deg/s) = ', AZLVEL(2) . * DPR() WRITE(*,FMT1) ' d Elevation/dt (deg/s) = ', AZLVEL(3) . * DPR() WRITE(*,*) END When this program was executed on a Mac/Intel/gfortran/64-bit platform, the output was: AZ/EL coordinates (from AZLCPO): Range (km) = 89344802.82679011 Azimuth (deg) = 269.04481881 Elevation (deg) = -25.63088321 AZ/EL coordinates (using kernels): Range (km) = 89344802.82679011 Azimuth (deg) = 269.04481846 Elevation (deg) = -25.63088278 AZ/EL velocity (from AZLCPO): d Range/dt (km/s) = 13.41734176 d Azimuth/dt (deg/s) = 0.00238599 d Elevation/dt (deg/s) = -0.00339644 AZ/EL velocity (using kernels): d Range/dt (km/s) = 13.41734176 d Azimuth/dt (deg/s) = 0.00238599 d Elevation/dt (deg/s) = -0.00339644 Note the discrepancy in the AZ/EL coordinates found by the two computation methods. Please refer to the task description for an explanation. Restrictions1) This routine may not be suitable for work with stars or other objects having large distances from the observer, due to loss of precision in position vectors. 2) The Jacobian matrix of the transformation from rectangular to azimuth/elevation coordinates has a singularity for points located on the Z-axis ( X = 0 and Y = 0 ) of the local topocentric frame centered at OBSPOS; therefore the derivative of the azimuth/elevation coordinates cannot be computed for those points. A user who wishes to compute the azimuth/elevation coordinates, without their derivatives, of TARGET as seen from OBSPOS at the input time ET, for those cases when TARGET is located along the local topocentric Z-axis, could do so by executing the following calls: CALL SPKCPO ( TARGET, ET, OBSREF, 'OBSERVER', ABCORR, . OBSPOS, OBSCTR, OBSREF, STATE, LT ) RANGE = VNORM( STATE ) By definition, the azimuth is zero and the elevation is either pi/2 if ELPLSZ is .TRUE., or -pi/2 otherwise. Literature_ReferencesNone. Author_and_InstitutionN.J. Bachman (JPL) J. Diaz del Rio (ODC Space) E.D. Wright (JPL) VersionSPICELIB Version 1.0.0, 01-NOV-2021 (JDR) (NJB) (EDW) |
Fri Dec 31 18:35:59 2021