pckmat |
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ProcedurePCKMAT ( PCK, get transformation matrix at time ) SUBROUTINE PCKMAT ( BODY, ET, REF, TSIPM, FOUND ) AbstractReturn the name of an inertial reference frame and the 6 x 6 state transformation matrix from that frame to the body fixed frame of a given body at a specified epoch. Required_ReadingNAIF_IDS ROTATION TIME PCK KeywordsROTATION TRANSFORMATION DeclarationsIMPLICIT NONE INTEGER BODY DOUBLE PRECISION ET INTEGER REF DOUBLE PRECISION TSIPM ( 6, 6 ) LOGICAL FOUND Brief_I/OVARIABLE I/O DESCRIPTION -------- --- -------------------------------------------------- BODY I ID code of some body. ET I Epoch of transformation. REF O Integer code for inertial reference frame. TSIPM O Transformation from Inertial to PM for BODY at ET. FOUND O .TRUE. if data for BODY and ET are found. Detailed_InputBODY is the integer ID code of the body for which the state transformation matrix is requested. Bodies are numbered according to the standard NAIF numbering scheme. The numbering scheme is explained in the NAIF_IDS required reading file. ET is the epoch at which the state transformation matrix is requested. Detailed_OutputREF is the integer code for the inertial reference frame of the state transformation matrix TSIPM. (See the routine CHGIRF for a full list of inertial reference frame names.) TSIPM is a 6x6 transformation matrix. It is used to transform states from inertial coordinates to body fixed (also called equator and prime meridian --- PM) coordinates. Given a state S in the inertial reference frame specified by REF, the corresponding state in the body fixed reference frame is given by the matrix vector product: TSIPM * S See the PCK required reading for further details concerning PCK reference frames. NOTE: The inverse of TSIPM is NOT its transpose. The matrix, TSIPM, has the structure shown below: - - | : | | R : 0 | | ......:......| | : | | dR_dt : R | | : | - - where R is a time varying rotation matrix and dR_dt is its derivative. The inverse of this matrix is: - - | T : | | R : 0 | | .......:.......| | : | | T : T | | dR_dt : R | | : | - - The SPICE routine INVSTM is available for producing this inverse. FOUND if the data allowing the computation of a state transformation matrix for the requested time and body are found in a binary PCK file, FOUND will have the value .TRUE., otherwise it will have the value .FALSE. ParametersNone. Exceptions1) If the size of the type 20 PCK record to be retrieved is too large to fit into RECORD, the error SPICE(PCKRECTOOLARGE) is signaled. 2) If any issue is detected while reading PCK data, an error is signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine. 3) If the requested transformation matrix cannot be computed using data from loaded binary PCK files, FOUND is returned with the value .FALSE. This is not a SPICE error. FilesThis routine computes transformation matrices using data provided by a loaded binary PCK kernel. ParticularsThe matrix for transforming an inertial state into a body fixed states is the 6x6 matrix shown below as a block structured matrix. - - | : | | TIPM : 0 | | ......:......| | : | | DTIPM : TIPM | | : | - - If a binary PCK file record can be found for the time and body requested, it will be used. The most recently loaded binary PCK file has first priority, followed by previously loaded binary PCK files in backward time order. If no binary PCK file has been loaded, the text P_constants kernel file is used. ExamplesHere we load a binary PCK files and use PCKEUL to get the Euler angles. C C Load binary PCK file. C CALL PCKLOF ('example.pck', HANDLE) C Call routine to get transformation matrix. CALL PCKMAT ( BODY, ET, REF, TIPM, FOUND ) RestrictionsNone. Literature_ReferencesNone. Author_and_InstitutionN.J. Bachman (JPL) J. Diaz del Rio (ODC Space) K.R. Gehringer (JPL) E.D. Wright (JPL) K.S. Zukor (JPL) VersionSPICELIB Version 3.1.0, 26-OCT-2021 (JDR) Added IMPLICIT NONE statement. Edited the header to comply with NAIF standard. SPICELIB Version 3.0.0, 03-JAN-2014 (NJB) (EDW) Minor edits to $Procedure; clean trailing whitespace. Removed unneeded $Revisions section. Updated to support type 20. Changed long error message for the case of RECORD having insufficient room: the user is no longer advised to modify the record size. SPICELIB Version 2.0.0, 22-MAR-1995 (KRG) (KSZ) Added PCK type 03. Added a new exception. Made some minor comment changes. SPICELIB Version 1.0.0, 21-MAR-1995 (KSZ) Replaces PCKEUL and returns the transformation matrix rather than the Euler angles. |
Fri Dec 31 18:36:38 2021