daffa |
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ProcedureDAFFA ( DAF, find array ) SUBROUTINE DAFFA ( HANDLE, SUM, NAME, FOUND ) AbstractFind arrays in a DAF. Required_ReadingDAF KeywordsFILES DeclarationsIMPLICIT NONE INCLUDE 'zzddhman.inc' INTEGER TBSIZE PARAMETER ( TBSIZE = FTSIZE ) INTEGER HANDLE DOUBLE PRECISION SUM ( * ) CHARACTER*(*) NAME LOGICAL FOUND Brief_I/OVARIABLE I/O ENTRY -------- --- -------------------------------------------------- HANDLE I-O DAFBFS, DAFBBS, DAFGH, DAFCS SUM I-O DAFGS, DAFRS, DAFWS NAME I-O DAFGN, DAFRN FOUND O DAFFNA, DAFFPA Detailed_InputHANDLE on input is the handle of the DAF to be searched. SUM on input is an array summary that replaces the summary of the current array in the DAF currently being searched. NAME on input is an array name that replaces the name of the current array in the DAF currently being searched. Detailed_OutputHANDLE on output is the handle of the DAF currently being searched. SUM on output is the summary for the array found most recently. NAME on output is the name for the array found most recently. FOUND is .TRUE. whenever the search for the next or the previous array is successful, and is .FALSE. otherwise. ParametersTBSIZE is the maximum number of files (DAS and DAF) that may be simultaneously open. TBSIZE is set to FTSIZE which is assigned and defined in zzdhman.inc. Exceptions1) If DAFFA is called directly, the error SPICE(BOGUSENTRY) is signaled. 2) See entry points DAFBFS, DAFFNA, DAFBBS, DAFFPA, DAFGS, DAFGN, DAFGH, DAFRS, DAFWS, DAFRN, and DAFCS for exceptions specific to those entry points. FilesDAFs read by DAFFA and its entry points are opened elsewhere, and referred to only by their handles. ParticularsDAFFA serves as an umbrella, allowing data to be shared by its entry points: DAFBFS Begin forward search. DAFFNA Find next array. DAFBBS Begin backward search. DAFFPA Find previous array. DAFGS Get summary. DAFGN Get name. DAFGH Get handle. DAFRS Replace summary. DAFWS Write summary. DAFRN Replace name. DAFCS Continue search. The main function of these entry points is to allow the contents of any DAF to be examined on an array-by-array basis. Conceptually, the arrays in a DAF form a doubly linked list, which can be searched in either of two directions: forward or backward. It is possible to search multiple DAFs simultaneously. DAFBFS (begin forward search) and DAFFNA are used to search the arrays in a DAF in forward order. In applications that search a single DAF at a time, the normal usage is CALL DAFBFS ( HANDLE ) CALL DAFFNA ( FOUND ) DO WHILE ( FOUND ) CALL DAFGS ( SUM ) CALL DAFGN ( NAME ) . . CALL DAFFNA ( FOUND ) END DO DAFBBS (begin backward search) and DAFFPA are used to search the arrays in a DAF in backward order. In applications that search a single DAF at a time, the normal usage is CALL DAFBBS ( HANDLE ) CALL DAFFPA ( FOUND ) DO WHILE ( FOUND ) CALL DAFGS ( SUM ) CALL DAFGN ( NAME ) . . CALL DAFFPA ( FOUND ) END DO In applications that conduct multiple searches simultaneously, the above usage must be modified to specify the handle of the file to operate on, in any case where the file may not be the last one specified by DAFBFS or DAFBBS. The routine DAFCS (DAF, continue search) is used for this purpose. Below, we give an example of an interleaved search of two files specified by the handles HANDL1 and HANDL2. The directions of searches in different DAFs are independent; here we conduct a forward search on one file and a backward search on the other. Throughout, we use DAFCS to specify which file to operate on, before calling DAFFNA, DAFFPA, DAFGS, DAFRS, DAFWS, DAFGN, or DAFRN. CALL DAFBFS ( HANDL1 ) CALL DAFBBS ( HANDL2 ) CALL DAFCS ( HANDL1 ) CALL DAFFNA ( FOUND1 ) CALL DAFCS ( HANDL2 ) CALL DAFFPA ( FOUND2 ) DO WHILE ( FOUND1 .OR. FOUND2 ) IF ( FOUND1 ) THEN CALL DAFCS ( HANDL1 ) CALL DAFGS ( SUM ) CALL DAFGN ( NAME ) . . CALL DAFCS ( HANDL1 ) CALL DAFFNA ( FOUND1 ) END IF IF ( FOUND2 ) THEN CALL DAFCS ( HANDL2 ) CALL DAFGS ( SUM ) CALL DAFGN ( NAME ) . . CALL DAFCS ( HANDL2 ) CALL DAFFPA ( FOUND2 ) END IF END DO At any time, the latest array found (whether by DAFFNA or DAFFPA) is regarded as the `current' array for the file in which the array was found. The last DAF in which a search was started, executed, or continued by any of DAFBFS, DAFBBS, DAFFNA, DAFFPA or DAFCS is regarded as the `current' DAF. The summary and name for the current array in the current DAF can be returned separately, as shown above, by calls to DAFGS (get summary) and DAFGN (get name). The handle of the current DAF can also be returned by calling DAFGH (get handle). The summary and name of the current array in the current DAF can be updated (again, separately) by providing new ones through DAFRS (replace summary) and DAFRN (replace name). This feature should not be used except to correct errors that occurred during the creation of a file. Note that changes can only be made to files opened for write access. Also, the addresses of an array cannot be changed using these routines. (Another routine, DAFWS, is provided for this purpose, but should be used only to reorder the arrays in a file.) Once a search has been begun, it may be continued in either direction. That is, DAFFPA may be used to back up during a forward search, and DAFFNA may be used to advance during a backward search. ExamplesThe numerical results shown for these examples may differ across platforms. The results depend on the SPICE kernels used as input, the compiler and supporting libraries, and the machine specific arithmetic implementation. 1) The following program illustrates the way summaries and names for the arrays contained in a DAF can be modified. This example is provided for educational purpose only. Replace the body ID code 301 (Moon) with a test body ID, e.g. -999, in every descriptor of an SPK file; update the segment identifier to indicate that such change has been implemented. Example code begins here. PROGRAM DAFFA_EX1 IMPLICIT NONE C C SPICELIB functions C INTEGER CARDI INTEGER RTRIM C C Local parameters. C INTEGER DSCSIZ PARAMETER ( DSCSIZ = 5 ) INTEGER FILSIZ PARAMETER ( FILSIZ = 255 ) INTEGER LBCELL PARAMETER ( LBCELL = -5 ) INTEGER MAXOBJ PARAMETER ( MAXOBJ = 1000 ) INTEGER ND PARAMETER ( ND = 2 ) INTEGER NI PARAMETER ( NI = 6 ) INTEGER NEWCODE PARAMETER ( NEWCODE = -999 ) INTEGER OLDCODE PARAMETER ( OLDCODE = 301 ) INTEGER SGIDLN PARAMETER ( SGIDLN = 1000 ) C C Local variables. C CHARACTER*(FILSIZ) FNAME CHARACTER*(SGIDLN) SEGID CHARACTER*(SGIDLN) UPDSID DOUBLE PRECISION DC ( ND ) DOUBLE PRECISION SUM ( DSCSIZ ) INTEGER HANDLE INTEGER I INTEGER IC ( NI ) INTEGER IDS ( LBCELL : MAXOBJ ) INTEGER OBJ LOGICAL FOUND LOGICAL UPDATE C C Get the SPK file name. C CALL PROMPT ( 'Enter name of the SPK file > ', FNAME ) C C Initialize the set IDS. C CALL SSIZEI ( MAXOBJ, IDS ) C C Find the set of objects in the SPK file. C CALL SPKOBJ ( FNAME, IDS ) WRITE(*,'(A)') 'Objects in the original DAF file:' WRITE(*,'(20I4)') ( IDS(I), I= 1, CARDI ( IDS ) ) C C Open for writing the SPK file. C CALL DAFOPW ( FNAME, HANDLE ) C C Search the file in forward order. C CALL DAFBFS ( HANDLE ) CALL DAFFNA ( FOUND ) WRITE(*,'(A)') 'Original Segment IDs (forward order):' DO WHILE ( FOUND ) C C Fetch and unpack the descriptor (aka summary) C of the current segment, and get its name. C CALL DAFGN ( SEGID ) CALL DAFGS ( SUM ) CALL DAFUS ( SUM, ND, NI, DC, IC ) C C Print the current segment name C WRITE(*,'(2I6,2X,A)') IC(1), IC(2), . SEGID(:RTRIM(SEGID)) C C Replace ID codes if necessary. C UPDATE = .FALSE. IF ( IC(1) .EQ. OLDCODE ) THEN IC(1) = NEWCODE UPDATE = .TRUE. END IF IF ( IC(2) .EQ. OLDCODE ) THEN IC(2) = NEWCODE UPDATE = .TRUE. END IF C C Update segment ID if necessary. C IF ( UPDATE ) THEN UPDSID = '# - Updated. Do not use.' CALL REPMC ( UPDSID, '#', SEGID(:RTRIM(SEGID)), . UPDSID ) CALL DAFRN ( UPDSID ) END IF C C Re-pack the descriptor; replace the descriptor C in the file. C CALL DAFPS ( ND, NI, DC, IC, SUM ) CALL DAFRS ( SUM ) C C Find the next segment. C CALL DAFFNA ( FOUND ) END DO C C Close the file. C CALL DAFCLS ( HANDLE ) C C Reset the set IDS. C CALL SCARDI ( 0, IDS ) C C Find the set of objects in the updated SPK file. C CALL SPKOBJ ( FNAME, IDS ) WRITE(*,*) ' ' WRITE(*,'(A)') 'Objects in the updated DAF file:' WRITE(*,'(20I4)') ( IDS(I), I= 1, CARDI ( IDS ) ) C C Search the file in backwards order and output the C segment IDs. C CALL DAFOPR ( FNAME, HANDLE ) CALL DAFBBS ( HANDLE ) CALL DAFFPA ( FOUND ) WRITE(*,'(A)') 'Updated Segment IDs (backwards order):' DO WHILE ( FOUND ) C C Fetch and unpack the descriptor (aka summary) C of the current segment, and get its name. C CALL DAFGN ( SEGID ) CALL DAFGS ( SUM ) CALL DAFUS ( SUM, ND, NI, DC, IC ) WRITE(*,'(2I6,2X,A)') IC(1), IC(2), . SEGID(:RTRIM(SEGID)) C C Find the previous segment. C CALL DAFFPA ( FOUND ) END DO C C Close the file. C CALL DAFCLS ( HANDLE ) END When this program was executed on a Mac/Intel/gfortran/64-bit platform, using the SPK file named de430.bsp, the output was: Enter name of the SPK file > de430.bsp Objects in the original DAF file: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 199 299 301 399 Original Segment IDs (forward order): 1 0 DE-0430LE-0430 2 0 DE-0430LE-0430 3 0 DE-0430LE-0430 4 0 DE-0430LE-0430 5 0 DE-0430LE-0430 6 0 DE-0430LE-0430 7 0 DE-0430LE-0430 8 0 DE-0430LE-0430 9 0 DE-0430LE-0430 10 0 DE-0430LE-0430 301 3 DE-0430LE-0430 399 3 DE-0430LE-0430 199 1 DE-0430LE-0430 299 2 DE-0430LE-0430 Objects in the updated DAF file: -999 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 199 299 399 Updated Segment IDs (backwards order): 299 2 DE-0430LE-0430 199 1 DE-0430LE-0430 399 3 DE-0430LE-0430 -999 3 DE-0430LE-0430 - Updated. Do not use. 10 0 DE-0430LE-0430 9 0 DE-0430LE-0430 8 0 DE-0430LE-0430 7 0 DE-0430LE-0430 6 0 DE-0430LE-0430 5 0 DE-0430LE-0430 4 0 DE-0430LE-0430 3 0 DE-0430LE-0430 2 0 DE-0430LE-0430 1 0 DE-0430LE-0430 2) The following program compares data in two DAFs. The DAFs are expected to have the same number of arrays, the same number of elements in each corresponding array, and the same summary format. Each difference whose magnitude exceeds a specified tolerance is flagged. The difference information is written to the screen. Example code begins here. PROGRAM DAFFA_EX2 IMPLICIT NONE C C Local parameters C INTEGER RTRIM C C Local parameters C INTEGER ARRYSZ PARAMETER ( ARRYSZ = 10000000 ) INTEGER ERRLEN PARAMETER ( ERRLEN = 240 ) INTEGER FILEN PARAMETER ( FILEN = 128 ) INTEGER LINLEN PARAMETER ( LINLEN = 80 ) INTEGER MAXND PARAMETER ( MAXND = 125 ) INTEGER MAXNI PARAMETER ( MAXNI = 250 ) INTEGER MAXSUM PARAMETER ( MAXSUM = 128 ) INTEGER RLEN PARAMETER ( RLEN = 1000 ) C C Local variables C CHARACTER*(RLEN) ANAME1 CHARACTER*(RLEN) ANAME2 CHARACTER*(FILEN) DAF1 CHARACTER*(FILEN) DAF2 CHARACTER*(FILEN) LOG CHARACTER*(ERRLEN) PRSERR CHARACTER*(LINLEN) STR CHARACTER*(LINLEN) TOLCH DOUBLE PRECISION ARRAY1 ( ARRYSZ ) DOUBLE PRECISION ARRAY2 ( ARRYSZ ) DOUBLE PRECISION DC1 ( MAXND ) DOUBLE PRECISION DC2 ( MAXND ) DOUBLE PRECISION TOL DOUBLE PRECISION DIFF DOUBLE PRECISION SUM1 ( MAXSUM ) DOUBLE PRECISION SUM2 ( MAXSUM ) INTEGER FA1 INTEGER FA2 INTEGER I INTEGER IA1 INTEGER IA2 INTEGER IC1 ( MAXNI ) INTEGER IC2 ( MAXNI ) INTEGER HANDL1 INTEGER HANDL2 INTEGER LEN1 INTEGER LEN2 INTEGER ND1 INTEGER ND2 INTEGER NI1 INTEGER NI2 INTEGER PTR LOGICAL FOUND C C Start out by obtaining the names of the DAFs to be C compared. C CALL PROMPT ( 'Enter name of first DAF > ', DAF1 ) CALL PROMPT ( 'Enter name of second DAF > ', DAF2 ) CALL PROMPT ( 'Enter tolerance for data comparison > ', . TOLCH ) CALL NPARSD ( TOLCH, TOL, PRSERR, PTR ) C C Open both DAFs for reading. C CALL DAFOPR ( DAF1, HANDL1 ) CALL DAFOPR ( DAF2, HANDL2 ) C C Start forward searches in both DAFS. C CALL DAFBFS ( HANDL1 ) CALL DAFBFS ( HANDL2 ) C C Obtain the summary formats for each DAF. Stop now C if the summary formats don't match. C CALL DAFHSF ( HANDL1, ND1, NI1 ) CALL DAFHSF ( HANDL2, ND2, NI2 ) IF ( ( ND1 .NE. ND2 ) .OR. ( NI1 .NE. NI2 ) ) THEN STR = 'Summary formats do not match. NI1 = #, '// . 'NI2 = #, ND1 = #, ND2 = #.' CALL REPMI ( STR, '#', NI1, STR ) CALL REPMI ( STR, '#', NI2, STR ) CALL REPMI ( STR, '#', ND1, STR ) CALL REPMI ( STR, '#', ND2, STR ) WRITE(*,*) STR CALL SIGERR ( 'Incompatible DAFs' ) END IF C C Find the first array in each DAF. Use DAFCS C (DAF, continue search) to set the handle of the DAF C to search in before calling DAFFNA. C CALL DAFCS ( HANDL1 ) CALL DAFFNA ( FOUND ) IF ( FOUND ) THEN CALL DAFCS ( HANDL2 ) CALL DAFFNA ( FOUND ) END IF DO WHILE ( FOUND ) C C Get the summary and name of each array, using C DAFCS to select the DAF to get the information C from. Unpack the summaries and find the beginning C and ending addresses of the arrays. Read the C arrays into the variables ARRAY1 and ARRAY2. C CALL DAFCS ( HANDL1 ) CALL DAFGN ( ANAME1 ) CALL DAFGS ( SUM1 ) CALL DAFUS ( SUM1, ND1, NI1, DC1, IC1 ) IA1 = IC1 ( NI1 - 1 ) FA1 = IC1 ( NI1 ) LEN1 = FA1 - IA1 + 1 IF ( LEN1 .GT. ARRYSZ ) THEN CALL SETMSG ( 'Buffer too small; need # elts.') CALL ERRINT ( '#', LEN1 ) CALL SIGERR ( 'ARRAYTOOSMALL' ) ELSE CALL DAFGDA ( HANDL1, IA1, FA1, ARRAY1 ) END IF CALL DAFCS ( HANDL2 ) CALL DAFGN ( ANAME2 ) CALL DAFGS ( SUM2 ) CALL DAFUS ( SUM2, ND2, NI2, DC2, IC2 ) IA2 = IC2 ( NI2 - 1 ) FA2 = IC2 ( NI2 ) LEN2 = FA2 - IA2 + 1 IF ( LEN2 .GT. ARRYSZ ) THEN CALL SETMSG ( 'Buffer too small; need # elts.') CALL ERRINT ( '#', LEN2 ) CALL SIGERR ( 'ARRAYTOOSMALL' ) ELSE IF ( LEN1 .NE. LEN2 ) THEN CALL SETMSG ( 'DAF structures do not match. '// . 'LEN1 = #, LEN2 = #. ' ) CALL ERRINT ( '#', LEN1 ) CALL ERRINT ( '#', LEN2 ) CALL SIGERR ( 'Incompatible DAFs' ) ELSE CALL DAFGDA ( HANDL2, IA2, FA2, ARRAY2 ) END IF C C C Compare the data in the two arrays. Log a message C for every instance of data that differs by more C than the allowed tolerance. Use the array names C to label the data sources. C DO I = 1, LEN1 DIFF = ABS( ARRAY1(I) - ARRAY2(I) ) IF ( DIFF .GT. TOL ) THEN C C Get the array names. C CALL DAFCS ( HANDL1 ) CALL DAFGN ( ANAME1 ) CALL DAFCS ( HANDL2 ) CALL DAFGN ( ANAME2 ) C C Construct the report strings. The number 14 C below is the number of significant digits to C show in the strings representing d.p. C numbers. C WRITE(*,*) ' ' WRITE(*,*) 'Difference of array ' // . 'elements exceeded ' // . 'tolerance.' WRITE(*,*) 'First array : ', . ANAME1(:RTRIM(ANAME1)) WRITE(*,*) 'Second array: ', . ANAME2(:RTRIM(ANAME2)) STR = 'First value : #' CALL REPMD ( STR, '#', ARRAY1(I), 14, STR ) WRITE(*,*) STR STR = 'Second value: #' CALL REPMD ( STR, '#', ARRAY2(I), 14, STR ) WRITE(*,*) STR STR = 'Difference : #' CALL REPMD ( STR, '#', DIFF, 14, STR ) WRITE(*,*) STR END IF END DO C C Find the next pair of arrays. C CALL DAFCS ( HANDL1 ) CALL DAFFNA ( FOUND ) IF ( FOUND ) THEN CALL DAFCS ( HANDL2 ) CALL DAFFNA ( FOUND ) END IF END DO C C Close the DAFs. C CALL DAFCLS ( HANDL1 ) CALL DAFCLS ( HANDL2 ) END When this program was executed on a Mac/Intel/gfortran/64-bit platform, using the PCK (DAF) files named earth_720101_031229.bpc and earth_720101_070527.bpc, and a tolerance of '1.D0', the output was: Enter name of first DAF > earth_720101_031229.bpc Enter name of second DAF > earth_720101_070527.bpc Enter tolerance for data comparison > 1.D0 Difference of array elements exceeded tolerance. First array : Earth PCK, ITRF93 Frame Second array: Earth PCK, ITRF93 Frame First value : -8.8352636890345E+08 Second value: -8.8352636783584E+08 Difference : 1.0676109790802E+00 Difference of array elements exceeded tolerance. First array : Earth PCK, ITRF93 Frame Second array: Earth PCK, ITRF93 Frame First value : -8.8343997629503E+08 Second value: -8.8343997451568E+08 Difference : 1.7793515920639E+00 Difference of array elements exceeded tolerance. First array : Earth PCK, ITRF93 Frame Second array: Earth PCK, ITRF93 Frame First value : -8.8335358368661E+08 Second value: -8.8335358119552E+08 Difference : 2.4910920858383E+00 Difference of array elements exceeded tolerance. First array : Earth PCK, ITRF93 Frame Second array: Earth PCK, ITRF93 Frame First value : -8.8326719107819E+08 Second value: -8.8326718787536E+08 Difference : 3.2028328180313E+00 Difference of array elements exceeded tolerance. First array : Earth PCK, ITRF93 Frame Second array: Earth PCK, ITRF93 Frame First value : -8.8318079846977E+08 Second value: -8.8318079455519E+08 Difference : 3.9145733118057E+00 Difference of array elements exceeded tolerance. First array : Earth PCK, ITRF93 Frame Second array: Earth PCK, ITRF93 Frame First value : -8.8309440586135E+08 Second value: -8.8309440123503E+08 Difference : 4.6263140439987E+00 Difference of array elements exceeded tolerance. First array : Earth PCK, ITRF93 Frame Second array: Earth PCK, ITRF93 Frame First value : -8.8300801325293E+08 Second value: -8.8300800791487E+08 Difference : 5.3380546569824E+00 Difference of array elements exceeded tolerance. First array : Earth PCK, ITRF93 Frame Second array: Earth PCK, ITRF93 Frame First value : -8.8292162064451E+08 Second value: -8.8292161459471E+08 Difference : 6.0497951507568E+00 Difference of array elements exceeded tolerance. First array : Earth PCK, ITRF93 Frame Second array: Earth PCK, ITRF93 Frame First value : -8.8283522803609E+08 Second value: -8.8283522127455E+08 Difference : 6.7615358829498E+00 Difference of array elements exceeded tolerance. First array : Earth PCK, ITRF93 Frame Second array: Earth PCK, ITRF93 Frame First value : -8.8274883542767E+08 Second value: -8.8274882795439E+08 Difference : 7.4732763767242E+00 Difference of array elements exceeded tolerance. First array : Earth PCK, ITRF93 Frame Second array: Earth PCK, ITRF93 Frame First value : -8.8266244281925E+08 Second value: -8.8266243463423E+08 Difference : 8.1850171089172E+00 Difference of array elements exceeded tolerance. First array : Earth PCK, ITRF93 Frame Second array: Earth PCK, ITRF93 Frame First value : -8.8257605021083E+08 Second value: -8.8257604131407E+08 Difference : 8.8967577219009E+00 Difference of array elements exceeded tolerance. First array : Earth PCK, ITRF93 Frame Second array: Earth PCK, ITRF93 Frame First value : -8.8248965760241E+08 Second value: -8.8248964799391E+08 Difference : 9.6084982156754E+00 Difference of array elements exceeded tolerance. First array : Earth PCK, ITRF93 Frame Second array: Earth PCK, ITRF93 Frame First value : -8.8240326499398E+08 Second value: -8.8240325467375E+08 [...] Warning: incomplete output. Only 100 out of 80582 lines have been provided. Restrictions1) Calls that do or may change DAF addresses of DAF summaries, names, or data of a given DAF file should not be made during a search of that file initiated by either DAFBFS or DAFBBS. No such changes should be made between the start of a search and calls to any entry point that reads or writes to the summary of the "current array" found by that search, or that returns a "found" flag indicating whether the current array exists. Changing the size of the comment area while a search is in progress can invalidate record numbers stored in local data structures of this routine. This can cause corrupted array summaries and names to be returned upon read access and file corruption to occur upon write access. Adding arrays (aka "segments") while either a forward or backward search is in progress can cause the search to miss the new segments. Literature_ReferencesNone. Author_and_InstitutionN.J. Bachman (JPL) J. Diaz del Rio (ODC Space) H.A. Neilan (JPL) B.V. Semenov (JPL) W.L. Taber (JPL) F.S. Turner (JPL) I.M. Underwood (JPL) E.D. Wright (JPL) VersionSPICELIB Version 3.2.0, 27-OCT-2021 (JDR) (NJB) Added IMPLICIT NONE statement. Edited the header of DAFFA umbrella routine and all its entry to comply with NAIF standard. Updated $Restrictions sections of this routine and its entry points. SPICELIB Version 3.1.1, 14-MAR-2017 (NJB) Updated second header code example in this routine: fixed error check for array overflow, corrected indentation of continuation characters, added IMPLICIT NONE, deleted unused declaration, increased buffer size, and changed DAFRDA call to DAFGDA call. Updated header example in entry point DAFGH: changed DAFRDA call to DAFGDA call. SPICELIB Version 3.1.0, 10-FEB-2014 (EDW) (BVS) Added a functional code example to the $Examples section in DAFBFS, DAFFNA, DAFGS. Added check on value of "found" boolean returned from DAFGSR calls. Failure to check this value can cause an infinite loop during segment searches on damaged SPKs. Eliminated unneeded $Revisions section. Removed the obsolete Reference citation to "NAIF Document 167.0." Added full declaration of HANDLE to the $Declarations section of the DAFCS header. SPICELIB Version 3.0.0, 16-NOV-2001 (FST) This umbrella and its entry points were updated to work properly with the changes in the DAF system as a result of its utilization of the new handle manager. Calls to DAFRDR were replaced with the translation-aware interface DAFGSR for retrieving summary records from DAFs. Updated the entry points of DAFFA to enable its internal state table size, TBSIZE, to be smaller than the file table maintained by DAFAH: FTSIZE. Since DAFAH now tracks FTSIZE files as defined in the include file 'zzddhman.inc', it was decided that in the interest of releasing the toolkit this module would undergo simple changes. As such most previous references to FTSIZE in this umbrella have been replaced with TBSIZE where appropriate. DAFBFS and DAFBBS now signal errors if there is not enough room to add a new DAF's dossier to the state table. Also, after attempting to clean up all files listed in the state table that are not currently open, DAFBFS and DAFBBS attempt to locate the first dossier with STADDG set to .FALSE. This is then freed to make room for the new DAF. If DAFBNA fails to locate such a dossier in the state table, it signals the error SPICE(STFULL). The parameter FILEN was removed, as it is defined on an environmental basis in the include file 'zzddhman.inc'. SPICELIB Version 2.0.1, 10-MAR-1992 (WLT) Comment section for permuted index source lines was added following the header. SPICELIB Version 2.0.0, 04-SEP-1991 (NJB) (WLT) Updated to support simultaneous searches of multiple DAFs. In previous versions of DAFFA, only one search could be conducted at a time. Therefore, there was no question about which DAF was being operated on by any of the DAFFA entry points that don't accept file handles as input arguments. In the current version of DAFFA, the entry points that don't accept file handles as inputs operate on the `current DAF'. The current DAF is the last one in which a search was started by DAFBFS or DAFBBS, or continued by the new entry point DAFCS. DAFCS was added to allow users to set the current DAF, so that searches of multiple DAFs can be interleaved. Note that the notion of `current DAF' as discussed here applies only to DAFs acted upon by entry points of DAFFA. In DAFANA, there is a DAF that is treated as the `current DAF' for adding data; there is no connection between the DAFs regarded as current by DAFFA and DAFANA. The two principal changes to DAFFA are the addition of the new entry point DAFCS, and the addition of a data structure called the `state table'. The state table is a collection of parallel arrays that maintain information about the state of each search that is currently in progress. The arrays are indexed by a singly linked list pool; this mechanism allows addition and deletion of information about searches without requiring movement of data already in the state table. The linked list pool contains an `active' list and a `free' list. Nodes in the active list are used to index elements of the state table where data about searches in progress is stored. The head node of the active list is of particular significance: the state information pointed to by this node is that of the current DAF. Nodes in the free list index elements of the state table that are available for use. When a search is started on a DAF that is not already `known' to DAFFA, information about the DAF is added to the state table. If there are no free elements in the state table, the routine starting the search (DAFBFS or DAFBBS) will perform garbage collection: the routine will test the handles of each file about which information in stored in the state table to see whether that file is still open. Nodes containing information about DAFs that are no longer open will be moved to the free list. Whenever a DAF becomes the current DAF, the linked list that indexes the state table is adjusted so that the information about the current DAF is at the head of the list. This way, a slight efficiency is gained when repeated search accesses are made to the same DAF, since the linear search through the state table for information on that DAF will be shortened. Since the algorithms for maintenance of linked lists are well known, they are not documented here. However, see the internals of the SPICELIB routine SPKBSR for a nice diagram describing a similar data structure. The state table contains two arrays that are quite large: there are buffers that contain the last character record and summary record read from each DAF. A parallel situation exists in DAFANA, where the name and array summary for each array under construction are buffered. The total storage required for these arrays (in DAFANA and DAFFA together) is 4000 * TBSIZE bytes. For this reason, it may be a good idea to reduce the value of TBSIZE in SPICELIB versions for machines where memory is scarce. SPICELIB Version 1.0.1, 22-MAR-1990 (HAN) Literature references added to the header. SPICELIB Version 1.0.0, 31-JAN-1990 (IMU) |
Fri Dec 31 18:36:07 2021