gfrprt |
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ProcedureGFRPRT ( GF, progress reporting package ) SUBROUTINE GFRPRT ( WINDOW, BEGMSS, ENDMSS, IVBEG, IVEND, TIME ) AbstractThe entry points contained under this routine provide users information regarding the status of a GF search in progress. Required_ReadingGF KeywordsSEARCH UTILITY DeclarationsIMPLICIT NONE INCLUDE '' INTEGER LBCELL PARAMETER ( LBCELL = -5 ) DOUBLE PRECISION WINDOW ( LBCELL : * ) CHARACTER*(*) BEGMSS CHARACTER*(*) ENDMSS DOUBLE PRECISION IVBEG DOUBLE PRECISION IVEND DOUBLE PRECISION TIME Brief_I/OVARIABLE I/O DESCRIPTION -------- --- -------------------------------------------------- LBCELL P The SPICE cell lower bound. MXBEGM P Maximum progress report message prefix length. MXENDM P Maximum progress report message suffix length. WINDOW I A window over which a job is to be performed. BEGMSS I Beginning of the text portion of the output message ENDMSS I End of the text portion of the output message IVBEG I Current confinement window interval start time. IVEND I Current confinement window interval stop time. TIME I Input to the reporting routine. Detailed_InputSee the individual entry points. Detailed_OutputSee the individual entry points. ParametersLBCELL is the SPICE cell lower bound. MXBEGM, MXENDM are, respectively, the maximum lengths of the progress report message prefix and suffix. Exceptions1) See the individual entry points. FilesNone. ParticularsThis umbrella routine contains default progress reporting entry points that display a report via console I/O. These routines may be used by SPICE-based applications as inputs to mid-level GF search routines. These routines may be useful even when progress reporting is not desired, since the mid-level search routines provide some capabilities that aren't supported by the top-level GF routines. Developers wishing to use their own GF progress reporting routines must design them with the same interfaces and should assign them the same progress reporting roles as the entry points of these routines. The entry points contained in this routine are written to make reporting of work (such as searching for a geometric event) over a particular window easy. This is an important feature for interactive programs that may "go away" from the user's control for a considerable length of time. It allows the user to see that something is still going on (although maybe not too quickly). The three entry points contained under this module are: GFREPI used to set up the reporting mechanism. It lets GFRPRT know that some task is about to begin that involves interaction with some window of times. It is used only to set up and store the constants associated with the reporting of the job in progress. GFREPU is used to notify the reporter that work has progressed to a given point with respect to the start of the confinement window. GFREPF is used to "finish" the reporting of work (set the completion value to 100%. The progress reporting utilities are called by GF search routines as follows: 1) Given a window over which some work is to be performed, CALL GFREPI with the appropriate inputs, to let the routine know the intervals over which some work is to be done. 2) Each time some "good" amount of work has been done, call GFREPU so that the total amount of work done can be updated and can be reported. 3) When work is complete call GFREPF to "clean up" the end of the progress report. ExamplesThe numerical results shown for these examples may differ across platforms. The results depend on the SPICE kernels used as input, the compiler and supporting libraries, and the machine specific arithmetic implementation. 1) This example shows how to call a mid-level GF search API that requires as input progress reporting routines. If custom progress reporting routines are available, they can replace GFREPI, GFREPU, and GFREPF in any GF API calls. The code example below is the first example in the header of GFOCCE. Conduct a search using the default GF progress reporting capability. The program will use console I/O to display a simple ASCII-based progress report. The program will find occultations of the Sun by the Moon as seen from the center of the Earth over the month December, 2001. We use light time corrections to model apparent positions of Sun and Moon. Stellar aberration corrections are not specified because they don't affect occultation computations. Use the meta-kernel shown below to load the required SPICE kernels. KPL/MK File name: This meta-kernel is intended to support operation of SPICE example programs. The kernels shown here should not be assumed to contain adequate or correct versions of data required by SPICE-based user applications. In order for an application to use this meta-kernel, the kernels referenced here must be present in the user's current working directory. The names and contents of the kernels referenced by this meta-kernel are as follows: File name Contents --------- -------- de421.bsp Planetary ephemeris pck00008.tpc Planet orientation and radii naif0009.tls Leapseconds \begindata KERNELS_TO_LOAD = ( 'de421.bsp', 'pck00008.tpc', 'naif0009.tls' ) \begintext End of meta-kernel Example code begins here. PROGRAM GFRPRT_EX1 IMPLICIT NONE C C SPICELIB functions C INTEGER WNCARD C C SPICELIB default functions for C C - Interrupt handling (no-op function): GFBAIL C - Search refinement: GFREFN C - Progress report termination: GFREPF C - Progress report initialization: GFREPI C - Progress report update: GFREPU C - Search step size "get" function: GFSTEP C LOGICAL GFBAIL EXTERNAL GFBAIL EXTERNAL GFREFN EXTERNAL GFREPI EXTERNAL GFREPU EXTERNAL GFREPF EXTERNAL GFSTEP C C Local parameters C CHARACTER*(*) TIMFMT PARAMETER ( TIMFMT = . 'YYYY MON DD HR:MN:SC.###### ::TDB (TDB)' ) DOUBLE PRECISION CNVTOL PARAMETER ( CNVTOL = 1.D-6 ) INTEGER MAXWIN PARAMETER ( MAXWIN = 2 * 100 ) INTEGER TIMLEN PARAMETER ( TIMLEN = 40 ) INTEGER LBCELL PARAMETER ( LBCELL = -5 ) C C Local variables C CHARACTER*(TIMLEN) WIN0 CHARACTER*(TIMLEN) WIN1 CHARACTER*(TIMLEN) BEGSTR CHARACTER*(TIMLEN) ENDSTR DOUBLE PRECISION CNFINE ( LBCELL : 2 ) DOUBLE PRECISION ET0 DOUBLE PRECISION ET1 DOUBLE PRECISION LEFT DOUBLE PRECISION RESULT ( LBCELL : MAXWIN ) DOUBLE PRECISION RIGHT INTEGER I LOGICAL BAIL LOGICAL RPT C C Saved variables C C The confinement and result windows CNFINE and RESULT are C saved because this practice helps to prevent stack C overflow. C SAVE CNFINE SAVE RESULT C C Load kernels. C CALL FURNSH ( '' ) C C Initialize the confinement and result windows. C CALL SSIZED ( 2, CNFINE ) CALL SSIZED ( MAXWIN, RESULT ) C C Obtain the TDB time bounds of the confinement C window, which is a single interval in this case. C WIN0 = '2001 DEC 01 00:00:00 TDB' WIN1 = '2002 JAN 01 00:00:00 TDB' CALL STR2ET ( WIN0, ET0 ) CALL STR2ET ( WIN1, ET1 ) C C Insert the time bounds into the confinement C window. C CALL WNINSD ( ET0, ET1, CNFINE ) C C Select a 20 second step. We'll ignore any occultations C lasting less than 20 seconds. C CALL GFSSTP ( 20.D0 ) C C Turn on progress reporting; turn off interrupt C handling. C RPT = .TRUE. BAIL = .FALSE. C C Perform the search. C CALL GFOCCE ( 'ANY', . 'MOON', 'ellipsoid', 'IAU_MOON', . 'SUN', 'ellipsoid', 'IAU_SUN', . 'LT', 'EARTH', CNVTOL, . GFSTEP, GFREFN, RPT, . GFREPI, GFREPU, GFREPF, . BAIL, GFBAIL, CNFINE, RESULT ) IF ( WNCARD(RESULT) .EQ. 0 ) THEN WRITE (*,*) 'No occultation was found.' ELSE DO I = 1, WNCARD(RESULT) C C Fetch and display each occultation interval. C CALL WNFETD ( RESULT, I, LEFT, RIGHT ) CALL TIMOUT ( LEFT, TIMFMT, BEGSTR ) CALL TIMOUT ( RIGHT, TIMFMT, ENDSTR ) WRITE (*,*) 'Interval ', I WRITE (*,*) ' Start time: '//BEGSTR WRITE (*,*) ' Stop time: '//ENDSTR END DO END IF END When this program was executed on a Mac/Intel/gfortran/64-bit platform, the output was: Occultation/transit search 100.00% done. Interval 1 Start time: 2001 DEC 14 20:10:14.195952 (TDB) Stop time: 2001 DEC 14 21:35:50.317994 (TDB) Note that the progress report has the format shown below: Occultation/transit search 6.02% done. The completion percentage was updated approximately once per second. 2) The following piece of code provides a more concrete example of how these routines might be used. It is part of code that performs a search for the time of an occultation of one body by another. It is intended only for illustration and is not recommended for use in code that has to do real work. C C Prepare the progress reporter if appropriate. C IF ( RPT ) THEN CALL UDREPI ( CNFINE, 'Occultation/transit search ', . 'done.' ) END IF C C Cycle over the intervals in the confining window. C COUNT = WNCARD(CNFINE) DO I = 1, COUNT C C Retrieve the bounds for the Ith interval of the C confinement window. Search this interval for C occultation events. Union the result with the C contents of the RESULT window. C CALL WNFETD ( CNFINE, I, START, FINISH ) CALL ZZGFSOLV ( ZZGFOCST, UDSTEP, UDREFN, BAIL, . UDBAIL, CSTEP, STEP, START, . FINISH, TOL, RPT, UDREPU, . RESULT ) IF ( FAILED() ) THEN CALL CHKOUT ( 'GFOCCE' ) RETURN END IF IF ( BAIL ) THEN C C Interrupt handling is enabled. C IF ( UDBAIL () ) THEN C C An interrupt has been issued. Return now C regardless of whether the search has been C completed. C CALL CHKOUT ( 'GFOCCE' ) RETURN END IF END IF END DO C C End the progress report. C IF ( RPT ) THEN CALL UDREPF END IF 3) For more concrete examples of how these routines are used in SPICELIB, please refer to the actual code of any of the GF API calls. RestrictionsNone. Literature_ReferencesNone. Author_and_InstitutionN.J. Bachman (JPL) J. Diaz del Rio (ODC Space) L.S. Elson (JPL) B.V. Semenov (JPL) W.L. Taber (JPL) I.M. Underwood (JPL) VersionSPICELIB Version 1.0.2, 27-AUG-2021 (JDR) Edited the header of all entry points and GFRPRT to comply with NAIF standard. Added complete example code to GFRPRT. SPICELIB Version 1.0.1, 10-FEB-2014 (BVS) Added declarations of IVBEG and IVEND to the $Declarations section of the GFREPU header. Corrected declaration of WINDOW in the $Declarations section and added descriptions of LBCELL to the GFREPI header. SPICELIB Version 1.0.0, 06-MAR-2009 (NJB) (LSE) (WLT) (IMU) |
Fri Dec 31 18:36:25 2021