gfposc |
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ProcedureGFPOSC (GF, observer-target vector coordinate search ) SUBROUTINE GFPOSC ( TARGET, FRAME, ABCORR, OBSRVR, . CRDSYS, COORD, RELATE, REFVAL, . ADJUST, STEP, CNFINE, MW, . NW, WORK, RESULT ) AbstractDetermine time intervals for which a coordinate of an observer-target position vector satisfies a numerical constraint. Required_ReadingGF SPK CK TIME WINDOWS KeywordsCOORDINATE EVENT GEOMETRY SEARCH DeclarationsIMPLICIT NONE INCLUDE '' INCLUDE '' INCLUDE '' INCLUDE '' INTEGER LBCELL PARAMETER ( LBCELL = -5 ) CHARACTER*(*) TARGET CHARACTER*(*) FRAME CHARACTER*(*) ABCORR CHARACTER*(*) OBSRVR CHARACTER*(*) CRDSYS CHARACTER*(*) COORD CHARACTER*(*) RELATE DOUBLE PRECISION REFVAL DOUBLE PRECISION ADJUST DOUBLE PRECISION STEP DOUBLE PRECISION CNFINE ( LBCELL : * ) INTEGER MW INTEGER NW DOUBLE PRECISION WORK ( LBCELL : MW, NW ) DOUBLE PRECISION RESULT ( LBCELL : * ) Brief_I/OVARIABLE I/O DESCRIPTION -------- --- -------------------------------------------------- LBCELL P SPICE Cell lower bound. CNVTOL P Convergence tolerance. TARGET I Name of the target body. FRAME I Name of the reference frame for coordinate calculations. ABCORR I Aberration correction flag. OBSRVR I Name of the observing body. CRDSYS I Name of the coordinate system containing COORD. COORD I Name of the coordinate of interest. RELATE I Relational operator. REFVAL I Reference value. ADJUST I Adjustment value for absolute extrema searches. STEP I Step size used for locating extrema and roots. CNFINE I SPICE window to which the search is confined. MW I Workspace window size. NW I The number of workspace windows needed for the search. WORK O Array of workspace windows. RESULT I-O SPICE window containing results. Detailed_InputTARGET is the name of a target body. Optionally, you may supply the integer ID code for the object as an integer string. For example both 'MOON' and '301' are legitimate strings that indicate the moon is the target body. The target and observer define a position vector that points from the observer to the target. FRAME is the name of the reference frame in which to perform state look-ups and coordinate calculations. The SPICE frame subsystem must recognize the FRAME name. ABCORR is the description of the aberration corrections to apply to the state evaluations to account for one-way light time and stellar aberration. This routine accepts the same aberration corrections as does the SPICE routine SPKEZR. See the header of SPKEZR for a detailed description of the aberration correction options. For convenience, the options are listed below: 'NONE' Apply no correction. Returns the "true" geometric state. 'LT' "Reception" case: correct for one-way light time using a Newtonian formulation. 'LT+S' "Reception" case: correct for one-way light time and stellar aberration using a Newtonian formulation. 'CN' "Reception" case: converged Newtonian light time correction. 'CN+S' "Reception" case: converged Newtonian light time and stellar aberration corrections. 'XLT' "Transmission" case: correct for one-way light time using a Newtonian formulation. 'XLT+S' "Transmission" case: correct for one-way light time and stellar aberration using a Newtonian formulation. 'XCN' "Transmission" case: converged Newtonian light time correction. 'XCN+S' "Transmission" case: converged Newtonian light time and stellar aberration corrections. The ABCORR string lacks sensitivity to case, leading and trailing blanks. OBSRVR is the name of an observing body. Optionally, you may supply the ID code of the object as an integer string. For example, both 'EARTH' and '399' are legitimate strings to indicate the observer is the Earth. CRDSYS is the name of the coordinate system for which the coordinate of interest is a member. COORD is the string name of the coordinate of interest in CRDSYS. The supported coordinate systems and coordinate names: CRDSYS COORD Range ---------------- ----------------- ------------ 'RECTANGULAR' 'X' 'Y' 'Z' 'LATITUDINAL' 'RADIUS' 'LONGITUDE' (-Pi,Pi] 'LATITUDE' [-Pi/2,Pi/2] 'RA/DEC' 'RANGE' 'RIGHT ASCENSION' [0,2Pi) 'DECLINATION' [-Pi/2,Pi/2] 'SPHERICAL' 'RADIUS' 'COLATITUDE' [0,Pi] 'LONGITUDE' (-Pi,Pi] 'CYLINDRICAL' 'RADIUS' 'LONGITUDE' [0,2Pi) 'Z' 'GEODETIC' 'LONGITUDE' (-Pi,Pi] 'LATITUDE' [-Pi/2,Pi/2] 'ALTITUDE' 'PLANETOGRAPHIC' 'LONGITUDE' [0,2Pi) 'LATITUDE' [-Pi/2,Pi/2] 'ALTITUDE' The 'ALTITUDE' coordinates have a constant value of zero +/- roundoff for ellipsoid targets. Limit searches for coordinate events in the 'GEODETIC' and 'PLANETOGRAPHIC' coordinate systems to TARGET bodies with axial symmetry in the equatorial plane, i.e. equality of the body X and Y radii (oblate or prolate spheroids). Searches on 'GEODETIC' or 'PLANETOGRAPHIC' coordinates requires body shape data, and in the case of 'PLANETOGRAPHIC' coordinates, body rotation data. The body associated with 'GEODETIC' or 'PLANETOGRAPHIC' coordinates is the center of the frame FRAME. RELATE is the relational operator used to define a constraint on the selected coordinate of the observer-target vector. The result window found by this routine indicates the time intervals where the constraint is satisfied. Supported values of RELATE and corresponding meanings are shown below: '>' The coordinate value is greater than the reference value REFVAL. '=' The coordinate value is equal to the reference value REFVAL. '<' The coordinate value is less than the reference value REFVAL. 'ABSMAX' The coordinate value is at an absolute maximum. 'ABSMIN' The coordinate value is at an absolute minimum. 'LOCMAX' The coordinate value is at a local maximum. 'LOCMIN' The coordinate value is at a local minimum. RELATE may be used to specify an "adjusted" absolute extremum constraint: this requires the quantity to be within a specified offset relative to an absolute extremum. The argument ADJUST (described below) is used to specify this offset. Local extrema are considered to exist only in the interiors of the intervals comprising the confinement window: a local extremum cannot exist at a boundary point of the confinement window. The RELATE string lacks sensitivity to case, leading and trailing blanks. REFVAL is the double precision reference value used together with the argument RELATE to define an equality or inequality to satisfy by the selected coordinate of the observer- target vector. See the discussion of RELATE above for further information. The units of REFVAL correspond to the type as defined by COORD, radians for angular measures, kilometers for distance measures. ADJUST is a double precision value used to modify searches for absolute extrema: when RELATE is set to 'ABSMAX' or 'ABSMIN' and ADJUST is set to a positive value, GFPOSC finds times when the position vector coordinate is within ADJUST radians/kilometers of the specified extreme value. For RELATE set to 'ABSMAX', the RESULT window contains time intervals when the position vector coordinate has values between ABSMAX - ADJUST and ABSMAX. For RELATE set to 'ABSMIN', the RESULT window contains time intervals when the position vector coordinate has values between ABSMIN and ABSMIN + ADJUST. ADJUST is not used for searches for local extrema, equality or inequality conditions. STEP is the double precision time step size to use in the search. STEP must be short enough to for a search using this step size to locate the time intervals where coordinate function of the position vector is monotone increasing or decreasing. However, STEP must not be *too* short, or the search will take an unreasonable amount of time. For coordinates other than 'LONGITUDE' and 'RIGHT ASCENSION', the step size must be shorter than the shortest interval, within the confinement window, over which the coordinate is monotone increasing or decreasing. For 'LONGITUDE' and 'RIGHT ASCENSION', the step size must be shorter than the shortest interval, within the confinement window, over which either the sine or cosine of the coordinate is monotone increasing or decreasing. The choice of STEP affects the completeness but not the precision of solutions found by this routine; the precision is controlled by the convergence tolerance. See the discussion of the parameter CNVTOL for details. STEP has units of seconds. CNFINE is a double precision SPICE window that confines the time period over which the specified search is conducted. CNFINE may consist of a single interval or a collection of intervals. In some cases the confinement window can be used to greatly reduce the time period that must be searched for the desired solution. See the $Particulars section below for further discussion. See the $Examples section below for a code example that shows how to create a confinement window. CNFINE must be initialized by the caller using the SPICELIB routine SSIZED. In some cases the observer's state may be computed at times outside of CNFINE by as much as 2 seconds. See $Particulars for details. MW is a parameter specifying the length of the SPICE windows in the workspace array WORK (see description below) used by this routine. MW should be set to a number at least twice as large as the maximum number of intervals required by any workspace window. In many cases, it's not necessary to compute an accurate estimate of how many intervals are needed; rather, the user can pick a size considerably larger than what's really required. However, since excessively large arrays can prevent applications from compiling, linking, or running properly, sometimes MW must be set according to the actual workspace requirement. A rule of thumb for the number of intervals NINTVLS needed is NINTVLS = 2*N + ( M / STEP ) where N is the number of intervals in the confinement window M is the measure of the confinement window, in units of seconds STEP is the search step size in seconds MW should then be set to 2 * NINTVLS NW is a parameter specifying the number of SPICE windows in the workspace array WORK (see description below) used by this routine. NW should be set to the parameter NWMAX; this parameter is declared in the include file (The reason this dimension is an input argument is that this allows run-time error checking to be performed.) RESULT is a double precision SPICE window which will contain the search results. RESULT must be declared and initialized with sufficient size to capture the full set of time intervals within the search region on which the specified condition is satisfied. RESULT must be initialized by the caller via the SPICELIB routine SSIZED. If RESULT is non-empty on input, its contents will be discarded before GFPOSC conducts its search. Detailed_OutputWORK is an array used to store workspace windows. This array should be declared by the caller as shown: INCLUDE '' ... DOUBLE PRECISION WORK ( LBCELL : MW, NWMAX ) where MW is a constant declared by the caller and NWMAX is a constant defined in the SPICELIB INCLUDE file See the discussion of MW above. WORK need not be initialized by the caller. WORK is modified by this routine. The caller should re-initialize this array before attempting to use it for any other purpose. RESULT is the SPICE window of intervals, contained within the confinement window CNFINE, on which the specified constraint is satisfied. The endpoints of the time intervals comprising RESULT are interpreted as seconds past J2000 TDB. If the search is for local extrema, or for absolute extrema with ADJUST set to zero, then normally each interval of RESULT will be a singleton: the left and right endpoints of each interval will be identical. If no times within the confinement window satisfy the search criteria, RESULT will be returned with a cardinality of zero. ParametersLBCELL is the integer value defining the lower bound for SPICE Cell arrays (a SPICE window is a kind of cell). CNVTOL is the convergence tolerance used for finding endpoints of the intervals comprising the result window. CNVTOL is also used for finding intermediate results; in particular, CNVTOL is used for finding the windows on which the specified coordinate is increasing or decreasing. CNVTOL is used to determine when binary searches for roots should terminate: when a root is bracketed within an interval of length CNVTOL; the root is considered to have been found. The accuracy, as opposed to precision, of roots found by this routine depends on the accuracy of the input data. In most cases, the accuracy of solutions will be inferior to their precision. See INCLUDE file for declarations and descriptions of parameters used throughout the GF system. Exceptions1) In order for this routine to produce correct results, the step size must be appropriate for the problem at hand. Step sizes that are too large may cause this routine to miss roots; step sizes that are too small may cause this routine to run unacceptably slowly and in some cases, find spurious roots. This routine does not diagnose invalid step sizes, except that if the step size is non-positive, an error is signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine. 2) Due to numerical errors, in particular, - truncation error in time values - finite tolerance value - errors in computed geometric quantities it is *normal* for the condition of interest to not always be satisfied near the endpoints of the intervals comprising the RESULT window. One technique to handle such a situation, slightly contract RESULT using the window routine WNCOND. 3) If the window size MW is less than 2 or not an even value, the error SPICE(INVALIDDIMENSION) is signaled. 4) If the window size of RESULT is less than 2, the error SPICE(INVALIDDIMENSION) is signaled. 5) If the output SPICE window RESULT has insufficient capacity to contain the number of intervals on which the specified distance condition is met, an error is signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine. 6) If an error (typically cell overflow) occurs during window arithmetic, the error is signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine. 7) If the relational operator RELATE is not recognized, an error is signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine. 8) If the size of the workspace WORK is too small, an error is signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine. 9) If the aberration correction specifier contains an unrecognized value, an error is signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine. 10) If ADJUST is negative, an error is signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine. 11) If either of the input body names do not map to NAIF ID codes, an error is signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine. 12) If required ephemerides or other kernel data are not available, an error is signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine. 13) If the search uses GEODETIC or PLANETOGRAPHIC coordinates, and the center body of the reference frame has unequal equatorial radii, an error is signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine. FilesAppropriate SPK and PCK kernels must be loaded by the calling program before this routine is called. The following data are required: - SPK data: the calling application must load ephemeris data for the targets, observer, and any intermediate objects in a chain connecting the targets and observer that cover the time period specified by the window CNFINE. If aberration corrections are used, the states of target and observer relative to the solar system barycenter must be calculable from the available ephemeris data. Typically ephemeris data are made available by loading one or more SPK files using FURNSH. - If non-inertial reference frames are used, then PCK files, frame kernels, C-kernels, and SCLK kernels may be needed. - In some cases the observer's state may be computed at times outside of CNFINE by as much as 2 seconds; data required to compute this state must be provided by loaded kernels. See $Particulars for details. Such kernel data are normally loaded once per program run, NOT every time this routine is called. ParticularsThis routine provides a simpler, but less flexible interface than does the routine GFEVNT for conducting searches for observer-target position vector coordinate value events. Applications that require support for progress reporting, interrupt handling, non-default step or refinement functions, or non-default convergence tolerance should call GFEVNT rather than this routine. This routine determines a set of one or more time intervals within the confinement window when the selected coordinate of the observer-target position vector satisfies a caller-specified constraint. The resulting set of intervals is returned as a SPICE window. Below we discuss in greater detail aspects of this routine's solution process that are relevant to correct and efficient use of this routine in user applications. The Search Process ================== Regardless of the type of constraint selected by the caller, this routine starts the search for solutions by determining the time periods, within the confinement window, over which the specified coordinate function is monotone increasing and monotone decreasing. Each of these time periods is represented by a SPICE window. Having found these windows, all of the coordinate function's local extrema within the confinement window are known. Absolute extrema then can be found very easily. Within any interval of these "monotone" windows, there will be at most one solution of any equality constraint. Since the boundary of the solution set for any inequality constraint is contained in the union of - the set of points where an equality constraint is met - the boundary points of the confinement window the solutions of both equality and inequality constraints can be found easily once the monotone windows have been found. Step Size ========= The monotone windows (described above) are found using a two-step search process. Each interval of the confinement window is searched as follows: first, the input step size is used to determine the time separation at which the sign of the rate of change of coordinate will be sampled. Starting at the left endpoint of an interval, samples will be taken at each step. If a change of sign is found, a root has been bracketed; at that point, the time at which the time derivative of the coordinate is zero can be found by a refinement process, for example, using a binary search. Note that the optimal choice of step size depends on the lengths of the intervals over which the coordinate function is monotone: the step size should be shorter than the shortest of these intervals (within the confinement window). The optimal step size is *not* necessarily related to the lengths of the intervals comprising the result window. For example, if the shortest monotone interval has length 10 days, and if the shortest result window interval has length 5 minutes, a step size of 9.9 days is still adequate to find all of the intervals in the result window. In situations like this, the technique of using monotone windows yields a dramatic efficiency improvement over a state-based search that simply tests at each step whether the specified constraint is satisfied. The latter type of search can miss solution intervals if the step size is longer than the shortest solution interval. Having some knowledge of the relative geometry of the target and observer can be a valuable aid in picking a reasonable step size. In general, the user can compensate for lack of such knowledge by picking a very short step size; the cost is increased computation time. Note that the step size is not related to the precision with which the endpoints of the intervals of the result window are computed. That precision level is controlled by the convergence tolerance. Convergence Tolerance ===================== As described above, the root-finding process used by this routine involves first bracketing roots and then using a search process to locate them. "Roots" are both times when local extrema are attained and times when the coordinate function is equal to a reference value. All endpoints of the intervals comprising the result window are either endpoints of intervals of the confinement window or roots. Once a root has been bracketed, a refinement process is used to narrow down the time interval within which the root must lie. This refinement process terminates when the location of the root has been determined to within an error margin called the "convergence tolerance." The default convergence tolerance used by this routine is set by the parameter CNVTOL (defined in The value of CNVTOL is set to a "tight" value so that the tolerance doesn't become the limiting factor in the accuracy of solutions found by this routine. In general the accuracy of input data will be the limiting factor. The user may change the convergence tolerance from the default CNVTOL value by calling the routine GFSTOL, e.g. CALL GFSTOL( tolerance value ) Call GFSTOL prior to calling this routine. All subsequent searches will use the updated tolerance value. Setting the tolerance tighter than CNVTOL is unlikely to be useful, since the results are unlikely to be more accurate. Making the tolerance looser will speed up searches somewhat, since a few convergence steps will be omitted. However, in most cases, the step size is likely to have a much greater effect on processing time than would the convergence tolerance. The Confinement Window ====================== The simplest use of the confinement window is to specify a time interval within which a solution is sought. However, the confinement window can, in some cases, be used to make searches more efficient. Sometimes it's possible to do an efficient search to reduce the size of the time period over which a relatively slow search of interest must be performed. Practical use of the coordinate search capability would likely consist of searches over multiple coordinate constraints to find time intervals that satisfies the constraints. An effective technique to accomplish such a search is to use the result window from one search as the confinement window of the next. Certain types of searches require the state of the observer, relative to the solar system barycenter, to be computed at times slightly outside the confinement window CNFINE. The time window that is actually used is the result of "expanding" CNFINE by a specified amount "T": each time interval of CNFINE is expanded by shifting the interval's left endpoint to the left and the right endpoint to the right by T seconds. Any overlapping intervals are merged. (The input argument CNFINE is not modified.) The window expansions listed below are additive: if both conditions apply, the window expansion amount is the sum of the individual amounts. - If a search uses an equality constraint, the time window over which the state of the observer is computed is expanded by 1 second at both ends of all of the time intervals comprising the window over which the search is conducted. - If a search uses stellar aberration corrections, the time window over which the state of the observer is computed is expanded as described above. When light time corrections are used, expansion of the search window also affects the set of times at which the light time- corrected state of the target is computed. In addition to the possible 2 second expansion of the search window that occurs when both an equality constraint and stellar aberration corrections are used, round-off error should be taken into account when the need for data availability is analyzed. Longitude and Right Ascension ============================= The cyclic nature of the longitude and right ascension coordinates produces branch cuts at +/- 180 degrees longitude and 0-360 right ascension. Round-off error may cause solutions near these branches to cross the branch. Use of the SPICE routine WNCOND will contract solution windows by some epsilon, reducing the measure of the windows and eliminating the branch crossing. A one millisecond contraction will in most cases eliminate numerical round-off caused branch crossings. ExamplesThe numerical results shown for these examples may differ across platforms. The results depend on the SPICE kernels used as input, the compiler and supporting libraries, and the machine specific arithmetic implementation. 1) Find the time during 2007 for which the latitude of the Earth-Sun vector in IAU_EARTH frame has the maximum value, i.e. the latitude of the Tropic of Cancer. Use the meta-kernel shown below to load the required SPICE kernels. KPL/MK File name: This meta-kernel is intended to support operation of SPICE example programs. The kernels shown here should not be assumed to contain adequate or correct versions of data required by SPICE-based user applications. In order for an application to use this meta-kernel, the kernels referenced here must be present in the user's current working directory. The names and contents of the kernels referenced by this meta-kernel are as follows: File name Contents --------- -------- de421.bsp Planetary ephemeris pck00009.tpc Planet orientation and radii naif0009.tls Leapseconds \begindata KERNELS_TO_LOAD = ( 'de421.bsp', 'pck00009.tpc', 'naif0009.tls' ) \begintext End of meta-kernel Example code begins here. PROGRAM GFPOSC_EX1 IMPLICIT NONE C C Include GF parameter declarations: C INCLUDE '' C C SPICELIB functions C DOUBLE PRECISION SPD DOUBLE PRECISION RPD INTEGER WNCARD C C Local parameters C INTEGER LBCELL PARAMETER ( LBCELL = -5 ) C C Use the parameter MAXWIN for both C the result window size and the workspace C size. C INTEGER MAXWIN PARAMETER ( MAXWIN = 750 ) C C String length. C INTEGER STRLEN PARAMETER ( STRLEN = 64 ) C C Local variables C CHARACTER*(STRLEN) TIMSTR CHARACTER*(STRLEN) TIMFIN CHARACTER*(STRLEN) RELATE CHARACTER*(STRLEN) CRDSYS CHARACTER*(STRLEN) COORD CHARACTER*(STRLEN) ABCORR CHARACTER*(STRLEN) TARG CHARACTER*(STRLEN) OBSRVR CHARACTER*(STRLEN) FRAME CHARACTER*(STRLEN) TIMFMT DOUBLE PRECISION ADJUST DOUBLE PRECISION CNFINE ( LBCELL : 2 ) DOUBLE PRECISION ET0 DOUBLE PRECISION ET1 DOUBLE PRECISION FINISH DOUBLE PRECISION REFVAL DOUBLE PRECISION RESULT ( LBCELL : MAXWIN ) DOUBLE PRECISION START DOUBLE PRECISION STEP DOUBLE PRECISION WORK ( LBCELL : MAXWIN, NWMAX ) INTEGER I C C Saved variables C C The confinement, workspace and result windows CNFINE, C WORK and RESULT are saved because this practice helps to C prevent stack overflow. C SAVE CNFINE SAVE RESULT SAVE WORK C C Load kernels. C CALL FURNSH ( '' ) C C Initialize windows. C CALL SSIZED ( MAXWIN, RESULT ) CALL SSIZED ( 2, CNFINE ) TIMFMT = 'YYYY-MON-DD HR:MN:SC.###### (TDB) ::TDB ::RND' C C Store the time bounds of our search interval in C the confinement window. C CALL STR2ET ( '2007 JAN 1', ET0 ) CALL STR2ET ( '2008 JAN 1', ET1 ) CALL WNINSD ( ET0, ET1, CNFINE ) C C The latitude varies relatively slowly, ~46 degrees C during the year. The extrema occur approximately every C six months. Search using a step size less than half C that value (180 days). For this example use ninety days C (in units of seconds). C STEP = SPD() * 90.D0 ADJUST = 0.D0 REFVAL = 0.D0 C C Search for the date on which the CRDSYS system C coordinate COORD satisfies the RELATE constraint. C RELATE = 'ABSMAX' CRDSYS = 'LATITUDINAL' COORD = 'LATITUDE' TARG = 'SUN' OBSRVR = 'EARTH' FRAME = 'IAU_EARTH' ABCORR = 'NONE' C C Perform this search using the geometric position C of the bodies; set the aberration correction to 'NONE'. C CALL GFPOSC ( TARG, FRAME, ABCORR, . OBSRVR, CRDSYS, COORD, . RELATE, REFVAL, ADJUST, . STEP, CNFINE, MAXWIN, . NWMAX, WORK, RESULT ) C C Display the results. C IF ( WNCARD(RESULT) .EQ. 0 ) THEN WRITE (*,*) 'Result window is empty.' ELSE DO I = 1, WNCARD(RESULT) C C Fetch the endpoints of the Ith interval C of the result window. C CALL WNFETD ( RESULT, I, START, FINISH ) IF( START .EQ. FINISH ) THEN C C The result window contains singleton C intervals, so we need display only the C start times. C CALL TIMOUT ( START, TIMFMT, TIMSTR ) WRITE (*, *) 'Event time: ', TIMSTR ELSE CALL TIMOUT ( START, TIMFMT, TIMSTR ) CALL TIMOUT ( FINISH, TIMFMT, TIMFIN ) WRITE(*, *) 'From : ', TIMSTR WRITE(*, *) 'To : ', TIMFIN WRITE(*, *) ' ' END IF END DO END IF END When this program was executed on a Mac/Intel/gfortran/64-bit platform, the output was: Event time: 2007-JUN-21 17:54:13.172475 (TDB) 2) A minor modification of the program listed in Example 1; find the time during 2007 for which the latitude of the Earth-Sun vector in IAU_EARTH frame has the minimum value, i.e. the latitude of the Tropic of Capricorn. Use the meta-kernel from the first example. Example code begins here. PROGRAM GFPOSC_EX2 IMPLICIT NONE C C Include GF parameter declarations: C INCLUDE '' C C SPICELIB functions C DOUBLE PRECISION SPD DOUBLE PRECISION RPD INTEGER WNCARD C C Local parameters C INTEGER LBCELL PARAMETER ( LBCELL = -5 ) C C Use the parameter MAXWIN for both C the result window size and the workspace C size. C INTEGER MAXWIN PARAMETER ( MAXWIN = 750 ) C C String length. C INTEGER STRLEN PARAMETER ( STRLEN = 64 ) C C Local variables C CHARACTER*(STRLEN) TIMSTR CHARACTER*(STRLEN) TIMFIN CHARACTER*(STRLEN) RELATE CHARACTER*(STRLEN) CRDSYS CHARACTER*(STRLEN) COORD CHARACTER*(STRLEN) ABCORR CHARACTER*(STRLEN) TARG CHARACTER*(STRLEN) OBSRVR CHARACTER*(STRLEN) FRAME CHARACTER*(STRLEN) TIMFMT DOUBLE PRECISION ADJUST DOUBLE PRECISION CNFINE ( LBCELL : 2 ) DOUBLE PRECISION ET0 DOUBLE PRECISION ET1 DOUBLE PRECISION FINISH DOUBLE PRECISION REFVAL DOUBLE PRECISION RESULT ( LBCELL : MAXWIN ) DOUBLE PRECISION START DOUBLE PRECISION STEP DOUBLE PRECISION WORK ( LBCELL : MAXWIN, NWMAX ) INTEGER I C C Saved variables C C The confinement, workspace and result windows CNFINE, C WORK and RESULT are saved because this practice helps to C prevent stack overflow. C SAVE CNFINE SAVE RESULT SAVE WORK C C Load kernels. C CALL FURNSH ( '' ) C C Initialize windows. C CALL SSIZED ( MAXWIN, RESULT ) CALL SSIZED ( 2, CNFINE ) TIMFMT = 'YYYY-MON-DD HR:MN:SC.###### (TDB) ::TDB ::RND' C C Store the time bounds of our search interval in C the confinement window. C CALL STR2ET ( '2007 JAN 1', ET0 ) CALL STR2ET ( '2008 JAN 1', ET1 ) CALL WNINSD ( ET0, ET1, CNFINE ) C C The latitude varies relatively slowly, ~46 degrees C during the year. The extrema occur approximately every C six months. Search using a step size less than half C that value (180 days). For this example use ninety days C (in units of seconds). C STEP = SPD() * 90.D0 ADJUST = 0.D0 REFVAL = 0.D0 C C Search for the date on which the CRDSYS system C coordinate COORD satisfies the RELATE constraint. C RELATE = 'ABSMIN' CRDSYS = 'LATITUDINAL' COORD = 'LATITUDE' TARG = 'SUN' OBSRVR = 'EARTH' FRAME = 'IAU_EARTH' ABCORR = 'NONE' C C Perform this search using the geometric position C of the bodies; set the aberration correction to 'NONE'. C CALL GFPOSC ( TARG, FRAME, ABCORR, . OBSRVR, CRDSYS, COORD, . RELATE, REFVAL, ADJUST, . STEP, CNFINE, MAXWIN, . NWMAX, WORK, RESULT ) C C Display the results. C IF ( WNCARD(RESULT) .EQ. 0 ) THEN WRITE (*,*) 'Result window is empty.' ELSE DO I = 1, WNCARD(RESULT) C C Fetch the endpoints of the Ith interval C of the result window. C CALL WNFETD ( RESULT, I, START, FINISH ) IF( START .EQ. FINISH ) THEN C C The result window contains singleton C intervals, so we need display only the C start times. C CALL TIMOUT ( START, TIMFMT, TIMSTR ) WRITE (*, *) 'Event time: ', TIMSTR ELSE CALL TIMOUT ( START, TIMFMT, TIMSTR ) CALL TIMOUT ( FINISH, TIMFMT, TIMFIN ) WRITE(*, *) 'From : ', TIMSTR WRITE(*, *) 'To : ', TIMFIN WRITE(*, *) ' ' END IF END DO END IF END When this program was executed on a Mac/Intel/gfortran/64-bit platform, the output was: Event time: 2007-DEC-22 06:04:32.635539 (TDB) 3) Find the time during 2007 for which the Z component of the Earth-Sun vector in IAU_EARTH frame has value 0, i.e. crosses the equatorial plane (this also defines a zero latitude). The search should return two times, one for an ascending passage and one for descending. Use the meta-kernel from the first example. Example code begins here. PROGRAM GFPOSC_EX3 IMPLICIT NONE C C Include GF parameter declarations: C INCLUDE '' C C SPICELIB functions C DOUBLE PRECISION SPD DOUBLE PRECISION RPD INTEGER WNCARD C C Local parameters C INTEGER LBCELL PARAMETER ( LBCELL = -5 ) C C Use the parameter MAXWIN for both C the result window size and the workspace C size. C INTEGER MAXWIN PARAMETER ( MAXWIN = 750 ) C C String length. C INTEGER STRLEN PARAMETER ( STRLEN = 64 ) C C Local variables C CHARACTER*(STRLEN) TIMSTR CHARACTER*(STRLEN) TIMFIN CHARACTER*(STRLEN) RELATE CHARACTER*(STRLEN) CRDSYS CHARACTER*(STRLEN) COORD CHARACTER*(STRLEN) ABCORR CHARACTER*(STRLEN) TARG CHARACTER*(STRLEN) OBSRVR CHARACTER*(STRLEN) FRAME CHARACTER*(STRLEN) TIMFMT DOUBLE PRECISION ADJUST DOUBLE PRECISION CNFINE ( LBCELL : 2 ) DOUBLE PRECISION ET0 DOUBLE PRECISION ET1 DOUBLE PRECISION FINISH DOUBLE PRECISION REFVAL DOUBLE PRECISION RESULT ( LBCELL : MAXWIN ) DOUBLE PRECISION START DOUBLE PRECISION STEP DOUBLE PRECISION WORK ( LBCELL : MAXWIN, NWMAX ) INTEGER I C C Saved variables C C The confinement, workspace and result windows CNFINE, C WORK and RESULT are saved because this practice helps to C prevent stack overflow. C SAVE CNFINE SAVE RESULT SAVE WORK C C Load kernels. C CALL FURNSH ( '' ) C C Initialize windows. C CALL SSIZED ( MAXWIN, RESULT ) CALL SSIZED ( 2, CNFINE ) TIMFMT = 'YYYY-MON-DD HR:MN:SC.###### (TDB) ::TDB ::RND' C C Store the time bounds of our search interval in C the confinement window. C CALL STR2ET ( '2007 JAN 1', ET0 ) CALL STR2ET ( '2008 JAN 1', ET1 ) CALL WNINSD ( ET0, ET1, CNFINE ) C C The latitude varies relatively slowly, ~46 degrees C during the year. The extrema occur approximately every C six months. Search using a step size less than half C that value (180 days). For this example use ninety days C (in units of seconds). C STEP = SPD() * 90.D0 ADJUST = 0.D0 REFVAL = 0.D0 C C Search for the date on which the CRDSYS system C coordinate COORD satisfies the RELATE constraint. C RELATE = '=' CRDSYS = 'RECTANGULAR' COORD = 'Z' TARG = 'SUN' OBSRVR = 'EARTH' FRAME = 'IAU_EARTH' ABCORR = 'NONE' C C Perform this search using the geometric position C of the bodies; set the aberration correction to 'NONE'. C CALL GFPOSC ( TARG, FRAME, ABCORR, . OBSRVR, CRDSYS, COORD, . RELATE, REFVAL, ADJUST, . STEP, CNFINE, MAXWIN, . NWMAX, WORK, RESULT ) C C Display the results. C IF ( WNCARD(RESULT) .EQ. 0 ) THEN WRITE (*,*) 'Result window is empty.' ELSE DO I = 1, WNCARD(RESULT) C C Fetch the endpoints of the Ith interval C of the result window. C CALL WNFETD ( RESULT, I, START, FINISH ) IF( START .EQ. FINISH ) THEN C C The result window contains singleton C intervals, so we need display only the C start times. C CALL TIMOUT ( START, TIMFMT, TIMSTR ) WRITE (*, *) 'Event time: ', TIMSTR ELSE CALL TIMOUT ( START, TIMFMT, TIMSTR ) CALL TIMOUT ( FINISH, TIMFMT, TIMFIN ) WRITE(*, *) 'From : ', TIMSTR WRITE(*, *) 'To : ', TIMFIN WRITE(*, *) ' ' END IF END DO END IF END When this program was executed on a Mac/Intel/gfortran/64-bit platform, the output was: Event time: 2007-MAR-21 00:01:25.500673 (TDB) Event time: 2007-SEP-23 09:46:39.579484 (TDB) 4) Find the times between Jan 1, 2007 and Jan 1, 2008 corresponding to the apoapsis on the Moon's orbit around the Earth (note, the GFDIST routine can also perform this search). Use the meta-kernel from the first example. Example code begins here. PROGRAM GFPOSC_EX4 IMPLICIT NONE C C Include GF parameter declarations: C INCLUDE '' C C SPICELIB functions C DOUBLE PRECISION SPD DOUBLE PRECISION RPD INTEGER WNCARD C C Local parameters C INTEGER LBCELL PARAMETER ( LBCELL = -5 ) C C Use the parameter MAXWIN for both C the result window size and the workspace C size. C INTEGER MAXWIN PARAMETER ( MAXWIN = 750 ) C C String length. C INTEGER STRLEN PARAMETER ( STRLEN = 64 ) C C Local variables C CHARACTER*(STRLEN) TIMSTR CHARACTER*(STRLEN) TIMFIN CHARACTER*(STRLEN) RELATE CHARACTER*(STRLEN) CRDSYS CHARACTER*(STRLEN) COORD CHARACTER*(STRLEN) ABCORR CHARACTER*(STRLEN) TARG CHARACTER*(STRLEN) OBSRVR CHARACTER*(STRLEN) FRAME CHARACTER*(STRLEN) TIMFMT DOUBLE PRECISION ADJUST DOUBLE PRECISION CNFINE ( LBCELL : 2 ) DOUBLE PRECISION ET0 DOUBLE PRECISION ET1 DOUBLE PRECISION FINISH DOUBLE PRECISION REFVAL DOUBLE PRECISION RESULT ( LBCELL : MAXWIN ) DOUBLE PRECISION START DOUBLE PRECISION STEP DOUBLE PRECISION WORK ( LBCELL : MAXWIN, NWMAX ) INTEGER I C C Saved variables C C The confinement, workspace and result windows CNFINE, C WORK and RESULT are saved because this practice helps to C prevent stack overflow. C SAVE CNFINE SAVE RESULT SAVE WORK C C Load kernels. C CALL FURNSH ( '' ) C C Initialize windows. C CALL SSIZED ( MAXWIN, RESULT ) CALL SSIZED ( 2, CNFINE ) TIMFMT = 'YYYY-MON-DD HR:MN:SC.###### (TDB) ::TDB ::RND' C C Store the time bounds of our search interval in C the confinement window. C CALL STR2ET ( '2007 JAN 1', ET0 ) CALL STR2ET ( '2008 JAN 1', ET1 ) CALL WNINSD ( ET0, ET1, CNFINE ) C C This search requires a change in the step size since the C Moon's orbit about the earth (earth-moon barycenter) has C a twenty-eight day period. Use a step size something C less than half that value. In this case, we use twelve C days. C STEP = SPD() * 12.D0 ADJUST = 0.D0 REFVAL = 0.D0 C C Search for the date on which the CRDSYS system C coordinate COORD satisfies the RELATE constraint. C RELATE = 'LOCMAX' CRDSYS = 'SPHERICAL' COORD = 'RADIUS' TARG = 'MOON' OBSRVR = 'EARTH' FRAME = 'J2000' ABCORR = 'NONE' C C Perform this search using the geometric position C of the bodies; set the aberration correction to 'NONE'. C CALL GFPOSC ( TARG, FRAME, ABCORR, . OBSRVR, CRDSYS, COORD, . RELATE, REFVAL, ADJUST, . STEP, CNFINE, MAXWIN, . NWMAX, WORK, RESULT ) C C Display the results. C IF ( WNCARD(RESULT) .EQ. 0 ) THEN WRITE (*,*) 'Result window is empty.' ELSE DO I = 1, WNCARD(RESULT) C C Fetch the endpoints of the Ith interval C of the result window. C CALL WNFETD ( RESULT, I, START, FINISH ) IF( START .EQ. FINISH ) THEN C C The result window contains singleton C intervals, so we need display only the C start times. C CALL TIMOUT ( START, TIMFMT, TIMSTR ) WRITE (*, *) 'Event time: ', TIMSTR ELSE CALL TIMOUT ( START, TIMFMT, TIMSTR ) CALL TIMOUT ( FINISH, TIMFMT, TIMFIN ) WRITE(*, *) 'From : ', TIMSTR WRITE(*, *) 'To : ', TIMFIN WRITE(*, *) ' ' END IF END DO END IF END When this program was executed on a Mac/Intel/gfortran/64-bit platform, the output was: Event time: 2007-JAN-10 16:26:18.784521 (TDB) Event time: 2007-FEB-07 12:39:35.055710 (TDB) Event time: 2007-MAR-07 03:38:07.308330 (TDB) Event time: 2007-APR-03 08:38:55.191516 (TDB) Event time: 2007-APR-30 10:56:49.819340 (TDB) Event time: 2007-MAY-27 22:03:28.834302 (TDB) Event time: 2007-JUN-24 14:26:23.617432 (TDB) Event time: 2007-JUL-22 08:43:50.113902 (TDB) Event time: 2007-AUG-19 03:28:33.515939 (TDB) Event time: 2007-SEP-15 21:07:13.940711 (TDB) Event time: 2007-OCT-13 09:52:30.791223 (TDB) Event time: 2007-NOV-09 12:32:50.039258 (TDB) Event time: 2007-DEC-06 16:54:31.199770 (TDB) 5) Find times between Jan 1, 2007 and Jan 1, 2008 when the latitude (elevation) of the observer-target vector between DSS 17 and the Moon, as observed in the DSS 17 topocentric (station) frame, exceeds 83 degrees. Use the meta-kernel shown below to load the required SPICE kernels. KPL/MK File name: This meta-kernel is intended to support operation of SPICE example programs. The kernels shown here should not be assumed to contain adequate or correct versions of data required by SPICE-based user applications. In order for an application to use this meta-kernel, the kernels referenced here must be present in the user's current working directory. The names and contents of the kernels referenced by this meta-kernel are as follows: File name Contents --------- -------- de421.bsp Planetary ephemeris pck00009.tpc Planet orientation and radii naif0009.tls Leapseconds earthstns_itrf93_050714.bsp SPK for DSN Station Locations Topocentric DSN stations frame definitions earth_latest_high_prec.bpc High precision earth PCK \begindata KERNELS_TO_LOAD = ( 'de421.bsp', 'pck00009.tpc', 'naif0009.tls', 'earthstns_itrf93_050714.bsp', '', 'earth_latest_high_prec.bpc' ) \begintext End of meta-kernel Example code begins here. PROGRAM GFPOSC_EX5 IMPLICIT NONE C C Include GF parameter declarations: C INCLUDE '' C C SPICELIB functions C DOUBLE PRECISION SPD DOUBLE PRECISION RPD INTEGER WNCARD C C Local parameters C INTEGER LBCELL PARAMETER ( LBCELL = -5 ) C C Use the parameter MAXWIN for both C the result window size and the workspace C size. C INTEGER MAXWIN PARAMETER ( MAXWIN = 750 ) C C String length. C INTEGER STRLEN PARAMETER ( STRLEN = 64 ) C C Local variables C CHARACTER*(STRLEN) TIMSTR CHARACTER*(STRLEN) TIMFIN CHARACTER*(STRLEN) RELATE CHARACTER*(STRLEN) CRDSYS CHARACTER*(STRLEN) COORD CHARACTER*(STRLEN) ABCORR CHARACTER*(STRLEN) TARG CHARACTER*(STRLEN) OBSRVR CHARACTER*(STRLEN) FRAME CHARACTER*(STRLEN) TIMFMT DOUBLE PRECISION ADJUST DOUBLE PRECISION CNFINE ( LBCELL : 2 ) DOUBLE PRECISION ET0 DOUBLE PRECISION ET1 DOUBLE PRECISION FINISH DOUBLE PRECISION REFVAL DOUBLE PRECISION RESULT ( LBCELL : MAXWIN ) DOUBLE PRECISION START DOUBLE PRECISION STEP DOUBLE PRECISION WORK ( LBCELL : MAXWIN, NWMAX ) INTEGER I C C Saved variables C C The confinement, workspace and result windows CNFINE, C WORK and RESULT are saved because this practice helps to C prevent stack overflow. C SAVE CNFINE SAVE RESULT SAVE WORK C C Load kernels. C CALL FURNSH ( '' ) C C Initialize windows. C CALL SSIZED ( MAXWIN, RESULT ) CALL SSIZED ( 2, CNFINE ) TIMFMT = 'YYYY-MON-DD HR:MN:SC.###### (TDB) ::TDB ::RND' C C Store the time bounds of our search interval in C the confinement window. C CALL STR2ET ( '2007 JAN 1', ET0 ) CALL STR2ET ( '2008 JAN 1', ET1 ) CALL WNINSD ( ET0, ET1, CNFINE ) C C This search uses a step size of four hours since the C time for all declination zero-to-max-to-zero passes C within the search window exceeds eight hours. C C The example uses an 83 degree elevation because of its C rare occurrence and short duration. C STEP = SPD() * (4.D0/24.D0) ADJUST = 0.D0 REFVAL = 83.D0 * RPD() C C Search for the date on which the CRDSYS system C coordinate COORD satisfies the RELATE constraint. C RELATE = '>' CRDSYS = 'LATITUDINAL' COORD = 'LATITUDE' TARG = 'MOON' OBSRVR = 'DSS-17' FRAME = 'DSS-17_TOPO' ABCORR = 'NONE' C C Perform this search using the geometric position C of the bodies; set the aberration correction to 'NONE'. C CALL GFPOSC ( TARG, FRAME, ABCORR, . OBSRVR, CRDSYS, COORD, . RELATE, REFVAL, ADJUST, . STEP, CNFINE, MAXWIN, . NWMAX, WORK, RESULT ) C C Display the results. C IF ( WNCARD(RESULT) .EQ. 0 ) THEN WRITE (*,*) 'Result window is empty.' ELSE DO I = 1, WNCARD(RESULT) C C Fetch the endpoints of the Ith interval C of the result window. C CALL WNFETD ( RESULT, I, START, FINISH ) IF( START .EQ. FINISH ) THEN C C The result window contains singleton C intervals, so we need display only the C start times. C CALL TIMOUT ( START, TIMFMT, TIMSTR ) WRITE (*, *) 'Event time: ', TIMSTR ELSE CALL TIMOUT ( START, TIMFMT, TIMSTR ) CALL TIMOUT ( FINISH, TIMFMT, TIMFIN ) WRITE(*, *) 'From : ', TIMSTR WRITE(*, *) 'To : ', TIMFIN WRITE(*, *) ' ' END IF END DO END IF END When this program was executed on a Mac/Intel/gfortran/64-bit platform, the output was: From : 2007-FEB-26 03:18:48.229281 (TDB) To : 2007-FEB-26 03:31:29.734931 (TDB) From : 2007-MAR-25 01:12:38.550572 (TDB) To : 2007-MAR-25 01:23:53.909469 (TDB) Restrictions1) The kernel files to be used by this routine must be loaded (normally using the SPICELIB routine FURNSH) before this routine is called. 2) This routine has the side effect of re-initializing the coordinate quantity utility package. Callers may need to re-initialize the package after calling this routine. Literature_ReferencesNone. Author_and_InstitutionN.J. Bachman (JPL) J. Diaz del Rio (ODC Space) E.D. Wright (JPL) VersionSPICELIB Version 1.2.0, 03-NOV-2021 (JDR) (NJB) Edited the header to comply with NAIF standard. Added initialization of QCPARS(10) to pacify Valgrind. Added entries #5 and #9 to $Exceptions section. Updated description of WORK and RESULT arguments in $Brief_I/O, $Detailed_Input and $Detailed_Output. Added SAVE statements for CNFINE, WORK and RESULT variables in code examples. Updated header to describe use of expanded confinement window. SPICELIB Version 1.1.0, 05-SEP-2012 (EDW) Edit to comments to correct search description. Implemented use of ZZHOLDD to allow user to alter convergence tolerance. Removed the STEP > 0 error check. The GFSSTP call includes the check. Header edits. COORD description to clarify the body with which GEODETIC and PLANETOGRAPHIC coordinates are associated. Clarified exception SPICE(NOTSUPPORTED) description. Edits to Example section, proper description of "" meta kernel. SPICELIB Version 1.0.1, 10-JUN-2009 (NJB) (EDW) Edited argument descriptions. SPICELIB Version 1.0.0, 17-FEB-2009 (NJB) (EDW) |
Fri Dec 31 18:36:24 2021