spkbsr |
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ProcedureSPKBSR ( S/P Kernel, Buffer segments for readers ) SUBROUTINE SPKBSR ( FNAME, . HANDLE, . BODY, . ET, . DESCR, . IDENT, . FOUND ) AbstractLoad and unload files for use by the readers. Buffer segments for readers. Required_ReadingSPK KeywordsEPHEMERIS FILES DeclarationsIMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER*(*) FNAME INTEGER HANDLE INTEGER BODY DOUBLE PRECISION ET DOUBLE PRECISION DESCR ( * ) CHARACTER*(*) IDENT LOGICAL FOUND INTEGER FTSIZE PARAMETER ( FTSIZE = 5000 ) INTEGER BTSIZE PARAMETER ( BTSIZE = 10000 ) INTEGER LBPOOL PARAMETER ( LBPOOL = -5 ) INTEGER STSIZE PARAMETER ( STSIZE = 100000 ) Brief_I/OVARIABLE I/O ENTRY POINTS -------- --- -------------------------------------------------- FNAME I SPKLEF HANDLE I-O SPKLEF, SPKUEF, SPKSFS BODY I SPKSFS ET I SPKSFS DESCR O SPKSFS IDENT O SPKSFS Detailed_InputFNAME is the name of an SPK file to be loaded. HANDLE on input is the handle of an SPK file to be unloaded. BODY is the NAIF integer code of an ephemeris object, typically a solar system body. ET is a time, in seconds past the epoch J2000 TDB. Detailed_OutputHANDLE on output is the handle of the S/P-kernel file containing a located segment. DESCR is the descriptor of a located segment. IDENT is the identifier of a located segment. FOUND indicates whether a requested segment was found or not. ParametersFTSIZE is the maximum number of ephemeris files that can be loaded by SPKLEF at any given time for use by the readers. BTSIZE is the maximum number of bodies whose segments can be buffered by SPKSFS. STSIZE is the maximum number of segments that can be buffered at any given time by SPKSFS. Exceptions1) If SPKBSR is called directly, the error SPICE(BOGUSENTRY) is signaled. 2) See entry points SPKLEF, SPKUEF, and SPKSFS for exceptions specific to them. FilesS/P-kernel ephemeris files are indicated by filename before loading (see SPKLEF) and handle after loading (all other places). ParticularsSPKBSR serves as an umbrella, allowing data to be shared by its entry points: SPKLEF Load ephemeris file. SPKUEF Unload ephemeris file. SPKSFS Select file and segment. Before a file can be read by the S/P-kernel readers, it must be loaded by SPKLEF, which among other things, loads the file into the DAF system. Up to FTSIZE files may be loaded for use simultaneously, and a file only has to be loaded once to become a potential search target for any number of subsequent reads. Once an SPK file has been loaded, it is assigned a file handle, which is used to keep track of the file internally, and which is used by the calling program to refer to the file in all subsequent calls to SPK routines. A file may be removed from the list of files for potential searching by unloading it via a call to SPKUEF. SPKSFS performs the search for segments within a file for the S/P-kernel readers. It searches through last-loaded files first. Within a single file, it searches through last-inserted segments first, thus assuming that "newest data is best". Information on loaded files is used by SPKSFS to manage a buffer of saved segment descriptors and identifiers to speed up access time without having to necessarily perform file reads. ExamplesSuppose that ephemeris data for the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft relative to Mars are contained in three separate files: PREDICT.SPK contains complete predict ephemeris data for several successive orbits, and UPDATE_1.SPK and UPDATE_2.SPK contain two separate updates to selected intervals within those orbits, based on altimeter fits. In the following example, states of the spacecraft are computed in two different ways: First, the predict file and one of the update files are both loaded and states are requested for regular intervals within the orbits. The update file is searched through first, and if no data for the requested time is available, the predict file is used. Then, the first update file is unloaded, the second update file is loaded, and the same requests are made as above. Throughout the two searches, a table is written which contains the state (position and velocity) of the spacecraft, and the file from which the data came, if such data was found, and an error message otherwise. It is assumed that the beginning and ending ephemeris times (BEG_ET, END_ET) for the entire span have already been initialized, along with the step-size for each measurement (DELTA). The two routines WRITE_TABLE and WRITE_ERROR do not exist in SPICELIB. INTEGER PRED_HNDL INTEGER UPD1_HNDL INTEGER UPD2_HNDL INTEGER HANDLE INTEGER BODY INTEGER CENTER DOUBLE PRECISION BEG_ET DOUBLE PRECISION END_ET DOUBLE PRECISION DELTA DOUBLE PRECISION ET DOUBLE PRECISION DESCR ( 5 ) DOUBLE PRECISION STATE ( 6 ) CHARACTER*40 IDENT CHARACTER*25 FNAME LOGICAL FOUND C C Load the predict file and the first update file. Since C last-loaded files get searched first, we want to load the C update file second. C CALL SPKLEF ( 'PREDICT.SPK', PRED_HNDL ) CALL SPKLEF ( 'UPDATE_1.SPK', UPD1_HNDL ) C C NAIF code for the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft is -94. C BODY = -94 C C Compute states for regular intervals between BEG_ET and C END_ET. C ET = BEG_ET DO WHILE ( ET .LE. END_ET ) C C Locate the applicable segment (handle and descriptor). C CALL SPKSFS ( BODY, ET, HANDLE, DESCR, IDENT, FOUND ) IF ( FOUND ) THEN C C Evaluate the state, get the name of the file from C whence the data came, and write the results to the C table. C CALL SPKPV ( HANDLE, DESCR, ET, 'J2000', STATE, . CENTER ) CALL DAFHFN ( HANDLE, FNAME ) CALL WRITE_TABLE ( ET, STATE, FNAME ) ELSE CALL WRITE_ERROR ( ET ) END IF C C The next time. C ET = ET + DELTA END DO C C Unload the first update file, load the second, and do C everything over again. Since the original file stays C loaded, the update file once again gets searched first. C CALL SPKUEF ( UPD1_HNDL ) CALL SPKLEF ( 'UPDATE_2.SPK', UPD2_HNDL ) ET = BEG_ET DO WHILE ( ET .LE. END_ET ) C C Locate the applicable segment. C CALL SPKSFS ( BODY, ET, HANDLE, DESCR, IDENT, FOUND ) IF ( FOUND ) THEN C C Evaluate the state, get the name of the file from C whence the data came, and write the results to the C table. C CALL SPKPV ( HANDLE, DESCR, ET, 'J2000', STATE, . CENTER ) CALL DAFHFN ( HANDLE, FNAME ) CALL WRITE_TABLE ( ET, STATE, FNAME ) ELSE CALL WRITE_ERROR ( ET ) END IF C C The next time. C ET = ET + DELTA END DO Restrictions1) If Fortran I/O errors occur while searching a loaded SPK file, the internal state of this suite of routines may be corrupted. It may be possible to correct the state by unloading the pertinent SPK files and then re-loading them. Literature_ReferencesNone. Author_and_InstitutionN.J. Bachman (JPL) J. Diaz del Rio (ODC Space) J.M. Lynch (JPL) H.A. Neilan (JPL) B.V. Semenov (JPL) W.L. Taber (JPL) R.E. Thurman (JPL) VersionSPICELIB Version 6.1.0, 13-OCT-2021 (JDR) (BVS) (NJB) Increased BTSIZE (from 200 to 10000). Updated entry point SPKSFS to always initialize FOUND. Edited the header of SPKBSR umbrella routine and its entry points SPKLEF, SPKUEF and SPKSFS. Changed SAVE statements to save each variable individually. SPICELIB Version 6.0.1, 15-MAR-2017 (NJB) Corrected various spelling errors within comments. SPICELIB Version 6.0.0, 17-MAR-2014 (NJB) Updated segment pool initialization condition in entry point SPKLEF so that the pool is initialized only if the file table is empty. SPICELIB Version 5.4.0, 13-JUN-2013 (BVS) Increased FTSIZE (from 1000 to 5000). Increased STSIZE (from 50000 to 100000). SPICELIB Version 5.3.0, 01-MAR-2011 (NJB) Bug fix: In the SPKSFS 'MAKE ROOM' state, when the suspended activity is 'ADD TO FRONT' and no segment table room is available, the body table's pointer to the current segment list is now set to null. Previously the pointer was allowed to go stale. SPICELIB Version 5.2.0, 07-APR-2010 (NJB) Increased segment table buffer size to 50000 entries. SPICELIB Version 5.1.0, 08-SEP-2005 (NJB) Updated to remove non-standard use of duplicate arguments in MOVED calls in entry points SPKUEF and SPKSFS. Increased segment table buffer size to 30000 entries. SPICELIB Version 5.0.0, 21-FEB-2003 (NJB) Increased segment table buffer size to 10000 entries. SPICELIB Version 4.0.0, 28-DEC-2001 (NJB) Bug fixes: 1) When a segment list is freed because the entire list is contributed by a single SPK file, and the list is too large to be buffered, the corresponding body table pointer is now set to null. 2) An algorithm change has eliminated a bug caused by not updating the current body index when body table entries having empty segment lists were compressed out of the body table. Previously the body table pointer BINDEX could go stale after the compression. 3) When a already loaded kernel is re-opened with DAFOPR, it now has its link count reset to 1 via a call to DAFCLS. 4) The load routine SPKLEF now resets all file numbers when the next file number reaches INTMAX()-1, thereby avoiding arithmetic overflow. 5) The unload routine SPKUEF now calls RETURN() on entry and returns if so directed. 6) In SPKSFS, DAF calls are followed by tests of FAILED() in order to ensure that the main state loop terminates. 7) In SPKSFS, a subscript bound violation in a loop termination test was corrected. The "re-use interval" feature was introduced to improve speed in the case where repeated, consecutive requests are satisfied by the same segment. The segment list cost algorithm was modified slightly: the contribution of a file search to the cost of a list is included only when the file search is completed. The cost of finding the re-use interval is accounted for when unbuffered searches are required. The file table size has been increased to 1000, in order to take advantage of the DAF system's new ability to load 1000 files. The body table size has been increased to 200 in order to decrease the chance of thrashing due to swapping segment lists for different bodies. Various small updates and corrections were made to the comments throughout the file. SPICELIB Version 3.0.0, 14-AUG-1995 (WLT) An interim fix to a bug in SPKBSR was made. The parameters STSIZE and BTSIZE were increased to be much larger than before (from 100 and 20 to 2000 and 40 respectively). This should keep the boundary errors experienced by Cassini users from occurring again. Version 4.0.0 with a real fix to the boundary problem should be installed in SPICELIB by October 1995 SPICELIB Version 2.0.0, 25-NOV-1992 (JML) 1) When loading a file, SPKLEF now checks if the file table is full only after determining that the file is not currently loaded. Previously, if the file table was full and an attempt was made to reload a file, an error was signaled. A new exception was added as a result of this change. 2) A bug in the way that SPKLEF and SPKUEF clean up the body tables after a file is unloaded was fixed. 3) Variable declarations were added to the example program so that it can now be compiled. 4) A cut and paste error in the description of the segment table was corrected. SPICELIB Version 1.0.3, 10-MAR-1992 (WLT) Comment section for permuted index source lines was added following the header. SPICELIB Version 1.0.2, 09-SEP-1991 (HAN) The declaration of the variable STATE in the $Examples section was changed from a 3 dimensional vector to a 6 dimensional vector, and the term state was specified to be the position and velocity of a body relative to another body. SPICELIB Version 1.0.1, 22-MAR-1990 (HAN) Literature references added to the header. SPICELIB Version 1.0.0, 31-JAN-1990 (RET) |
Fri Dec 31 18:36:50 2021