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     FURNSH ( Furnish a program with SPICE kernels )



     Load one or more SPICE kernels into a program.






    CHARACTER*(*)         FILE

    INTEGER               FILSIZ
    PARAMETER           ( FILSIZ = 255 )


     --------  ---  --------------------------------------------------
     FILE       I   SPICE kernel file (text or binary).
     FILSIZ     P   Maximum file name length.


     FILE     is a SPICE kernel file. The file may be either binary
              or text. If the file is a binary SPICE kernel it will
              be loaded into the appropriate SPICE subsystem. If
              FILE is a SPICE text kernel it will be loaded into the
              kernel pool. If FILE is a SPICE meta-kernel containing
              initialization instructions (through use of the
              correct kernel pool variables), the files specified in
              those variables will be loaded into the appropriate
              SPICE subsystem.

              The SPICE text kernel format supports association of
              names and data values using a "keyword = value"
              format. The keyword-value pairs thus defined are
              called "kernel variables."

              While any information can be placed in a text kernel
              file, the following string valued kernel variables are
              recognized by SPICE as meta-kernel keywords:


              Each kernel variable is discussed below.

              KERNELS_TO_LOAD   is a list of SPICE kernels to be
                                loaded into a program. If file
                                names do not fit within the kernel
                                pool 80 character limit, they may be
                                continued to subsequent array
                                elements by placing the continuation
                                character ('+') at the end of an
                                element and then placing the
                                remainder of the file name in the
                                next array element. (See the
                                examples below for an illustration
                                of this technique or consult the
                                routine STPOOL for further details.)

                                You may use one or more PATH_SYMBOL
                                assignments (see below) to specify
                                strings to be substituted for some
                                part of a file name.

              PATH_SYMBOLS      is a list of strings (without
                                embedded blanks) which if
                                encountered following the '$'
                                character will be replaced with the
                                corresponding PATH_VALUES string.
                                Note that PATH_SYMBOLS are
                                interpreted only in values
                                associated with the KERNELS_TO_LOAD
                                variable. There must be a one-to-one
                                correspondence between the values
                                supplied for PATH_SYMBOLS and
                                PATH_VALUES. For the purpose of
                                determining this correspondence, any
                                path value that is continued over
                                multiple array elements counts as a
                                single value.

              PATH_VALUES       is a list of expansions to use when
                                PATH_SYMBOLS are encountered. If
                                path values do not fit within the
                                kernel pool 80 character limit, they
                                may be continued in the same way as
                                file names (see the KERNELS_TO_LOAD
                                description above).

               These kernel pool variables persist within the kernel
               pool only until all kernels associated with the
               variable KERNELS_TO_LOAD have been loaded. Once all
               specified kernels have been loaded, the variables
               removed from the kernel pool.


     None. The routine loads various SPICE kernels for use by your


     FILSIZ   is the maximum file name length that can be accommodated
              by the kernel pool.

     MAXFIL   is the number of entries that can be stored in KEEPER's
              kernel database. In this version of the toolkit MAXFIL
              is set to 5300. Each time a kernel is loaded via
              FURNSH, a database entry is created for that kernel.
              If a meta-kernel is loaded, a database entry is created
              for the meta-kernel itself and for all files referenced
              in the meta-kernel's KERNELS_TO_LOAD specification.
              Unloading a kernel or meta-kernel deletes database
              entries created when the file was loaded.

              The parameter MAXFIL is an upper bound on number of
              SPICE kernels that can be loaded at any time via the
              KEEPER interface, but the number of kernels that can be
              loaded may be smaller, since re-loading a loaded kernel
              or meta-kernel results in creation of additional
              database entries.

              Kernels loaded into the KEEPER system are subject to
              constraints imposed by lower-level subsystems. The
              binary kernel systems (SPK, CK, binary PCK, and EK)
              have their own limits on the maximum number of kernels
              that may be loaded.

              The total number of DAF-based files (this set includes
              SPKs, CKs, and binary PCKs) and DAS-based files (this
              set includes EKs and DSKs) that may be loaded at any
              time may not exceed 5000. This limit applies whether
              the files are loaded via FURNSH or lower-level loaders
              such as SPKLEF or DAFOPR. File access performance
              normally will degrade as the number of loaded kernels


     1)  If a problem is encountered while trying to load FILE, an
         error is signaled by a routine in the call tree of this

     2)  If the input FILE is a meta-kernel and some file in the
         KERNELS_TO_LOAD assignment cannot be found, or if an error
         occurs while trying to load a file specified by this
         assignment, the error is signaled by a routine in the call
         tree of this routine, and this routine will return. Any files
         loaded prior to encountering the failure, including those
         referenced by the KERNELS_TO_LOAD assignment, will remain

     3)  If an attempt to load a text kernel fails while the kernel is
         being parsed, any kernel variable assignments made before
         the failure occurred will be retained in the kernel pool.

     4)  If a PATH_SYMBOLS assignment is specified without a
         corresponding PATH_VALUES assignment, the error
         SPICE(NOPATHVALUE) is signaled.

     5)  If a meta-text kernel is supplied to FURNSH that contains
         instructions specifying that another meta-text kernel be
         loaded, the error SPICE(RECURSIVELOADING) is signaled.

     6)  If the input file name has non-blank length exceeding FILSIZ
         characters, the error SPICE(FILENAMETOOLONG) is signaled.

     7)  If the input file is a meta-kernel and some file in the
         KERNELS_TO_LOAD assignment has name length exceeding FILSIZ
         characters, the error SPICE(FILENAMETOOLONG) is signaled.

     8)  If the input file is a meta-kernel and some value in the
         PATH_VALUES assignment has length exceeding FILSIZ
         characters, the error SPICE(PATHTOOLONG) is signaled.

     9)  If the input file is a meta-kernel and some file in the
         KERNELS_TO_LOAD assignment has, after symbol substitution,
         combined name and path length exceeding FILSIZ characters,
         the error SPICE(FILENAMETOOLONG) is signaled.

     10) If a kernel pool variable name length exceeds its maximum
         allowed length (see Kernel Required Reading, kernel.req), an
         error is signaled by a routine in the call tree of this


     The input FILE is examined and loaded into the appropriate SPICE
     subsystem. If the file is a meta-kernel, any kernels specified
     by the KERNELS_TO_LOAD keyword (and if present, the PATH_SYMBOLS
     and PATH_VALUES keywords) are loaded as well.


     This routine provides a uniform interface to the SPICE kernel
     loading systems. It allows you to easily assemble a list of
     SPICE kernels required by your application and to modify that set
     without modifying the source code of programs that make use of
     these kernels.


     The numerical results shown for these examples may differ across
     platforms. The results depend on the SPICE kernels used as
     input, the compiler and supporting libraries, and the machine
     specific arithmetic implementation.

     1) Load the leapseconds kernel naif0007.tls and the planetary
        ephemeris SPK file de405s.bsp.

           CALL FURNSH ( 'naif0007.tls' )
           CALL FURNSH ( 'de405s.bsp'   )

     2) This example illustrates how you could create a meta-kernel
        file for a program that requires several text and binary

        First create a list of the kernels you need in a text file as
        shown below.


           File name:

           Here are the SPICE kernels required for my application

           Note that kernels are loaded in the order listed. Thus
           we need to list the highest priority kernel last.


           KERNELS_TO_LOAD = (

              '/home/mydir/kernels/ck/c-kernel.bc' )


           End of meta-kernel

        Note that the file name


        is continued across several lines in the right hand side of
        the assignment of the kernel variable KERNELS_TO_LOAD.

        Once you've created your list of kernels, call FURNSH near the
        beginning of your application program to load the meta-kernel
        automatically at program start up.

           CALL FURNSH ( '' )

        This will cause each of the kernels listed in your meta-kernel
        to be loaded.

     3) This example illustrates how you can simplify the previous
        kernel list by using PATH_SYMBOLS.


           File name:

           Here are the SPICE kernels required for my application

           We are going to let A substitute for the directory that
           contains SPK files; B substitute for the directory that
           contains C-kernels; and C substitute for the directory that
           contains text kernels. And we'll let D substitute for
           a "custom" directory that contains a special planetary
           constants kernel made just for our mission.

           Note that our PATH_VALUES and the corresponding
           PATH_SYMBOLS must be listed in the same order.


           PATH_VALUES  = ( '/home/mydir/kernels/spk',
                            '/home/mydir/kernels/custom/kernel_data' )

           PATH_SYMBOLS = ( 'A',
                            'D'  )

           KERNELS_TO_LOAD = (  '$A/lowest_priority.bsp',
                                '$B/c-kernel.bc'         )


           End of meta-kernel

     4) This example illustrates continuation of path values. The
        meta-kernel shown here is a modified version of that from
        example 3.


           File name:

           Here are the SPICE kernels required for my application

           We are going to let A substitute for the directory that
           contains SPK files; B substitute for the directory that
           contains C-kernels; and C substitute for the directory that
           contains text kernels. And we'll let D substitute for
           a "custom" directory that contains a special planetary
           constants kernel made just for our mission.

           Note that our PATH_VALUES and the corresponding
           PATH_SYMBOLS must be listed in the same order.

           The values for path symbols A and D are continued over
           multiple lines.


           PATH_VALUES  = ( '/very_long_top_level_path_name/mydir/+',
                            '/kernel_data'                )

           PATH_SYMBOLS = ( 'A',
                            'D'  )

           KERNELS_TO_LOAD = (  '$A/lowest_priority.bsp',
                                '$B/c-kernel.bc'         )


           End of meta-kernel

     5) Load a meta-kernel containing three kernels, and separately,
        a text kernel and a binary PCK. Count the number of loaded
        files before and after calling KCLEAR.

        Use the meta-kernel shown below to load the required SPICE


           File name:

           This meta-kernel is intended to support operation of SPICE
           example programs. The kernels shown here should not be
           assumed to contain adequate or correct versions of data
           required by SPICE-based user applications.

           In order for an application to use this meta-kernel, the
           kernels referenced here must be present in the user's
           current working directory.

           The names and contents of the kernels referenced
           by this meta-kernel are as follows:

              File name                     Contents
              ---------                     --------
              de421.bsp                     Planetary ephemeris
              pck00009.tpc                  Planet orientation and
              naif0012.tls                  Leapseconds


              KERNELS_TO_LOAD = ( 'de421.bsp',
                                  'pck00009.tpc' )


           End of meta-kernel

        Use the PCK kernel below as the binary PCK required for the


        Use the FK kernel below as the text kernel required for the


        Example code begins here.

              PROGRAM FURNSH_EX5
              IMPLICIT NONE

        C     Local variables.
              INTEGER               COUNT

        C     Load several kernel files.
              CALL FURNSH ( ''              )
              CALL FURNSH ( 'RSSD0002.TF'                )
              CALL FURNSH ( 'earth_latest_high_prec.bpc' )

        C     Count the number of loaded kernel files.
              CALL KTOTAL ( 'ALL', COUNT )

              WRITE(*,'(A,I2)') 'The total number of kernels after '
             . //               'final FURNSH: ', COUNT

        C     Clear the KEEPER system, retrieve the number of loaded
        C     after the clear.
              CALL KCLEAR()

              CALL KTOTAL ( 'ALL', COUNT )

              WRITE(*,'(A,I2)') 'The total number of kernels after '
             . //               'KCLEAR      : ', COUNT


        When this program was executed on a Mac/Intel/gfortran/64-bit
        platform, the output was:

        The total number of kernels after final FURNSH:  6
        The total number of kernels after KCLEAR      :  0


     1)  A meta-kernel cannot reference another meta-kernel.

     2)  Failure during an attempt to load a text kernel or a
         meta-kernel can result in a subset of the intended kernel
         variables being set or a subset of the intended files
         being loaded. FURNSH does not "clean up" so as to undo the
         effects of a failed load operation.

     3)  When a kernel is specified with a relative path, this path 
         should be valid at the time when FURNSH is called and stay 
         valid for the rest of the application run. This is required
         because SPICE stores kernel names as provided by the caller
         and uses them to open and close binary kernels as needed 
         by the DAF/DAS handle manager subsystem (behind the scenes,
         to allow reading many more binary kernels than available
         logical units), and to automatically reload into the POOL
         the rest of text kernels that should stay loaded when a 
         particular text kernel is unloaded.
         Changing the working directory from within an application 
         during an application run after calling FURNSH to load 
         kernels specified using relative paths is likely to 
         invalidate stored paths and prevent open/close and unload
         operations mentioned above. A simple workaround when this
         is needed is to specify kernels using absolute paths.




     C.H. Acton         (JPL)
     N.J. Bachman       (JPL)
     J. Diaz del Rio    (ODC Space)
     B.V. Semenov       (JPL)
     W.L. Taber         (JPL)
     E.D. Wright        (JPL)


    SPICELIB Version 5.0.1, 08-AUG-2021 (JDR)

        Edited the header to comply with NAIF standard.
        Created complete code example from existing code fragments.

        Added KERNEL to $Required_Reading section.

        Added FILSIZ to the $Declarations section.

        Added a restriction about specifying kernels using relative 
        paths to the $Restrictions section. 

    SPICELIB Version 5.0.0, 01-FEB-2017 (NJB) (BVS)

        Updated to support use of DSKs.

        Updated description of MAXFIL in the header.

        Updated the $Author_and_Institution section.

    SPICELIB Version 4.1.0, 01-JUL-2014 (NJB) (BVS)

        Updated discussion of partially completed kernel loading.

     Last update was 12-APR-2012 (BVS)

        Changed to use SEPOOL instead of STPOOL to reduce loading time
        for large meta-kernels due to n^2 delay in STPOOL.

    SPICELIB Version 4.0.1, 10-FEB-2010 (EDW)

        Added mention of the restriction on kernel pool variable
        names to MAXLEN (defined in pool.f) characters or less.

    SPICELIB Version 4.0.0, 02-APR-2009 (NJB)

        Continued path values are now supported. FURNSH now rejects
        file names longer than FILSIZ characters.

    SPICELIB Version 2.0.3, 27-APR-2007 (NJB)

        Fixed header typo: added quotes to literal string
        input arguments in example FURNSH calls.

    SPICELIB Version 2.0.2, 15-NOV-2006 (NJB)

        Added description of parameter MAXFIL to header.

    SPICELIB Version 2.0.1, 29-JUL-2003 (NJB) (CHA)

        Numerous updates to improve clarity. Some corrections were

    SPICELIB Version 2.0.0, 23-AUG-2001 (WLT)

        Added a call to CVPOOL in FURNSH so that watches that are
        triggered are triggered by loading Meta-kernels and not by
        some external interaction with the kernel pool.

    SPICELIB Version 1.1.0, 19-SEP-2000 (WLT)

        Corrected the error message template used
        by ZZLDKER

    SPICELIB Version 1.0.1, 16-DEC-1999 (NJB)

        Documentation fix: corrected second code example in the
        header of this entry point. The example previously used the
        kernel variable PATH_NAMES; that name has been replaced with
        the correct name PATH_VALUES.

    SPICELIB Version 1.0.0, 01-JUL-1999 (WLT)
Fri Dec 31 18:36:23 2021