scanpr |
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ProcedureSCANPR ( Scanning preparation ) ENTRY SCANPR ( NMARKS, MARKS, MRKLEN, PNTERS ) AbstractPrepare recognized markers and auxiliary arrays for the routine SCAN. Required_ReadingNone. KeywordsPARSING UTILITY DeclarationsINTEGER NMARKS CHARACTER*(*) MARKS ( * ) INTEGER MRKLEN ( * ) INTEGER PNTERS ( * ) Brief_I/OVARIABLE I/O DESCRIPTION -------- --- -------------------------------------------------- NMARKS I-O Number of recognizable substrings. MARKS I-O Recognizable substrings. MRKLEN O auxiliary array describing MARKS. PNTERS O auxiliary array describing MARKS. Detailed_InputNMARKS is the number of recognized marks that will be recognized substrings of STRING. MARKS is an array of marks that will be recognized by the scanning routine. Leading and trailing blanks are not significant. (Except for the blank character ' ', itself. After all, some part of it must be significant.) Case of the entries in MARKS is significant. The MARKS 'XX' and 'xx' are regarded as different MARKS. Detailed_OutputNMARKS is the number of marks in the array MARKS after it has been prepared for SCAN. MARKS is an array of recognizable substrings. It has been prepared for use by SCAN so as to be compatible with the other arrays. It will be sorted in ascending order, left justified and contain no duplicate entries. MRKLEN is an auxiliary array populated by SCANPR for use by SCAN that describes MARKS. PNTERS is an auxiliary array populated by SCANPR for use by SCAN. It should be declared in the calling program as INTEGER PNTERS ( RCHARS ) RCHARS is given by the expression MAX - MIN + 5 where MAX is the maximum value of ICHAR(MARKS(I)(1:1)) over the range I = 1, NMARKS MIN is the minimum value of ICHAR(MARKS(I)(1:1)) over the range I = 1, NMARKS Here are some typical values that may help you avoid going through the computations above. (This assumes that ICHAR returns the ASCII code for a character.) Scanning Situation RCHAR ------------------ ------------------- If NMARKS = 1 or all MARKS 5 begin with the same character. All MARKS begin with one of the characters 20 in the string ' !"#$%&''()*+,-./' All MARKS begin with one of the characters 11 in the string ':;<=>?@' All MARKS begin with one of the characters 37 in the string ' !"#$%&''()*+,-./:;<=>?@' All MARKS begin with an upper case English letter 30 All MARKS begin with a decimal digit 14 All Marks begin with a lower case English letter 30 All Marks begin with a digit or upper case 47 character. All Marks begin with a printing character or 100 a blank. Anything might be a mark 132 Finally, so you won't have to look it up elsewhere here are the ASCII codes for the printing characters and blanks. (Common Punctuations) Character ASCII Code ----------- ---------- ' ' (space) 32 '!' 33 '"' 34 '#' 35 '$' 36 '%' 37 '&' 38 '''' 39 '(' 40 ')' 41 '*' 42 '+' 43 ',' 44 '-' 45 '.' 46 '/' 47 (Decimal Digits) Character ASCII Code ----------- ---------- '0' 48 '1' 49 '2' 50 '3' 51 '4' 52 '5' 53 '6' 54 '7' 55 '8' 56 '9' 57 (More punctuation) Character ASCII Code ----------- ---------- ':' 58 ';' 59 '<' 60 '=' 61 '>' 62 '?' 63 '@' 64 (Uppercase characters) Character ASCII Code ----------- ---------- 'A' 65 'B' 66 'C' 67 'D' 68 'E' 69 'F' 70 'G' 71 'H' 72 'I' 73 'J' 74 'K' 75 'L' 76 'M' 77 'N' 78 'O' 79 'P' 80 'Q' 81 'R' 82 'S' 83 'T' 84 'U' 85 'V' 86 'W' 87 'X' 88 'Y' 89 'Z' 90 (More punctuation) Character ASCII Code ----------- ---------- '[' 91 '\' 92 ']' 93 '^' 94 '_' 95 '`' 96 (Lowercase characters) Character ASCII Code ----------- ---------- 'a' 97 'b' 98 'c' 99 'd' 100 'e' 101 'f' 102 'g' 103 'h' 104 'i' 105 'j' 106 'k' 107 'l' 108 'm' 109 'n' 110 'o' 111 'p' 112 'q' 113 'r' 114 's' 115 't' 116 'u' 117 'v' 118 'w' 119 'x' 120 'y' 121 'z' 122 (More punctuation) Character ASCII Code ----------- ---------- '{' 123 '|' 124 '}' 125 '~' 126 ParametersNone. ExceptionsError free. 1) A space is regarded as a special mark. If MARKS(I) = ' ', then MARKS(I) will match any consecutive sequence of blanks. 2) If NMARKS is less than or equal to zero, SCAN will always find a single token, namely the entire string to be scanned. FilesNone. ParticularsThis routine prepares the arrays MARKS, MRKLEN and PNTERS so that they are suitable for input to the routine SCAN. It is expected that users will need to scan many strings and that from the programming point of view it is easiest to simply supply a list of MARKS to a "formatting" routine such as this so that the strings can then be efficiently scanned by the routine SCAN. This formatting is the function of this routine. ExamplesSuppose you need to identify all of the words within a string and wish to ignore punctuation marks such as ' ', ',', ':', ';' '---'. Then the first step is to load the array of marks as shown here: The minimum ASCII code for the first character of a marker is 32 (for ' '). INTEGER FCHAR PARAMETER ( FCHAR = 32 ) The maximum ASCII code for the first character of a marker is 59 (for ';'). INTEGER LCHAR PARAMETER ( LCHAR = 59 ) The proper size to declare PNTERS is given by the parameter RCHAR defined in terms of LCHAR and FCHAR. INTEGER RCHAR PARAMETER ( RCHAR = LCHAR - FCHAR + 5 ) LOGICAL FIRST CHARACTER*(4) MARKS INTEGER NMARKS ( 5 ) INTEGER MRKLEN ( 5 ) INTEGER PNTERS ( RCHAR ) SAVE FIRST SAVE MARKS SAVE MRKLEN SAVE PNTERS IF ( FIRST ) THEN FIRST = .FALSE. MARKS(1) = ' ' MARKS(2) = '---' MARKS(3) = ':' MARKS(4) = ',' MARKS(5) = ';' NMARKS = 5 CALL SCANPR ( NMARKS, MARKS, MRKLEN, PNTERS ) END IF Notice that the call to SCANPR is nested inside an IF ( FIRST ) THEN ... END IF block. In this and many applications the marks that will used in the scan are fixed. Since the marks are not changing, you need to process MARKS and set up the auxiliary arrays MRKLEN and PNTERS only once (assuming that you SAVE the appropriate variables as has been done above). In this way if the code is executed many times, there is only a small overhead required for preparing the data so that it can be used efficiently in scanning. Restrictions1) MRKLEN and PNTERS must be declared to be at least as large as indicated above. If not, this routine will write past the ends of these arrays. Much unpleasantness may ensue in the attempt to debug such problems. Literature_ReferencesNone. Author_and_InstitutionJ. Diaz del Rio (ODC Space) W.L. Taber (JPL) VersionSPICELIB Version 1.1.0, 26-OCT-2021 (JDR) Added IMPLICIT NONE statement. Edited the header to comply with NAIF standard. SPICELIB Version 1.0.0, 26-JUL-1996 (WLT) |
Fri Dec 31 18:36:45 2021