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     M2Q ( Matrix to quaternion )

     SUBROUTINE M2Q ( R, Q )


     Find a unit quaternion corresponding to a specified rotation







     DOUBLE PRECISION      R ( 3,  3 )
     DOUBLE PRECISION      Q ( 0 : 3 )


     --------  ---  --------------------------------------------------
     R          I   A rotation matrix.
     Q          O   A unit quaternion representing R.


     R        is a rotation matrix.


     Q        is a unit-length SPICE-style quaternion
              representing R. See the discussion of quaternion
              styles in $Particulars below.

              Q is a 4-dimensional vector. If R rotates vectors
              in the counterclockwise sense by an angle of theta
              radians about a unit vector A, where

                 0 < theta < pi
                   -       -

              then letting h = theta/2,

                 Q = ( cos(h), sin(h)A ,  sin(h)A ,  sin(h)A ).
                                      1          2          3

              The restriction that theta must be in the range
              [0, pi] determines the output quaternion Q
              uniquely except when theta = pi; in this special
              case, both of the quaternions

                 Q = ( 0,  A ,  A ,  A  )
                            1    2    3

                 Q = ( 0, -A , -A , -A  )
                            1    2    3

              are possible outputs.




     1)  If R is not a rotation matrix, the error SPICE(NOTAROTATION)
         is signaled.




     A unit quaternion is a 4-dimensional vector for which the sum of
     the squares of the components is 1. Unit quaternions can be used
     to represent rotations in the following way: given a rotation
     angle theta, where

        0 < theta < pi
          -       -

     and a unit vector A, we can represent the transformation that
     rotates vectors in the counterclockwise sense by theta radians
     about A using the quaternion Q, where

        Q =

        ( cos(theta/2), sin(theta/2)a , sin(theta/2)a , sin(theta/2)a )
                                     1               2               3

     As mentioned in Detailed Output, our restriction on the range of
     theta determines Q uniquely, except when theta = pi.

     The SPICELIB routine Q2M is an one-sided inverse of this routine:
     given any rotation matrix R, the calls

        CALL M2Q ( R, Q )
        CALL Q2M ( Q, R )

     leave R unchanged, except for round-off error. However, the

        CALL Q2M ( Q, R )
        CALL M2Q ( R, Q )

     might preserve Q or convert Q to -Q.

     Quaternion Styles

     There are different "styles" of quaternions used in
     science and engineering applications. Quaternion styles
     are characterized by

     -  The order of quaternion elements

     -  The quaternion multiplication formula

     -  The convention for associating quaternions
        with rotation matrices

     Two of the commonly used styles are

        - "SPICE"

           > Invented by Sir William Rowan Hamilton
           > Frequently used in mathematics and physics textbooks

        - "Engineering"

           > Widely used in aerospace engineering applications

     SPICELIB subroutine interfaces ALWAYS use SPICE quaternions.
     Quaternions of any other style must be converted to SPICE
     quaternions before they are passed to SPICELIB routines.

     Relationship between SPICE and Engineering Quaternions

     Let M be a rotation matrix such that for any vector V,


     is the result of rotating V by theta radians in the
     counterclockwise direction about unit rotation axis vector A.
     Then the SPICE quaternions representing M are

        (+/-) (  cos(theta/2),
                 sin(theta/2) A(1),
                 sin(theta/2) A(2),
                 sin(theta/2) A(3)  )

     while the engineering quaternions representing M are

        (+/-) ( -sin(theta/2) A(1),
                -sin(theta/2) A(2),
                -sin(theta/2) A(3),
                 cos(theta/2)       )

     For both styles of quaternions, if a quaternion q represents
     a rotation matrix M, then -q represents M as well.

     Given an engineering quaternion

        QENG   = ( q0,  q1,  q2,  q3 )

     the equivalent SPICE quaternion is

        QSPICE = ( q3, -q0, -q1, -q2 )

     Associating SPICE Quaternions with Rotation Matrices

     Let FROM and TO be two right-handed reference frames, for
     example, an inertial frame and a spacecraft-fixed frame. Let the

        V    ,   V
         FROM     TO

     denote, respectively, an arbitrary vector expressed relative to
     the FROM and TO frames. Let M denote the transformation matrix
     that transforms vectors from frame FROM to frame TO; then

        V   =  M * V
         TO         FROM

     where the expression on the right hand side represents left
     multiplication of the vector by the matrix.

     Then if the unit-length SPICE quaternion q represents M, where

        q = (q0, q1, q2, q3)

     the elements of M are derived from the elements of q as follows:

          +-                                                         -+
          |           2    2                                          |
          | 1 - 2*( q2 + q3 )   2*(q1*q2 - q0*q3)   2*(q1*q3 + q0*q2) |
          |                                                           |
          |                                                           |
          |                               2    2                      |
      M = | 2*(q1*q2 + q0*q3)   1 - 2*( q1 + q3 )   2*(q2*q3 - q0*q1) |
          |                                                           |
          |                                                           |
          |                                                   2    2  |
          | 2*(q1*q3 - q0*q2)   2*(q2*q3 + q0*q1)   1 - 2*( q1 + q2 ) |
          |                                                           |
          +-                                                         -+

     Note that substituting the elements of -q for those of q in the
     right hand side leaves each element of M unchanged; this shows
     that if a quaternion q represents a matrix M, then so does the
     quaternion -q.

     To map the rotation matrix M to a unit quaternion, we start by
     decomposing the rotation matrix as a sum of symmetric
     and skew-symmetric parts:

        M = [ I  +  (1-cos(theta)) OMEGA  ] + [ sin(theta) OMEGA ]

                     symmetric                   skew-symmetric

     OMEGA is a skew-symmetric matrix of the form

                   +-             -+
                   |  0   -n3   n2 |
                   |               |
         OMEGA  =  |  n3   0   -n1 |
                   |               |
                   | -n2   n1   0  |
                   +-             -+

     The vector N of matrix entries (n1, n2, n3) is the rotation axis
     of M and theta is M's rotation angle. Note that N and theta
     are not unique.


        C = cos(theta/2)
        S = sin(theta/2)

     Then the unit quaternions Q corresponding to M are

        Q = +/- ( C, S*n1, S*n2, S*n3 )

     The mappings between quaternions and the corresponding rotations
     are carried out by the SPICELIB routines

        Q2M {quaternion to matrix}
        M2Q {matrix to quaternion}

     M2Q always returns a quaternion with scalar part greater than
     or equal to zero.

     SPICE Quaternion Multiplication Formula

     Given a SPICE quaternion

        Q = ( q0, q1, q2, q3 )

     corresponding to rotation axis A and angle theta as above, we can
     represent Q using "scalar + vector" notation as follows:

        s =   q0           = cos(theta/2)

        v = ( q1, q2, q3 ) = sin(theta/2) * A

        Q = s + v

     Let Q1 and Q2 be SPICE quaternions with respective scalar
     and vector parts s1, s2 and v1, v2:

        Q1 = s1 + v1
        Q2 = s2 + v2

     We represent the dot product of v1 and v2 by

        <v1, v2>

     and the cross product of v1 and v2 by

        v1 x v2

     Then the SPICE quaternion product is

        Q1*Q2 = s1*s2 - <v1,v2>  + s1*v2 + s2*v1 + (v1 x v2)

     If Q1 and Q2 represent the rotation matrices M1 and M2
     respectively, then the quaternion product


     represents the matrix product



     1)  A case amenable to checking by hand calculation:

            To convert the rotation matrix

                     +-              -+
                     |  0     1    0  |
                     |                |
               R  =  | -1     0    0  |
                     |                |
                     |  0     0    1  |
                     +-              -+

            also represented as

               [ pi/2 ]

            to a quaternion, we can use the code fragment

               CALL ROTATE (  HALFPI(),  3,  R  )
               CALL M2Q    (  R,             Q  )

            M2Q will return Q as

               ( sqrt(2)/2, 0, 0, -sqrt(2)/2 )

            Why?  Well, R is a reference frame transformation that
            rotates vectors by -pi/2 radians about the axis vector

               A  = ( 0, 0, 1 )

            Equivalently, R rotates vectors by pi/2 radians in
            the counterclockwise sense about the axis vector

               -A = ( 0, 0, -1 )

            so our definition of Q,

               h = theta/2

               Q = ( cos(h), sin(h)A , sin(h)A , sin(h)A  )
                                    1         2         3

            implies that in this case,

               Q =  ( cos(pi/4),  0,  0, -sin(pi/4)  )

                 =  ( sqrt(2)/2,  0,  0, -sqrt(2)/2  )

     2)  Finding a quaternion that represents a rotation specified by
         a set of Euler angles:

            Suppose our original rotation R is the product

               [ TAU ]  [ pi/2 - DELTA ]  [ ALPHA ]
                      3                 2          3

            The code fragment

               CALL EUL2M  ( TAU,   HALFPI() - DELTA,   ALPHA,
              .              3,     2,                  3,      R )

               CALL M2Q    ( R, Q )

            yields a quaternion Q that represents R.






     N.J. Bachman       (JPL)
     J. Diaz del Rio    (ODC Space)
     W.L. Taber         (JPL)


    SPICELIB Version 2.1.0, 24-AUG-2021 (JDR)

        Added IMPLICIT NONE statement.

        Edited the header to comply with NAIF standard.

    SPICELIB Version 2.0.1, 27-FEB-2008 (NJB)

        Updated header; added information about SPICE
        quaternion conventions. Made various minor edits
        throughout header.

    SPICELIB Version 2.0.0, 17-SEP-1999 (WLT)

        The routine was re-implemented to sharpen the numerical
        stability of the routine and eliminate calls to SIN
        and COS functions.

    SPICELIB Version 1.0.1, 10-MAR-1992 (WLT)

        Comment section for permuted index source lines was added
        following the header.

    SPICELIB Version 1.0.0, 30-AUG-1990 (NJB)
Fri Dec 31 18:36:33 2021