errhan |
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ProcedureERRHAN ( Insert DAF/DAS file name into long error message ) SUBROUTINE ERRHAN ( MARKER, HANDLE ) AbstractSubstitute the first occurrence of a marker in the current long error message with the file name associated with a given DAF/DAS handle. Required_ReadingERROR KeywordsDAF DAS ERROR STRING DeclarationsIMPLICIT NONE INCLUDE '' CHARACTER*(*) MARKER INTEGER HANDLE Brief_I/OVARIABLE I/O DESCRIPTION -------- --- -------------------------------------------------- MARKER I A substring in the long error message to be replaced. HANDLE I DAF/DAS handle associated with a file. FILEN P Maximum length of filename. Detailed_InputMARKER is a character string that marks a position in the long error message where a file name is to be substituted. Leading and trailing blanks in MARKER are not significant. Case IS significant; 'XX' is considered to be a different marker from 'xx'. HANDLE is the DAF/DAS handle associated with the file of interest. HANDLE must be associated with a currently loaded DAF or DAS file. Detailed_OutputNone. ParametersFILEN is the maximum file name length that can be accommodated by this routine. Currently this parameter is defined in the include file ExceptionsError free. 1) If HANDLE refers to a scratch DAS file, the string inserted into the long error message is 'DAS SCRATCH FILE' 2) If HANDLE is not associated with a loaded DAF or DAS file, the string inserted into the long error message is: '<No name found for handle #>' where the handle number is substituted for the marker '#'. FilesSee "Detailed_Input" description of the variable HANDLE. ParticularsThis routine provides a convenient and error-free mechanism for inserting a DAF or DAS file name into an error message, given the file handle associated with the file of interest. Examples1) Create an error message pertaining to an SPK file designated by HANDLE, then signal an error. CALL SETMSG ( 'SPK file # contains a type 3 segment ' // . 'with invalid polynomial degree #. ' // . 'Segment index in file is #.' ) CALL ERRHAN ( '#', HANDLE ) CALL ERRINT ( '#', DEGREE ) CALL ERRINT ( '#', I ) CALL SIGERR ( 'SPICE(INVALIDDEGREE)' ) Restrictions1) The supported filename length is limited by the parameter FILEN. Literature_ReferencesNone. Author_and_InstitutionN.J. Bachman (JPL) J. Diaz del Rio (ODC Space) VersionSPICELIB Version 1.0.2, 02-JUN-2021 (JDR) Edited the header to comply with NAIF standard. SPICELIB Version 1.0.1, 05-FEB-2015 (NJB) Removed header comments about restrictions on using this routine for DAS files. SPICELIB Version 1.0.0, 04-JAN-2002 (NJB) |
Fri Dec 31 18:36:20 2021