sgbwfs |
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ProcedureSGBWFS ( Generic segments: Begin a fixed size segment. ) ENTRY SGBWFS ( HANDLE, DESCR, SEGID, . NCONST, CONST, PKTSIZ, IDXTYP ) AbstractBegin writing a generic segment that will contain fixed size data packets. Required_ReadingDAF KeywordsGENERIC SEGMENTS DeclarationsIMPLICIT NONE INTEGER HANDLE DOUBLE PRECISION DESCR ( * ) CHARACTER*(*) SEGID INTEGER NCONST DOUBLE PRECISION CONST ( * ) INTEGER PKTSIZ INTEGER IDXTYP Brief_I/OVARIABLE I/O DESCRIPTION -------- --- -------------------------------------------------- HANDLE I Handle of a DAF file opened with write access. DESCR I Descriptor for a generic segment. SEGID I Identifier for a generic segment. NCONST I Number of constant values in a generic segment. CONST I Array of constant values for a generic segment. PKTSIZ I Size of the data packets. IDXTYP I Index type for the reference values. Detailed_InputHANDLE is the handle of a DAF file opened with write access. This is the handle of the file in which a generic segment will be written. DESCR is the descriptor for a segment that is being written. This is the packed form of the DAF double precision and integer summaries which contain ND double precision numbers and NI integers. SEGID is an identifier for a segment that is being written. This is a character string containing at most NC printing ASCII characters where / ND + ( NI + 1 ) \ NC = 8 * | ----------------- | \ 2 / SEGID may be blank. NCONST is the number of constant values to be placed in a segment. CONST is an array of NCONST constant values for a segment. PKTSIZ is the size of fixed size packets. The size of a packet is the number of double precision numbers contained in the data packet. IDXTYP is the index type to use for the reference values. Two forms of indexing are provided: 1) An implicit form of indexing based on using two values, a starting value, which will have an index of 1, and a step size between reference values, which are used to compute an index and a reference value associated with a specified key value. See the descriptions of the implicit types below for the particular formula used in each case. 2) An explicit form of indexing based on a reference value for each data packet. See the chapter on generic segments in the DAF required or the include file '' for more details about the index types that are available. Detailed_OutputNone. ParametersThis subroutine makes use of parameters defined in the file ''. Exceptions1) If this routine is called more than once for a particular file and segment, the error SPICE(CALLEDOUTOFORDER) is signaled. 2) If the length of the segment identifier, SEGID, is greater than NC, as determined from the ND and NI values for a particular DAF file, the error SPICE(SEGIDTOOLONG) is signaled. 3) If the segment identifier contains nonprinting characters, the error SPICE(NONPRINTINGCHARS) is signaled. 4) If the number of constant values, NCONST, is negative, the error SPICE(NUMCONSTANTSNEG) is signaled. 5) If the packet size, PKTSIZ, is not positive, the error SPICE(NONPOSPACKETSIZE) is signaled. 6) If the index type for the reference values is not recognized, the error SPICE(UNKNOWNINDEXTYPE) is signaled. 7) If the file table is full, the error SPICE(FILETABLEFULL) is signaled. FilesSee HANDLE in the $Detailed_Input section. ParticularsBegin writing a generic segment for fixed size data packets to the DAF file associated with HANDLE. ExamplesSee the $Examples section in the header for the main subroutine. It contains examples which demonstrate the use of the entry points in the generic segments sequential writer. The entry points which comprise the generic segments sequential writer must be used together in the proper manner. Rather than repeating the examples for each entry point they are provided in a single location. RestrictionsNone. Literature_ReferencesNone. Author_and_InstitutionJ. Diaz del Rio (ODC Space) K.R. Gehringer (JPL) W.L. Taber (JPL) VersionSPICELIB Version 1.0.1, 03-JUN-2021 (JDR) Edited the header to comply with NAIF standard. SPICELIB Version 1.0.0, 05-APR-1995 (KRG) (WLT) |
Fri Dec 31 18:36:47 2021