stcg01 |
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ProcedureSTCG01 ( STAR catalog type 1, get star data ) SUBROUTINE STCG01 ( INDEX, RA, DEC, RASIG, . DECSIG, CATNUM, SPTYPE, VMAG ) AbstractGet data for a single star from a SPICE type 1 star catalog. Required_ReadingEK KeywordsNone. DeclarationsIMPLICIT NONE INTEGER INDEX DOUBLE PRECISION RA DOUBLE PRECISION DEC DOUBLE PRECISION RASIG DOUBLE PRECISION DECSIG INTEGER CATNUM CHARACTER*(*) SPTYPE DOUBLE PRECISION VMAG Brief_I/OVARIABLE I/O DESCRIPTION -------- --- -------------------------------------------------- INDEX I Star index. RA O Right ascension in radians. DEC O Declination in radians. RASIG O Right ascension uncertainty in radians. DECSIG O Declination uncertainty in radians. CATNUM O Catalog number. SPTYPE O Spectral type. VMAG O Visual magnitude. Detailed_InputINDEX is the index of the star in the list of stars that satisfy the selection criteria specified in the last call to STCF01. Detailed_OutputRA is right ascension of the star at the catalog epoch in radians relative to the J2000 inertial frame. DEC is declination of the star at the catalog epoch in radians relative to the J2000 inertial frame. RASIG is the uncertainty in right ascension of the star at the catalog epoch in radians. DECSIG is the uncertainty in declination of the star at the catalog epoch in radians. CATNUM is the star number in the catalog. SPTYPE is the star's spectral type. See catalog description for more information regarding encoding of spectral type values. VMAG is the visual magnitude of the star. ParametersNone. Exceptions1) If fetching of any of output values fails, the error SPICE(BADSTARINDEX) is signaled. 2) If no star catalog has been loaded, an error is signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine. 3) If a star catalog type 1 was not queried by calling STCF01 before calling this routine, an error is signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine. FilesThis routine reads the data from SPICE type 1 star catalog file loaded into the program by a call to STCL01. SPICE type 1 star catalog files MUST contain a single data table. It can occupy a single segment or it can spread across multiple segments. This table MUST include the following columns: column name data type units ---------------------------------------------------- RA DOUBLE PRECISION DEGREES DEC DOUBLE PRECISION DEGREES RA_SIGMA DOUBLE PRECISION DEGREES DEC_SIGMA DOUBLE PRECISION DEGREES CATALOG_NUMBER INTEGER SPECTRAL_TYPE CHARACTER*(4) VISUAL_MAGNITUDE DOUBLE PRECISION Nulls are not allowed in any of the columns. Other columns can also be present in the table but their data will NOT be accessible through STCF01 and STCG01 -- the interface used to access data in the catalog. Note that the names and attributes of these additional columns must be identical for all segments containing this table. ParticularsThis routine is intended to be a part of the user interface to the SPICE type 1 star catalog. It allows the caller to retrieve data for a single star found by STCF01 using the star's index within the search result array. This subroutine MUST NOT be called before a search by STCF01 was done. Other routines in the SPICE type 1 star catalog access family are: STCL01 load the catalog file and make its data available for search and retrieval. STCF01 search through the catalog for all stars within a specified RA-DEC rectangle. ExamplesIn the following code fragment, STCG01 is used to retrieve position and characteristics for every star within an RA - DEC rectangle from a particular SPICE type 1 star catalog. C C Load catalog file. C CALL STCL01 ( CATFN, TABNAM, HANDLE ) C C Search through the loaded catalog. C CALL STCF01 ( TABNAM, RAMIN, RAMAX, . DECMIN, DECMAX, NSTARS ) C C Retrieve data for every star found. C DO I = 1, NSTARS CALL STCG01 ( I, RA, DEC, RASIG, DECSIG, . CATNUM, SPTYPE, VMAG ) END DO Restrictions1) The catalog file STCG01 reads data from MUST be loaded by STCL01 and a search through the catalog MUST be done by STCF01 before STCG01 is called. 2) No other EK queries can be made between the call to STCF01 and the call to STCG01. Literature_ReferencesNone. Author_and_InstitutionJ. Diaz del Rio (ODC Space) B.V. Semenov (JPL) VersionSPICELIB Version 1.1.0, 16-JUN-2021 (JDR) Added IMPLICIT NONE statement. Updated header to comply with NAIF standard. Corrected argument names "RASIG" and "DECSIG" in $Brief_I/O. Updated entry #3 in $Exceptions section. SPICELIB Version 1.0.0, 15-MAY-1996 (BVS) |
Fri Dec 31 18:36:57 2021