Index of Functions: A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X 
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Table of contents


     TPARTV ( Time string ---parse to a time vector)

    .                    TVEC,   NTVEC, TYPE,
    .                    MODIFY, MODS,  YABBRV, SUCCES,
    .                    PICTUR, ERROR )


     Parse the components of a time string and return a vector of the
     components of that string. Also return an array of any modifiers
     present in the input string; these may alter the interpretation
     of the components.







     CHARACTER*(*)         STRING
     DOUBLE PRECISION      TVEC   ( * )
     INTEGER               NTVEC
     CHARACTER*(*)         TYPE
     CHARACTER*(*)         MODIFY ( * )
     LOGICAL               MODS
     LOGICAL               YABBRV
     LOGICAL               SUCCES
     CHARACTER*(*)         PICTUR
     CHARACTER*(*)         ERROR


     --------  ---  --------------------------------------------------
     STRING     I   A string to be parsed as a time
     TVEC       O   A vector giving the components of the time.
     NTVEC      O   The number of components supplied for TVEC
     TYPE       O   The type of the "time vector" TVEC
     MODIFY     O   A list of modifiers present in STRING.
     MODS       O   A logical indicating the presence of a modifier
     YABBRV     O   A logical indicating that a year was abbreviated
     SUCCES     O   A logical indicating whether STRING was parsed.
     PICTUR     O   A time format picture associated with STRING
     ERROR      O   A diagnostic message if STRING couldn't be parsed

     The function returns


     STRING   is a character string that represents some
              julian or calendar epoch.


     TVEC     is a vector of double precision numbers that represent
              the input string. The number and meaning of the
              components of TVEC depend upon the input string. This
              meaning can be determined from the output variable

                 TYPE     NTVEC     TVEC Components
                 YMD      3 to 6    TVEC(1) is the calendar year
                                    TVEC(2) is the numeric value of the
                                            month (1-12)
                                    TVEC(3) is the day of the month
                                    TVEC(4) is the hour of the day
                                    TVEC(5) is the minute of the hour
                                    TVEC(6) is the second of the minute

                 YD       2 to 5    TVEC(1) is the calendar year
                                    TVEC(2) is the day of the year
                                    TVEC(3) is the hour of the day
                                    TVEC(4) is the minute of the hour
                                    TVEC(5) is the second of the minute

                 JD       1         TVEC(1) is the julian date

              Note that the values of TVEC are not forced into the
              normal ranges used in daily conversation.  TPARTV
              simply reports what's found in the string and does
              not pass judgement on the "correctness" of these

     NTVEC    is the actual number of components that were present
              in the string. For example a user might have
              supplied only year, month and day of an epoch.
              In such a case NTVEC will be set to 3. The components
              actually supplied will be 1 through NTVEC. Values
              not supplied are set to zero.

     TYPE     is the type of time string supplied. This is a function
              of whether the string contains year, month and day,
              day of year, or julian date.

     MODIFY   is an array of character strings that indicate
              whether a modifier to the calendar string was supplied.
              If a particular modifier was not supplied, the
              value of that component of MODIFY will be set to
              a blank. Modifiers are used to change the meaning
              of time strings.

              For example 12:12:29 Jan 1, 1996  means 12 hours past
              midnight on Jan 1, 1996 in the UTC time system. But
              if we modify the string to be:

                 12:12:29 A.M. Jan 1, Tuesday PDT 1996 B.C.

              the string takes on an entirely different meaning.

              Five different modifiers are recognized by TPARTV:
              the era associated with the epoch, day of week of
              the epoch, time zone of an epoch,  AM/PM used in
              daily time usage, and the system (UTC, TDB, TT, or TDT).

              Again whether or not modifiers are compatible with the
              time and date components or with each other is not
              determined by TPARTV. TPARTV simply reports what is
              present in the string, leaving the task of deciding
              the meaning of the string to the calling routine.

              The components of MODIFY, their meaning and possible
              values are given below.

                 Component   Meaning    Non-blank Modifier Values
                 ---------   ---------  -------------------------
                 1           ERA        'A.D.', 'B.C.'
                 2           Weekday    'SUN', 'MON', ... etc.
                 3           Time Zone  'UTC+i:i', 'UTC-i:i'
                 4           AM/PM      'A.M.', 'P.M.'
                 5           System     'UTC', 'TDB', 'TT', 'TDT'

              TPARTV recognizes the standard abbreviations of
              all continental U.S. time zones.

                 PDT --- Pacific  Daylight Time  (UTC-07:00)
                 PST --- Pacific  Standard Time  (UTC-08:00)
                 MDT --- Mountain Daylight Time  (UTC-06:00)
                 MST --- Mountain Standard Time  (UTC-07:00)
                 CDT --- Central  Daylight Time  (UTC-05:00)
                 CST --- Central  Standard Time  (UTC-06:00)
                 EDT --- Eastern  Daylight Time  (UTC-04:00)
                 EST --- Eastern  Standard Time  (UTC-05:00)

              In addition it recognizes offsets from UTC expressed
              as UTC+/-HR:MN. Note that through out SPICELIB
              the minutes component of the UTC offset are always
              regarded as positive offsets from the hour offset.

              All Time zones are returned in MODIFY as UTC offsets
              as indicated in the table above.

     MODS     is .TRUE. if some non-blank modifier was supplied.

     YABBRV   is .TRUE. if a year was supplied in the abbreviated
              form 'YR  where YR is a two digit integer.

     SUCCES   is .TRUE. if the string was successfully parsed.
              Otherwise it is set to .FALSE. and a diagnostic
              is supplied in the argument ERROR.

     PICTUR   is a string that gives a format picture that can
              be used by the routine TIMOUT to construct a time
              string of the same form as the input time string.

              If some component of the input string could not be
              identified, PICTUR is returned as a blank. However,
              if all components of the input string could be
              identified and the string is simply ambiguous, PICTUR
              will contain a format picture that corresponds to
              the ambiguous input. Consequently, you must check
              the value of PICTUR to determine if TPARTV has
              been able to construct a format picture.

     ERROR    is blank if the string was successfully parsed.
              Otherwise a human readable diagnostic is returned
              in ERROR.




     Error free.

     1)  All problems detected by this routine are reported via the
         variables SUCCES and ERROR.




     This routine parses in input string that represents some
     epoch in some time system. In addition it constructs a
     format picture that describes the position and meaning
     of the various components of the string.

     This routine is intended to be used in close conjunction with
     the routines TTRANS and TIMOUT.

     The string is parsed by first determining its recognizable
     substrings (integers, punctuation marks, names of months,
     names of weekdays, time systems, time zones, etc.) These
     recognizable substrings are called the tokens of the input
     string. The meaning of some tokens are immediately determined.
     For example named months, weekdays, time systems have clear
     meanings. However, the meanings of numeric components must
     be deciphered from their magnitudes and location in
     the string relative to the immediately recognized components
     of the input string.

     To determine the meaning of the numeric tokens in the input
     string, a set of "productions rules" and transformations are
     applied to the full set of tokens in the string. These
     transformations are repeated until the meaning of every token
     has been determined or until further transformations yield
     no new clues into the meaning of the numeric tokens.

     1)  Unless the substring 'JD' or 'jd' is present, the string is
         assumed to be a calendar format (day-month-year or year and
         day of year). If the substring JD or jd is present, the
         string is assumed to represent a Julian date.

     2)  If the Julian date specifier is not present, any integer
         greater than 999 is regarded as being a year specification.

     3)  A dash '-' can represent a minus sign only if it precedes
         the first digit in the string and the string contains
         the Julian date specifier (JD). (No negative years,
         months, days, etc. are allowed).

     4)  Numeric components of a time string must be separated
         by a character that is not a digit or decimal point.
         Only one decimal component is allowed. For example
         1994219.12819 is sometimes interpreted as the
         219th day of 1994 + 0.12819 days. TPARTV does not
         support such strings.

     5)  No exponential components are allowed. For example you
         can't specify the Julian date of J2000 as 2.451545E6.
         You also can't input 1993 Jun 23 23:00:01.202E-4 and have
         to explicitly list all zeros that follow the decimal
         point: i.e. 1993 Jun 23 23:00:00.0001202.

     6)  The single colon (:) when used to separate numeric
         components of a string is interpreted as separating
         Hours, Minutes, and Seconds of time.

     7)  If a double slash (//) or double colon (::) follows
         a pair of integers, those integers are assumed  to
         represent the year and day of year.

     8)  A quote followed by an integer less than 100 is regarded
         as an abbreviated year. For example: '93 would be regarded
         as the 93rd year of the reference century. See the SPICELIB
         routine TEXPYR for further discussion of abbreviated years.

     9)  An integer followed by 'B.C.' or 'A.D.' is regarded as
         a year in the era associated with that abbreviation.

     10) All dates are regarded as belonging to the extended
         Gregorian Calendar (the Gregorian calendar is the calendar
         currently used by western society). See the SPICELIB routine
         JUL2GR for converting from Julian Calendar to the Gregorian

     11) If the ISO date-time separator (T) is present in the string
         ISO allowed token patterns are examined for a match
         with the current token list. If no match is found the
         search is abandoned and appropriate diagnostic messages
         are generated. Historically the interpretation of ISO 
         formatted time strings deviates from the ISO standard in 
         allowing two digit years and expanding years in the 0 to 99 
         range the same way as is done for non ISO formatted strings. 
         Due to this interpretation it is impossible to specify 
         times in years in the 0 A.D. to 99 A.D. range using ISO 
         formatted strings on the input.
     12) If two delimiters are found in succession in the time
         string, the time string is diagnosed as an erroneous string.
         (Delimiters are comma, white space, dash, slash, period, or
         day of year mark. The day of year mark is a pair of forward
         slashes or a pair of colons.)

         Note the delimiters do not have to be the same. The pair
         of characters ",-" counts as two successive delimiters.

     13) White space and commas serve only to delimit tokens in the
         input string. They do not affect the meaning of any
         of the tokens.

     14) If an integer is greater than 1000 (and the 'JD' label
         is not present, the integer is regarded as a year.

     15) When the size of the integer components does not clearly
         specify a year the following patterns are assumed

         Calendar Format

            Year Month Day
            Month Day Year
            Year Day Month

            where Month is the name of a month, not its numeric

            When integer components are separated by slashes (/)
            as in 3/4/5. Month, Day, Year is assumed (2005 March 4)

         Day of Year Format.

            If a day of year marker is present (// or ::) the

              I-I// or I-I:: (where I stands for an integer)

            is interpreted as Year Day-of-Year. However, I-I/ is
            regarded as ambiguous.

     The table below gives a list of abbreviations used to
     classify tokens.

                /   ---  slash punctuation mark
                H   ---  hour
                M   ---  Minute
                S   ---  Second
                Y   ---  year
                d   ---  day of year marker
                i   ---  unsigned integer
                m   ---  month
                n   ---  unsigned decimal number
                y   ---  day of year
                -   ---  dash punctuation mark
                D   ---  day of month
                :   ---  colon punctuation mark

      Given these abbreviations the following (rather lengthy)
      table gives the set of built in token patterns that
      are recognized and the associated interpretation of that

         Pattern         Meaning         Pattern         Meaning
         ------------------------        -------------------------
         Y-i-it......... YmD             i/i/ii:i:n..... mDYHMS
         Y-i-iti........ YmDH            i/i/ii:n....... mDYHM
         Y-i-iti:i...... YmDHM           i/i/ii:n....... mDYHM
         Y-i-iti:i:i.... YmDHMS          i:i:ii-i-Y..... HMSmDY
         Y-i-iti:i:n.... YmDHMS          i:i:ii/i/Y..... HMSmDY
         Y-i-iti:n...... YmDHM           i:i:ii/i/i..... HMSmDY
         Y-i-itn........ YmDH            i:i:iimY....... HMSDmY
         Y-i/........... Yy              i:i:imiY....... HMSmDY
         Y-i/i:i........ YyHM            i:i:ni-i-Y..... HMSmDY
         Y-i/i:i:i...... YyHMS           i:i:ni/i/Y..... HMSmDY
         Y-i/i:i:n...... YyHMS           i:i:ni/i/i..... HMSmDY
         Y-i/i:n........ YyHM            i:i:nimY....... HMSDmY
         Y-id........... Yy              i:i:nmiY....... HMSmDY
         Y-idi:i........ YyHM            i:ii-i-Y....... HMmDY
         Y-idi:i:i...... YyHMS           i:ii/i/Y....... HMmDY
         Y-idi:i:n...... YyHMS           i:ii/i/i....... HMmDY
         Y-idi:n........ YyHM            i:iimY......... HMDmY
         Y-it........... Yy              i:imiY......... HMmDY
         Y-iti.......... YyH             i:ni-i-Y....... HMmDY
         Y-iti:i........ YyHM            i:ni/i/Y....... HMmDY
         Y-iti:i:i...... YyHMS           i:ni/i/i....... HMmDY
         Y-iti:i:n...... YyHMS           i:nimY......... HMDmY
         Y-iti:n........ YyHM            i:nmiY......... HMmDY
         Y-itn.......... YyH             iYd............ yY
         Yid............ Yy              iYdi:i......... yYHM
         Yidi:i......... YyHM            iYdi:i:i....... yYHMS
         Yidi:i:i....... YyHMS           iYdi:i:n....... yYHMS
         Yidi:i:n....... YyHMS           iYdi:n......... yYHM
         Yidi:n......... YyHM            iiY............ mDY
         Yii............ YmD             iiYi........... mDYH
         Yiii........... YmDH            iiYi:i......... mDYHM
         Yiii:i......... YmDHM           iiYi:i:i....... mDYHMS
         Yiii:i:i....... YmDHMS          iiYi:i:n....... mDYHMS
         Yiii:i:n....... YmDHMS          iiYi:n......... mDYHM
         Yiii:n......... YmDHM           iiYn........... mDYH
         Yiiii.......... YmDHM           iid............ Yy
         Yiiiii......... YmDHMS          iidi:i......... YyHM
         Yiiiin......... YmDHMS          iidi:i:i....... YyHMS
         Yiiin.......... YmDHM           iidi:i:n....... YyHMS
         Yiin........... YmDH            iidi:n......... YyHM
         Yim............ YDm             iim............ YDm
         Yimi........... YDmH            iimi........... YDmH
         Yimi:i......... YDmHM           iimi:i......... YDmHM
         Yimi:i:i....... YDmHMS          iimi:i:i....... YDmHMS
         Yimi:i:n....... YDmHMS          iimi:i:n....... YDmHMS
         Yimi:n......... YDmHM           iimi:n......... YDmHM
         Yimn........... YDmH            iimii.......... YDmHM
         Yin............ YmD             iimiii......... YDmHMS
         Ymi............ YmD             iimiin......... YDmHMS
         Ymii........... YmDH            iimin.......... YDmHM
         Ymii:i......... YmDHM           iimn........... YDmH
         Ymii:i:i....... YmDHMS          imY............ DmY
         Ymii:i:n....... YmDHMS          imYi........... DmYH
         Ymii:n......... YmDHM           imYi:i......... DmYHM
         Ymin........... YmDH            imYi:i:i....... DmYHMS
         Ymn............ YmD             imYi:i:n....... DmYHMS
         Ynm............ YDm             imYi:n......... DmYHM
         i-Y/........... yY              imYn........... DmYH
         i-Y/i:i........ yYHM            imi............ YmD
         i-Y/i:i:i...... yYHMS           imi:i:iY....... DmHMSY
         i-Y/i:i:n...... yYHMS           imi:i:nY....... DmHMSY
         i-Y/i:n........ yYHM            imi:iY......... DmHMY
         i-Yd........... yY              imi:nY......... DmHMY
         i-Ydi:i........ yYHM            imii........... YmDH
         i-Ydi:i:i...... yYHMS           imii:i......... YmDHM
         i-Ydi:i:n...... yYHMS           imii:i:i....... YmDHMS
         i-Ydi:n........ yYHM            imii:i:n....... YmDHMS
         i-i-Y.......... mDY             imii:n......... YmDHM
         i-i-Yi:i....... mDYHM           imiii.......... YmDHM
         i-i-Yi:i:i..... mDYHMS          imiiii......... YmDHMS
         i-i-Yi:i:n..... mDYHMS          imiiin......... YmDHMS
         i-i-Yi:n....... mDYHM           imiin.......... YmDHM
         i-i-it......... YmD             imin........... YmDH
         i-i-iti........ YmDH            imn............ YmD
         i-i-iti:i...... YmDHM           inY............ mDY
         i-i-iti:i:i.... YmDHMS          inm............ YDm
         i-i-iti:i:n.... YmDHMS          miY............ mDY
         i-i-iti:n...... YmDHM           miYi........... mDYH
         i-i-itn........ YmDH            miYi:i......... mDYHM
         i-i/i:i........ YyHM            miYi:i:i....... mDYHMS
         i-i/i:i:i...... YyHMS           miYi:i:n....... mDYHMS
         i-i/i:i:n...... YyHMS           miYi:n......... mDYHM
         i-i/i:n........ YyHM            miYn........... mDYH
         i-idi:i........ YyHM            mii............ mDY
         i-idi:i:i...... YyHMS           mii:i:iY....... mDHMSY
         i-idi:i:n...... YyHMS           mii:i:nY....... mDHMSY
         i-idi:n........ YyHM            mii:iY......... mDHMY
         i-it........... Yy              mii:nY......... mDHMY
         i-iti.......... YyH             miii........... mDYH
         i-iti:i........ YyHM            miii:i......... mDYHM
         i-iti:i:i...... YyHMS           miii:i:i....... mDYHMS
         i-iti:i:n...... YyHMS           miii:i:n....... mDYHMS
         i-iti:n........ YyHM            miii:n......... mDYHM
         i-itn.......... YyH             miiii.......... mDYHM
         i/i/Y.......... mDY             miiiii......... mDYHMS
         i/i/Y/i:n...... mDYHM           miiiin......... mDYHMS
         i/i/Yi:i....... mDYHM           miiin.......... mDYHM
         i/i/Yi:i:i..... mDYHMS          miin........... mDYH
         i/i/Yi:i:n..... mDYHMS          mnY............ mDY
         i/i/i.......... mDY             mni............ mDY
         i/i/ii:i....... mDYHM           nmY............ DmY
         i/i/ii:i:i..... mDYHMS


     Suppose you need to convert various time strings to ephemeris
     seconds past J2000. The following pair of calls shows
     how you would use this routine together with the routines
     TCHECK and TTRANS to perform this task.

        .              TVEC,   NTVEC, TYPE,
        .              MODIFY, MODS,  YABBRV, SUCCES,
        .              PICTUR, ERROR )

         IF ( .NOT. SUCCES ) THEN

            Use the SPICE error handling facility to post an
            error message and signal an error.

            CALL SETMSG ( ERROR )
            CALL CHKOUT ( 'MYROUTINE' )
         END IF

         Check the components of TVEC to make sure everything
         makes sense.


         IF ( .NOT. OK ) THEN

            Use the SPICE error handling facility to post an
            error message and signal an error.

            CALL SETMSG ( ERROR )
            CALL CHKOUT ( 'MYROUTINE' )
         END IF

         CALL TTRANS ( TYPE, 'ET', TVEC )

         ET = TVEC(1)






     J. Diaz del Rio    (ODC Space)
     B.V. Semenov       (JPL)
     W.L. Taber         (JPL)
     E.D. Wright        (JPL)


    SPICELIB Version 3.2.0, 23-DEC-2021 (EDW) (BVS) (JDR)

        ISO format logic recognizes/evaluates ISO time strings
        with or without trailing 'Z'.

        Reordered header sections. Edited the header to comply with
        NAIF standard.

        Updated $Exceptions entry #1 wording.

    SPICELIB Version 3.1.0, 15-AUG-2002 (WLT)

        Replaced the call to INSSUB with ZZINSSUB so that this
        routine can legitimately be called error free.

    SPICELIB Version 3.0.0, 10-MAY-1999 (WLT)

        The routine was modified so that weekday followed by a comma
        is recognized as a legitimate pattern when parsing.

    SPICELIB Version 2.0.0, 16-APR-1997 (WLT)

        The routine was modified so that last-chance removal of
        delimiters ',', '-', and '/' are removed one at a time
        (instead of all at once as in version 1.0.0) and the
        resulting representation checked against
        the built-in list.

        In addition the set of built-in patterns was increased
        from 185 to 203. See ZZTPATS for more details.

    SPICELIB Version 1.0.0, 10-AUG-1996 (WLT)
Fri Dec 31 18:37:03 2021