rdencd |
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ProcedureRDENCD ( Read encoded d.p. numbers from file ) SUBROUTINE RDENCD ( UNIT, N, DATA ) AbstractRead N encoded d.p. numbers from a text file, decoding them into their equivalent d.p. numbers. Required_ReadingNone. KeywordsCONVERSION NUMBERS UTILITY DeclarationsIMPLICIT NONE INTEGER UNIT INTEGER N DOUBLE PRECISION DATA(*) Brief_I/OVARIABLE I/O DESCRIPTION -------- --- -------------------------------------------------- UNIT I Fortran unit number of input text file. N I Number of d.p. numbers to read and decode. DATA O List of decoded d.p. numbers. Detailed_InputUNIT is the Fortran unit number for a previously opened text file. All reading will begin at the CURRENT POSITION in the text file. N is the number of encoded double precision numbers, to be read from the text file attached to UNIT. Detailed_OutputDATA is the list of decoded double precision numbers read from the text file attached to UNIT. ParametersNone. Exceptions1) If N, the number of data items, is not positive, the error SPICE(INVALIDARGUMENT) is signaled. 2) If an error occurs while reading from the text file attached to UNIT, the error SPICE(FILEREADFAILED) is signaled. 3) If an error occurs while decoding a number, the error SPICE(DECODINGERROR) is signaled. FilesSee the description of UNIT in $Detailed_Input. ParticularsThis routine will read N encoded double precision numbers from the current position in a previously opened text file. The current position in a file is defined to be the text line immediately following the last text line that was written or read. The numbers will be decoded and placed into a list of double precision numbers which will be passed back to the caller. The encoded double precision numbers are represented as quoted character strings so that a Fortran list directed read may be used to read the encoded values, rather than a formatted read with the format specifier FMT = '(A)'. This routine is one of a pair of routines which are used to encode and decode d.p. numbers: WRENCD -- Encode and write d.p. numbers to a file. RDENCD -- Read and decode d.p. numbers from a file. The encoding/decoding of d.p. numbers is performed to provide a portable means for transferring data values. Currently the encoded d.p. numbers are represented in a base 16 ``scientific notation.'' See DP2HX.FOR and HX2DP.FOR for details. ExamplesSuppose we have the following input file which contains the values 1.0D0 - 100.0D0 in encoded format, and that the input file has already been opened for reading. The arrow, '-->', indicates the current position in the file. -->'1^1' '2^1' '3^1' '4^1' '5^1' '6^1' '7^1' '8^1' '9^1' 'A^1' 'B^1' 'C^1' 'D^1' 'E^1' 'F^1' '1^2' '11^2' '12^2' '13^2' '14^2' '15^2' '16^2' '17^2' '18^2' '19^2' '1A^2' '1B^2' '1C^2' '1D^2' '1E^2' '1F^2' '2^2' '21^2' '22^2' '23^2' '24^2' '25^2' '26^2' '27^2' '28^2' '29^2' '2A^2' '2B^2' '2C^2' '2D^2' '2E^2' '2F^2' '3^2' '31^2' '32^2' '33^2' '34^2' '35^2' '36^2' '37^2' '38^2' '39^2' '3A^2' '3B^2' '3C^2' '3D^2' '3E^2' '3F^2' '4^2' '41^2' '42^2' '43^2' '44^2' '45^2' '46^2' '47^2' '48^2' '49^2' '4A^2' '4B^2' '4C^2' '4D^2' '4E^2' '4F^2' '5^2' '51^2' '52^2' '53^2' '54^2' '55^2' '56^2' '57^2' '58^2' '59^2' '5A^2' '5B^2' '5C^2' '5D^2' '5E^2' '5F^2' '6^2' '61^2' '62^2' '63^2' '64^2' Then the following code fragment would read and decode these 100 values. N = 100 CALL RDENCD( UNIT, N, DATA ) Upon returning, the array data would contain the values 1.0D0 - 100.0D0. RestrictionsNone. Literature_ReferencesNone. Author_and_InstitutionJ. Diaz del Rio (ODC Space) K.R. Gehringer (JPL) F.S. Turner (JPL) VersionSPICELIB Version 1.2.0, 03-JUN-2021 (JDR) Added IMPLICIT NONE statement. Edited the header to comply with NAIF standard. Fixed I/O type of argument DATA in $Brief_I/O table. SPICELIB Version 1.1.0, 19-MAR-1999 (FST) Modified the long error message for SPICE(FILEREADFAILED) to indicate the possibility of an incomplete text transfer file as the cause. SPICELIB Version 1.0.0, 20-OCT-1992 (KRG) |
Fri Dec 31 18:36:41 2021