spke15 |
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ProcedureSPKE15 ( Evaluate a type 15 SPK data record) SUBROUTINE SPKE15 ( ET, RECIN, STATE ) AbstractEvaluate a single SPK data record from a segment of type 15 (Precessing Conic Propagation). Required_ReadingSPK KeywordsEPHEMERIS DeclarationsIMPLICIT NONE DOUBLE PRECISION ET DOUBLE PRECISION RECIN ( * ) DOUBLE PRECISION STATE ( 6 ) Brief_I/OVARIABLE I/O DESCRIPTION -------- --- -------------------------------------------------- ET I Target epoch. RECIN I Data record. STATE O State (position and velocity). Detailed_InputET is a target epoch, specified as ephemeris seconds past J2000, at which a state vector is to be computed. RECIN is a data record which, when evaluated at epoch ET, will give the state (position and velocity) of some body, relative to some center, in some inertial reference frame. The structure of RECIN is: RECIN(1) epoch of periapsis in ephemeris seconds past J2000. RECIN(2)-RECIN(4) unit trajectory pole vector RECIN(5)-RECIN(7) unit periapsis vector RECIN(8) semi-latus rectum---p in the equation: r = p/(1 + ECC*COS(Nu)) RECIN(9) eccentricity RECIN(10) J2 processing flag describing what J2 corrections are to be applied when the orbit is propagated. All J2 corrections are applied if this flag has a value that is not 1,2 or 3. If the value of the flag is 3 no corrections are done. If the value of the flag is 1 no corrections are computed for the precession of the line of apsides. However, regression of the line of nodes is performed. If the value of the flag is 2 no corrections are done for the regression of the line of nodes. However, precession of the line of apsides is performed. Note that J2 effects are computed only if the orbit is elliptic and does not intersect the central body. RECIN(11)-RECIN(13) unit central body pole vector RECIN(14) central body GM RECIN(15) central body J2 RECIN(16) central body radius Units are radians, km, seconds Detailed_OutputSTATE is the state produced by evaluating RECIN at ET. Units are km and km/sec. ParametersNone. Exceptions1) If the eccentricity is less than zero, the error SPICE(BADECCENTRICITY) is signaled. 2) If the semi-latus rectum is non-positive, the error SPICE(BADLATUSRECTUM) is signaled. 3) If the pole vector, trajectory pole vector or periapsis vector has zero length, the error SPICE(BADVECTOR) is signaled. 4) If the trajectory pole vector and the periapsis vector are not orthogonal, the error SPICE(BADINITSTATE) is signaled. The test for orthogonality is very crude. The routine simply checks that the absolute value of the dot product of the unit vectors parallel to the trajectory pole and periapse vectors is less than 0.00001. This check is intended to catch blunders, not to enforce orthogonality to double precision tolerance. 5) If the mass of the central body is non-positive, the error SPICE(NONPOSITIVEMASS) is signaled. 6) If the radius of the central body is negative, the error SPICE(BADRADIUS) is signaled. FilesNone. ParticularsThis algorithm applies J2 corrections for precessing the node and argument of periapse for an object orbiting an oblate spheroid. Note the effects of J2 are incorporated only for elliptic orbits that do not intersect the central body. While the derivation of the effect of the various harmonics of gravitational field are beyond the scope of this header the effect of the J2 term of the gravity model are as follows The line of node precesses. Over one orbit average rate of precession, DNode/dNu, is given by 3 J2 dNode/dNu = - ----------------- DCOS( inc ) 2 (P/RPL)**2 (Since this is always less than zero for oblate spheroids, this should be called regression of nodes.) The line of apsides precesses. The average rate of precession DPeri/dNu is given by 3 J2 dPeri/dNu = ----------------- ( 5*DCOS ( inc ) - 1 ) 2 (P/RPL)**2 Details of these formulae are given in the Battin's book (see literature references below). It is assumed that this routine is used in conjunction with the routine SPKR15 as shown here: CALL SPKR15 ( HANDLE, DESCR, ET, RECIN ) CALL SPKE15 ( ET, RECIN, STATE ) where it is known in advance that the HANDLE, DESCR pair points to a type 15 data segment. ExamplesThe SPKEnn routines are almost always used in conjunction with the corresponding SPKRnn routines, which read the records from SPK files. The data returned by the SPKRnn routine is in its rawest form, taken directly from the segment. As such, it will be meaningless to a user unless he/she understands the structure of the data type completely. Given that understanding, however, the SPKRnn routines might be used to examine raw segment data before evaluating it with the SPKEnn routines. C C Get a segment applicable to a specified body and epoch. C CALL SPKSFS ( BODY, ET, HANDLE, DESCR, IDENT, FOUND ) C C Look at parts of the descriptor. C CALL DAFUS ( DESCR, 2, 6, DCD, ICD ) CENTER = ICD( 2 ) REF = ICD( 3 ) TYPE = ICD( 4 ) IF ( TYPE .EQ. 15 ) THEN CALL SPKR15 ( HANDLE, DESCR, ET, RECORD ) . . Look at the RECORD data. . CALL SPKE15 ( ET, RECORD, STATE ) . . Check out the evaluated state. . END IF RestrictionsNone. Literature_References[1] J. Danby, "Fundamentals of Celestial Mechanics," 2nd Edition, pp.345-347, Willman-Bell, 1989. [2] R. H. Battin, "Astronautical Guidance," pp.199, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1964. Author_and_InstitutionN.J. Bachman (JPL) J. Diaz del Rio (ODC Space) K.R. Gehringer (JPL) S. Schlaifer (JPL) W.L. Taber (JPL) VersionSPICELIB Version 1.3.0, 14-APR-2021 (JDR) Edited the header to comply with NAIF standard. Removed unnecessary $Revisions section. SPICELIB Version 1.2.0, 02-SEP-2005 (NJB) Updated to remove non-standard use of duplicate arguments in VHAT, VROTV, and VSCL calls. SPICELIB Version 1.1.0, 29-FEB-1996 (KRG) The declaration for the SPICELIB function PI is now preceded by an EXTERNAL statement declaring PI to be an external function. This removes a conflict with any compilers that have a PI intrinsic function. SPICELIB Version 1.0.0, 15-NOV-1994 (WLT) (SS) |
Fri Dec 31 18:36:52 2021