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ICY Functions Permuted Index
Permuted Index Sections: 1  2  3  6  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  Y  Z 
A Permuted Index for Icy APIs
   This document is an index for NAIF's Icy routines. The index entries
   are short phrases that describe the functionality of the routines.
   Each phrase is followed by the name of the routine that performs the
   described function.
   The reason we call this a ``permuted'' index is that each index
   entry occurs in multiple (cyclic) permutations, allowing each
   significant word in every functional description of a routine to
   occur first in at least one index entry. For example, the routine
   cspice_pxform (which returns the matrix that transforms position
   vectors from one specified frame to another at a specified epoch)
   can be found under the entries
      FIND a position transformation matrix               cspice_pxform
      MATRIX, find a position transformation              cspice_pxform
      POSITION transformation matrix, find a              cspice_pxform
      TRANSFORMATION matrix, find a position              cspice_pxform
   Some descriptions map to multiple routines; this happens when
   there are routines that perform the same function on different
   data types.
   This index is alphabetically ordered by the index entries.
   This index applies to version N0067 of the Icy Toolkit configured
   by NAIF on Fri Dec 31 18:16:48 PST 2021.
1 Top

1900.0, besselian date                                     cspice_b1900
1900.0 jan 0.5, julian date of                             cspice_j1900
1950.0, besselian date                                     cspice_b1950
1950.0 jan 1.0, julian date of                             cspice_j1950
2 Top

2000 jan 1.5, julian date of                               cspice_j2000
2100 jan 1.5, julian date of                               cspice_j2100
2X2 matrix, diagonalize symmetric                          cspice_diags2
3 Top

3-DIMENSIONAL unit vector and norm                         cspice_unorm
3-DIMENSIONAL vector addition                              cspice_vadd
3-DIMENSIONAL vector is the zero vector, test whether a    cspice_vzero
3-DIMENSIONAL vector, matrix times                         cspice_mxv
3-DIMENSIONAL vector, matrix transpose times               cspice_mtxv
3-DIMENSIONAL vector, negate a                             cspice_vminus
3-DIMENSIONAL vector, norm of                              cspice_vnorm
3-DIMENSIONAL vector scaling                               cspice_vscl
3-DIMENSIONAL vector subtraction                           cspice_vsub
3-DIMENSIONAL vector to another, assign a                  cspice_vequ
3-DIMENSIONAL vector transpose times matrix times vector   cspice_vtmv
3-DIMENSIONAL vector, unitize a                            cspice_vhat
3-DIMENSIONAL vectors, angular separation of               cspice_vsep
3-DIMENSIONAL vectors, distance between                    cspice_vdist
3-DIMENSIONAL vectors, dot product                         cspice_vdot
3-DIMENSIONAL vectors, linear combination of three         cspice_vlcom3
3-DIMENSIONAL vectors, linear combination of two           cspice_vlcom
3-DIMENSIONAL vectors, relative difference of              cspice_vrel
3-VECTOR norm, derivative of                               cspice_dvnorm
3-VECTOR, perpendicular component of a                     cspice_vperp
3-VECTOR projection                                        cspice_vproj
3X3 case, matrix times matrix                              cspice_mxm
3X3 case, matrix times matrix transpose                    cspice_mxmt
3X3 case, matrix transpose times matrix                    cspice_mtxm
3X3 matrix, determinant of a d.p.                          cspice_det
3X3 matrix, equal to another                               cspice_mequ
3X3 matrix, trace of a                                     cspice_trace
6 Top

6X6 matrix, transpose a                                    cspice_xpose6
A Top

ABBREVIATED years, set the interval of expansion for       cspice_tsetyr
ABERRATION for transmission case, stellar                  cspice_stlabx
ABERRATION, stellar                                        cspice_stelab
ABERRATIONS, get position relative observer corrected for  cspice_spkezp
ABERRATIONS, get state relative to observer corrected for  cspice_spkez
ABERRATIONS, position relative to observer corrected for   cspice_spkpos
ACCESS, open a das file for read                           cspice_dasopr
ACCESS, open a das file for write                          cspice_dasopw
ACCESS, open a new das file with write                     cspice_dasonw
ACCESS, open a new dla file with write                     cspice_dlaopn
ADD character data to a das file                           cspice_dasadc
ADD character data to EK column                            cspice_ekacec
ADD comments to a binary DAF                               cspice_dafac
ADD data to a type 14 SPK segment                          cspice_spk14a
ADD data to EK                                             cspice_ekacec
ADD double precision data to a das file                    cspice_dasadd
ADD double precision data to EK column                     cspice_ekaced
ADD integer data to a das file                             cspice_dasadi
ADD integer data to EK column                              cspice_ekacei
ADDING segments, open an existing SPK file for             cspice_spkopa
ADDITION, 3-dimensional vector                             cspice_vadd
ADDITION, n-dimensional vector                             cspice_vaddg
ADDITIVE numeric time system to another, convert one       cspice_unitim
ADDITIVE numeric time systems, transform between two       cspice_unitim
ADDRESS range of das file, return logical                  cspice_daslla
ADDRESS, read data from DAF                                cspice_dafgda
ADDRESSES in das file, return last logical                 cspice_daslla
ADDRESSES using substrings, update a range of das logical  cspice_dasudc
ADDRESSES, write substrings to a range of das logical      cspice_dasudc
AGAINST wildcard template, match string                    cspice_matchi
ALTITUDE over an ellipsoid, derivative of                  cspice_dnearp
ALTITUDE over an ellipsoid, rate of change of the          cspice_dnearp
AMOUNT of data in a das file, find the                     cspice_dashfs
ANGLE, emission                                            cspice_ilumin
ANGLE for arbitrary illumination source, compute phase     cspice_phaseq
ANGLE general source, emission                             cspice_illumg
ANGLE general source, incidence                            cspice_illumg
ANGLE general source, phase                                cspice_illumg
ANGLE general source with flags, emission                  cspice_illumf
ANGLE general source with flags, incidence                 cspice_illumf
ANGLE general source with flags, phase                     cspice_illumf
ANGLE, phase                                               cspice_ilumin
ANGLE search, gf phase                                     cspice_gfpa
ANGLE, solar incidence                                     cspice_ilumin
ANGLE to rotation, axis and                                cspice_axisar
ANGLES and derivatives from state transformation, euler    cspice_xf2eul
ANGLES and derivatives, state transformation from euler    cspice_eul2xf
ANGLES general source, illumination                        cspice_illumg
ANGLES general source, lighting                            cspice_illumg
ANGLES general source with flags, illumination             cspice_illumf
ANGLES general source with flags, lighting                 cspice_illumf
ANGLES, illumination                                       cspice_ilumin
ANGLES, lighting                                           cspice_ilumin
ANGLES, matrix to euler                                    cspice_m2eul
ANGLES to matrix, euler                                    cspice_eul2m
ANGULAR separation between two target bodies, compute the  cspice_trgsep
ANGULAR separation of 3-dimensional vectors                cspice_vsep
ANGULAR separation of n-dimensional vectors                cspice_vsepg
ANGULAR separation search, gf                              cspice_gfsep
ANGULAR separation, time derivative of                     cspice_dvsep
ANGULAR velocity from quaternion and derivative            cspice_qdq2av
ANGULAR velocity, get CK pointing and                      cspice_ckgpav
ANGULAR velocity, state transformation to rotation and     cspice_rav2xf
APPARENT position from SPK file                            cspice_spkapo
APPARENT position, get                                     cspice_spkapo
APPEND an item to a d.p. cell                              cspice_appndd
APPEND an item to an integer cell                          cspice_appndi
APPEND comments to a DAF comment area                      cspice_dafac
APPEND record to EK segment                                cspice_ekappr
ARBITRARY illumination source, compute phase angle for     cspice_phaseq
ARCHITECTURE and type of a kernel file, determine the      cspice_getfat
AREA, append comments to a DAF comment                     cspice_dafac
AREA, compute plate model                                  cspice_pltar
AREA, delete DAF comment                                   cspice_dafdc
ARRAY, find next DAF                                       cspice_daffna
ARRAY, find previous DAF                                   cspice_daffpa
ARRAY name, get DAF                                        cspice_dafgn
ARRAY, sum of a d.p.                                       cspice_sumad
ARRAY, sum of an integer                                   cspice_sumai
ASSIGN a 3-dimensional vector to another                   cspice_vequ
ASSIGN an n-dimensional vector to another                  cspice_vequg
ASSOCIATED with a frame class and class id, find info      cspice_ccifrm
ATTRIBUTES, fetch reference frame                          cspice_cidfrm
AXIS and angle to rotation                                 cspice_axisar
AXIS of a matrix, rotation                                 cspice_raxisa
AXIS, vector rotation about an                             cspice_vrotv
AZ and el, convert rectangular coordinates to range,       cspice_recazl
AZ and el, rectangular coordinates to range,               cspice_recazl
AZ and el to rectangular coordinates, convert range,       cspice_azlrec
AZ and el to rectangular coordinates, range,               cspice_azlrec
AZ and el to rectangular velocity conversion, range,       cspice_drdazl
AZ and el velocity conversion, rectangular to range,       cspice_dazldr
AZ/EL coordinates, jacobian matrix of rectangular w.r.t.   cspice_drdazl
AZ/EL coordinates relative to constant position observer   cspice_azlcpo
AZ/EL coordinates relative to landmark on extended object  cspice_azlcpo
AZ/EL coordinates relative to surface point extended objec cspice_azlcpo
AZ/EL coordinates w.r.t. constant position surface point   cspice_azlcpo
AZ/EL w.r.t. rectangular coordinates, jacobian matrix of   cspice_dazldr
AZIMUTH and elevation, convert rectangular to range,       cspice_recazl
AZIMUTH and elevation derivative, rectangular to range,    cspice_dazldr
AZIMUTH and elevation, rectangular to range,               cspice_recazl
AZIMUTH and elevation to rectangular, convert range,       cspice_azlrec
AZIMUTH and elevation to rectangular derivative, range,    cspice_drdazl
AZIMUTH and elevation to rectangular, range,               cspice_azlrec
B Top

BACKWARD search, begin DAF                                 cspice_dafbbs
BACKWARD search in dla file, begin                         cspice_dlabbs
BARYCENTER, state relative to solar system                 cspice_spkssb
BASE 16 scientific notation, convert d.p. to               cspice_dp2hx
BASE 16 scientific notation d.p. number, convert           cspice_hx2dp
BEGIN backward search in dla file                          cspice_dlabbs
BEGIN DAF backward search                                  cspice_dafbbs
BEGIN DAF forward search                                   cspice_dafbfs
BEGIN forward search in dla file                           cspice_dlabfs
BEGIN new segment in dla file                              cspice_dlabns
BEGIN writing a type 14 SPK segment                        cspice_spk14b
BESSELIAN date 1900.0                                      cspice_b1900
BESSELIAN date 1950.0                                      cspice_b1950
BETWEEN 3-dimensional vectors, distance                    cspice_vdist
BETWEEN coordinate systems, state transformation           cspice_xfmsta
BETWEEN ephemeris time and UTC, difference                 cspice_deltet
BETWEEN line and ellipsoid, distance                       cspice_npedln
BETWEEN line of sight and body, distance                   cspice_npedln
BETWEEN n-dimensional vectors, distance                    cspice_vdistg
BETWEEN point and line, distance                           cspice_nplnpt
BETWEEN ray and ellipsoid, point of intersection           cspice_surfpt
BETWEEN two additive numeric time systems, transform       cspice_unitim
BETWEEN two target bodies, compute the angular separation  cspice_trgsep
BETWEEN two uniform numeric time systems, transform        cspice_unitim
BINARY DAF, add comments to a                              cspice_dafac
BINARY pck file, find frame class id codes of frames in    cspice_pckfrm
BINARY pck frame, get coverage start and stop time for     cspice_pckcov
BINARY pck reference frame, get coverage window for        cspice_pckcov
BODIES, compute the angular separation between two target  cspice_trgsep
BODIES in dsk file, find id codes of                       cspice_dskobj
BODIES in SPK file, find id codes of                       cspice_spkobj
BODY codes get target state relative to an observer, using cspice_spkez
BODY, distance between line of sight and                   cspice_npedln
BODY, find limb points on target                           cspice_limbpt
BODY, find nearest point to observer on target             cspice_subpnt
BODY, find nearest point to sun on target                  cspice_subslr
BODY, find sub-observer point on target                    cspice_subpnt
BODY, find sub-solar point on target                       cspice_subslr
BODY, find sub-spacecraft point on target                  cspice_subpnt
BODY, find terminator points on target                     cspice_termpt
BODY from the kernel pool, fetch constants for a           cspice_bodvcd
BODY, get coverage start and stop time for                 cspice_spkcov
BODY id code to name                                       cspice_bodc2n
BODY id code to string                                     cspice_bodc2s
BODY id code to surface id code, surface string and        cspice_srfscc
BODY id code to surface string, surface id code and        cspice_srfc2s
BODY in the kernel pool, find constants for a              cspice_bodfnd
BODY, line of sight intercept with                         cspice_surfpt
BODY name to code                                          cspice_bodn2c
BODY name/id code definition                               cspice_boddef
BODY names get target state relative to an observer, using cspice_spkezr
BODY, physical constants for a                             cspice_bodvcd
BODY relative to another, geometric position of one        cspice_spkgps
BODY relative to another, geometric state of one           cspice_spkgeo
BODY string to surface id code, surface string and         cspice_srfs2c
BODY string to surface string, surface id code and         cspice_srfcss
BODY surface, find intercept of ray on target              cspice_sincpt
BODY surface, find intersection of ray and target          cspice_sincpt
BODY-FIXED latitudinal coordinates to rectangular, convert cspice_srfrec
BODYFIXED, transformation from inertial position to        cspice_tipbod
BODYFIXED, transformation from inertial state to           cspice_tisbod
BOUNDS for type 2 dsk segment, compute range               cspice_dskrb2
BRACKET a d.p. value within an interval                    cspice_brcktd
BRACKET an integer value within an interval                cspice_brckti
BUFFER, load the kernel pool from an internal text         cspice_lmpool
BUFFERED records to a das file, write                      cspice_daswbr
BUILD a right handed coordinate frame                      cspice_frame
BUILT-IN reference frames, fetch ids of                    cspice_bltfrm
C Top

C-KERNEL, --- see CK
C-KERNEL id to SCLK and SPK id, map                        cspice_ckmeta
CALENDAR date, convert ephemeris time to a formal          cspice_etcal
CALENDARS, gregorian and julian                            cspice_timdef
CARDINAL text, replace marker with                         cspice_repmct
CARDINALITY of a d.p. window                               cspice_wncard
CARDINALITY of an integer cell                             cspice_card
CARDINALITY of an integer cell, set the                    cspice_scard
CARTESIAN surface points, map latitudinal coordinates to   cspice_latsrf
CARTESIAN surface points to normal vectors, map            cspice_srfnrm
CASE, stellar aberration for transmission                  cspice_stlabx
CELL, append an item to a d.p.                             cspice_appndd
CELL, append an item to an integer                         cspice_appndi
CELL, cardinality of an integer                            cspice_card
CELL, create a d.p.                                        cspice_celld
CELL, create an integer                                    cspice_celli
CELL, set the cardinality of an integer                    cspice_scard
CELL, size of a                                            cspice_size
CENTER and generating vectors, ellipse to                  cspice_el2cgv
CENTER and generating vectors to ellipse                   cspice_cgv2el
CENTER, map frame class and class id to frame name, id, an cspice_ccifrm
CHANGE default convergence tolerance for gf routines       cspice_gfstol
CHANGE of the altitude over an ellipsoid, rate of          cspice_dnearp
CHANGE time software defaults.                             cspice_timdef
CHARACTER clock format, convert spacecraft clock ticks to  cspice_scfmt
CHARACTER column entry, fetch element from                 cspice_ekgc
CHARACTER column to EK segment, write entire               cspice_ekaclc
CHARACTER data from a das file, read                       cspice_dasrdc
CHARACTER data from EK column, read                        cspice_ekrcec
CHARACTER data to a das file, add                          cspice_dasadc
CHARACTER data to EK column, add                           cspice_ekacec
CHARACTER data to EK column, write                         cspice_ekacec
CHARACTER entry in an EK column, replace                   cspice_ekucec
CHARACTER kernel pool variable, set the value of a         cspice_pcpool
CHARACTER, last non-blank                                  cspice_lastnb
CHARACTER string, compress a                               cspice_cmprss
CHARACTER string, n'th word in a                           cspice_nthwd
CHARACTER string, next word in a                           cspice_nextwd
CHARACTER string, replace marker with                      cspice_repmc
CHARACTER value of a pooled kernel variable, return the    cspice_gcpool
CHEBYSHEV expansion, derivatives of a                      cspice_chbder
CHEBYSHEV expansion, interpolate a                         cspice_chbint
CHEBYSHEV polynomial expansion, integral of                cspice_chbigr
CHEBYSHEV polynomial expansion, integrate                  cspice_chbigr
CHEBYSHEV polynomial expansion, value of a                 cspice_chbval
CHECK the properties of a kernel pool variable             cspice_badkpv
CK file, close a                                           cspice_ckcls
CK file, find id codes of objects in                       cspice_ckobj
CK file, open a new                                        cspice_ckopn
CK frame, get coverage start and stop time for             cspice_ckcov
CK instrument, get coverage start and stop time for        cspice_ckcov
CK object, get coverage start and stop time for            cspice_ckcov
CK object, get coverage window for                         cspice_ckcov
CK pointing and angular velocity, get                      cspice_ckgpav
CK pointing file, load                                     cspice_cklpf
CK pointing file, unload                                   cspice_ckupf
CK pointing, get                                           cspice_ckgp
CK type 1 pointing data segment, write                     cspice_ckw01
CK type 2 pointing data segment, write                     cspice_ckw02
CK type 2 record, get                                      cspice_ckgr02
CK type 2 records, number of                               cspice_cknr02
CK type 3 pointing data segment, write                     cspice_ckw03
CK type 3 record, get                                      cspice_ckgr03
CK type 3 records, number of                               cspice_cknr03
CLEAR the keeper system                                    cspice_kclear
CLEAR the pool of kernel variables                         cspice_clpool
CLOCK, --- also see spacecraft clock
CLOCK format, convert spacecraft clock ticks to character  cspice_scfmt
CLOSE a CK file                                            cspice_ckcls
CLOSE a das file                                           cspice_dascls
CLOSE a dsk file                                           cspice_dskcls
CLOSE an SPK file                                          cspice_spkcls
CLOSE DAF                                                  cspice_dafcls
CLOSE EK                                                   cspice_ekcls
CODE and body id code to surface string, surface id        cspice_srfc2s
CODE and body string to surface string, surface id         cspice_srfcss
CODE, body name to                                         cspice_bodn2c
CODE definition, body name/id                              cspice_boddef
CODE, surface string and body id code to surface id        cspice_srfscc
CODE, surface string and body string to surface id         cspice_srfs2c
CODE to frame name translation, frame id                   cspice_frmnam
CODE to name, body id                                      cspice_bodc2n
CODE to string, body id                                    cspice_bodc2s
CODE to surface id code, surface string and body id        cspice_srfscc
CODE to surface string, surface id code and body id        cspice_srfc2s
CODES get target state relative to an observer, using body cspice_spkez
CODES of bodies in dsk file, find id                       cspice_dskobj
CODES of bodies in SPK file, find id                       cspice_spkobj
CODES of ephemeris objects in dsk file, find id            cspice_dskobj
CODES of ephemeris objects in SPK file, find id            cspice_spkobj
CODES of frames in binary pck file, find frame class id    cspice_pckfrm
CODES of objects in CK file, find id                       cspice_ckobj
CODES of surfaces in dsk file, find id                     cspice_dsksrf
COLUMN, add character data to EK                           cspice_ekacec
COLUMN, add double precision data to EK                    cspice_ekaced
COLUMN, add integer data to EK                             cspice_ekacei
COLUMN entry, fetch element from character                 cspice_ekgc
COLUMN entry, fetch element from double precision          cspice_ekgd
COLUMN entry, fetch element from integer                   cspice_ekgi
COLUMN entry, return the number of elements in a           cspice_eknelt
COLUMN, read character data from EK                        cspice_ekrcec
COLUMN, read double precision data from EK                 cspice_ekrced
COLUMN, read integer data from EK                          cspice_ekrcei
COLUMN, replace character entry in an EK                   cspice_ekucec
COLUMN, replace d.p. entry in an EK                        cspice_ekuced
COLUMN, replace integer entry in an EK                     cspice_ekucei
COLUMN, replace time entry in an EK                        cspice_ekuced
COLUMN specified by index, return information on loaded EK cspice_ekcii
COLUMN to EK segment, write entire character               cspice_ekaclc
COLUMN to EK segment, write entire double precision        cspice_ekacld
COLUMN to EK segment, write entire integer                 cspice_ekacli
COLUMN, write character data to EK                         cspice_ekacec
COLUMN, write double precision data to EK                  cspice_ekaced
COLUMN, write integer data to EK                           cspice_ekacei
COLUMNS, return the count of loaded EK                     cspice_ekccnt
COLUMNS, return the number of loaded EK                    cspice_ekccnt
COMBINATION of three 3-dimensional vectors, linear         cspice_vlcom3
COMBINATION of two 3-dimensional vectors, linear           cspice_vlcom
COMBINATION of two n-dimensional vectors, linear           cspice_vlcomg
COMMENT area, append comments to a DAF                     cspice_dafac
COMMENT area, delete DAF                                   cspice_dafdc
COMMENTS from a DAF, extract                               cspice_dafec
COMMENTS from a das file, extract                          cspice_dasec
COMMENTS to a binary DAF, add                              cspice_dafac
COMMENTS to a DAF comment area, append                     cspice_dafac
COMPARE sets                                               cspice_set
COMPARE two d.p. windows                                   cspice_wnreld
COMPLEMENT a d.p. window                                   cspice_wncomd
COMPONENT of a 3-vector, perpendicular                     cspice_vperp
COMPONENTS from a vector, unpack three scalar              cspice_vupack
COMPONENTS into a vector, pack three scalar                cspice_vpack
COMPRESS a character string                                cspice_cmprss
COMPUTE a polynomial and its derivatives                   cspice_polyds
COMPUTE a state from equinoctial elements                  cspice_eqncpv
COMPUTE a unit cross product and its derivative            cspice_ducrss
COMPUTE l s                                                cspice_lspcn
COMPUTE l sub s                                            cspice_lspcn
COMPUTE ls                                                 cspice_lspcn
COMPUTE normal vector for a type 2 dsk plate               cspice_dskn02
COMPUTE normal vector from dsk type 2 plate id             cspice_dskn02
COMPUTE normal vector of triangular plate from vertices    cspice_pltnrm
COMPUTE normal vectors on dsk surface                      cspice_srfnrm
COMPUTE normal vectors on topographic surface              cspice_srfnrm
COMPUTE phase angle for arbitrary illumination source      cspice_phaseq
COMPUTE plate model area                                   cspice_pltar
COMPUTE plate model volume                                 cspice_pltvol
COMPUTE range bounds for type 2 dsk segment                cspice_dskrb2
COMPUTE the angular separation between two target bodies   cspice_trgsep
COMPUTE the derivative of a cross product                  cspice_dvcrss
COMPUTE the local time for a point on a body.              cspice_et2lst
COMPUTE uplink and downlink light time                     cspice_ltime
CONFIRM the existence of a pooled numeric kernel variable  cspice_expool
CONIC elements from state                                  cspice_oscelt
CONIC elements from state, extended                        cspice_oscltx
CONIC elements, state from                                 cspice_conics
CONSTANT offset frame, fetch the rotation and frame of a   cspice_tkfram
CONSTANT, plane to normal vector and                       cspice_pl2nvc
CONSTANT position observer, az/el coordinates relative to  cspice_azlcpo
CONSTANT position observer, state relative to              cspice_spkcpo
CONSTANT position surface point, az/el coordinates w.r.t.  cspice_azlcpo
CONSTANT position surface point, state relative to         cspice_spkcpo
CONSTANT position target, state of                         cspice_spkcpt
CONSTANT to plane, normal vector and                       cspice_nvc2pl
CONSTANT velocity observer, state relative to              cspice_spkcvo
CONSTANT velocity surface point, state relative to         cspice_spkcvo
CONSTANT velocity target, state of                         cspice_spkcvt
CONSTANTS for a body from the kernel pool, fetch           cspice_bodvcd
CONSTANTS for a body in the kernel pool, find              cspice_bodfnd
CONSTANTS for a body, physical                             cspice_bodvcd
CONSTRAINTS, search using illumination angle               cspice_gfilum
CONSTRAINTS, search using lighting angle                   cspice_gfilum
CONSTRAINTS, solve for emission angle                      cspice_gfilum
CONSTRAINTS, solve for illumination angle                  cspice_gfilum
CONSTRAINTS, solve for incidence angle                     cspice_gfilum
CONSTRAINTS, solve for phase angle                         cspice_gfilum
CONSTRAINTS, solve for solar incidence angle               cspice_gfilum
CONTINUE searching, select a DAF to                        cspice_dafcs
CONTINUED string value from the kernel pool, retrieve a    cspice_stpool
CONTINUOUS spacecraft clock ticks, ephemeris time to       cspice_sce2c
CONTRACT the intervals of a d.p. window                    cspice_wncond
CONVERGENCE tolerance for gf routines, change default      cspice_gfstol
CONVERSION, range, az and el to rectangular velocity       cspice_drdazl
CONVERSION, rectangular to range, az and el velocity       cspice_dazldr
CONVERT a string to tdb seconds past the J2000 epoch       cspice_str2et
CONVERT and format d.p. seconds past J2000 as a string     cspice_timout
CONVERT base 16 scientific notation d.p. number            cspice_hx2dp
CONVERT body-fixed latitudinal coordinates to rectangular  cspice_srfrec
CONVERT d.p. number to encoded d.p. number                 cspice_dp2hx
CONVERT d.p. to base 16 scientific notation                cspice_dp2hx
CONVERT d.p. to signed normalized hexadecimal string       cspice_dp2hx
CONVERT encoded d.p. number to d.p. number                 cspice_hx2dp
CONVERT ephemeris time to a formal calendar date           cspice_etcal
CONVERT one additive numeric time system to another        cspice_unitim
CONVERT one uniform numeric time system to another         cspice_unitim
CONVERT planetographic to rectangular coordinates          cspice_pgrrec
CONVERT range, az and el to rectangular coordinates        cspice_azlrec
CONVERT range, azimuth and elevation to rectangular        cspice_azlrec
CONVERT rectangular coordinates to range, az and el        cspice_recazl
CONVERT rectangular to planetographic coordinates          cspice_recpgr
CONVERT rectangular to range, azimuth and elevation        cspice_recazl
CONVERT signed normalized hexadecimal string to d.p.       cspice_hx2dp
CONVERT spacecraft clock string to ticks                   cspice_sctiks
CONVERT spacecraft clock ticks to character clock format   cspice_scfmt
CONVERT state                                              cspice_xfmsta
CONVERT state to extended osculating elements              cspice_oscltx
CONVERT state to osculating elements                       cspice_oscelt
CONVERT surface latitudinal coordinates to rectangular     cspice_srfrec
CONVERT to lowercase                                       cspice_lcase
CONVERT to uppercase                                       cspice_ucase
CONVERT units                                              cspice_convrt
COORDINATE frame, build a right handed                     cspice_frame
COORDINATE search, gf position                             cspice_gfposc
COORDINATE search, gf subpoint                             cspice_gfsubc
COORDINATE search, gf surface intercept                    cspice_gfsntc
COORDINATE systems, state transformation between           cspice_xfmsta
COORDINATED universal time, --- see UTC
COORDINATES, convert planetographic to rectangular         cspice_pgrrec
COORDINATES, convert range, az and el to rectangular       cspice_azlrec
COORDINATES, convert rectangular to planetographic         cspice_recpgr
COORDINATES, geodetic to rectangular                       cspice_georec
COORDINATES, jacobian matrix of az/el w.r.t. rectangular   cspice_dazldr
COORDINATES, jacobian matrix of rectangular w.r.t. az/el   cspice_drdazl
COORDINATES, jacobian of cylindrical w.r.t. rectangular    cspice_dcyldr
COORDINATES, jacobian of geodetic w.r.t. rectangular       cspice_dgeodr
COORDINATES, jacobian of planetographic w.r.t. rectangular cspice_dpgrdr
COORDINATES, jacobian of rectangular w.r.t. cylindrical    cspice_drdcyl
COORDINATES, jacobian of rectangular w.r.t. geodetic       cspice_drdgeo
COORDINATES, jacobian of rectangular w.r.t. latitudinal    cspice_dlatdr
COORDINATES, jacobian of rectangular w.r.t. planetographic cspice_drdpgr
COORDINATES, jacobian of rectangular w.r.t. spherical      cspice_drdsph
COORDINATES, jacobian of spherical w.r.t. rectangular      cspice_dsphdr
COORDINATES, latitudinal to cylindrical                    cspice_latcyl
COORDINATES, latitudinal to rectangular                    cspice_latrec
COORDINATES, latitudinal to spherical                      cspice_latsph
COORDINATES, range, az and el to rectangular               cspice_azlrec
COORDINATES, range ra and dec to rectangular               cspice_radrec
COORDINATES, rectangular to cylindrical                    cspice_reccyl
COORDINATES, rectangular to latitudinal                    cspice_reclat
COORDINATES, rectangular to spherical                      cspice_recsph
COORDINATES, spherical to cylindrical                      cspice_sphcyl
COORDINATES, spherical to latitudinal                      cspice_sphlat
COORDINATES, spherical to rectangular                      cspice_sphrec
COORDINATES to cartesian surface points, map latitudinal   cspice_latsrf
COORDINATES to dsk surface points, map latitudinal         cspice_latsrf
COORDINATES to ra and dec, rectangular                     cspice_recrad
COORDINATES to range, az and el, convert rectangular       cspice_recazl
COORDINATES to range, az and el, rectangular               cspice_recazl
COORDINATES to rectangular, convert body-fixed latitudinal cspice_srfrec
COORDINATES to rectangular, convert surface latitudinal    cspice_srfrec
COORDINATES to rectangular, surface point latitudinal      cspice_srfrec
CORRECTED for aberrations, get position relative observer  cspice_spkezp
CORRECTED for aberrations, get state relative to observer  cspice_spkez
CORRECTED for aberrations, position relative to observer   cspice_spkpos
COUNT of loaded EK columns, return the                     cspice_ekccnt
COVERAGE start and stop time for binary pck frame, get     cspice_pckcov
COVERAGE start and stop time for body, get                 cspice_spkcov
COVERAGE start and stop time for CK frame, get             cspice_ckcov
COVERAGE start and stop time for CK instrument, get        cspice_ckcov
COVERAGE start and stop time for CK object, get            cspice_ckcov
COVERAGE start and stop time for ephemeris object, get     cspice_spkcov
COVERAGE start and stop time for SPK object, get           cspice_spkcov
COVERAGE window for binary pck reference frame, get        cspice_pckcov
COVERAGE window for CK object, get                         cspice_ckcov
COVERAGE window for SPK object, get                        cspice_spkcov
CREATE a d.p. cell                                         cspice_celld
CREATE an integer cell                                     cspice_celli
CROSS product and its derivative, compute a unit           cspice_ducrss
CROSS product, compute the derivative of a                 cspice_dvcrss
CROSS product, unitized                                    cspice_ucrss
CROSS product, vector                                      cspice_vcrss
CYLINDRICAL coordinates, jacobian of rectangular w.r.t.    cspice_drdcyl
CYLINDRICAL coordinates, latitudinal to                    cspice_latcyl
CYLINDRICAL coordinates, rectangular to                    cspice_reccyl
CYLINDRICAL coordinates, spherical to                      cspice_sphcyl
CYLINDRICAL to latitudinal                                 cspice_cyllat
CYLINDRICAL to rectangular                                 cspice_cylrec
CYLINDRICAL to spherical                                   cspice_cylsph
CYLINDRICAL w.r.t. rectangular coordinates, jacobian of    cspice_dcyldr
D Top

D.P. 3x3 matrix, determinant of a                          cspice_det
D.P. array, sum of a                                       cspice_sumad
D.P. cell, append an item to a                             cspice_appndd
D.P. cell, create a                                        cspice_celld
D.P., convert signed normalized hexadecimal string to      cspice_hx2dp
D.P. entry in an EK column, replace                        cspice_ekuced
D.P. kernel pool variable, set the value of a              cspice_pdpool
D.P. number, convert base 16 scientific notation           cspice_hx2dp
D.P. number, convert d.p. number to encoded                cspice_dp2hx
D.P. number, convert encoded d.p. number to                cspice_hx2dp
D.P. number, largest                                       cspice_dpmax
D.P. number, replace marker with                           cspice_repmd
D.P. number, smallest                                      cspice_dpmin
D.P. number to d.p. number, convert encoded                cspice_hx2dp
D.P. number to encoded d.p. number, convert                cspice_dp2hx
D.P. number with encapsulated error handling, parse        cspice_prsdp
D.P. seconds past J2000 as a string, convert and format    cspice_timout
D.P. set, insert an item into a                            cspice_insrtd
D.P. set, remove an item from a                            cspice_removd
D.P. to base 16 scientific notation, convert               cspice_dp2hx
D.P. to signed normalized hexadecimal string, convert      cspice_dp2hx
D.P. value of a pooled kernel variable, return the         cspice_gdpool
D.P. value, replace marker with formatted                  cspice_repmf
D.P. value within an interval, bracket a                   cspice_brcktd
D.P. window, cardinality of a                              cspice_wncard
D.P. window, complement a                                  cspice_wncomd
D.P. window, contract the intervals of a                   cspice_wncond
D.P. window, element of a                                  cspice_wnelmd
D.P. window, expand the intervals of a                     cspice_wnexpd
D.P. window, extract the endpoints from a                  cspice_wnextd
D.P. window, fetch an interval from a                      cspice_wnfetd
D.P. window, fill small gaps in a                          cspice_wnfild
D.P. window, filter small intervals from a                 cspice_wnfltd
D.P. window, included in a                                 cspice_wnincd
D.P. window, insert an interval into a                     cspice_wninsd
D.P. window, summary of a                                  cspice_wnsumd
D.P. window, validate a                                    cspice_wnvald
D.P. windows, compare two                                  cspice_wnreld
D.P. windows, difference two                               cspice_wndifd
D.P. windows, intersect two                                cspice_wnintd
D.P. windows, union two                                    cspice_wnunid
DAF, add comments to a binary                              cspice_dafac
DAF address, read data from                                cspice_dafgda
DAF array, find next                                       cspice_daffna
DAF array, find previous                                   cspice_daffpa
DAF array name, get                                        cspice_dafgn
DAF backward search, begin                                 cspice_dafbbs
DAF, close                                                 cspice_dafcls
DAF comment area, append comments to a                     cspice_dafac
DAF comment area, delete                                   cspice_dafdc
DAF, extract comments from a                               cspice_dafec
DAF for read, open                                         cspice_dafopr
DAF for write, open existing                               cspice_dafopw
DAF forward search, begin                                  cspice_dafbfs
DAF summary format, handle to                              cspice_dafhsf
DAF summary, get                                           cspice_dafgs
DAF summary, pack                                          cspice_dafps
DAF summary, replace                                       cspice_dafrs
DAF summary, unpack                                        cspice_dafus
DAF to continue searching, select a                        cspice_dafcs
DAS file, add character data to a                          cspice_dasadc
DAS file, add double precision data to a                   cspice_dasadd
DAS file, add integer data to a                            cspice_dasadi
DAS file, close a                                          cspice_dascls
DAS file, extract comments from a                          cspice_dasec
DAS file, find the amount of data in a                     cspice_dashfs
DAS file for read access, open a                           cspice_dasopr
DAS file for reading, open a                               cspice_dasopr
DAS file for write access, open a                          cspice_dasopw
DAS file for writing, open a                               cspice_dasopw
DAS file, open a new                                       cspice_dasonw
DAS file, open a scratch                                   cspice_dasops
DAS file, read character data from a                       cspice_dasrdc
DAS file, read double precision data from a                cspice_dasrdd
DAS file, read integer data from a                         cspice_dasrdi
DAS file, return last logical addresses in                 cspice_daslla
DAS file, return logical address range of                  cspice_daslla
DAS file, return the file summary of a                     cspice_dashfs
DAS file, update double precision data in a                cspice_dasudd
DAS file, update integer data in a                         cspice_dasudi
DAS file with write access, open a new                     cspice_dasonw
DAS file, write buffered records to a                      cspice_daswbr
DAS logical addresses using substrings, update a range of  cspice_dasudc
DAS logical addresses, write substrings to a range of      cspice_dasudc
DATA, find EK                                              cspice_ekfind
DATA from a das file, read character                       cspice_dasrdc
DATA from a das file, read double precision                cspice_dasrdd
DATA from a das file, read integer                         cspice_dasrdi
DATA from a list of items, load spice                      cspice_furnsh
DATA from a type 2 dsk segment, fetch double precision     cspice_dskd02
DATA from a type 2 dsk segment, fetch integer              cspice_dski02
DATA from a type 2 dsk segment, fetch plate                cspice_dskp02
DATA from DAF address, read                                cspice_dafgda
DATA from EK column, read character                        cspice_ekrcec
DATA from EK column, read double precision                 cspice_ekrced
DATA from EK column, read integer                          cspice_ekrcei
DATA in a das file, find the amount of                     cspice_dashfs
DATA in a das file, update double precision                cspice_dasudd
DATA in a das file, update integer                         cspice_dasudi
DATA, read ephemeris                                       cspice_spkez
DATA, read trajectory                                      cspice_spkez
DATA segment, write CK type 1 pointing                     cspice_ckw01
DATA segment, write CK type 2 pointing                     cspice_ckw02
DATA segment, write CK type 3 pointing                     cspice_ckw03
DATA segment, write SPK type 12 ephemeris                  cspice_spkw12
DATA segment, write SPK type 13 ephemeris                  cspice_spkw13
DATA segment, write SPK type 2                             cspice_spkw02
DATA segment, write SPK type 3                             cspice_spkw03
DATA segment, write SPK type 5 ephemeris                   cspice_spkw05
DATA segment, write SPK type 8 ephemeris                   cspice_spkw08
DATA segment, write SPK type 9 ephemeris                   cspice_spkw09
DATA to a das file, add character                          cspice_dasadc
DATA to a das file, add double precision                   cspice_dasadd
DATA to a das file, add integer                            cspice_dasadi
DATA to a type 14 SPK segment, add                         cspice_spk14a
DATA to EK, add                                            cspice_ekacec
DATA to EK column, add character                           cspice_ekacec
DATA to EK column, add double precision                    cspice_ekaced
DATA to EK column, add integer                             cspice_ekacei
DATA to EK column, write character                         cspice_ekacec
DATA to EK column, write double precision                  cspice_ekaced
DATA to EK column, write integer                           cspice_ekacei
DATA using sgp4., evaluate norad two-line element          cspice_evsgp4
DATE 1900.0, besselian                                     cspice_b1900
DATE 1950.0, besselian                                     cspice_b1950
DATE, convert ephemeris time to a formal calendar          cspice_etcal
DATE of 1900.0 jan 0.5, julian                             cspice_j1900
DATE of 1950.0 jan 1.0, julian                             cspice_j1950
DATE of 2000 jan 1.5, julian                               cspice_j2000
DATE of 2100 jan 1.5, julian                               cspice_j2100
DAY, seconds per                                           cspice_spd
DEC, rectangular coordinates to ra and                     cspice_recrad
DEC to rectangular coordinates, range ra and               cspice_radrec
DECLINATION, rectangular to right ascension and            cspice_recrad
DECLINATION to rectangular, right ascension and            cspice_radrec
DECODE spacecraft clock                                    cspice_scdecd
DEFAULT convergence tolerance for gf routines, change      cspice_gfstol
DEFINE a state transformation matrix from two states       cspice_twovxf
DEFINE an orthonormal frame from two vectors               cspice_twovec
DEFINITION, body name/id code                              cspice_boddef
DEFINITION parameter, return a kernel pool                 cspice_szpool
DEGREE, radians per                                        cspice_rpd
DEGREES per radian                                         cspice_dpr
DELETE a kernel pool variable                              cspice_dvpool
DELETE DAF comment area                                    cspice_dafdc
DELETE record from an EK segment                           cspice_ekdelr
DERIVATIVE, angular velocity from quaternion and           cspice_qdq2av
DERIVATIVE, compute a unit cross product and its           cspice_ducrss
DERIVATIVE of 3-vector norm                                cspice_dvnorm
DERIVATIVE of a cross product, compute the                 cspice_dvcrss
DERIVATIVE of a dot product, time                          cspice_dvdot
DERIVATIVE of altitude over an ellipsoid                   cspice_dnearp
DERIVATIVE of angular separation, time                     cspice_dvsep
DERIVATIVE, range, azimuth and elevation to rectangular    cspice_drdazl
DERIVATIVE, rectangular to range, azimuth and elevation    cspice_dazldr
DERIVATIVE using quadratic fit, estimate function          cspice_qderiv
DERIVATIVES, compute a polynomial and its                  cspice_polyds
DERIVATIVES from state transformation, euler angles and    cspice_xf2eul
DERIVATIVES of a chebyshev expansion                       cspice_chbder
DERIVATIVES, state transformation from euler angles and    cspice_eul2xf
DESCRIPTOR, unpack SPK segment                             cspice_spkuds
DESCRIPTORS, dsk ray-surface intercept with handle and     cspice_dskxsi
DETERMINANT of a d.p. 3x3 matrix                           cspice_det
DETERMINE the architecture and type of a kernel file       cspice_getfat
DIAGONALIZE symmetric 2x2 matrix                           cspice_diags2
DIFFERENCE between ephemeris time and UTC                  cspice_deltet
DIFFERENCE of 3-dimensional vectors, relative              cspice_vrel
DIFFERENCE of n-dimensional vectors, relative              cspice_vrelg
DIFFERENCE of two sets                                     cspice_diff
DIFFERENCE of two sets, symmetric                          cspice_sdiff
DIFFERENCE two d.p. windows                                cspice_wndifd
DIFFERENT epochs, position transformation matrix for       cspice_pxfrm2
DISTANCE between 3-dimensional vectors                     cspice_vdist
DISTANCE between line and ellipsoid                        cspice_npedln
DISTANCE between line of sight and body                    cspice_npedln
DISTANCE between n-dimensional vectors                     cspice_vdistg
DISTANCE between point and line                            cspice_nplnpt
DISTANCE from point to ellipsoid                           cspice_nearpt
DISTANCE search, gf                                        cspice_gfdist
DLA file, begin backward search in                         cspice_dlabbs
DLA file, begin forward search in                          cspice_dlabfs
DLA file, begin new segment in                             cspice_dlabns
DLA file, end new segment in                               cspice_dlaens
DLA file, find next segment in                             cspice_dlafns
DLA file, find previous segment in                         cspice_dlafps
DLA file, open a new                                       cspice_dlaopn
DLA file with write access, open a new                     cspice_dlaopn
DOT product 3-dimensional vectors                          cspice_vdot
DOT product of n-dimensional vectors                       cspice_vdotg
DOT product, time derivative of a                          cspice_dvdot
DOUBLE precision, --- see d.p.
DOUBLE precision array file, --- see DAF
DOUBLE precision column entry, fetch element from          cspice_ekgd
DOUBLE precision column to EK segment, write entire        cspice_ekacld
DOUBLE precision data from a das file, read                cspice_dasrdd
DOUBLE precision data from a type 2 dsk segment, fetch     cspice_dskd02
DOUBLE precision data from EK column, read                 cspice_ekrced
DOUBLE precision data in a das file, update                cspice_dasudd
DOUBLE precision data to a das file, add                   cspice_dasadd
DOUBLE precision data to EK column, add                    cspice_ekaced
DOUBLE precision data to EK column, write                  cspice_ekaced
DOWNLINK light time, compute uplink and                    cspice_ltime
DSK file, close a                                          cspice_dskcls
DSK file, find id codes of bodies in                       cspice_dskobj
DSK file, find id codes of ephemeris objects in            cspice_dskobj
DSK file, find id codes of surfaces in                     cspice_dsksrf
DSK file, open a new                                       cspice_dskopn
DSK plate, compute normal vector for a type 2              cspice_dskn02
DSK ray-surface intercept with handle and descriptors      cspice_dskxsi
DSK ray-surface intercept with source information          cspice_dskxsi
DSK segment, compute range bounds for type 2               cspice_dskrb2
DSK segment descriptor, return                             cspice_dskgd
DSK segment, fetch double precision data from a type 2     cspice_dskd02
DSK segment, fetch integer data from a type 2              cspice_dski02
DSK segment, fetch model size parameters from a type 2     cspice_dskz02
DSK segment, fetch parameters from a type 2                cspice_dskb02
DSK segment, fetch plate data from a type 2                cspice_dskp02
DSK segment, make spatial index for type 2                 cspice_dskmi2
DSK segment, return specified vertices from type 2         cspice_dskv02
DSK segment, write a type 2                                cspice_dskw02
DSK surface, compute normal vectors on                     cspice_srfnrm
DSK surface points, map latitudinal coordinates to         cspice_latsrf
DSK tolerance or margin parameters, retrieve               cspice_dskgtl
DSK tolerance or margin parameters, set                    cspice_dskstl
DSK type 2 plate id, compute normal vector from            cspice_dskn02
E Top

E-KERNEL, load                                             cspice_eklef
E-KERNEL, open new                                         cspice_ekopn
E-KERNEL, open scratch                                     cspice_ekops
E-KERNEL, return number of segments in an                  cspice_eknseg
E-KERNEL segment for fast writing, start new               cspice_ekifld
E-KERNEL segment, start new                                cspice_ekbseg
EK, add data to                                            cspice_ekacec
EK, close                                                  cspice_ekcls
EK column, add character data to                           cspice_ekacec
EK column, add double precision data to                    cspice_ekaced
EK column, add integer data to                             cspice_ekacei
EK column, read character data from                        cspice_ekrcec
EK column, read double precision data from                 cspice_ekrced
EK column, read integer data from                          cspice_ekrcei
EK column, replace character entry in an                   cspice_ekucec
EK column, replace d.p. entry in an                        cspice_ekuced
EK column, replace integer entry in an                     cspice_ekucei
EK column, replace time entry in an                        cspice_ekuced
EK column specified by index, return information on loaded cspice_ekcii
EK column, write character data to                         cspice_ekacec
EK column, write double precision data to                  cspice_ekaced
EK column, write integer data to                           cspice_ekacei
EK columns, return the count of loaded                     cspice_ekccnt
EK columns, return the number of loaded                    cspice_ekccnt
EK data, find                                              cspice_ekfind
EK file, load                                              cspice_eklef
EK file, unload                                            cspice_ekuef
EK for reading, open                                       cspice_ekopr
EK for writing, open existing                              cspice_ekopw
EK, open new                                               cspice_ekopn
EK, open scratch                                           cspice_ekops
EK query, issue                                            cspice_ekfind
EK query, parse select clause of                           cspice_ekpsel
EK segment, append record to                               cspice_ekappr
EK segment, delete record from an                          cspice_ekdelr
EK segment for fast writing, start new                     cspice_ekifld
EK segment, insert record into                             cspice_ekinsr
EK segment, start new                                      cspice_ekbseg
EK segment summary, return                                 cspice_ekssum
EK segment, write entire character column to               cspice_ekaclc
EK segment, write entire double precision column to        cspice_ekacld
EK segment, write entire integer column to                 cspice_ekacli
EK segment write, finish a fast                            cspice_ekffld
EL, convert rectangular coordinates to range, az and       cspice_recazl
EL, rectangular coordinates to range, az and               cspice_recazl
EL to rectangular coordinates, convert range, az and       cspice_azlrec
EL to rectangular coordinates, range, az and               cspice_azlrec
EL to rectangular velocity conversion, range, az and       cspice_drdazl
EL velocity conversion, rectangular to range, az and       cspice_dazldr
ELEMENT data using sgp4., evaluate norad two-line          cspice_evsgp4
ELEMENT from character column entry, fetch                 cspice_ekgc
ELEMENT from double precision column entry, fetch          cspice_ekgd
ELEMENT from integer column entry, fetch                   cspice_ekgi
ELEMENT of a d.p. window                                   cspice_wnelmd
ELEMENTS, compute a state from equinoctial                 cspice_eqncpv
ELEMENTS, convert state to extended osculating             cspice_oscltx
ELEMENTS, convert state to osculating                      cspice_oscelt
ELEMENTS from state, conic                                 cspice_oscelt
ELEMENTS from state, extended conic                        cspice_oscltx
ELEMENTS from state, extended osculating                   cspice_oscltx
ELEMENTS from state, osculating                            cspice_oscelt
ELEMENTS in a column entry, return the number of           cspice_eknelt
ELEMENTS, parse two-line                                   cspice_getelm
ELEMENTS, state from conic                                 cspice_conics
ELEVATION, convert rectangular to range, azimuth and       cspice_recazl
ELEVATION derivative, rectangular to range, azimuth and    cspice_dazldr
ELEVATION, rectangular to range, azimuth and               cspice_recazl
ELEVATION to rectangular, convert range, azimuth and       cspice_azlrec
ELEVATION to rectangular derivative, range, azimuth and    cspice_drdazl
ELEVATION to rectangular, range, azimuth and               cspice_azlrec
ELLIPSE and plane, intersection of                         cspice_inelpl
ELLIPSE, center and generating vectors to                  cspice_cgv2el
ELLIPSE from generating vectors, semi-axes of              cspice_saelgv
ELLIPSE onto plane, project                                cspice_pjelpl
ELLIPSE to center and generating vectors                   cspice_el2cgv
ELLIPSE to point, nearest point on                         cspice_npelpt
ELLIPSOID and plane, intersection of                       cspice_inedpl
ELLIPSOID, derivative of altitude over an                  cspice_dnearp
ELLIPSOID, distance between line and                       cspice_npedln
ELLIPSOID, distance from point to                          cspice_nearpt
ELLIPSOID, find nearest point to ray on                    cspice_tangpt
ELLIPSOID, find penumbral terminator on                    cspice_edterm
ELLIPSOID, find terminator on                              cspice_edterm
ELLIPSOID, find umbral terminator on                       cspice_edterm
ELLIPSOID having given surface normal, point on an         cspice_ednmpt
ELLIPSOID limb                                             cspice_edlimb
ELLIPSOID, nearest point on an                             cspice_nearpt
ELLIPSOID, point of intersection between ray and           cspice_surfpt
ELLIPSOID, rate of change of the altitude over an          cspice_dnearp
ELLIPSOID, scale point to lie on                           cspice_edpnt
ELLIPSOID, surface normal vector on an                     cspice_surfnm
ELLIPSOID surface point and velocity                       cspice_surfpv
ELLIPSOID, surface point of intersection of ray and        cspice_surfpt
ELLIPSOID to line, nearest point on                        cspice_npedln
ELLIPSOID, velocity of the nearest point on an             cspice_dnearp
EMISSION angle                                             cspice_ilumin
EMISSION angle constraints, solve for                      cspice_gfilum
EMISSION angle general source                              cspice_illumg
EMISSION angle general source with flags                   cspice_illumf
ENCAPSULATED error handling, parse d.p. number with        cspice_prsdp
ENCAPSULATED error handling, parse integer with            cspice_prsint
ENCODE spacecraft clock                                    cspice_scencd
ENCODED d.p. number, convert d.p. number to                cspice_dp2hx
ENCODED d.p. number to d.p. number, convert                cspice_hx2dp
END a type 14 SPK segment                                  cspice_spk14e
END new segment in dla file                                cspice_dlaens
ENDPOINTS from a d.p. window, extract the                  cspice_wnextd
ENTIRE character column to EK segment, write               cspice_ekaclc
ENTIRE double precision column to EK segment, write        cspice_ekacld
ENTIRE integer column to EK segment, write                 cspice_ekacli
ENTRY, fetch element from character column                 cspice_ekgc
ENTRY, fetch element from double precision column          cspice_ekgd
ENTRY, fetch element from integer column                   cspice_ekgi
ENTRY in an EK column, replace character                   cspice_ekucec
ENTRY in an EK column, replace d.p.                        cspice_ekuced
ENTRY in an EK column, replace integer                     cspice_ekucei
ENTRY in an EK column, replace time                        cspice_ekuced
ENTRY, return the number of elements in a column           cspice_eknelt
EPHEMERIS data, read                                       cspice_spkez
EPHEMERIS data segment, write SPK type 12                  cspice_spkw12
EPHEMERIS data segment, write SPK type 13                  cspice_spkw13
EPHEMERIS data segment, write SPK type 5                   cspice_spkw05
EPHEMERIS data segment, write SPK type 8                   cspice_spkw08
EPHEMERIS data segment, write SPK type 9                   cspice_spkw09
EPHEMERIS file, load SPK                                   cspice_spklef
EPHEMERIS file, unload SPK                                 cspice_spkuef
EPHEMERIS object, get coverage start and stop time for     cspice_spkcov
EPHEMERIS objects in dsk file, find id codes of            cspice_dskobj
EPHEMERIS objects in SPK file, find id codes of            cspice_spkobj
EPHEMERIS, position and velocity from                      cspice_spkpvn
EPHEMERIS time and UTC, difference between                 cspice_deltet
EPHEMERIS time, spacecraft clock string to                 cspice_scs2e
EPHEMERIS time, spacecraft clock ticks to                  cspice_sct2e
EPHEMERIS time to a formal calendar date, convert          cspice_etcal
EPHEMERIS time to continuous spacecraft clock ticks        cspice_sce2c
EPHEMERIS time to spacecraft clock string                  cspice_sce2s
EPHEMERIS time to spacecraft clock ticks                   cspice_sce2t
EPHEMERIS time to UTC                                      cspice_et2utc
EPHEMERIS time, UTC to                                     cspice_utc2et
EPOCH, convert a string to tdb seconds past the J2000      cspice_str2et
EPOCHS, position transformation matrix for different       cspice_pxfrm2
EQUAL to another 3x3 matrix                                cspice_mequ
EQUATION, roots of a quadratic                             cspice_rquad
EQUINOCTIAL elements, compute a state from                 cspice_eqncpv
EQUIVALENT strings                                         cspice_eqstr
ERROR handling, parse d.p. number with encapsulated        cspice_prsdp
ERROR handling, parse integer with encapsulated            cspice_prsint
ESTIMATE function derivative using quadratic fit           cspice_qderiv
ET, --- see ephemeris time
EULER angles and derivatives from state transformation     cspice_xf2eul
EULER angles and derivatives, state transformation from    cspice_eul2xf
EULER angles, matrix to                                    cspice_m2eul
EULER angles to matrix                                     cspice_eul2m
EVALUATE norad two-line element data using sgp4.           cspice_evsgp4
EXIST, does the file                                       cspice_exists
EXISTENCE of a pooled numeric kernel variable, confirm the cspice_expool
EXISTING DAF for write, open                               cspice_dafopw
EXISTING EK for writing, open                              cspice_ekopw
EXISTING SPK file for adding segments, open an             cspice_spkopa
EXPAND the intervals of a d.p. window                      cspice_wnexpd
EXPAND triangular plate                                    cspice_pltexp
EXPANSION, derivatives of a chebyshev                      cspice_chbder
EXPANSION for abbreviated years, set the interval of       cspice_tsetyr
EXPANSION, interpolate a chebyshev                         cspice_chbint
EXPANSION, value of a chebyshev polynomial                 cspice_chbval
EXTENDED conic elements from state                         cspice_oscltx
EXTENDED object, az/el coordinates relative to landmark on cspice_azlcpo
EXTENDED object, az/el coordinates relative to surface poi cspice_azlcpo
EXTENDED object, state of landmark on                      cspice_spkcpt
EXTENDED object, state of surface point on                 cspice_spkcpt
EXTENDED object, state relative to landmark on             cspice_spkcpo
EXTENDED object, state relative to surface point on        cspice_spkcpo
EXTENDED osculating elements, convert state to             cspice_oscltx
EXTENDED osculating elements from state                    cspice_oscltx
EXTRACT comments from a DAF                                cspice_dafec
EXTRACT comments from a das file                           cspice_dasec
EXTRACT the endpoints from a d.p. window                   cspice_wnextd
F Top

FAST EK segment write, finish a                            cspice_ekffld
FAST writing, start new e-kernel segment for               cspice_ekifld
FAST writing, start new EK segment for                     cspice_ekifld
FETCH an interval from a d.p. window                       cspice_wnfetd
FETCH constants for a body from the kernel pool            cspice_bodvcd
FETCH constants for a body from the kernel pool, deprecate cspice_bodvar
FETCH double precision data from a type 2 dsk segment      cspice_dskd02
FETCH element from character column entry                  cspice_ekgc
FETCH element from double precision column entry           cspice_ekgd
FETCH element from integer column entry                    cspice_ekgi
FETCH ids of built-in reference frames                     cspice_bltfrm
FETCH ids of reference frames from the kernel pool         cspice_kplfrm
FETCH information about a loaded spice kernel              cspice_kinfo
FETCH integer data from a type 2 dsk segment               cspice_dski02
FETCH model size parameters from a type 2 dsk segment      cspice_dskz02
FETCH parameters from a type 2 dsk segment                 cspice_dskb02
FETCH plate data from a type 2 dsk segment                 cspice_dskp02
FETCH reference frame attributes                           cspice_cidfrm
FETCH the rotation and frame of a constant offset frame    cspice_tkfram
FETCH the rotation and frame of a text kernel frame        cspice_tkfram
FIELD of view at specified time, ray in instrument         cspice_fovray
FIELD of view at specified time, target in instrument      cspice_fovtrg
FILE, add character data to a das                          cspice_dasadc
FILE, add double precision data to a das                   cspice_dasadd
FILE, add integer data to a das                            cspice_dasadi
FILE and segment, select SPK                               cspice_spksfs
FILE, apparent position from SPK                           cspice_spkapo
FILE, begin backward search in dla                         cspice_dlabbs
FILE, begin forward search in dla                          cspice_dlabfs
FILE, begin new segment in dla                             cspice_dlabns
FILE, close a CK                                           cspice_ckcls
FILE, close a das                                          cspice_dascls
FILE, close a dsk                                          cspice_dskcls
FILE, close an SPK                                         cspice_spkcls
FILE, determine the architecture and type of a kernel      cspice_getfat
FILE, end new segment in dla                               cspice_dlaens
FILE exist, does the                                       cspice_exists
FILE, extract comments from a das                          cspice_dasec
FILE, find frame class id codes of frames in binary pck    cspice_pckfrm
FILE, find id codes of bodies in dsk                       cspice_dskobj
FILE, find id codes of bodies in SPK                       cspice_spkobj
FILE, find id codes of ephemeris objects in dsk            cspice_dskobj
FILE, find id codes of ephemeris objects in SPK            cspice_spkobj
FILE, find id codes of objects in CK                       cspice_ckobj
FILE, find id codes of surfaces in dsk                     cspice_dsksrf
FILE, find next segment in dla                             cspice_dlafns
FILE, find previous segment in dla                         cspice_dlafps
FILE, find the amount of data in a das                     cspice_dashfs
FILE for adding segments, open an existing SPK             cspice_spkopa
FILE for read access, open a das                           cspice_dasopr
FILE for reading, open a das                               cspice_dasopr
FILE for write access, open a das                          cspice_dasopw
FILE for writing, open a das                               cspice_dasopw
FILE into the pool, load variables from a text kernel      cspice_ldpool
FILE, load CK pointing                                     cspice_cklpf
FILE, load EK                                              cspice_eklef
FILE, load pck                                             cspice_pcklof
FILE, load SPK ephemeris                                   cspice_spklef
FILE, open a new CK                                        cspice_ckopn
FILE, open a new das                                       cspice_dasonw
FILE, open a new dla                                       cspice_dlaopn
FILE, open a new dsk                                       cspice_dskopn
FILE, open a new SPK                                       cspice_spkopn
FILE, open a scratch das                                   cspice_dasops
FILE position and velocity, SPK                            cspice_spkpvn
FILE, read a non-blank line from a text                    cspice_iswhsp
FILE, read character data from a das                       cspice_dasrdc
FILE, read double precision data from a das                cspice_dasrdd
FILE, read integer data from a das                         cspice_dasrdi
FILE, return last logical addresses in das                 cspice_daslla
FILE, return logical address range of das                  cspice_daslla
FILE, return the file summary of a das                     cspice_dashfs
FILE summary of a das file, return the                     cspice_dashfs
FILE, unload CK pointing                                   cspice_ckupf
FILE, unload EK                                            cspice_ekuef
FILE, unload pck                                           cspice_pckuof
FILE, unload SPK ephemeris                                 cspice_spkuef
FILE, update double precision data in a das                cspice_dasudd
FILE, update integer data in a das                         cspice_dasudi
FILE with write access, open a new das                     cspice_dasonw
FILE with write access, open a new dla                     cspice_dlaopn
FILE, write buffered records to a das                      cspice_daswbr
FILL small gaps in a d.p. window                           cspice_wnfild
FILTER small intervals from a d.p. window                  cspice_wnfltd
FIND a position transformation matrix                      cspice_pxform
FIND a state transformation matrix                         cspice_sxform
FIND constants for a body in the kernel pool               cspice_bodfnd
FIND EK data                                               cspice_ekfind
FIND frame class id codes of frames in binary pck file     cspice_pckfrm
FIND id codes of bodies in dsk file                        cspice_dskobj
FIND id codes of bodies in SPK file                        cspice_spkobj
FIND id codes of ephemeris objects in dsk file             cspice_dskobj
FIND id codes of ephemeris objects in SPK file             cspice_spkobj
FIND id codes of objects in CK file                        cspice_ckobj
FIND id codes of surfaces in dsk file                      cspice_dsksrf
FIND info associated with a frame class and class id       cspice_ccifrm
FIND intercept of ray on target body surface               cspice_sincpt
FIND intersection of ray and target body surface           cspice_sincpt
FIND limb points on target body                            cspice_limbpt
FIND nearest point to observer on target body              cspice_subpnt
FIND nearest point to ray on ellipsoid                     cspice_tangpt
FIND nearest point to sun on target body                   cspice_subslr
FIND next DAF array                                        cspice_daffna
FIND next segment in dla file                              cspice_dlafns
FIND penumbral terminator on ellipsoid                     cspice_edterm
FIND previous DAF array                                    cspice_daffpa
FIND previous segment in dla file                          cspice_dlafps
FIND ray-ellipsoid tangent point                           cspice_tangpt
FIND sub-observer point on target body                     cspice_subpnt
FIND sub-solar point on target body                        cspice_subslr
FIND sub-spacecraft point on target body                   cspice_subpnt
FIND surface intercept point                               cspice_sincpt
FIND terminator on ellipsoid                               cspice_edterm
FIND terminator points on target body                      cspice_termpt
FIND the amount of data in a das file                      cspice_dashfs
FIND umbral terminator on ellipsoid                        cspice_edterm
FINISH a fast EK segment write                             cspice_ekffld
FIT, estimate function derivative using quadratic          cspice_qderiv
FIXED position target, state of                            cspice_spkcpt
FLAGS, emission angle general source with                  cspice_illumf
FLAGS, illumination angles general source with             cspice_illumf
FLAGS, incidence angle general source with                 cspice_illumf
FLAGS, lighting angles general source with                 cspice_illumf
FLAGS, phase angle general source with                     cspice_illumf
FORCE model, propagate state vector using two-body         cspice_prop2b
FORMAT, convert spacecraft clock ticks to character clock  cspice_scfmt
FORMAT d.p. seconds past J2000 as a string, convert and    cspice_timout
FORMAT, handle to DAF summary                              cspice_dafhsf
FORMAT picture, use a sample time string to produce a time cspice_tpictr
FORMATTED d.p. value, replace marker with                  cspice_repmf
FORWARD search, begin DAF                                  cspice_dafbfs
FORWARD search in dla file, begin                          cspice_dlabfs
FOV at specified time, ray in instrument                   cspice_fovray
FOV at specified time, target in instrument                cspice_fovtrg
FOV parameters, return instrument's                        cspice_getfov
FOV parameters, using instrument name, return instrument's cspice_getfvn
FOV search, gf ray in instrument                           cspice_gfrfov
FOV search, gf target in instrument                        cspice_gftfov
FRAME attributes, fetch reference                          cspice_cidfrm
FRAME, build a right handed coordinate                     cspice_frame
FRAME class and class id, find info associated with a      cspice_ccifrm
FRAME class and class id to frame info, map                cspice_ccifrm
FRAME class and class id to frame name, id, and center, ma cspice_ccifrm
FRAME class id codes of frames in binary pck file, find    cspice_pckfrm
FRAME, fetch the rotation and frame of a constant offset   cspice_tkfram
FRAME, fetch the rotation and frame of a text kernel       cspice_tkfram
FRAME from two vectors, define an orthonormal              cspice_twovec
FRAME, get coverage start and stop time for binary pck     cspice_pckcov
FRAME, get coverage start and stop time for CK             cspice_ckcov
FRAME, get coverage window for binary pck reference        cspice_pckcov
FRAME, get instrument frame rotation and reference         cspice_ckfrot
FRAME, get instrument frame transformation and reference   cspice_ckfxfm
FRAME id code to frame name translation                    cspice_frmnam
FRAME idcode translation, frame name to                    cspice_namfrm
FRAME info, map frame class and class id to                cspice_ccifrm
FRAME name, id, and center, map frame class and class id t cspice_ccifrm
FRAME name to frame idcode translation                     cspice_namfrm
FRAME name translation, frame id code to                   cspice_frmnam
FRAME of a constant offset frame, fetch the rotation and   cspice_tkfram
FRAME of a text kernel frame, fetch the rotation and       cspice_tkfram
FRAME rotation and reference frame, get instrument         cspice_ckfrot
FRAME transformation and reference frame, get instrument   cspice_ckfxfm
FRAMES, fetch ids of built-in reference                    cspice_bltfrm
FRAMES in binary pck file, find frame class id codes of    cspice_pckfrm
FUNCTION derivative using quadratic fit, estimate          cspice_qderiv
FUNCTION using hermite polynomial, interpolate             cspice_hrmesp
FUNCTION using lagrange polynomial, interpolate            cspice_lgresp
G Top

GAPS in a d.p. window, fill small                          cspice_wnfild
GENERAL source, emission angle                             cspice_illumg
GENERAL source, illumination angles                        cspice_illumg
GENERAL source, incidence angle                            cspice_illumg
GENERAL source, lighting angles                            cspice_illumg
GENERAL source, phase angle                                cspice_illumg
GENERAL source with flags, emission angle                  cspice_illumf
GENERAL source with flags, illumination angles             cspice_illumf
GENERAL source with flags, incidence angle                 cspice_illumf
GENERAL source with flags, lighting angles                 cspice_illumf
GENERAL source with flags, phase angle                     cspice_illumf
GENERATE a rotation matrix                                 cspice_rotate
GENERATING vectors, ellipse to center and                  cspice_el2cgv
GENERATING vectors, semi-axes of ellipse from              cspice_saelgv
GENERATING vectors to ellipse, center and                  cspice_cgv2el
GEODETIC coordinates, jacobian of rectangular w.r.t.       cspice_drdgeo
GEODETIC, rectangular to                                   cspice_recgeo
GEODETIC to rectangular coordinates                        cspice_georec
GEODETIC w.r.t. rectangular coordinates, jacobian of       cspice_dgeodr
GEOMETRIC position of one body relative to another         cspice_spkgps
GEOMETRIC state of one body relative to another            cspice_spkgeo
GET apparent position                                      cspice_spkapo
GET CK pointing                                            cspice_ckgp
GET CK pointing and angular velocity                       cspice_ckgpav
GET CK type 2 record                                       cspice_ckgr02
GET CK type 3 record                                       cspice_ckgr03
GET coverage start and stop time for binary pck frame      cspice_pckcov
GET coverage start and stop time for body                  cspice_spkcov
GET coverage start and stop time for CK frame              cspice_ckcov
GET coverage start and stop time for CK instrument         cspice_ckcov
GET coverage start and stop time for CK object             cspice_ckcov
GET coverage start and stop time for ephemeris object      cspice_spkcov
GET coverage start and stop time for SPK object            cspice_spkcov
GET coverage window for binary pck reference frame         cspice_pckcov
GET coverage window for CK object                          cspice_ckcov
GET coverage window for SPK object                         cspice_spkcov
GET DAF array name                                         cspice_dafgn
GET DAF summary                                            cspice_dafgs
GET instrument frame rotation and reference frame          cspice_ckfrot
GET instrument frame transformation and reference frame    cspice_ckfxfm
GET position relative observer corrected for aberrations   cspice_spkezp
GET state relative to observer corrected for aberrations   cspice_spkez
GET target position relative to an observer                cspice_spkezp
GET target position relative to an observer, using names   cspice_spkpos
GET target state relative to an observer, using body codes cspice_spkez
GET target state relative to an observer, using body names cspice_spkezr
GET the 3x3 identity matrix                                cspice_ident
GF angular separation search                               cspice_gfsep
GF distance search                                         cspice_gfdist
GF occultation search                                      cspice_gfoclt
GF phase angle search                                      cspice_gfpa
GF position coordinate search                              cspice_gfposc
GF range rate search                                       cspice_gfrr
GF ray in instrument fov search                            cspice_gfrfov
GF routines, change default convergence tolerance for      cspice_gfstol
GF subpoint coordinate search                              cspice_gfsubc
GF surface intercept coordinate search                     cspice_gfsntc
GF target in instrument fov search                         cspice_gftfov
GIVEN surface normal, point on an ellipsoid having         cspice_ednmpt
GIVEN type, number of loaded kernels of a                  cspice_ktotal
GREGORIAN and julian calendars                             cspice_timdef
GROUND track, velocity of a                                cspice_dnearp
H Top

HALF the value of pi                                       cspice_halfpi
HANDED coordinate frame, build a right                     cspice_frame
HANDLE and descriptors, dsk ray-surface intercept with     cspice_dskxsi
HANDLE to DAF summary format                               cspice_dafhsf
HANDLING, parse d.p. number with encapsulated error        cspice_prsdp
HANDLING, parse integer with encapsulated error            cspice_prsint
HAVING given surface normal, point on an ellipsoid         cspice_ednmpt
HERMITE interpolation                                      cspice_hrmesp
HERMITE polynomial, interpolate function using             cspice_hrmesp
HEXADECIMAL string, convert d.p. to signed normalized      cspice_dp2hx
HEXADECIMAL string to d.p., convert signed normalized      cspice_hx2dp
I Top

ID code and body id code to surface string, surface        cspice_srfc2s
ID code and body string to surface string, surface         cspice_srfcss
ID code, surface string and body id code to surface        cspice_srfscc
ID code, surface string and body string to surface         cspice_srfs2c
ID code to frame name translation, frame                   cspice_frmnam
ID code to name, body                                      cspice_bodc2n
ID code to string, body                                    cspice_bodc2s
ID code to surface id code, surface string and body        cspice_srfscc
ID code to surface string, surface id code and body        cspice_srfc2s
ID codes of bodies in dsk file, find                       cspice_dskobj
ID codes of bodies in SPK file, find                       cspice_spkobj
ID codes of ephemeris objects in dsk file, find            cspice_dskobj
ID codes of ephemeris objects in SPK file, find            cspice_spkobj
ID codes of frames in binary pck file, find frame class    cspice_pckfrm
ID codes of objects in CK file, find                       cspice_ckobj
ID codes of surfaces in dsk file, find                     cspice_dsksrf
ID, compute normal vector from dsk type 2 plate            cspice_dskn02
ID, find info associated with a frame class and class      cspice_ccifrm
ID, map c-kernel id to SCLK and SPK                        cspice_ckmeta
ID to frame info, map frame class and class                cspice_ccifrm
ID to frame name, id, and center, map frame class and clas cspice_ccifrm
ID to SCLK and SPK id, map c-kernel                        cspice_ckmeta
IDCODE translation, frame name to frame                    cspice_namfrm
IDENTITY matrix, get the 3x3                               cspice_ident
IDS of built-in reference frames, fetch                    cspice_bltfrm
IDS of reference frames from the kernel pool, fetch        cspice_kplfrm
ILLUMINATION angle constraints, search using               cspice_gfilum
ILLUMINATION angle constraints, solve for                  cspice_gfilum
ILLUMINATION angles                                        cspice_ilumin
ILLUMINATION angles general source                         cspice_illumg
ILLUMINATION angles general source with flags              cspice_illumf
ILLUMINATION angles using dsk type 2 plate model, deprecat cspice_illum_plid_pl0
ILLUMINATION source, compute phase angle for arbitrary     cspice_phaseq
INCIDENCE angle constraints, solve for                     cspice_gfilum
INCIDENCE angle general source                             cspice_illumg
INCIDENCE angle general source with flags                  cspice_illumf
INCIDENCE angle, solar                                     cspice_ilumin
INCLUDED in a d.p. window                                  cspice_wnincd
INDEX for type 2 dsk segment, make spatial                 cspice_dskmi2
INDEX, return information on loaded EK column specified by cspice_ekcii
INDICATE whether a matrix is a rotation matrix             cspice_isrot
INERTIAL position to bodyfixed, transformation from        cspice_tipbod
INERTIAL state to bodyfixed, transformation from           cspice_tisbod
INFORMATION about a kernel pool variable, return summary   cspice_dtpool
INFORMATION about a loaded spice kernel, fetch             cspice_kinfo
INFORMATION, dsk ray-surface intercept with source         cspice_dskxsi
INFORMATION on loaded EK column specified by index, return cspice_ekcii
INFORMATION on loaded spice kernels, retrieve              cspice_kdata
INFORMATION, spacecraft clock partition                    cspice_scpart
INSERT an interval into a d.p. window                      cspice_wninsd
INSERT an item into a d.p. set                             cspice_insrtd
INSERT an item into an integer set                         cspice_insrti
INSERT record into EK segment                              cspice_ekinsr
INSTRUMENT field of view at specified time, ray in         cspice_fovray
INSTRUMENT field of view at specified time, target in      cspice_fovtrg
INSTRUMENT fov at specified time, ray in                   cspice_fovray
INSTRUMENT fov at specified time, target in                cspice_fovtrg
INSTRUMENT fov search, gf ray in                           cspice_gfrfov
INSTRUMENT fov search, gf target in                        cspice_gftfov
INSTRUMENT frame rotation and reference frame, get         cspice_ckfrot
INSTRUMENT frame transformation and reference frame, get   cspice_ckfxfm
INSTRUMENT, get coverage start and stop time for CK        cspice_ckcov
INSTRUMENT name, return instrument's fov parameters, using cspice_getfvn
INSTRUMENT'S fov parameters, return                        cspice_getfov
INSTRUMENT'S fov parameters, using instrument name, return cspice_getfvn
INTEGER array, sum of an                                   cspice_sumai
INTEGER cell, append an item to an                         cspice_appndi
INTEGER cell, cardinality of an                            cspice_card
INTEGER cell, create an                                    cspice_celli
INTEGER cell, set the cardinality of an                    cspice_scard
INTEGER column entry, fetch element from                   cspice_ekgi
INTEGER column to EK segment, write entire                 cspice_ekacli
INTEGER data from a das file, read                         cspice_dasrdi
INTEGER data from a type 2 dsk segment, fetch              cspice_dski02
INTEGER data from EK column, read                          cspice_ekrcei
INTEGER data in a das file, update                         cspice_dasudi
INTEGER data to a das file, add                            cspice_dasadi
INTEGER data to EK column, add                             cspice_ekacei
INTEGER data to EK column, write                           cspice_ekacei
INTEGER entry in an EK column, replace                     cspice_ekucei
INTEGER number, largest                                    cspice_intmax
INTEGER number, smallest                                   cspice_intmin
INTEGER, replace marker with                               cspice_repmi
INTEGER set, insert an item into an                        cspice_insrti
INTEGER set, remove an item from an                        cspice_removi
INTEGER value of a pooled kernel variable, return the      cspice_gipool
INTEGER value within an interval, bracket an               cspice_brckti
INTEGER with encapsulated error handling, parse            cspice_prsint
INTEGRAL of chebyshev polynomial expansion                 cspice_chbigr
INTEGRATE chebyshev polynomial expansion                   cspice_chbigr
INTERCEPT coordinate search, gf surface                    cspice_gfsntc
INTERCEPT of ray on target body surface, find              cspice_sincpt
INTERCEPT point, find surface                              cspice_sincpt
INTERCEPT, vectorized ray-dsk                              cspice_dskxv
INTERCEPT, vectorized ray-surface                          cspice_dskxv
INTERCEPT with body, line of sight                         cspice_surfpt
INTERCEPT with handle and descriptors, dsk ray-surface     cspice_dskxsi
INTERCEPT with source information, dsk ray-surface         cspice_dskxsi
INTERNAL text buffer, load the kernel pool from an         cspice_lmpool
INTERPOLATE a chebyshev expansion                          cspice_chbint
INTERPOLATE function using hermite polynomial              cspice_hrmesp
INTERPOLATE function using lagrange polynomial             cspice_lgresp
INTERPOLATION, hermite                                     cspice_hrmesp
INTERPOLATION, lagrange                                    cspice_lgresp
INTERSECT two d.p. windows                                 cspice_wnintd
INTERSECTED by ray, plate and plate model point            cspice_dskx02
INTERSECTION between ray and ellipsoid, point of           cspice_surfpt
INTERSECTION of ellipse and plane                          cspice_inelpl
INTERSECTION of ellipsoid and plane                        cspice_inedpl
INTERSECTION of ray and ellipsoid, surface point of        cspice_surfpt
INTERSECTION of ray and plane                              cspice_inrypl
INTERSECTION of ray and surface                            cspice_dskx02
INTERSECTION of ray and target body surface, find          cspice_sincpt
INTERSECTION of two sets                                   cspice_inter
INTERVAL, bracket a d.p. value within an                   cspice_brcktd
INTERVAL, bracket an integer value within an               cspice_brckti
INTERVAL from a d.p. window, fetch an                      cspice_wnfetd
INTERVAL into a d.p. window, insert an                     cspice_wninsd
INTERVAL of expansion for abbreviated years, set the       cspice_tsetyr
INTERVALS from a d.p. window, filter small                 cspice_wnfltd
INTERVALS of a d.p. window, contract the                   cspice_wncond
INTERVALS of a d.p. window, expand the                     cspice_wnexpd
INVERSE of state transformation matrix                     cspice_invstm
INVERT a 3x3 matrix                                        cspice_invert
INVERT a pseudo orthogonal matrix                          cspice_invort
INVERT the lengths of the rows, transpose a matrix and     cspice_invort
INVERTED, vector projection onto plane                     cspice_vprjpi
ISSUE EK query                                             cspice_ekfind
ITEM from a d.p. set, remove an                            cspice_removd
ITEM from an integer set, remove an                        cspice_removi
ITEM into a d.p. set, insert an                            cspice_insrtd
ITEM into an integer set, insert an                        cspice_insrti
ITEM to a d.p. cell, append an                             cspice_appndd
ITEM to an integer cell, append an                         cspice_appndi
ITEMS from a list, parse                                   cspice_lparse
ITEMS, load spice data from a list of                      cspice_furnsh
J Top

J2000 as a string, convert and format d.p. seconds past    cspice_timout
J2000 epoch, convert a string to tdb seconds past the      cspice_str2et
JACOBIAN matrix of az/el w.r.t. rectangular coordinates    cspice_dazldr
JACOBIAN matrix of rectangular w.r.t. az/el coordinates    cspice_drdazl
JACOBIAN of cylindrical w.r.t. rectangular coordinates     cspice_dcyldr
JACOBIAN of geodetic w.r.t. rectangular coordinates        cspice_dgeodr
JACOBIAN of planetographic w.r.t. rectangular coordinates  cspice_dpgrdr
JACOBIAN of rectangular w.r.t. cylindrical coordinates     cspice_drdcyl
JACOBIAN of rectangular w.r.t. geodetic coordinates        cspice_drdgeo
JACOBIAN of rectangular w.r.t. latitudinal coordinates     cspice_dlatdr
JACOBIAN of rectangular w.r.t. planetographic coordinates  cspice_drdpgr
JACOBIAN of rectangular w.r.t. spherical coordinates       cspice_drdsph
JACOBIAN of spherical w.r.t. rectangular coordinates       cspice_dsphdr
JULIAN calendars, gregorian and                            cspice_timdef
JULIAN date of 1900.0 jan 0.5                              cspice_j1900
JULIAN date of 1950.0 jan 1.0                              cspice_j1950
JULIAN date of 2000 jan 1.5                                cspice_j2000
JULIAN date of 2100 jan 1.5                                cspice_j2100
JULIAN year, number of seconds per                         cspice_jyear
K Top

KERNEL, fetch information about a loaded spice             cspice_kinfo
KERNEL file, determine the architecture and type of a      cspice_getfat
KERNEL file into the pool, load variables from a text      cspice_ldpool
KERNEL frame, fetch the rotation and frame of a text       cspice_tkfram
KERNEL pool definition parameter, return a                 cspice_szpool
KERNEL pool, fetch constants for a body from the           cspice_bodvcd
KERNEL pool, fetch ids of reference frames from the        cspice_kplfrm
KERNEL pool, find constants for a body in the              cspice_bodfnd
KERNEL pool from an internal text buffer, load the         cspice_lmpool
KERNEL pool, retrieve a continued string value from the    cspice_stpool
KERNEL pool variable, check the properties of a            cspice_badkpv
KERNEL pool variable, delete a                             cspice_dvpool
KERNEL pool variable, return summary information about a   cspice_dtpool
KERNEL pool variable, set the value of a character         cspice_pcpool
KERNEL pool variable, set the value of a d.p.              cspice_pdpool
KERNEL pool variable, set the value of a numeric           cspice_pipool
KERNEL pool variables matching a template, return names of cspice_gnpool
KERNEL, unload a spice                                     cspice_unload
KERNEL variable, confirm the existence of a pooled numeric cspice_expool
KERNEL variable, return the character value of a pooled    cspice_gcpool
KERNEL variable, return the d.p. value of a pooled         cspice_gdpool
KERNEL variable, return the integer value of a pooled      cspice_gipool
KERNEL variable, return the numeric value of a pooled      cspice_gdpool
KERNEL variable, return the string value of a pooled       cspice_gcpool
KERNEL variables, clear the pool of                        cspice_clpool
KERNELS of a given type, number of loaded                  cspice_ktotal
KERNELS, retrieve information on loaded spice              cspice_kdata
KERNELS, unload all                                        cspice_kclear
L Top

L s, compute                                               cspice_lspcn
L sub s, compute                                           cspice_lspcn
LAGRANGE interpolation                                     cspice_lgresp
LAGRANGE polynomial, interpolate function using            cspice_lgresp
LANDMARK on extended object, az/el coordinates relative to cspice_azlcpo
LANDMARK on extended object, state of                      cspice_spkcpt
LANDMARK on extended object, state relative to             cspice_spkcpo
LARGEST d.p. number                                        cspice_dpmax
LARGEST integer number                                     cspice_intmax
LAST logical addresses in das file, return                 cspice_daslla
LAST non-blank character                                   cspice_lastnb
LATITUDINAL coordinates, jacobian of rectangular w.r.t.    cspice_dlatdr
LATITUDINAL coordinates, rectangular to                    cspice_reclat
LATITUDINAL coordinates, spherical to                      cspice_sphlat
LATITUDINAL coordinates to cartesian surface points, map   cspice_latsrf
LATITUDINAL coordinates to dsk surface points, map         cspice_latsrf
LATITUDINAL coordinates to rectangular, convert body-fixed cspice_srfrec
LATITUDINAL coordinates to rectangular, convert surface    cspice_srfrec
LATITUDINAL coordinates to rectangular, surface point      cspice_srfrec
LATITUDINAL, cylindrical to                                cspice_cyllat
LATITUDINAL to cylindrical coordinates                     cspice_latcyl
LATITUDINAL to rectangular coordinates                     cspice_latrec
LATITUDINAL to spherical coordinates                       cspice_latsph
LIE on ellipsoid, scale point to                           cspice_edpnt
LIGHT in a vacuum, measured velocity of                    cspice_clight
LIGHT time, compute uplink and downlink                    cspice_ltime
LIGHTING angle constraints, search using                   cspice_gfilum
LIGHTING angles                                            cspice_ilumin
LIGHTING angles general source                             cspice_illumg
LIGHTING angles general source with flags                  cspice_illumf
LIMB, ellipsoid                                            cspice_edlimb
LIMB points on target body, find                           cspice_limbpt
LINE and ellipsoid, distance between                       cspice_npedln
LINE, distance between point and                           cspice_nplnpt
LINE from a text file, read a non-blank                    cspice_iswhsp
LINE, nearest point on ellipsoid to                        cspice_npedln
LINE of sight and body, distance between                   cspice_npedln
LINE of sight intercept with body                          cspice_surfpt
LINE to point, nearest point on                            cspice_nplnpt
LINEAR combination of three 3-dimensional vectors          cspice_vlcom3
LINEAR combination of two 3-dimensional vectors            cspice_vlcom
LINEAR combination of two n-dimensional vectors            cspice_vlcomg
LIST of items, load spice data from a                      cspice_furnsh
LIST, parse items from a                                   cspice_lparse
LOAD CK pointing file                                      cspice_cklpf
LOAD e-kernel                                              cspice_eklef
LOAD EK file                                               cspice_eklef
LOAD pck file                                              cspice_pcklof
LOAD spice data from a list of items                       cspice_furnsh
LOAD SPK ephemeris file                                    cspice_spklef
LOAD the kernel pool from an internal text buffer          cspice_lmpool
LOAD variables from a text kernel file into the pool       cspice_ldpool
LOADED EK column specified by index, return information on cspice_ekcii
LOADED EK columns, return the count of                     cspice_ekccnt
LOADED EK columns, return the number of                    cspice_ekccnt
LOADED kernels of a given type, number of                  cspice_ktotal
LOADED spice kernel, fetch information about a             cspice_kinfo
LOADED spice kernels, retrieve information on              cspice_kdata
LOADED table, return name of a                             cspice_ektnam
LOADED tables, return number of                            cspice_ekntab
LOCAL time for a point on a body., compute the             cspice_et2lst
LOGICAL address range of das file, return                  cspice_daslla
LOGICAL addresses in das file, return last                 cspice_daslla
LOGICAL addresses using substrings, update a range of das  cspice_dasudc
LOGICAL addresses, write substrings to a range of das      cspice_dasudc
LOGICAL value, replace marker with                         cspice_repml
LONGITUDE of sun, planetocentric                           cspice_lspcn
LOWERCASE, convert to                                      cspice_lcase
LS, compute                                                cspice_lspcn
M Top

MAKE spatial index for type 2 dsk segment                  cspice_dskmi2
MAP c-kernel id to SCLK and SPK id                         cspice_ckmeta
MAP cartesian surface points to normal vectors             cspice_srfnrm
MAP frame class and class id to frame info                 cspice_ccifrm
MAP frame class and class id to frame name, id, and center cspice_ccifrm
MAP latitudinal coordinates to cartesian surface points    cspice_latsrf
MAP latitudinal coordinates to dsk surface points          cspice_latsrf
MARGIN parameters, retrieve dsk tolerance or               cspice_dskgtl
MARGIN parameters, set dsk tolerance or                    cspice_dskstl
MARKER with cardinal text, replace                         cspice_repmct
MARKER with character string, replace                      cspice_repmc
MARKER with d.p. number, replace                           cspice_repmd
MARKER with formatted d.p. value, replace                  cspice_repmf
MARKER with integer, replace                               cspice_repmi
MARKER with logical value, replace                         cspice_repml
MARKER with ordinal text, replace                          cspice_repmot
MATCH string against wildcard template                     cspice_matchi
MATCHES a wildcard template, test whether a string         cspice_matchi
MATCHING a template, return names of kernel pool variables cspice_gnpool
MATRIX 3x3 case, matrix times                              cspice_mxm
MATRIX 3x3 case, matrix transpose times                    cspice_mtxm
MATRIX and invert the lengths of the rows, transpose a     cspice_invort
MATRIX, euler angles to                                    cspice_eul2m
MATRIX, find a position transformation                     cspice_pxform
MATRIX, find a state transformation                        cspice_sxform
MATRIX for different epochs, position transformation       cspice_pxfrm2
MATRIX from two states, define a state transformation      cspice_twovxf
MATRIX, generate a rotation                                cspice_rotate
MATRIX, get the 3x3 identity                               cspice_ident
MATRIX, indicate whether a matrix is a rotation            cspice_isrot
MATRIX, inverse of state transformation                    cspice_invstm
MATRIX, invert a 3x3                                       cspice_invert
MATRIX, invert a pseudo orthogonal                         cspice_invort
MATRIX is a rotation matrix, indicate whether a            cspice_isrot
MATRIX of az/el w.r.t. rectangular coordinates, jacobian   cspice_dazldr
MATRIX of rectangular w.r.t. az/el coordinates, jacobian   cspice_drdazl
MATRIX, quaternion to                                      cspice_q2m
MATRIX, rotate a                                           cspice_rotmat
MATRIX, rotation axis of a                                 cspice_raxisa
MATRIX times 3-dimensional vector                          cspice_mxv
MATRIX times matrix 3x3 case                               cspice_mxm
MATRIX times matrix transpose 3x3 case                     cspice_mxmt
MATRIX times vector, 3-dimensional vector transpose times  cspice_vtmv
MATRIX to euler angles                                     cspice_m2eul
MATRIX to quaternion                                       cspice_m2q
MATRIX transpose 3x3 case, matrix times                    cspice_mxmt
MATRIX, transpose a 3x3                                    cspice_xpose
MATRIX, transpose a 6x6                                    cspice_xpose6
MATRIX transpose times 3-dimensional vector                cspice_mtxv
MATRIX transpose times matrix 3x3 case                     cspice_mtxm
MEASURED velocity of light in a vacuum                     cspice_clight
MODEL area, compute plate                                  cspice_pltar
MODEL point intersected by ray, plate and plate            cspice_dskx02
MODEL, propagate state vector using two-body force         cspice_prop2b
MODEL size parameters from a type 2 dsk segment, fetch     cspice_dskz02
MODEL volume, compute plate                                cspice_pltvol
N Top

N'TH word in a character string                            cspice_nthwd
N-DIMENSIONAL unit vector and norm                         cspice_unormg
N-DIMENSIONAL vector addition                              cspice_vaddg
N-DIMENSIONAL vector is the zero vector, test whether an   cspice_vzerog
N-DIMENSIONAL vector, negate an                            cspice_vminug
N-DIMENSIONAL vector, norm of                              cspice_vnormg
N-DIMENSIONAL vector projection                            cspice_vprojg
N-DIMENSIONAL vector scaling                               cspice_vsclg
N-DIMENSIONAL vector subtraction                           cspice_vsubg
N-DIMENSIONAL vector to another, assign an                 cspice_vequg
N-DIMENSIONAL vector, unitize a                            cspice_vhatg
N-DIMENSIONAL vectors, angular separation of               cspice_vsepg
N-DIMENSIONAL vectors, distance between                    cspice_vdistg
N-DIMENSIONAL vectors, dot product of                      cspice_vdotg
N-DIMENSIONAL vectors, linear combination of two           cspice_vlcomg
N-DIMENSIONAL vectors, relative difference of              cspice_vrelg
NAME, body id code to                                      cspice_bodc2n
NAME, get DAF array                                        cspice_dafgn
NAME of a loaded table, return                             cspice_ektnam
NAME, return instrument's fov parameters, using instrument cspice_getfvn
NAME to code, body                                         cspice_bodn2c
NAME to frame idcode translation, frame                    cspice_namfrm
NAME translation, frame id code to frame                   cspice_frmnam
NAME/ID code definition, body                              cspice_boddef
NAMES get target position relative to an observer, using   cspice_spkpos
NAMES get target state relative to an observer, using body cspice_spkezr
NAMES of kernel pool variables matching a template, return cspice_gnpool
NEAREST point on an ellipsoid                              cspice_nearpt
NEAREST point on an ellipsoid, velocity of the             cspice_dnearp
NEAREST point on ellipse to point                          cspice_npelpt
NEAREST point on ellipsoid to line                         cspice_npedln
NEAREST point on line to point                             cspice_nplnpt
NEAREST point on triangular plate                          cspice_pltnp
NEAREST point to observer on target body, find             cspice_subpnt
NEAREST point to ray on ellipsoid, find                    cspice_tangpt
NEAREST point to sun on target body, find                  cspice_subslr
NEGATE a 3-dimensional vector                              cspice_vminus
NEGATE an n-dimensional vector                             cspice_vminug
NEW CK file, open a                                        cspice_ckopn
NEW das file, open a                                       cspice_dasonw
NEW das file with write access, open a                     cspice_dasonw
NEW dla file, open a                                       cspice_dlaopn
NEW dla file with write access, open a                     cspice_dlaopn
NEW dsk file, open a                                       cspice_dskopn
NEW e-kernel, open                                         cspice_ekopn
NEW e-kernel segment for fast writing, start               cspice_ekifld
NEW e-kernel segment, start                                cspice_ekbseg
NEW EK, open                                               cspice_ekopn
NEW EK segment for fast writing, start                     cspice_ekifld
NEW EK segment, start                                      cspice_ekbseg
NEW segment in dla file, begin                             cspice_dlabns
NEW segment in dla file, end                               cspice_dlaens
NEW SPK file, open a                                       cspice_spkopn
NEXT DAF array, find                                       cspice_daffna
NEXT segment in dla file, find                             cspice_dlafns
NEXT word in a character string                            cspice_nextwd
NON-BLANK character, last                                  cspice_lastnb
NON-BLANK line from a text file, read a                    cspice_iswhsp
NORAD two-line element data using sgp4., evaluate          cspice_evsgp4
NORM, 3-dimensional unit vector and                        cspice_unorm
NORM, derivative of 3-vector                               cspice_dvnorm
NORM, n-dimensional unit vector and                        cspice_unormg
NORM of 3-dimensional vector                               cspice_vnorm
NORM of n-dimensional vector                               cspice_vnormg
NORMAL, point on an ellipsoid having given surface         cspice_ednmpt
NORMAL vector and constant, plane to                       cspice_pl2nvc
NORMAL vector and constant to plane                        cspice_nvc2pl
NORMAL vector and point, plane to                          cspice_pl2nvp
NORMAL vector and point to plane                           cspice_nvp2pl
NORMAL vector for a type 2 dsk plate, compute              cspice_dskn02
NORMAL vector from dsk type 2 plate id, compute            cspice_dskn02
NORMAL vector of triangular plate from vertices, compute   cspice_pltnrm
NORMAL vector on an ellipsoid, surface                     cspice_surfnm
NORMAL vectors, map cartesian surface points to            cspice_srfnrm
NORMAL vectors on dsk surface, compute                     cspice_srfnrm
NORMAL vectors on topographic surface, compute             cspice_srfnrm
NORMALIZED hexadecimal string, convert d.p. to signed      cspice_dp2hx
NORMALIZED hexadecimal string to d.p., convert signed      cspice_hx2dp
NOTATION, convert d.p. to base 16 scientific               cspice_dp2hx
NOTATION d.p. number, convert base 16 scientific           cspice_hx2dp
NUMBER, convert base 16 scientific notation d.p.           cspice_hx2dp
NUMBER, convert d.p. number to encoded d.p.                cspice_dp2hx
NUMBER, convert encoded d.p. number to d.p.                cspice_hx2dp
NUMBER, largest d.p.                                       cspice_dpmax
NUMBER, largest integer                                    cspice_intmax
NUMBER of CK type 2 records                                cspice_cknr02
NUMBER of CK type 3 records                                cspice_cknr03
NUMBER of elements in a column entry, return the           cspice_eknelt
NUMBER of loaded EK columns, return the                    cspice_ekccnt
NUMBER of loaded kernels of a given type                   cspice_ktotal
NUMBER of loaded tables, return                            cspice_ekntab
NUMBER of seconds per julian year                          cspice_jyear
NUMBER of seconds per tropical year                        cspice_tyear
NUMBER of segments in an e-kernel, return                  cspice_eknseg
NUMBER, replace marker with d.p.                           cspice_repmd
NUMBER, smallest d.p.                                      cspice_dpmin
NUMBER, smallest integer                                   cspice_intmin
NUMBER to d.p. number, convert encoded d.p.                cspice_hx2dp
NUMBER to encoded d.p. number, convert d.p.                cspice_dp2hx
NUMBER with encapsulated error handling, parse d.p.        cspice_prsdp
NUMERIC kernel pool variable, set the value of a           cspice_pipool
NUMERIC kernel variable, confirm the existence of a pooled cspice_expool
NUMERIC time system to another, convert one additive       cspice_unitim
NUMERIC time system to another, convert one uniform        cspice_unitim
NUMERIC time systems, transform between two additive       cspice_unitim
NUMERIC time systems, transform between two uniform        cspice_unitim
NUMERIC value of a pooled kernel variable, return the      cspice_gdpool
O Top

OBJECTS in CK file, find id codes of                       cspice_ckobj
OBJECTS in dsk file, find id codes of ephemeris            cspice_dskobj
OBJECTS in SPK file, find id codes of ephemeris            cspice_spkobj
OBSERVER corrected for aberrations, get position relative  cspice_spkezp
OBSERVER corrected for aberrations, get state relative to  cspice_spkez
OBSERVER corrected for aberrations, position relative to   cspice_spkpos
OBSERVER, get target position relative to an               cspice_spkezp
OBSERVER on target body, find nearest point to             cspice_subpnt
OBSERVER, using body codes get target state relative to an cspice_spkez
OBSERVER, using body names get target state relative to an cspice_spkezr
OBSERVER, using names get target position relative to an   cspice_spkpos
OCCULTATION search, gf                                     cspice_gfoclt
OCCULTATION type at a specified time                       cspice_occult
OFFSET frame, fetch the rotation and frame of a constant   cspice_tkfram
OPEN a das file for read access                            cspice_dasopr
OPEN a das file for reading                                cspice_dasopr
OPEN a das file for write access                           cspice_dasopw
OPEN a das file for writing                                cspice_dasopw
OPEN a new CK file                                         cspice_ckopn
OPEN a new das file                                        cspice_dasonw
OPEN a new das file with write access                      cspice_dasonw
OPEN a new dla file                                        cspice_dlaopn
OPEN a new dla file with write access                      cspice_dlaopn
OPEN a new dsk file                                        cspice_dskopn
OPEN a new SPK file                                        cspice_spkopn
OPEN a scratch das file                                    cspice_dasops
OPEN an existing SPK file for adding segments              cspice_spkopa
OPEN DAF for read                                          cspice_dafopr
OPEN EK for reading                                        cspice_ekopr
OPEN existing DAF for write                                cspice_dafopw
OPEN existing EK for writing                               cspice_ekopw
OPEN new e-kernel                                          cspice_ekopn
OPEN new EK                                                cspice_ekopn
OPEN scratch e-kernel                                      cspice_ekops
OPEN scratch EK                                            cspice_ekops
ORDINAL text, replace marker with                          cspice_repmot
ORTHOGONAL, --- see perpendicular
ORTHOGONAL matrix, invert a pseudo                         cspice_invort
ORTHONORMAL frame from two vectors, define an              cspice_twovec
OSCULATING elements, convert state to                      cspice_oscelt
OSCULATING elements, convert state to extended             cspice_oscltx
OSCULATING elements from state                             cspice_oscelt
OSCULATING elements from state, extended                   cspice_oscltx
P Top

PACK DAF summary                                           cspice_dafps
PACK three scalar components into a vector                 cspice_vpack
PARALLEL to a state vector, state of a unit vector         cspice_dvhat
PARAMETER, return a kernel pool definition                 cspice_szpool
PARAMETERS from a type 2 dsk segment, fetch                cspice_dskb02
PARAMETERS from a type 2 dsk segment, fetch model size     cspice_dskz02
PARAMETERS, retrieve dsk tolerance or margin               cspice_dskgtl
PARAMETERS, return instrument's fov                        cspice_getfov
PARAMETERS, set dsk tolerance or margin                    cspice_dskstl
PARAMETERS, using instrument name, return instrument's fov cspice_getfvn
PARSE a UTC time string                                    cspice_tparse
PARSE d.p. number with encapsulated error handling         cspice_prsdp
PARSE integer with encapsulated error handling             cspice_prsint
PARSE items from a list                                    cspice_lparse
PARSE select clause of EK query                            cspice_ekpsel
PARSE two-line elements                                    cspice_getelm
PARTITION information, spacecraft clock                    cspice_scpart
PAST J2000 as a string, convert and format d.p. seconds    cspice_timout
PAST the J2000 epoch, convert a string to tdb seconds      cspice_str2et
PCK file, find frame class id codes of frames in binary    cspice_pckfrm
PCK file, load                                             cspice_pcklof
PCK file, unload                                           cspice_pckuof
PCK frame, get coverage start and stop time for binary     cspice_pckcov
PCK reference frame, get coverage window for binary        cspice_pckcov
PENUMBRAL terminator on ellipsoid, find                    cspice_edterm
PERPENDICULAR component of a 3-vector                      cspice_vperp
PHASE angle                                                cspice_ilumin
PHASE angle constraints, solve for                         cspice_gfilum
PHASE angle for arbitrary illumination source, compute     cspice_phaseq
PHASE angle general source                                 cspice_illumg
PHASE angle general source with flags                      cspice_illumf
PHASE angle search, gf                                     cspice_gfpa
PHYSICAL constants for a body                              cspice_bodvcd
PI, half the value of                                      cspice_halfpi
PI, twice the value of                                     cspice_twopi
PI, value of                                               cspice_pi
PICTURE, use a sample time string to produce a time format cspice_tpictr
PLANE, intersection of ellipse and                         cspice_inelpl
PLANE, intersection of ellipsoid and                       cspice_inedpl
PLANE, intersection of ray and                             cspice_inrypl
PLANE inverted, vector projection onto                     cspice_vprjpi
PLANE, normal vector and constant to                       cspice_nvc2pl
PLANE, normal vector and point to                          cspice_nvp2pl
PLANE, point and spanning vectors to                       cspice_psv2pl
PLANE, project ellipse onto                                cspice_pjelpl
PLANE to normal vector and constant                        cspice_pl2nvc
PLANE to normal vector and point                           cspice_pl2nvp
PLANE to point and spanning vectors                        cspice_pl2psv
PLANE, vector projection onto                              cspice_vprjp
PLANETOCENTRIC longitude of sun                            cspice_lspcn
PLANETOGRAPHIC coordinates, convert rectangular to         cspice_recpgr
PLANETOGRAPHIC coordinates, jacobian of rectangular w.r.t. cspice_drdpgr
PLANETOGRAPHIC to rectangular coordinates, convert         cspice_pgrrec
PLANETOGRAPHIC w.r.t. rectangular coordinates, jacobian of cspice_dpgrdr
PLATE and plate model point intersected by ray             cspice_dskx02
PLATE, compute normal vector for a type 2 dsk              cspice_dskn02
PLATE data from a type 2 dsk segment, fetch                cspice_dskp02
PLATE, expand triangular                                   cspice_pltexp
PLATE from vertices, compute normal vector of triangular   cspice_pltnrm
PLATE id, compute normal vector from dsk type 2            cspice_dskn02
PLATE model area, compute                                  cspice_pltar
PLATE model point intersected by ray, plate and            cspice_dskx02
PLATE model volume, compute                                cspice_pltvol
PLATE, nearest point on triangular                         cspice_pltnp
POINT and line, distance between                           cspice_nplnpt
POINT and spanning vectors, plane to                       cspice_pl2psv
POINT and spanning vectors to plane                        cspice_psv2pl
POINT and velocity, ellipsoid surface                      cspice_surfpv
POINT, find ray-ellipsoid tangent                          cspice_tangpt
POINT, find surface intercept                              cspice_sincpt
POINT intersected by ray, plate and plate model            cspice_dskx02
POINT latitudinal coordinates to rectangular, surface      cspice_srfrec
POINT, nearest point on ellipse to                         cspice_npelpt
POINT, nearest point on line to                            cspice_nplnpt
POINT of intersection between ray and ellipsoid            cspice_surfpt
POINT of intersection of ray and ellipsoid, surface        cspice_surfpt
POINT on a body., compute the local time for a             cspice_et2lst
POINT on an ellipsoid having given surface normal          cspice_ednmpt
POINT on an ellipsoid, nearest                             cspice_nearpt
POINT on an ellipsoid, velocity of the nearest             cspice_dnearp
POINT on ellipse to point, nearest                         cspice_npelpt
POINT on ellipsoid to line, nearest                        cspice_npedln
POINT on line to point, nearest                            cspice_nplnpt
POINT on target body, find sub-observer                    cspice_subpnt
POINT on target body, find sub-solar                       cspice_subslr
POINT on target body, find sub-spacecraft                  cspice_subpnt
POINT on triangular plate, nearest                         cspice_pltnp
POINT, plane to normal vector and                          cspice_pl2nvp
POINT to ellipsoid, distance from                          cspice_nearpt
POINT to lie on ellipsoid, scale                           cspice_edpnt
POINT to observer on target body, find nearest             cspice_subpnt
POINT to plane, normal vector and                          cspice_nvp2pl
POINT to ray on ellipsoid, find nearest                    cspice_tangpt
POINT to sun on target body, find nearest                  cspice_subslr
POINTING and angular velocity, get CK                      cspice_ckgpav
POINTING data segment, write CK type 1                     cspice_ckw01
POINTING data segment, write CK type 2                     cspice_ckw02
POINTING data segment, write CK type 3                     cspice_ckw03
POINTING file, load CK                                     cspice_cklpf
POINTING file, unload CK                                   cspice_ckupf
POINTING, get CK                                           cspice_ckgp
POINTS, map latitudinal coordinates to cartesian surface   cspice_latsrf
POINTS, map latitudinal coordinates to dsk surface         cspice_latsrf
POINTS on target body, find limb                           cspice_limbpt
POINTS on target body, find terminator                     cspice_termpt
POINTS to normal vectors, map cartesian surface            cspice_srfnrm
POLYNOMIAL and its derivatives, compute a                  cspice_polyds
POLYNOMIAL expansion, value of a chebyshev                 cspice_chbval
POLYNOMIAL, interpolate function using hermite             cspice_hrmesp
POLYNOMIAL, interpolate function using lagrange            cspice_lgresp
POOL definition parameter, return a kernel                 cspice_szpool
POOL, fetch constants for a body from the kernel           cspice_bodvcd
POOL, find constants for a body in the kernel              cspice_bodfnd
POOL from an internal text buffer, load the kernel         cspice_lmpool
POOL, load variables from a text kernel file into the      cspice_ldpool
POOL of kernel variables, clear the                        cspice_clpool
POOL, retrieve a continued string value from the kernel    cspice_stpool
POOL variable, check the properties of a kernel            cspice_badkpv
POOL variable, delete a kernel                             cspice_dvpool
POOL variable, return summary information about a kernel   cspice_dtpool
POOL variable, set the value of a character kernel         cspice_pcpool
POOL variable, set the value of a d.p. kernel              cspice_pdpool
POOL variable, set the value of a numeric kernel           cspice_pipool
POOL variables matching a template, return names of kernel cspice_gnpool
POOLED kernel variable, return the character value of a    cspice_gcpool
POOLED kernel variable, return the d.p. value of a         cspice_gdpool
POOLED kernel variable, return the integer value of a      cspice_gipool
POOLED kernel variable, return the numeric value of a      cspice_gdpool
POOLED kernel variable, return the string value of a       cspice_gcpool
POOLED numeric kernel variable, confirm the existence of a cspice_expool
POSITION and velocity from ephemeris                       cspice_spkpvn
POSITION and velocity, SPK file                            cspice_spkpvn
POSITION coordinate search, gf                             cspice_gfposc
POSITION from SPK file, apparent                           cspice_spkapo
POSITION, get apparent                                     cspice_spkapo
POSITION of one body relative to another, geometric        cspice_spkgps
POSITION relative observer corrected for aberrations, get  cspice_spkezp
POSITION relative to an observer, get target               cspice_spkezp
POSITION relative to an observer, using names get target   cspice_spkpos
POSITION relative to observer corrected for aberrations    cspice_spkpos
POSITION to bodyfixed, transformation from inertial        cspice_tipbod
POSITION transformation matrix, find a                     cspice_pxform
POSITION transformation matrix for different epochs        cspice_pxfrm2
PRECISION column entry, fetch element from double          cspice_ekgd
PRECISION column to EK segment, write entire double        cspice_ekacld
PRECISION data from a das file, read double                cspice_dasrdd
PRECISION data from a type 2 dsk segment, fetch double     cspice_dskd02
PRECISION data from EK column, read double                 cspice_ekrced
PRECISION data in a das file, update double                cspice_dasudd
PRECISION data to a das file, add double                   cspice_dasadd
PRECISION data to EK column, add double                    cspice_ekaced
PRECISION data to EK column, write double                  cspice_ekaced
PREVIOUS DAF array, find                                   cspice_daffpa
PREVIOUS segment in dla file, find                         cspice_dlafps
PRODUCE a time format picture, use a sample time string to cspice_tpictr
PRODUCT 3-dimensional vectors, dot                         cspice_vdot
PRODUCT and its derivative, compute a unit cross           cspice_ducrss
PRODUCT, compute the derivative of a cross                 cspice_dvcrss
PRODUCT of n-dimensional vectors, dot                      cspice_vdotg
PRODUCT, time derivative of a dot                          cspice_dvdot
PRODUCT, unitized cross                                    cspice_ucrss
PRODUCT, vector cross                                      cspice_vcrss
PROJECT ellipse onto plane                                 cspice_pjelpl
PROJECTION, 3-vector                                       cspice_vproj
PROJECTION, n-dimensional vector                           cspice_vprojg
PROJECTION onto plane inverted, vector                     cspice_vprjpi
PROJECTION onto plane, vector                              cspice_vprjp
PROPAGATE state vector using two-body force model          cspice_prop2b
PROPER form, restrict time strings to                      cspice_tparch
PROPERTIES of a kernel pool variable, check the            cspice_badkpv
Q Top

QUADRATIC equation, roots of a                             cspice_rquad
QUADRATIC fit, estimate function derivative using          cspice_qderiv
QUATERNION and derivative, angular velocity from           cspice_qdq2av
QUATERNION, matrix to                                      cspice_m2q
QUATERNION to matrix                                       cspice_q2m
QUERY, issue EK                                            cspice_ekfind
QUERY, parse select clause of EK                           cspice_ekpsel
R Top

RA and dec, rectangular coordinates to                     cspice_recrad
RA and dec to rectangular coordinates, range               cspice_radrec
RADIAN, degrees per                                        cspice_dpr
RADIANS per degree                                         cspice_rpd
RANGE, az and el, convert rectangular coordinates to       cspice_recazl
RANGE, az and el, rectangular coordinates to               cspice_recazl
RANGE, az and el to rectangular coordinates                cspice_azlrec
RANGE, az and el to rectangular coordinates, convert       cspice_azlrec
RANGE, az and el to rectangular velocity conversion        cspice_drdazl
RANGE, az and el velocity conversion, rectangular to       cspice_dazldr
RANGE, azimuth and elevation, convert rectangular to       cspice_recazl
RANGE, azimuth and elevation derivative, rectangular to    cspice_dazldr
RANGE, azimuth and elevation, rectangular to               cspice_recazl
RANGE, azimuth and elevation to rectangular                cspice_azlrec
RANGE, azimuth and elevation to rectangular, convert       cspice_azlrec
RANGE, azimuth and elevation to rectangular derivative     cspice_drdazl
RANGE bounds for type 2 dsk segment, compute               cspice_dskrb2
RANGE of das file, return logical address                  cspice_daslla
RANGE of das logical addresses using substrings, update a  cspice_dasudc
RANGE of das logical addresses, write substrings to a      cspice_dasudc
RANGE ra and dec to rectangular coordinates                cspice_radrec
RANGE rate search, gf                                      cspice_gfrr
RATE of change of the altitude over an ellipsoid           cspice_dnearp
RATE search, gf range                                      cspice_gfrr
RAY and ellipsoid, point of intersection between           cspice_surfpt
RAY and ellipsoid, surface point of intersection of        cspice_surfpt
RAY and plane, intersection of                             cspice_inrypl
RAY and surface, intersection of                           cspice_dskx02
RAY and target body surface, find intersection of          cspice_sincpt
RAY in instrument field of view at specified time          cspice_fovray
RAY in instrument fov at specified time                    cspice_fovray
RAY in instrument fov search, gf                           cspice_gfrfov
RAY on ellipsoid, find nearest point to                    cspice_tangpt
RAY on target body surface, find intercept of              cspice_sincpt
RAY, plate and plate model point intersected by            cspice_dskx02
RAY-DSK intercept, vectorized                              cspice_dskxv
RAY-ELLIPSOID tangent point, find                          cspice_tangpt
RAY-SURFACE intercept, vectorized                          cspice_dskxv
RAY-SURFACE intercept with handle and descriptors, dsk     cspice_dskxsi
RAY-SURFACE intercept with source information, dsk         cspice_dskxsi
RE-INITIALIZE the keeper system                            cspice_kclear
READ a non-blank line from a text file                     cspice_iswhsp
READ access, open a das file for                           cspice_dasopr
READ character data from a das file                        cspice_dasrdc
READ character data from EK column                         cspice_ekrcec
READ data from DAF address                                 cspice_dafgda
READ double precision data from a das file                 cspice_dasrdd
READ double precision data from EK column                  cspice_ekrced
READ ephemeris data                                        cspice_spkez
READ integer data from a das file                          cspice_dasrdi
READ integer data from EK column                           cspice_ekrcei
READ, open DAF for                                         cspice_dafopr
READ trajectory data                                       cspice_spkez
READING, open a das file for                               cspice_dasopr
READING, open EK for                                       cspice_ekopr
RECORD from an EK segment, delete                          cspice_ekdelr
RECORD, get CK type 2                                      cspice_ckgr02
RECORD, get CK type 3                                      cspice_ckgr03
RECORD into EK segment, insert                             cspice_ekinsr
RECORD to EK segment, append                               cspice_ekappr
RECORDS, number of CK type 2                               cspice_cknr02
RECORDS, number of CK type 3                               cspice_cknr03
RECORDS to a das file, write buffered                      cspice_daswbr
RECTANGULAR, convert body-fixed latitudinal coordinates to cspice_srfrec
RECTANGULAR, convert range, azimuth and elevation to       cspice_azlrec
RECTANGULAR, convert surface latitudinal coordinates to    cspice_srfrec
RECTANGULAR coordinates, convert planetographic to         cspice_pgrrec
RECTANGULAR coordinates, convert range, az and el to       cspice_azlrec
RECTANGULAR coordinates, geodetic to                       cspice_georec
RECTANGULAR coordinates, jacobian matrix of az/el w.r.t.   cspice_dazldr
RECTANGULAR coordinates, jacobian of cylindrical w.r.t.    cspice_dcyldr
RECTANGULAR coordinates, jacobian of geodetic w.r.t.       cspice_dgeodr
RECTANGULAR coordinates, jacobian of planetographic w.r.t. cspice_dpgrdr
RECTANGULAR coordinates, jacobian of spherical w.r.t.      cspice_dsphdr
RECTANGULAR coordinates, latitudinal to                    cspice_latrec
RECTANGULAR coordinates, range, az and el to               cspice_azlrec
RECTANGULAR coordinates, range ra and dec to               cspice_radrec
RECTANGULAR coordinates, spherical to                      cspice_sphrec
RECTANGULAR coordinates to ra and dec                      cspice_recrad
RECTANGULAR coordinates to range, az and el                cspice_recazl
RECTANGULAR coordinates to range, az and el, convert       cspice_recazl
RECTANGULAR, cylindrical to                                cspice_cylrec
RECTANGULAR derivative, range, azimuth and elevation to    cspice_drdazl
RECTANGULAR, range, azimuth and elevation to               cspice_azlrec
RECTANGULAR, right ascension and declination to            cspice_radrec
RECTANGULAR, surface point latitudinal coordinates to      cspice_srfrec
RECTANGULAR to cylindrical coordinates                     cspice_reccyl
RECTANGULAR to geodetic                                    cspice_recgeo
RECTANGULAR to latitudinal coordinates                     cspice_reclat
RECTANGULAR to planetographic coordinates, convert         cspice_recpgr
RECTANGULAR to range, az and el velocity conversion        cspice_dazldr
RECTANGULAR to range, azimuth and elevation                cspice_recazl
RECTANGULAR to range, azimuth and elevation, convert       cspice_recazl
RECTANGULAR to range, azimuth and elevation derivative     cspice_dazldr
RECTANGULAR to right ascension and declination             cspice_recrad
RECTANGULAR to spherical coordinates                       cspice_recsph
RECTANGULAR velocity conversion, range, az and el to       cspice_drdazl
RECTANGULAR w.r.t. az/el coordinates, jacobian matrix of   cspice_drdazl
RECTANGULAR w.r.t. cylindrical coordinates, jacobian of    cspice_drdcyl
RECTANGULAR w.r.t. geodetic coordinates, jacobian of       cspice_drdgeo
RECTANGULAR w.r.t. latitudinal coordinates, jacobian of    cspice_dlatdr
RECTANGULAR w.r.t. planetographic coordinates, jacobian of cspice_drdpgr
RECTANGULAR w.r.t. spherical coordinates, jacobian of      cspice_drdsph
REFERENCE frame attributes, fetch                          cspice_cidfrm
REFERENCE frame, get coverage window for binary pck        cspice_pckcov
REFERENCE frame, get instrument frame rotation and         cspice_ckfrot
REFERENCE frame, get instrument frame transformation and   cspice_ckfxfm
REFERENCE frames, fetch ids of built-in                    cspice_bltfrm
REFERENCE frames from the kernel pool, fetch ids of        cspice_kplfrm
RELATIVE difference of 3-dimensional vectors               cspice_vrel
RELATIVE difference of n-dimensional vectors               cspice_vrelg
RELATIVE observer corrected for aberrations, get position  cspice_spkezp
RELATIVE to an observer, get target position               cspice_spkezp
RELATIVE to an observer, using body codes get target state cspice_spkez
RELATIVE to an observer, using body names get target state cspice_spkezr
RELATIVE to an observer, using names get target position   cspice_spkpos
RELATIVE to another, geometric position of one body        cspice_spkgps
RELATIVE to another, geometric state of one body           cspice_spkgeo
RELATIVE to constant position observer, az/el coordinates  cspice_azlcpo
RELATIVE to constant position observer, state              cspice_spkcpo
RELATIVE to constant position surface point, state         cspice_spkcpo
RELATIVE to constant velocity observer, state              cspice_spkcvo
RELATIVE to constant velocity surface point, state         cspice_spkcvo
RELATIVE to landmark on extended object, az/el coordinates cspice_azlcpo
RELATIVE to landmark on extended object, state             cspice_spkcpo
RELATIVE to observer corrected for aberrations, get state  cspice_spkez
RELATIVE to observer corrected for aberrations, position   cspice_spkpos
RELATIVE to solar system barycenter, state                 cspice_spkssb
RELATIVE to surface point extended object, az/el coordinat cspice_azlcpo
RELATIVE to surface point on extended object, state        cspice_spkcpo
REMOVE an item from a d.p. set                             cspice_removd
REMOVE an item from an integer set                         cspice_removi
REPLACE character entry in an EK column                    cspice_ekucec
REPLACE d.p. entry in an EK column                         cspice_ekuced
REPLACE DAF summary                                        cspice_dafrs
REPLACE integer entry in an EK column                      cspice_ekucei
REPLACE marker with cardinal text                          cspice_repmct
REPLACE marker with character string                       cspice_repmc
REPLACE marker with d.p. number                            cspice_repmd
REPLACE marker with formatted d.p. value                   cspice_repmf
REPLACE marker with integer                                cspice_repmi
REPLACE marker with logical value                          cspice_repml
REPLACE marker with ordinal text                           cspice_repmot
REPLACE time entry in an EK column                         cspice_ekuced
RESTRICT time strings to proper form                       cspice_tparch
RETRIEVE a continued string value from the kernel pool     cspice_stpool
RETRIEVE dsk tolerance or margin parameters                cspice_dskgtl
RETRIEVE information on loaded spice kernels               cspice_kdata
RETURN a kernel pool definition parameter                  cspice_szpool
RETURN dsk segment descriptor                              cspice_dskgd
RETURN EK segment summary                                  cspice_ekssum
RETURN information on loaded EK column specified by index  cspice_ekcii
RETURN instrument's fov parameters                         cspice_getfov
RETURN instrument's fov parameters, using instrument name  cspice_getfvn
RETURN last logical addresses in das file                  cspice_daslla
RETURN logical address range of das file                   cspice_daslla
RETURN name of a loaded table                              cspice_ektnam
RETURN names of kernel pool variables matching a template  cspice_gnpool
RETURN number of loaded tables                             cspice_ekntab
RETURN number of segments in an e-kernel                   cspice_eknseg
RETURN specified vertices from type 2 dsk segment          cspice_dskv02
RETURN summary information about a kernel pool variable    cspice_dtpool
RETURN the character value of a pooled kernel variable     cspice_gcpool
RETURN the count of loaded EK columns                      cspice_ekccnt
RETURN the d.p. value of a pooled kernel variable          cspice_gdpool
RETURN the file summary of a das file                      cspice_dashfs
RETURN the integer value of a pooled kernel variable       cspice_gipool
RETURN the number of elements in a column entry            cspice_eknelt
RETURN the number of loaded EK columns                     cspice_ekccnt
RETURN the numeric value of a pooled kernel variable       cspice_gdpool
RETURN the string value of a pooled kernel variable        cspice_gcpool
RIGHT ascension and declination, rectangular to            cspice_recrad
RIGHT ascension and declination to rectangular             cspice_radrec
RIGHT handed coordinate frame, build a                     cspice_frame
ROOTS of a quadratic equation                              cspice_rquad
ROTATE a matrix                                            cspice_rotmat
ROTATE a vector                                            cspice_rotvec
ROTATION about an axis, vector                             cspice_vrotv
ROTATION and angular velocity, state transformation to     cspice_rav2xf
ROTATION and frame of a constant offset frame, fetch the   cspice_tkfram
ROTATION and frame of a text kernel frame, fetch the       cspice_tkfram
ROTATION and reference frame, get instrument frame         cspice_ckfrot
ROTATION, axis and angle to                                cspice_axisar
ROTATION axis of a matrix                                  cspice_raxisa
ROTATION matrix, generate a                                cspice_rotate
ROTATION matrix, indicate whether a matrix is a            cspice_isrot
ROUTINES, change default convergence tolerance for gf      cspice_gfstol
S/P-KERNEL, --- see SPK
S Top

SAMPLE time string to produce a time format picture, use a cspice_tpictr
SCALAR components from a vector, unpack three              cspice_vupack
SCALAR components into a vector, pack three                cspice_vpack
SCALE point to lie on ellipsoid                            cspice_edpnt
SCALING, 3-dimensional vector                              cspice_vscl
SCALING, n-dimensional vector                              cspice_vsclg
SCIENTIFIC notation, convert d.p. to base 16               cspice_dp2hx
SCIENTIFIC notation d.p. number, convert base 16           cspice_hx2dp
SCLK, --- see spacecraft clock
SCLK and SPK id, map c-kernel id to                        cspice_ckmeta
SCRATCH das file, open a                                   cspice_dasops
SCRATCH e-kernel, open                                     cspice_ekops
SCRATCH EK, open                                           cspice_ekops
SEARCH, begin DAF backward                                 cspice_dafbbs
SEARCH, begin DAF forward                                  cspice_dafbfs
SEARCH, gf angular separation                              cspice_gfsep
SEARCH, gf distance                                        cspice_gfdist
SEARCH, gf occultation                                     cspice_gfoclt
SEARCH, gf phase angle                                     cspice_gfpa
SEARCH, gf position coordinate                             cspice_gfposc
SEARCH, gf range rate                                      cspice_gfrr
SEARCH, gf ray in instrument fov                           cspice_gfrfov
SEARCH, gf subpoint coordinate                             cspice_gfsubc
SEARCH, gf surface intercept coordinate                    cspice_gfsntc
SEARCH, gf target in instrument fov                        cspice_gftfov
SEARCH in dla file, begin backward                         cspice_dlabbs
SEARCH in dla file, begin forward                          cspice_dlabfs
SEARCH using illumination angle constraints                cspice_gfilum
SEARCH using lighting angle constraints                    cspice_gfilum
SEARCHING, select a DAF to continue                        cspice_dafcs
SECONDS past J2000 as a string, convert and format d.p.    cspice_timout
SECONDS past the J2000 epoch, convert a string to tdb      cspice_str2et
SECONDS per day                                            cspice_spd
SECONDS per julian year, number of                         cspice_jyear
SECONDS per tropical year, number of                       cspice_tyear
SEGMENT, add data to a type 14 SPK                         cspice_spk14a
SEGMENT, append record to EK                               cspice_ekappr
SEGMENT, begin writing a type 14 SPK                       cspice_spk14b
SEGMENT, compute range bounds for type 2 dsk               cspice_dskrb2
SEGMENT, delete record from an EK                          cspice_ekdelr
SEGMENT descriptor, return dsk                             cspice_dskgd
SEGMENT descriptor, unpack SPK                             cspice_spkuds
SEGMENT, end a type 14 SPK                                 cspice_spk14e
SEGMENT, fetch double precision data from a type 2 dsk     cspice_dskd02
SEGMENT, fetch integer data from a type 2 dsk              cspice_dski02
SEGMENT, fetch model size parameters from a type 2 dsk     cspice_dskz02
SEGMENT, fetch parameters from a type 2 dsk                cspice_dskb02
SEGMENT, fetch plate data from a type 2 dsk                cspice_dskp02
SEGMENT for fast writing, start new e-kernel               cspice_ekifld
SEGMENT for fast writing, start new EK                     cspice_ekifld
SEGMENT in dla file, begin new                             cspice_dlabns
SEGMENT in dla file, end new                               cspice_dlaens
SEGMENT in dla file, find next                             cspice_dlafns
SEGMENT in dla file, find previous                         cspice_dlafps
SEGMENT, insert record into EK                             cspice_ekinsr
SEGMENT, make spatial index for type 2 dsk                 cspice_dskmi2
SEGMENT, return specified vertices from type 2 dsk         cspice_dskv02
SEGMENT, select SPK file and                               cspice_spksfs
SEGMENT, start new e-kernel                                cspice_ekbseg
SEGMENT, start new EK                                      cspice_ekbseg
SEGMENT summary, return EK                                 cspice_ekssum
SEGMENT, write a type 10 SPK                               cspice_spkw10
SEGMENT, write a type 17 SPK                               cspice_spkw17
SEGMENT, write a type 2 dsk                                cspice_dskw02
SEGMENT, write CK type 1 pointing data                     cspice_ckw01
SEGMENT, write CK type 2 pointing data                     cspice_ckw02
SEGMENT, write CK type 3 pointing data                     cspice_ckw03
SEGMENT, write entire character column to EK               cspice_ekaclc
SEGMENT, write entire double precision column to EK        cspice_ekacld
SEGMENT, write entire integer column to EK                 cspice_ekacli
SEGMENT write, finish a fast EK                            cspice_ekffld
SEGMENT, write SPK type 12 ephemeris data                  cspice_spkw12
SEGMENT, write SPK type 13 ephemeris data                  cspice_spkw13
SEGMENT, write SPK type 2 data                             cspice_spkw02
SEGMENT, write SPK type 3 data                             cspice_spkw03
SEGMENT, write SPK type 5 ephemeris data                   cspice_spkw05
SEGMENT, write SPK type 8 ephemeris data                   cspice_spkw08
SEGMENT, write SPK type 9 ephemeris data                   cspice_spkw09
SEGMENTS in an e-kernel, return number of                  cspice_eknseg
SEGMENTS, open an existing SPK file for adding             cspice_spkopa
SELECT a DAF to continue searching                         cspice_dafcs
SELECT clause of EK query, parse                           cspice_ekpsel
SELECT SPK file and segment                                cspice_spksfs
SEMI-AXES of ellipse from generating vectors               cspice_saelgv
SEPARATION between two target bodies, compute the angular  cspice_trgsep
SEPARATION of 3-dimensional vectors, angular               cspice_vsep
SEPARATION of n-dimensional vectors, angular               cspice_vsepg
SEPARATION search, gf angular                              cspice_gfsep
SEPARATION, time derivative of angular                     cspice_dvsep
SET dsk tolerance or margin parameters                     cspice_dskstl
SET, insert an item into a d.p.                            cspice_insrtd
SET, insert an item into an integer                        cspice_insrti
SET, remove an item from a d.p.                            cspice_removd
SET, remove an item from an integer                        cspice_removi
SET the cardinality of an integer cell                     cspice_scard
SET the interval of expansion for abbreviated years        cspice_tsetyr
SET the value of a character kernel pool variable          cspice_pcpool
SET the value of a d.p. kernel pool variable               cspice_pdpool
SET the value of a numeric kernel pool variable            cspice_pipool
SET, validate a                                            cspice_valid
SETS, compare                                              cspice_set
SETS, difference of two                                    cspice_diff
SETS, intersection of two                                  cspice_inter
SETS, symmetric difference of two                          cspice_sdiff
SETS, union of two                                         cspice_union
SGP4., evaluate norad two-line element data using          cspice_evsgp4
SIGHT and body, distance between line of                   cspice_npedln
SIGHT intercept with body, line of                         cspice_surfpt
SIGNED normalized hexadecimal string, convert d.p. to      cspice_dp2hx
SIGNED normalized hexadecimal string to d.p., convert      cspice_hx2dp
SIZE of a cell                                             cspice_size
SIZE parameters from a type 2 dsk segment, fetch model     cspice_dskz02
SMALL gaps in a d.p. window, fill                          cspice_wnfild
SMALL intervals from a d.p. window, filter                 cspice_wnfltd
SMALLEST d.p. number                                       cspice_dpmin
SMALLEST integer number                                    cspice_intmin
SOFTWARE defaults., change time                            cspice_timdef
SOLAR incidence angle                                      cspice_ilumin
SOLAR incidence angle constraints, solve for               cspice_gfilum
SOLAR system barycenter, state relative to                 cspice_spkssb
SOLVE for emission angle constraints                       cspice_gfilum
SOLVE for illumination angle constraints                   cspice_gfilum
SOLVE for incidence angle constraints                      cspice_gfilum
SOLVE for phase angle constraints                          cspice_gfilum
SOLVE for solar incidence angle constraints                cspice_gfilum
SOURCE, compute phase angle for arbitrary illumination     cspice_phaseq
SOURCE, emission angle general                             cspice_illumg
SOURCE, illumination angles general                        cspice_illumg
SOURCE, incidence angle general                            cspice_illumg
SOURCE information, dsk ray-surface intercept with         cspice_dskxsi
SOURCE, lighting angles general                            cspice_illumg
SOURCE, phase angle general                                cspice_illumg
SOURCE with flags, emission angle general                  cspice_illumf
SOURCE with flags, illumination angles general             cspice_illumf
SOURCE with flags, incidence angle general                 cspice_illumf
SOURCE with flags, lighting angles general                 cspice_illumf
SOURCE with flags, phase angle general                     cspice_illumf
SPACECRAFT clock, decode                                   cspice_scdecd
SPACECRAFT clock, encode                                   cspice_scencd
SPACECRAFT clock partition information                     cspice_scpart
SPACECRAFT clock string, ephemeris time to                 cspice_sce2s
SPACECRAFT clock string to ephemeris time                  cspice_scs2e
SPACECRAFT clock string to ticks, convert                  cspice_sctiks
SPACECRAFT clock ticks, ephemeris time to                  cspice_sce2t
SPACECRAFT clock ticks, ephemeris time to continuous       cspice_sce2c
SPACECRAFT clock ticks to character clock format, convert  cspice_scfmt
SPACECRAFT clock ticks to ephemeris time                   cspice_sct2e
SPANNING vectors, plane to point and                       cspice_pl2psv
SPANNING vectors to plane, point and                       cspice_psv2pl
SPATIAL index for type 2 dsk segment, make                 cspice_dskmi2
SPECIFIED by index, return information on loaded EK column cspice_ekcii
SPECIFIED time, occultation type at a                      cspice_occult
SPECIFIED time, ray in instrument field of view at         cspice_fovray
SPECIFIED time, ray in instrument fov at                   cspice_fovray
SPECIFIED time, target in instrument field of view at      cspice_fovtrg
SPECIFIED time, target in instrument fov at                cspice_fovtrg
SPECIFIED vertices from type 2 dsk segment, return         cspice_dskv02
SPHERICAL coordinates, jacobian of rectangular w.r.t.      cspice_drdsph
SPHERICAL coordinates, latitudinal to                      cspice_latsph
SPHERICAL coordinates, rectangular to                      cspice_recsph
SPHERICAL, cylindrical to                                  cspice_cylsph
SPHERICAL to cylindrical coordinates                       cspice_sphcyl
SPHERICAL to latitudinal coordinates                       cspice_sphlat
SPHERICAL to rectangular coordinates                       cspice_sphrec
SPHERICAL w.r.t. rectangular coordinates, jacobian of      cspice_dsphdr
SPK ephemeris file, load                                   cspice_spklef
SPK ephemeris file, unload                                 cspice_spkuef
SPK file and segment, select                               cspice_spksfs
SPK file, apparent position from                           cspice_spkapo
SPK file, close an                                         cspice_spkcls
SPK file, find id codes of bodies in                       cspice_spkobj
SPK file, find id codes of ephemeris objects in            cspice_spkobj
SPK file for adding segments, open an existing             cspice_spkopa
SPK file, open a new                                       cspice_spkopn
SPK file position and velocity                             cspice_spkpvn
SPK id, map c-kernel id to SCLK and                        cspice_ckmeta
SPK object, get coverage start and stop time for           cspice_spkcov
SPK object, get coverage window for                        cspice_spkcov
SPK segment, add data to a type 14                         cspice_spk14a
SPK segment, begin writing a type 14                       cspice_spk14b
SPK segment descriptor, unpack                             cspice_spkuds
SPK segment, end a type 14                                 cspice_spk14e
SPK segment, write a type 10                               cspice_spkw10
SPK segment, write a type 17                               cspice_spkw17
SPK type 12 ephemeris data segment, write                  cspice_spkw12
SPK type 13 ephemeris data segment, write                  cspice_spkw13
SPK type 2 data segment, write                             cspice_spkw02
SPK type 3 data segment, write                             cspice_spkw03
SPK type 5 ephemeris data segment, write                   cspice_spkw05
SPK type 8 ephemeris data segment, write                   cspice_spkw08
SPK type 9 ephemeris data segment, write                   cspice_spkw09
START and stop time for binary pck frame, get coverage     cspice_pckcov
START and stop time for body, get coverage                 cspice_spkcov
START and stop time for CK frame, get coverage             cspice_ckcov
START and stop time for CK instrument, get coverage        cspice_ckcov
START and stop time for CK object, get coverage            cspice_ckcov
START and stop time for ephemeris object, get coverage     cspice_spkcov
START and stop time for SPK object, get coverage           cspice_spkcov
START new e-kernel segment                                 cspice_ekbseg
START new e-kernel segment for fast writing                cspice_ekifld
START new EK segment                                       cspice_ekbseg
START new EK segment for fast writing                      cspice_ekifld
STATE, conic elements from                                 cspice_oscelt
STATE, convert                                             cspice_xfmsta
STATE, extended conic elements from                        cspice_oscltx
STATE, extended osculating elements from                   cspice_oscltx
STATE from conic elements                                  cspice_conics
STATE from equinoctial elements, compute a                 cspice_eqncpv
STATE of a unit vector parallel to a state vector          cspice_dvhat
STATE of constant position target                          cspice_spkcpt
STATE of constant velocity target                          cspice_spkcvt
STATE of fixed position target                             cspice_spkcpt
STATE of landmark on extended object                       cspice_spkcpt
STATE of one body relative to another, geometric           cspice_spkgeo
STATE of surface point on extended object                  cspice_spkcpt
STATE, osculating elements from                            cspice_oscelt
STATE relative to an observer, using body codes get target cspice_spkez
STATE relative to an observer, using body names get target cspice_spkezr
STATE relative to constant position observer               cspice_spkcpo
STATE relative to constant position surface point          cspice_spkcpo
STATE relative to constant velocity observer               cspice_spkcvo
STATE relative to constant velocity surface point          cspice_spkcvo
STATE relative to landmark on extended object              cspice_spkcpo
STATE relative to observer corrected for aberrations, get  cspice_spkez
STATE relative to solar system barycenter                  cspice_spkssb
STATE relative to surface point on extended object         cspice_spkcpo
STATE to bodyfixed, transformation from inertial           cspice_tisbod
STATE to extended osculating elements, convert             cspice_oscltx
STATE to osculating elements, convert                      cspice_oscelt
STATE transformation between coordinate systems            cspice_xfmsta
STATE transformation, euler angles and derivatives from    cspice_xf2eul
STATE transformation from euler angles and derivatives     cspice_eul2xf
STATE transformation matrix, find a                        cspice_sxform
STATE transformation matrix from two states, define a      cspice_twovxf
STATE transformation matrix, inverse of                    cspice_invstm
STATE transformation to rotation and angular velocity      cspice_rav2xf
STATE vector, state of a unit vector parallel to a         cspice_dvhat
STATE vector using two-body force model, propagate         cspice_prop2b
STATES, define a state transformation matrix from two      cspice_twovxf
STELLAR aberration                                         cspice_stelab
STELLAR aberration for transmission case                   cspice_stlabx
STOP time for binary pck frame, get coverage start and     cspice_pckcov
STOP time for body, get coverage start and                 cspice_spkcov
STOP time for CK frame, get coverage start and             cspice_ckcov
STOP time for CK instrument, get coverage start and        cspice_ckcov
STOP time for CK object, get coverage start and            cspice_ckcov
STOP time for ephemeris object, get coverage start and     cspice_spkcov
STOP time for SPK object, get coverage start and           cspice_spkcov
STRING against wildcard template, match                    cspice_matchi
STRING and body id code to surface id code, surface        cspice_srfscc
STRING and body string to surface id code, surface         cspice_srfs2c
STRING, body id code to                                    cspice_bodc2s
STRING, convert and format d.p. seconds past J2000 as a    cspice_timout
STRING, convert d.p. to signed normalized hexadecimal      cspice_dp2hx
STRING, ephemeris time to spacecraft clock                 cspice_sce2s
STRING matches a wildcard template, test whether a         cspice_matchi
STRING, parse a UTC time                                   cspice_tparse
STRING, surface id code and body id code to surface        cspice_srfc2s
STRING, surface id code and body string to surface         cspice_srfcss
STRING to d.p., convert signed normalized hexadecimal      cspice_hx2dp
STRING to ephemeris time, spacecraft clock                 cspice_scs2e
STRING to produce a time format picture, use a sample time cspice_tpictr
STRING to surface id code, surface string and body         cspice_srfs2c
STRING to surface string, surface id code and body         cspice_srfcss
STRING to tdb seconds past the J2000 epoch, convert a      cspice_str2et
STRING to ticks, convert spacecraft clock                  cspice_sctiks
STRING value from the kernel pool, retrieve a continued    cspice_stpool
STRING value of a pooled kernel variable, return the       cspice_gcpool
STRINGS, equivalent                                        cspice_eqstr
STRINGS to proper form, restrict time                      cspice_tparch
SUB-OBSERVER point on target body, find                    cspice_subpnt
SUB-SOLAR point on target body, find                       cspice_subslr
SUB-SPACECRAFT point on target body, find                  cspice_subpnt
SUBPOINT coordinate search, gf                             cspice_gfsubc
SUBSTRINGS to a range of das logical addresses, write      cspice_dasudc
SUBSTRINGS, update a range of das logical addresses using  cspice_dasudc
SUBTRACTION, 3-dimensional vector                          cspice_vsub
SUBTRACTION, n-dimensional vector                          cspice_vsubg
SUM of a d.p. array                                        cspice_sumad
SUM of an integer array                                    cspice_sumai
SUMMARY format, handle to DAF                              cspice_dafhsf
SUMMARY, get DAF                                           cspice_dafgs
SUMMARY information about a kernel pool variable, return   cspice_dtpool
SUMMARY of a d.p. window                                   cspice_wnsumd
SUMMARY of a das file, return the file                     cspice_dashfs
SUMMARY, pack DAF                                          cspice_dafps
SUMMARY, replace DAF                                       cspice_dafrs
SUMMARY, return EK segment                                 cspice_ekssum
SUMMARY, unpack DAF                                        cspice_dafus
SUN on target body, find nearest point to                  cspice_subslr
SUN, planetocentric longitude of                           cspice_lspcn
SURFACE, compute normal vectors on dsk                     cspice_srfnrm
SURFACE, compute normal vectors on topographic             cspice_srfnrm
SURFACE, find intercept of ray on target body              cspice_sincpt
SURFACE, find intersection of ray and target body          cspice_sincpt
SURFACE id code and body id code to surface string         cspice_srfc2s
SURFACE id code and body string to surface string          cspice_srfcss
SURFACE id code, surface string and body id code to        cspice_srfscc
SURFACE id code, surface string and body string to         cspice_srfs2c
SURFACE intercept coordinate search, gf                    cspice_gfsntc
SURFACE intercept point, find                              cspice_sincpt
SURFACE, intersection of ray and                           cspice_dskx02
SURFACE latitudinal coordinates to rectangular, convert    cspice_srfrec
SURFACE normal, point on an ellipsoid having given         cspice_ednmpt
SURFACE normal vector on an ellipsoid                      cspice_surfnm
SURFACE point and velocity, ellipsoid                      cspice_surfpv
SURFACE point, az/el coordinates w.r.t. constant position  cspice_azlcpo
SURFACE point extended object, az/el coordinates relative  cspice_azlcpo
SURFACE point latitudinal coordinates to rectangular       cspice_srfrec
SURFACE point of intersection of ray and ellipsoid         cspice_surfpt
SURFACE point on extended object, state of                 cspice_spkcpt
SURFACE point on extended object, state relative to        cspice_spkcpo
SURFACE point, state relative to constant position         cspice_spkcpo
SURFACE point, state relative to constant velocity         cspice_spkcvo
SURFACE points, map latitudinal coordinates to cartesian   cspice_latsrf
SURFACE points, map latitudinal coordinates to dsk         cspice_latsrf
SURFACE points to normal vectors, map cartesian            cspice_srfnrm
SURFACE string and body id code to surface id code         cspice_srfscc
SURFACE string and body string to surface id code          cspice_srfs2c
SURFACE string, surface id code and body id code to        cspice_srfc2s
SURFACE string, surface id code and body string to         cspice_srfcss
SURFACES in dsk file, find id codes of                     cspice_dsksrf
SYMMETRIC 2x2 matrix, diagonalize                          cspice_diags2
SYMMETRIC difference of two sets                           cspice_sdiff
SYSTEM barycenter, state relative to solar                 cspice_spkssb
SYSTEM, clear the keeper                                   cspice_kclear
SYSTEM, re-initialize the keeper                           cspice_kclear
SYSTEM to another, convert one additive numeric time       cspice_unitim
SYSTEM to another, convert one uniform numeric time        cspice_unitim
SYSTEMS, state transformation between coordinate           cspice_xfmsta
SYSTEMS, transform between two additive numeric time       cspice_unitim
SYSTEMS, transform between two uniform numeric time        cspice_unitim
T Top

TABLE, return name of a loaded                             cspice_ektnam
TABLES, return number of loaded                            cspice_ekntab
TANGENT point, find ray-ellipsoid                          cspice_tangpt
TARGET bodies, compute the angular separation between two  cspice_trgsep
TARGET body, find limb points on                           cspice_limbpt
TARGET body, find nearest point to observer on             cspice_subpnt
TARGET body, find nearest point to sun on                  cspice_subslr
TARGET body, find sub-observer point on                    cspice_subpnt
TARGET body, find sub-solar point on                       cspice_subslr
TARGET body, find sub-spacecraft point on                  cspice_subpnt
TARGET body, find terminator points on                     cspice_termpt
TARGET body surface, find intercept of ray on              cspice_sincpt
TARGET body surface, find intersection of ray and          cspice_sincpt
TARGET in instrument field of view at specified time       cspice_fovtrg
TARGET in instrument fov at specified time                 cspice_fovtrg
TARGET in instrument fov search, gf                        cspice_gftfov
TARGET position relative to an observer, get               cspice_spkezp
TARGET position relative to an observer, using names get   cspice_spkpos
TARGET state relative to an observer, using body codes get cspice_spkez
TARGET state relative to an observer, using body names get cspice_spkezr
TDB seconds past the J2000 epoch, convert a string to      cspice_str2et
TEMPLATE, match string against wildcard                    cspice_matchi
TEMPLATE, return names of kernel pool variables matching a cspice_gnpool
TEMPLATE, test whether a string matches a wildcard         cspice_matchi
TERMINATOR on ellipsoid, find                              cspice_edterm
TERMINATOR on ellipsoid, find penumbral                    cspice_edterm
TERMINATOR on ellipsoid, find umbral                       cspice_edterm
TERMINATOR points on target body, find                     cspice_termpt
TEST whether a 3-dimensional vector is the zero vector     cspice_vzero
TEST whether a string matches a wildcard template          cspice_matchi
TEST whether an n-dimensional vector is the zero vector    cspice_vzerog
TEXT buffer, load the kernel pool from an internal         cspice_lmpool
TEXT file, read a non-blank line from a                    cspice_iswhsp
TEXT kernel file into the pool, load variables from a      cspice_ldpool
TEXT kernel frame, fetch the rotation and frame of a       cspice_tkfram
TEXT, replace marker with cardinal                         cspice_repmct
TEXT, replace marker with ordinal                          cspice_repmot
TICKS, convert spacecraft clock string to                  cspice_sctiks
TICKS, ephemeris time to continuous spacecraft clock       cspice_sce2c
TICKS, ephemeris time to spacecraft clock                  cspice_sce2t
TICKS to character clock format, convert spacecraft clock  cspice_scfmt
TICKS to ephemeris time, spacecraft clock                  cspice_sct2e
TIME and UTC, difference between ephemeris                 cspice_deltet
TIME, compute uplink and downlink light                    cspice_ltime
TIME, coordinated universal, --- see UTC
TIME derivative of a dot product                           cspice_dvdot
TIME derivative of angular separation                      cspice_dvsep
TIME entry in an EK column, replace                        cspice_ekuced
TIME for a point on a body., compute the local             cspice_et2lst
TIME for binary pck frame, get coverage start and stop     cspice_pckcov
TIME for body, get coverage start and stop                 cspice_spkcov
TIME for CK frame, get coverage start and stop             cspice_ckcov
TIME for CK instrument, get coverage start and stop        cspice_ckcov
TIME for CK object, get coverage start and stop            cspice_ckcov
TIME for ephemeris object, get coverage start and stop     cspice_spkcov
TIME for SPK object, get coverage start and stop           cspice_spkcov
TIME format picture, use a sample time string to produce a cspice_tpictr
TIME, occultation type at a specified                      cspice_occult
TIME, ray in instrument field of view at specified         cspice_fovray
TIME, ray in instrument fov at specified                   cspice_fovray
TIME software defaults., change                            cspice_timdef
TIME, spacecraft clock string to ephemeris                 cspice_scs2e
TIME, spacecraft clock ticks to ephemeris                  cspice_sct2e
TIME string, parse a UTC                                   cspice_tparse
TIME string to produce a time format picture, use a sample cspice_tpictr
TIME strings to proper form, restrict                      cspice_tparch
TIME system to another, convert one additive numeric       cspice_unitim
TIME system to another, convert one uniform numeric        cspice_unitim
TIME systems, transform between two additive numeric       cspice_unitim
TIME systems, transform between two uniform numeric        cspice_unitim
TIME, target in instrument field of view at specified      cspice_fovtrg
TIME, target in instrument fov at specified                cspice_fovtrg
TIME to a formal calendar date, convert ephemeris          cspice_etcal
TIME to continuous spacecraft clock ticks, ephemeris       cspice_sce2c
TIME to spacecraft clock string, ephemeris                 cspice_sce2s
TIME to spacecraft clock ticks, ephemeris                  cspice_sce2t
TIME to UTC, ephemeris                                     cspice_et2utc
TIME, UTC to ephemeris                                     cspice_utc2et
TIME zones                                                 cspice_timdef
TOLERANCE for gf routines, change default convergence      cspice_gfstol
TOLERANCE or margin parameters, retrieve dsk               cspice_dskgtl
TOLERANCE or margin parameters, set dsk                    cspice_dskstl
TOPOGRAPHIC surface, compute normal vectors on             cspice_srfnrm
TRACE of a 3x3 matrix                                      cspice_trace
TRACK, velocity of a ground                                cspice_dnearp
TRAJECTORY data, read                                      cspice_spkez
TRANSFORM between two additive numeric time systems        cspice_unitim
TRANSFORM between two uniform numeric time systems         cspice_unitim
TRANSFORMATION and reference frame, get instrument frame   cspice_ckfxfm
TRANSFORMATION between coordinate systems, state           cspice_xfmsta
TRANSFORMATION, euler angles and derivatives from state    cspice_xf2eul
TRANSFORMATION from euler angles and derivatives, state    cspice_eul2xf
TRANSFORMATION from inertial position to bodyfixed         cspice_tipbod
TRANSFORMATION from inertial state to bodyfixed            cspice_tisbod
TRANSFORMATION matrix, find a position                     cspice_pxform
TRANSFORMATION matrix, find a state                        cspice_sxform
TRANSFORMATION matrix for different epochs, position       cspice_pxfrm2
TRANSFORMATION matrix from two states, define a state      cspice_twovxf
TRANSFORMATION matrix, inverse of state                    cspice_invstm
TRANSFORMATION to rotation and angular velocity, state     cspice_rav2xf
TRANSLATION, frame id code to frame name                   cspice_frmnam
TRANSLATION, frame name to frame idcode                    cspice_namfrm
TRANSMISSION case, stellar aberration for                  cspice_stlabx
TRANSPOSE a 3x3 matrix                                     cspice_xpose
TRANSPOSE a 6x6 matrix                                     cspice_xpose6
TRANSPOSE a matrix and invert the lengths of the rows      cspice_invort
TRIANGULAR plate, expand                                   cspice_pltexp
TRIANGULAR plate from vertices, compute normal vector of   cspice_pltnrm
TRIANGULAR plate, nearest point on                         cspice_pltnp
TROPICAL year, number of seconds per                       cspice_tyear
TWICE the value of pi                                      cspice_twopi
TWO-BODY force model, propagate state vector using         cspice_prop2b
TWO-LINE element data using sgp4., evaluate norad          cspice_evsgp4
TWO-LINE elements, parse                                   cspice_getelm
TYPE 1 pointing data segment, write CK                     cspice_ckw01
TYPE 10 SPK segment, write a                               cspice_spkw10
TYPE 12 ephemeris data segment, write SPK                  cspice_spkw12
TYPE 13 ephemeris data segment, write SPK                  cspice_spkw13
TYPE 14 SPK segment, add data to a                         cspice_spk14a
TYPE 14 SPK segment, begin writing a                       cspice_spk14b
TYPE 14 SPK segment, end a                                 cspice_spk14e
TYPE 17 SPK segment, write a                               cspice_spkw17
TYPE 2 data segment, write SPK                             cspice_spkw02
TYPE 2 dsk plate, compute normal vector for a              cspice_dskn02
TYPE 2 dsk segment, compute range bounds for               cspice_dskrb2
TYPE 2 dsk segment, fetch double precision data from a     cspice_dskd02
TYPE 2 dsk segment, fetch integer data from a              cspice_dski02
TYPE 2 dsk segment, fetch model size parameters from a     cspice_dskz02
TYPE 2 dsk segment, fetch parameters from a                cspice_dskb02
TYPE 2 dsk segment, fetch plate data from a                cspice_dskp02
TYPE 2 dsk segment, make spatial index for                 cspice_dskmi2
TYPE 2 dsk segment, return specified vertices from         cspice_dskv02
TYPE 2 dsk segment, write a                                cspice_dskw02
TYPE 2 plate id, compute normal vector from dsk            cspice_dskn02
TYPE 2 pointing data segment, write CK                     cspice_ckw02
TYPE 2 record, get CK                                      cspice_ckgr02
TYPE 2 records, number of CK                               cspice_cknr02
TYPE 3 data segment, write SPK                             cspice_spkw03
TYPE 3 pointing data segment, write CK                     cspice_ckw03
TYPE 3 record, get CK                                      cspice_ckgr03
TYPE 3 records, number of CK                               cspice_cknr03
TYPE 5 ephemeris data segment, write SPK                   cspice_spkw05
TYPE 8 ephemeris data segment, write SPK                   cspice_spkw08
TYPE 9 ephemeris data segment, write SPK                   cspice_spkw09
TYPE at a specified time, occultation                      cspice_occult
TYPE, number of loaded kernels of a given                  cspice_ktotal
TYPE of a kernel file, determine the architecture and      cspice_getfat
U Top

UMBRAL terminator on ellipsoid, find                       cspice_edterm
UNIFORM numeric time system to another, convert one        cspice_unitim
UNIFORM numeric time systems, transform between two        cspice_unitim
UNION of two sets                                          cspice_union
UNION two d.p. windows                                     cspice_wnunid
UNIT cross product and its derivative, compute a           cspice_ducrss
UNIT vector and norm, 3-dimensional                        cspice_unorm
UNIT vector and norm, n-dimensional                        cspice_unormg
UNIT vector parallel to a state vector, state of a         cspice_dvhat
UNITIZE a 3-dimensional vector                             cspice_vhat
UNITIZE a n-dimensional vector                             cspice_vhatg
UNITIZED cross product                                     cspice_ucrss
UNITS, convert                                             cspice_convrt
UNIVERSAL time, coordinated, --- see UTC
UNLOAD a spice kernel                                      cspice_unload
UNLOAD all kernels                                         cspice_kclear
UNLOAD CK pointing file                                    cspice_ckupf
UNLOAD EK file                                             cspice_ekuef
UNLOAD pck file                                            cspice_pckuof
UNLOAD SPK ephemeris file                                  cspice_spkuef
UNPACK DAF summary                                         cspice_dafus
UNPACK SPK segment descriptor                              cspice_spkuds
UNPACK three scalar components from a vector               cspice_vupack
UPDATE a range of das logical addresses using substrings   cspice_dasudc
UPDATE double precision data in a das file                 cspice_dasudd
UPDATE integer data in a das file                          cspice_dasudi
UPLINK and downlink light time, compute                    cspice_ltime
UPPERCASE, convert to                                      cspice_ucase
USE a sample time string to produce a time format picture  cspice_tpictr
USING body codes get target state relative to an observer  cspice_spkez
USING body names get target state relative to an observer  cspice_spkezr
USING hermite polynomial, interpolate function             cspice_hrmesp
USING illumination angle constraints, search               cspice_gfilum
USING instrument name, return instrument's fov parameters, cspice_getfvn
USING lagrange polynomial, interpolate function            cspice_lgresp
USING lighting angle constraints, search                   cspice_gfilum
USING names get target position relative to an observer    cspice_spkpos
USING quadratic fit, estimate function derivative          cspice_qderiv
USING sgp4., evaluate norad two-line element data          cspice_evsgp4
USING substrings, update a range of das logical addresses  cspice_dasudc
USING two-body force model, propagate state vector         cspice_prop2b
UTC, difference between ephemeris time and                 cspice_deltet
UTC, ephemeris time to                                     cspice_et2utc
UTC time string, parse a                                   cspice_tparse
UTC to ephemeris time                                      cspice_utc2et
V Top

VACUUM, measured velocity of light in a                    cspice_clight
VALIDATE a d.p. window                                     cspice_wnvald
VALIDATE a set                                             cspice_valid
VALUE from the kernel pool, retrieve a continued string    cspice_stpool
VALUE of a character kernel pool variable, set the         cspice_pcpool
VALUE of a chebyshev polynomial expansion                  cspice_chbval
VALUE of a d.p. kernel pool variable, set the              cspice_pdpool
VALUE of a numeric kernel pool variable, set the           cspice_pipool
VALUE of a pooled kernel variable, return the character    cspice_gcpool
VALUE of a pooled kernel variable, return the d.p.         cspice_gdpool
VALUE of a pooled kernel variable, return the integer      cspice_gipool
VALUE of a pooled kernel variable, return the numeric      cspice_gdpool
VALUE of a pooled kernel variable, return the string       cspice_gcpool
VALUE of pi                                                cspice_pi
VALUE of pi, half the                                      cspice_halfpi
VALUE of pi, twice the                                     cspice_twopi
VALUE, replace marker with formatted d.p.                  cspice_repmf
VALUE, replace marker with logical                         cspice_repml
VALUE within an interval, bracket a d.p.                   cspice_brcktd
VALUE within an interval, bracket an integer               cspice_brckti
VARIABLE, check the properties of a kernel pool            cspice_badkpv
VARIABLE, confirm the existence of a pooled numeric kernel cspice_expool
VARIABLE, delete a kernel pool                             cspice_dvpool
VARIABLE, return summary information about a kernel pool   cspice_dtpool
VARIABLE, return the character value of a pooled kernel    cspice_gcpool
VARIABLE, return the d.p. value of a pooled kernel         cspice_gdpool
VARIABLE, return the integer value of a pooled kernel      cspice_gipool
VARIABLE, return the numeric value of a pooled kernel      cspice_gdpool
VARIABLE, return the string value of a pooled kernel       cspice_gcpool
VARIABLE, set the value of a character kernel pool         cspice_pcpool
VARIABLE, set the value of a d.p. kernel pool              cspice_pdpool
VARIABLE, set the value of a numeric kernel pool           cspice_pipool
VARIABLES, clear the pool of kernel                        cspice_clpool
VARIABLES from a text kernel file into the pool, load      cspice_ldpool
VARIABLES matching a template, return names of kernel pool cspice_gnpool
VECTOR, 3-dimensional vector transpose times matrix times  cspice_vtmv
VECTOR addition, 3-dimensional                             cspice_vadd
VECTOR addition, n-dimensional                             cspice_vaddg
VECTOR and constant, plane to normal                       cspice_pl2nvc
VECTOR and constant to plane, normal                       cspice_nvc2pl
VECTOR and norm, 3-dimensional unit                        cspice_unorm
VECTOR and norm, n-dimensional unit                        cspice_unormg
VECTOR and point, plane to normal                          cspice_pl2nvp
VECTOR and point to plane, normal                          cspice_nvp2pl
VECTOR cross product                                       cspice_vcrss
VECTOR for a type 2 dsk plate, compute normal              cspice_dskn02
VECTOR from dsk type 2 plate id, compute normal            cspice_dskn02
VECTOR is the zero vector, test whether a 3-dimensional    cspice_vzero
VECTOR is the zero vector, test whether an n-dimensional   cspice_vzerog
VECTOR, matrix times 3-dimensional                         cspice_mxv
VECTOR, matrix transpose times 3-dimensional               cspice_mtxv
VECTOR, negate a 3-dimensional                             cspice_vminus
VECTOR, negate an n-dimensional                            cspice_vminug
VECTOR, norm of 3-dimensional                              cspice_vnorm
VECTOR, norm of n-dimensional                              cspice_vnormg
VECTOR of triangular plate from vertices, compute normal   cspice_pltnrm
VECTOR on an ellipsoid, surface normal                     cspice_surfnm
VECTOR, pack three scalar components into a                cspice_vpack
VECTOR parallel to a state vector, state of a unit         cspice_dvhat
VECTOR projection, n-dimensional                           cspice_vprojg
VECTOR projection onto plane                               cspice_vprjp
VECTOR projection onto plane inverted                      cspice_vprjpi
VECTOR, rotate a                                           cspice_rotvec
VECTOR rotation about an axis                              cspice_vrotv
VECTOR scaling, 3-dimensional                              cspice_vscl
VECTOR scaling, n-dimensional                              cspice_vsclg
VECTOR, state of a unit vector parallel to a state         cspice_dvhat
VECTOR subtraction, 3-dimensional                          cspice_vsub
VECTOR subtraction, n-dimensional                          cspice_vsubg
VECTOR, test whether a 3-dimensional vector is the zero    cspice_vzero
VECTOR, test whether an n-dimensional vector is the zero   cspice_vzerog
VECTOR to another, assign a 3-dimensional                  cspice_vequ
VECTOR to another, assign an n-dimensional                 cspice_vequg
VECTOR transpose times matrix times vector, 3-dimensional  cspice_vtmv
VECTOR, unitize a 3-dimensional                            cspice_vhat
VECTOR, unitize a n-dimensional                            cspice_vhatg
VECTOR, unpack three scalar components from a              cspice_vupack
VECTOR using two-body force model, propagate state         cspice_prop2b
VECTORIZED ray-dsk intercept                               cspice_dskxv
VECTORIZED ray-surface intercept                           cspice_dskxv
VECTORS, angular separation of 3-dimensional               cspice_vsep
VECTORS, angular separation of n-dimensional               cspice_vsepg
VECTORS, define an orthonormal frame from two              cspice_twovec
VECTORS, distance between 3-dimensional                    cspice_vdist
VECTORS, distance between n-dimensional                    cspice_vdistg
VECTORS, dot product 3-dimensional                         cspice_vdot
VECTORS, dot product of n-dimensional                      cspice_vdotg
VECTORS, ellipse to center and generating                  cspice_el2cgv
VECTORS, linear combination of three 3-dimensional         cspice_vlcom3
VECTORS, linear combination of two 3-dimensional           cspice_vlcom
VECTORS, linear combination of two n-dimensional           cspice_vlcomg
VECTORS, map cartesian surface points to normal            cspice_srfnrm
VECTORS on dsk surface, compute normal                     cspice_srfnrm
VECTORS on topographic surface, compute normal             cspice_srfnrm
VECTORS, plane to point and spanning                       cspice_pl2psv
VECTORS, relative difference of 3-dimensional              cspice_vrel
VECTORS, relative difference of n-dimensional              cspice_vrelg
VECTORS, semi-axes of ellipse from generating              cspice_saelgv
VECTORS to ellipse, center and generating                  cspice_cgv2el
VECTORS to plane, point and spanning                       cspice_psv2pl
VELOCITY conversion, range, az and el to rectangular       cspice_drdazl
VELOCITY conversion, rectangular to range, az and el       cspice_dazldr
VELOCITY, ellipsoid surface point and                      cspice_surfpv
VELOCITY from ephemeris, position and                      cspice_spkpvn
VELOCITY from quaternion and derivative, angular           cspice_qdq2av
VELOCITY, get CK pointing and angular                      cspice_ckgpav
VELOCITY of a ground track                                 cspice_dnearp
VELOCITY of light in a vacuum, measured                    cspice_clight
VELOCITY of the nearest point on an ellipsoid              cspice_dnearp
VELOCITY, SPK file position and                            cspice_spkpvn
VELOCITY, state transformation to rotation and angular     cspice_rav2xf
VERTICES, compute normal vector of triangular plate from   cspice_pltnrm
VERTICES from type 2 dsk segment, return specified         cspice_dskv02
VOLUME, compute plate model                                cspice_pltvol
W Top

WILDCARD template, match string against                    cspice_matchi
WILDCARD template, test whether a string matches a         cspice_matchi
WINDOW, cardinality of a d.p.                              cspice_wncard
WINDOW, complement a d.p.                                  cspice_wncomd
WINDOW, contract the intervals of a d.p.                   cspice_wncond
WINDOW, element of a d.p.                                  cspice_wnelmd
WINDOW, expand the intervals of a d.p.                     cspice_wnexpd
WINDOW, extract the endpoints from a d.p.                  cspice_wnextd
WINDOW, fetch an interval from a d.p.                      cspice_wnfetd
WINDOW, fill small gaps in a d.p.                          cspice_wnfild
WINDOW, filter small intervals from a d.p.                 cspice_wnfltd
WINDOW for binary pck reference frame, get coverage        cspice_pckcov
WINDOW for CK object, get coverage                         cspice_ckcov
WINDOW for SPK object, get coverage                        cspice_spkcov
WINDOW, included in a d.p.                                 cspice_wnincd
WINDOW, insert an interval into a d.p.                     cspice_wninsd
WINDOW, summary of a d.p.                                  cspice_wnsumd
WINDOW, validate a d.p.                                    cspice_wnvald
WINDOWS, compare two d.p.                                  cspice_wnreld
WINDOWS, difference two d.p.                               cspice_wndifd
WINDOWS, intersect two d.p.                                cspice_wnintd
WINDOWS, union two d.p.                                    cspice_wnunid
WORD in a character string, n'th                           cspice_nthwd
WORD in a character string, next                           cspice_nextwd
WRITE a type 10 SPK segment                                cspice_spkw10
WRITE a type 17 SPK segment                                cspice_spkw17
WRITE a type 2 dsk segment                                 cspice_dskw02
WRITE access, open a das file for                          cspice_dasopw
WRITE access, open a new das file with                     cspice_dasonw
WRITE access, open a new dla file with                     cspice_dlaopn
WRITE buffered records to a das file                       cspice_daswbr
WRITE character data to EK column                          cspice_ekacec
WRITE CK type 1 pointing data segment                      cspice_ckw01
WRITE CK type 2 pointing data segment                      cspice_ckw02
WRITE CK type 3 pointing data segment                      cspice_ckw03
WRITE double precision data to EK column                   cspice_ekaced
WRITE entire character column to EK segment                cspice_ekaclc
WRITE entire double precision column to EK segment         cspice_ekacld
WRITE entire integer column to EK segment                  cspice_ekacli
WRITE, finish a fast EK segment                            cspice_ekffld
WRITE integer data to EK column                            cspice_ekacei
WRITE, open existing DAF for                               cspice_dafopw
WRITE SPK type 12 ephemeris data segment                   cspice_spkw12
WRITE SPK type 13 ephemeris data segment                   cspice_spkw13
WRITE SPK type 2 data segment                              cspice_spkw02
WRITE SPK type 3 data segment                              cspice_spkw03
WRITE SPK type 5 ephemeris data segment                    cspice_spkw05
WRITE SPK type 8 ephemeris data segment                    cspice_spkw08
WRITE SPK type 9 ephemeris data segment                    cspice_spkw09
WRITE substrings to a range of das logical addresses       cspice_dasudc
WRITING a type 14 SPK segment, begin                       cspice_spk14b
WRITING, open a das file for                               cspice_dasopw
WRITING, open existing EK for                              cspice_ekopw
WRITING, start new e-kernel segment for fast               cspice_ekifld
WRITING, start new EK segment for fast                     cspice_ekifld
Y Top

YEAR, number of seconds per julian                         cspice_jyear
YEAR, number of seconds per tropical                       cspice_tyear
YEARS, set the interval of expansion for abbreviated       cspice_tsetyr
Z Top

ZERO vector, test whether a 3-dimensional vector is the    cspice_vzero
ZERO vector, test whether an n-dimensional vector is the   cspice_vzerog
ZONES, time                                                cspice_timdef
Fri Dec 31 18:44:05 2021