Table of contents
CSPICE_SIZE returns the size (maximum cardinality) of a SPICE cell
of any data type.
cell a SPICE cell of any data type.
help, cell
STRUCT = cspice_celld(N) or STRUCT = cspice_celli(N)
`cell' must be declared as a double precision, or integer.
The user must create `cell' using either cspice_celld or
the call:
size = cspice_size( cell )
size a scalar integer describing the size (maximum number of
elements) of the input `cell'.
help, size
LONG = Scalar
Any numerical results shown for this example may differ between
platforms as the results depend on the SPICE kernels used as input
and the machine specific arithmetic implementation.
1) The cspice_size procedure is typically used in conjunction
with the cspice_card procedure to predict (and subsequently
avoid) overflows when manipulating cells. In the following
example, cspice_card and cspice_size are used to determine whether
the union of two sets is safe.
Example code begins here.
PRO size_ex1
;; Local constants.
;; Local variables.
;; Declare two SPICE cells.
seta = cspice_celli( SETDIM )
setb = cspice_celli( SETDIM )
setc = cspice_celli( SETDIM )
even = [ 0L, 2L, 4L, 4L, 8L ]
items = [ 0L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 8L ]
;; Initialize the empty sets.
cspice_valid, SETDIM, 0L, seta
cspice_valid, SETDIM, 0L, setb
;; Insert `even' on `seta' and `items' on `setb'
for i=0L, SETDIM-1L do begin
cspice_insrti, even[i], seta
cspice_insrti, items[i], setb
;; Perform the union if possible.
if ( cspice_card( seta ) + cspice_card( setb ) le $
cspice_size( setc ) ) then begin
print, 'Union will not overflow the output set.'
cspice_union, seta, setb, setc
endif else begin
print, 'Union may overflow...'
cspice_inter, seta, setb, setc
if ( cspice_card( seta ) + cspice_card( setb ) - $
cspice_card( setc ) le cspice_size( setc ) ) then begin
print, ' ... but cspice_inter indicates it is safe!'
cspice_union, seta, setb, setc
endif else begin
print, ' ... and cspice_inter confirms it!'
When this program was executed on a Mac/Intel/IDL8.x/64-bit
platform, the output was:
Union may overflow...
... but cspice_inter indicates it is safe!
1) If the input `cell' has invalid cardinality, the error
SPICE(INVALIDCARDINALITY) is signaled by a routine in the call
tree of this routine. cspice_size returns an unspecified value in
this case.
2) If the input `cell' has invalid size, the error
SPICE(INVALIDSIZE) is signaled by a routine in the call tree
of this routine. cspice_size returns an unspecified value in this
3) If the input argument `cell' is undefined, an error is
signaled by the IDL error handling system.
4) If the input argument `cell' is not of the expected type, or
it does not have the expected dimensions and size, an error is
signaled by the Icy interface.
J. Diaz del Rio (ODC Space)
E.D. Wright (JPL)
-Icy Version 1.0.2, 26-AUG-2021 (JDR)
Added arguments' type and size information in the -I/O section.
Edited the header to comply with NAIF standard. Added complete
code example based on existing example fragments.
Added sets.req to the list of required readings.
Added -Parameters, -Exceptions, -Files, -Restrictions,
-Literature_References and -Author_and_Institution sections.
Removed reference to the routine's corresponding CSPICE header from
-Abstract section.
-Icy Version 1.0.1, 28-SEP-2006 (EDW)
Corrections to English.
Correct Required Reading citation cell.req to cells.req.
Edit header to improve comprehension.
-Icy Version 1.0.0, 08-OCT-2004 (EDW)
size of a cell