Index of Functions: A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X 
Index Page

Table of contents


   CSPICE_OCCULT determines the occultation condition (not occulted,
   partially occulted, etc.) of one target relative to another target as
   seen by an observer at a given time.

   The surfaces of the target bodies may be represented by triaxial
   ellipsoids, points, or by topographic data provided by DSK files.



      targ1    the name of the first target body.

               help, targ1
                  STRING = Scalar

               Both object names and NAIF IDs are accepted. For example, both
               'Moon' and '301' are accepted.

      shape1   a string indicating the geometric model used to represent the
               shape of the first target body.

               help, shape1
                  STRING = Scalar

               The supported options are:


                      Use a triaxial ellipsoid model with radius
                      values provided via the kernel pool. A kernel
                      variable having a name of the form


                      where nnn represents the NAIF integer code
                      associated with the body, must be present in
                      the kernel pool. This variable must be
                      associated with three numeric values giving the
                      lengths of the ellipsoid's X, Y, and Z


                      Treat the body as a single point. When a point
                      target is specified, the occultation conditions
                      can only be total, annular, or none.

                  'DSK/UNPRIORITIZED[/SURFACES = <surface list>]'

                      Use topographic data provided by DSK files to
                      model the body's shape. These data must be
                      provided by loaded DSK files.

                      The surface list specification is optional. The
                      syntax of the list is

                         <surface 1> [, <surface 2>...]

                      If present, it indicates that data only for the
                      listed surfaces are to be used; however, data
                      need not be available for all surfaces in the
                      list. If absent, loaded DSK data for any surface
                      associated with the target body are used.

                      The surface list may contain surface names or
                      surface ID codes. Names containing blanks must
                      be delimited by double quotes, for example

                         SURFACES = "Mars MEGDR 128 PIXEL/DEG"

                      If multiple surfaces are specified, their names
                      or IDs must be separated by commas.

                      See the -Particulars section below for details
                      concerning use of DSK data.

               The combinations of the shapes of the target bodies
               `targ1' and `targ2' must be one of:

                  One ELLIPSOID, one POINT
                  Two ELLIPSOIDs
                  One DSK, one POINT

               Case and leading or trailing blanks are not
               significant in the string `shape1'.

      frame1   the name of the body-fixed, body-centered reference frame
               associated with the first target body.

               help, frame1
                  STRING = Scalar

               Examples of such names are 'IAU_SATURN' (for Saturn) and
               'ITRF93' (for the Earth).

               If the first target body is modeled as a point, `frame1'
               should be left blank (Ex: ' ').

               Case and leading or trailing blanks bracketing a
               non-blank frame name are not significant in the string.

      targ2    the name of the second target body.

               help, targ2
                  STRING = Scalar

               See the description of `targ1' above for more details.

      shape2   the shape specification for the body designated by `targ2'.

               help, shape2
                  STRING = Scalar

               See the description of `shape1' above for details.

      frame2   the name of the body-fixed, body-centered reference frame
               associated with the second target body.

               help, frame2
                  STRING = Scalar

               See the description of `frame1' above for more details.

      abcorr   indicates the aberration corrections to be applied to the state
               of each target body to account for one-way light time.

               help, abcorr
                  STRING = Scalar

               Stellar aberration corrections are ignored if specified, since
               these corrections don't improve the accuracy of the occultation

               See the header of the Icy routine cspice_spkezr for a
               detailed description of the aberration correction
               options. For convenience, the options supported by
               this routine are listed below:

                  'NONE'     Apply no correction.

                  'LT'       "Reception" case: correct for
                             one-way light time using a Newtonian

                  'CN'       "Reception" case: converged
                             Newtonian light time correction.

                  'XLT'      "Transmission" case: correct for
                             one-way light time using a Newtonian

                  'XCN'      "Transmission" case: converged
                             Newtonian light time correction.

               Case and blanks are not significant in the string

      obsrvr   the name of the body from which the occultation is observed.

               help, obsrvr
                  STRING = Scalar

               See the description of `targ1' above for more details.

      et       the observation time in seconds past the J2000 epoch, or an
               N-vector of times.

               help, et
                  DOUBLE = Scalar   or   DOUBLE = Array[N]

   the call:

      cspice_occult, targ1,  shape1, frame1, targ2,  shape2,                 $
                     frame2, abcorr, obsrvr, et,     ocltid


      ocltid   an integer occultation code indicating the geometric
               relationship of the three bodies, or an N-vector of codes.

               help, ocltid
                  LONG = Scalar   or   LONG = Array[N]

               The meaning of the sign of `ocltid' is given below.

                   Code sign          Meaning
                   ---------          ------------------------------
                      > 0             The second target is
                                      partially or fully occulted
                                      by the first.

                      < 0             The first target is
                                      partially of fully
                                      occulted by the second.

                      = 0             No occultation.

               Possible `ocltid' values and meanings are given
               below. The names in the left column can be accessed
               in a user's program by calling 'IcyUser' as shown
               in the example program below. The variable names indicate
               the type of occultation and which target is in the back.
               For example, SPICE_OCCULT_TOTAL1 represents a total
               occultation in which the first target is in the back (or
               occulted by) the second target.

                  Name                 Code    Meaning
                  -------------------  -----  ---------------------------
                  SPICE_OCCULT_TOTAL1   -3    Total occultation of first
                                              target by second. First
                                              target is in back.

                  SPICE_OCCULT_ANNLR1   -2    Annular occultation of
                                              first target by
                                              second. The second
                                              target does not block
                                              the limb of the
                                              first. First target
                                              is in back.

                  SPICE_OCCULT_PARTL1   -1    Partial occultation of
                                              first target by
                                              second target. First
                                              target is in back.

                  SPICE_OCCULT_NOOCC     0    No occultation or transit:
                                              both objects are completely
                                              visible to the observer.

                  SPICE_OCCULT_PARTL2    1    Partial occultation of
                                              second target by
                                              first target. Second
                                              target is in back.

                  SPICE_OCCULT_ANNLR2    2    Annular occultation of
                                              second target by
                                              first. Second target
                                              is in back.

                  SPICE_OCCULT_TOTAL2    3    Total occultation of
                                              second target by
                                              first. Second target
                                              is in back.




   Any numerical results shown for this example may differ between
   platforms as the results depend on the SPICE kernels used as input
   and the machine specific arithmetic implementation.

   1) Find whether MRO is occulted by Mars as seen by
      the DSS-13 ground station at a few specific

      Use the meta-kernel shown below to load the required SPICE



         This meta-kernel is intended to support operation of SPICE
         example programs. The kernels shown here should not be
         assumed to contain adequate or correct versions of data
         required by SPICE-based user applications.

         In order for an application to use this meta-kernel, the
         kernels referenced here must be present in the user's
         current working directory.

         The names and contents of the kernels referenced
         by this meta-kernel are as follows:

            File name                       Contents
            ---------                       --------
            de421.bsp                       Planetary ephemeris
            pck00010.tpc                    Planet orientation and
            naif0010.tls                    Leapseconds
            earth_latest_high_prec.bpc      Earth latest binary PCK
            earthstns_itrf93_050714.bsp     DSN station SPK
            mro_psp22.bsp                   MRO ephemeris
              Topocentric reference
                                            frames for DSN


            KERNELS_TO_LOAD = ( 'de421.bsp',
                                '' )

         End of meta-kernel.

      Example code begins here.

      PRO occult_ex1

         ;; IcyUser is a file that makes certain variables global.
         ;; You must call IcyUser to have access to occultation-specific
         ;; variable names like SPICE_OCCULT_TOTAL1, which indicates there
         ;; is a total occultation in which the first target is in the back
         ;; of the second target. These variables are defined so you don't
         ;; need to remember what the integer codes mean that the
         ;; occultation routine returns. For more information, please see
         ;; and
         ;; To use the variables in IcyUser, add the 'src/icy' directory
         ;; to your IDL path by doing the following in which /path/to is the
         ;; local path to Icy.
         ;;    pref_set, 'IDL_PATH', '/path/to/icy/src/icy:<IDL_DEFAULT>', $
         ;;                           /COMMIT

         ;; Local variables
         ;; The meta-kernel to be loaded is the variable `metakr'.
         metakr = ''

         targ1  = ' MRO  '
         targ2  = ' Mars '
         obsrvr = 'DSS-13'
         dt     = 1000.
         out_char = ['totally occulted by  ',  $
                     'transited by         ',  $
                     'partially occulted by',  $
                     'not occulted by      ']

         ;; Load kernels
         cspice_furnsh, metakr

         cspice_str2et, '2012-jan-5 1:15:00 UTC', et_start
         cspice_str2et, '2012-jan-5 2:50:00 UTC', et_stop

         ;; Initialize the time array in ET.
         size_et = long( (et_stop-et_start)/dt ) + 1
         et = dt * dindgen ( size_et ) + et_start

         ;; Calculate the type of occultation that
         ;; corresponds to time ET.
         cspice_occult, targ1, 'point', ' ',             $
                        targ2, 'ellipsoid', 'iau_mars',  $
                        'cn', obsrvr, et, ocltid

         ;; Convert the times to a readable format.
         cspice_timout, et, 'YYYY-MM-DD HR:MN ::UTC-8', 22, time

         ;; Output the results.
         for j = 0, size_et-1 do begin
            ;; Remember: You must call '@IcyUser' before
            ;; using the parameters in the case statements below.
            ;; See the beginning of the example or IcyUser for
            ;; details.
            case ocltid(j) of
               SPICE_OCCULT_TOTAL1: print, time(j), targ1, out_char(0), $
                                           targ1, 'wrt ', obsrvr
               SPICE_OCCULT_ANNLR1: print, time(j), targ1, out_char(1), $
                                           targ1, 'wrt ', obsrvr
               SPICE_OCCULT_PARTL1: print, time(j), targ1, out_char(2), $
                                           targ1, 'wrt ', obsrvr
               SPICE_OCCULT_NOOCC:  print, time(j), targ1, out_char(3), $
                                           targ2, 'wrt ', obsrvr
               SPICE_OCCULT_PARTL2: print, time(j), targ2, out_char(2), $
                                           targ2, 'wrt ', obsrvr
               SPICE_OCCULT_ANNLR2: print, time(j), targ2, out_char(1), $
                                           targ2, 'wrt ', obsrvr
               SPICE_OCCULT_TOTAL2: print, time(j), targ2, out_char(0), $
                                           targ2, 'wrt ', obsrvr


         ;; It's always good form to unload kernels after use,
         ;; particularly in IDL due to data persistence.


      When this program was executed on a Mac/Intel/IDL8.x/64-bit
      platform, the output was:

      2012-01-04 17:15 Mars transited by          Mars wrt DSS-13
      2012-01-04 17:31 MRO  not occulted by       Mars wrt DSS-13
      2012-01-04 17:48 MRO  totally occulted by   MRO  wrt DSS-13
      2012-01-04 18:04 MRO  totally occulted by   MRO  wrt DSS-13
      2012-01-04 18:21 MRO  not occulted by       Mars wrt DSS-13
      2012-01-04 18:38 Mars transited by          Mars wrt DSS-13


   For many purposes, modeling extended bodies as triaxial
   ellipsoids is adequate for determining whether one body is
   occulted by another as seen from a specified observer.

   Using DSK data

      DSK loading and unloading

      DSK files providing data used by this routine are loaded by
      calling furnsh_c and can be unloaded by calling unload_c or
      kclear_c. See the documentation of furnsh_c for limits on numbers
      of loaded DSK files.

      For run-time efficiency, it's desirable to avoid frequent
      loading and unloading of DSK files. When there is a reason to
      use multiple versions of data for a given target body---for
      example, if topographic data at varying resolutions are to be
      used---the surface list can be used to select DSK data to be
      used for a given computation. It is not necessary to unload
      the data that are not to be used. This recommendation presumes
      that DSKs containing different versions of surface data for a
      given body have different surface ID codes.

      DSK data priority

      A DSK coverage overlap occurs when two segments in loaded DSK
      files cover part or all of the same domain---for example, a
      given longitude-latitude rectangle---and when the time
      intervals of the segments overlap as well.

      When DSK data selection is prioritized, in case of a coverage
      overlap, if the two competing segments are in different DSK
      files, the segment in the DSK file loaded last takes
      precedence. If the two segments are in the same file, the
      segment located closer to the end of the file takes

      When DSK data selection is unprioritized, data from competing
      segments are combined. For example, if two competing segments
      both represent a surface as a set of triangular plates, the
      union of those sets of plates is considered to represent the

      Currently only unprioritized data selection is supported.
      Because prioritized data selection may be the default behavior
      in a later version of the routine, the UNPRIORITIZED keyword is
      required in the `shape1' and `shape2' arguments.

      Syntax of the shape input arguments for the DSK case

      The keywords and surface list in the target shape arguments
      `shape1' and `shape2' are called "clauses." The clauses may
      appear in any order, for example

         'DSK/<surface list>/UNPRIORITIZED'
         'DSK/UNPRIORITIZED/<surface list>'
         'UNPRIORITIZED/<surface list>/DSK'

      The simplest form of the `method' argument specifying use of
      DSK data is one that lacks a surface list, for example:


      For applications in which all loaded DSK data for the target
      body are for a single surface, and there are no competing
      segments, the above string suffices. This is expected to be
      the usual case.

      When, for the specified target body, there are loaded DSK
      files providing data for multiple surfaces for that body, the
      surfaces to be used by this routine for a given call must be
      specified in a surface list, unless data from all of the
      surfaces are to be used together.

      The surface list consists of the string

         'SURFACES = '

      followed by a comma-separated list of one or more surface
      identifiers. The identifiers may be names or integer codes in
      string format. For example, suppose we have the surface
      names and corresponding ID codes shown below:

         Surface Name                              ID code
         ------------                              -------
         "Mars MEGDR 128 PIXEL/DEG"                1
         "Mars MEGDR 64 PIXEL/DEG"                 2
         "Mars_MRO_HIRISE"                         3

      If data for all of the above surfaces are loaded, then
      data for surface 1 can be specified by either

         'SURFACES = 1'


         'SURFACES = "Mars MEGDR 128 PIXEL/DEG"'

      Double quotes are used to delimit the surface name because
      it contains blank characters.

      To use data for surfaces 2 and 3 together, any
      of the following surface lists could be used:

         'SURFACES = 2, 3'

         'SURFACES = "Mars MEGDR  64 PIXEL/DEG", 3'

         'SURFACES = 2, Mars_MRO_HIRISE'

         'SURFACES = "Mars MEGDR 64 PIXEL/DEG", Mars_MRO_HIRISE'

      An example of a shape argument that could be constructed
      using one of the surface lists above is



   1)  If the target or observer body names input by the user are
       not recognized, an error is signaled by a routine in
       the call tree of this routine.

   2)  If the input shapes are not accepted, an error is signaled by
       a routine in the call tree of this routine.

   3)  If both input shapes are points, an error is signaled by a
       routine in the call tree of this routine.

   4)  If the radii of a target body modeled as an ellipsoid cannot
       be determined by searching the kernel pool for a kernel
       variable having a name of the form


       where nnn represents the NAIF integer code associated with
       the body, an error is signaled by a routine in the
       call tree of this routine.

   5)  If any of the target or observer bodies (targ1, targ2, or
       obsrvr) are the same, an error is signaled
       by a routine in the call tree of this routine.

   6)  If the loaded kernels provide insufficient data to compute any
       required state vector, an error is signaled by a routine in
       the call tree of this routine.

   7)  If an error occurs while reading an SPK or other kernel,
       the error is signaled by a routine in the call tree
       of this routine.

   8)  If the aberration correction specification `abcorr' is invalid,
       an error is signaled by a routine in the call tree of this

   9)  If either `shape1' or `shape2' specifies that the target surface
       is represented by DSK data, and no DSK files are loaded for
       the specified target, an error is signaled by a routine in
       the call tree of this routine.

   10) If either `shape1' or `shape2' specifies that the target surface
       is represented by DSK data, but the shape specification is
       invalid, an error is signaled by a routine in the call tree
       of this routine.

   11) If any of the input arguments, `targ1', `shape1', `frame1',
       `targ2', `shape2', `frame2', `abcorr', `obsrvr' or `et', is
       undefined, an error is signaled by the IDL error handling

   12) If any of the input arguments, `targ1', `shape1', `frame1',
       `targ2', `shape2', `frame2', `abcorr', `obsrvr' or `et', is
       not of the expected type, or it does not have the expected
       dimensions and size, an error is signaled by the Icy

   13) If the output argument `ocltid' is not a named variable, an
       error is signaled by the Icy interface.


   Appropriate SPICE kernels must be loaded by the calling program
   before this routine is called.

   The following data are required:

   -  SPK data: the calling application must load ephemeris data
      for the target, source and observer that cover the time
      instant specified by the argument `et'. If aberration
      corrections are used, the states of the target bodies and of
      the observer relative to the solar system barycenter must be
      calculable from the available ephemeris data. Typically
      ephemeris data are made available by loading one or more
      SPK files via cspice_furnsh.

   -  PCK data: bodies modeled as triaxial ellipsoids must have
      semi-axis lengths provided by variables in the kernel pool.
      Typically these data are made available by loading a text
      PCK file via cspice_furnsh.

   -  FK data: if either of the reference frames designated by
      `frame1' or `frame2' are not built in to the SPICE system,
      one or more FKs specifying these frames must be loaded.

   The following data may be required:

   -  DSK data: if either `shape1' or `shape2' indicates that DSK
      data are to be used, DSK files containing topographic data
      for the target body must be loaded. If a surface list is
      specified, data for at least one of the listed surfaces must
      be loaded.

   -  Surface name-ID associations: if surface names are specified
      in `shape1' or `shape2', the association of these names with
      their corresponding surface ID codes must be established by
      assignments of the kernel variables


      Normally these associations are made by loading a text
      kernel containing the necessary assignments. An example
      of such a set of assignments is

         NAIF_SURFACE_CODE += 1
         NAIF_SURFACE_BODY += 499

   -  CK data: either of the body-fixed frames to which `frame1' or
      `frame2' refer might be a CK frame. If so, at least one CK
      file will be needed to permit transformation of vectors
      between that frame and the J2000 frame.

   -  SCLK data: if a CK file is needed, an associated SCLK
      kernel is required to enable conversion between encoded SCLK
      (used to time-tag CK data) and barycentric dynamical time

   Kernel data are normally loaded once per program run, NOT every
   time this routine is called.








   N.J. Bachman        (JPL)
   J. Diaz del Rio     (ODC Space)
   S.C. Krening        (JPL)
   E.D. Wright         (JPL)


   -Icy Version 2.1.0, 03-NOV-2021 (JDR)

       Changed the argument names "target1", "target2", "observer" and
       "occult_code" to "targ1", "targ2", "obsrvr" and "ocltid" for
       consistency with other routines.

       Added -Parameters, -Exceptions, -Files, -Restrictions,
       -Literature_References and -Author_and_Institution sections.

       Edited the header to comply with NAIF standard.
       Updated ocltid names in code example and -I/O section to match CSPICE

       Removed reference to the routine's corresponding CSPICE header from
       -Abstract section.

       Added arguments' type and size information in the -I/O section.

   -Icy Version 2.0.0, 04-APR-2017 (EDW) (NJB)

       Updated to support use of DSKs.

   -Icy Version 1.0.0, 14-NOV-2013 (SCK)


   occultation type at a specified time

Fri Dec 31 18:43:06 2021