Table of contents
CSPICE_DSKX02 determines the plate ID and body-fixed coordinates
of the intersection of a specified ray with the surface defined by a
type 2 DSK plate model.
handle the file handle of a DSK file containing a shape model for a
target body.
help, handle
LONG = Scalar
The shape model is stored in a type 2 DSK segment.
dladsc the DLA descriptor of a type 2 DSK segment containing plate
model data representing the surface of the target body.
help, dladsc
Normally this descriptor will be obtained by a search through a
DSK file using the DLA search routines; see the -Examples header
section below for a working code example illustrating a simple
vertex the vertex of a ray.
help, vertex
DOUBLE = Scalar
`vertex' is expressed relative to the body fixed reference
frame associated with the target body. This reference frame is
the same frame relative to which the vertices of the plate model
are expressed. Units are km.
The vertex is required to be outside the target body.
raydir the ray's direction vector.
help, raydir
DOUBLE = Scalar
`raydir' is expressed relative to the body fixed reference
frame associated with the target body.
the call:
cspice_dskx02, handle, dladsc, vertex, raydir, plid, xpt, found
plid the ID of the plate closest to the input ray's vertex at which a
ray-surface intercept exists.
help, plid
LONG = Scalar
If no intercept exists, `plid' is undefined.
xpt the ray-target intercept closest to the ray's vertex, if an
intercept exists.
help, xpt
DOUBLE = Array[3]
`xpt' is expressed relative to the body-fixed reference frame
associated with the target body. Units are km.
If no intercept exists, `xpt' is undefined.
found a logical flag that indicates whether or not the ray does indeed
intersect the target.
help, found
BOOLEAN = Scalar
If the ray intersects a plate `found' is True. Otherwise
`found' is False.
See the parameter definitions file
for the values of tolerance parameters used by default by the
ray-surface intercept algorithm.
See the parameter definitions file
for declarations of DLA descriptor sizes and documentation of the
contents of DLA descriptors.
See the parameter definitions file
for declarations of DSK descriptor sizes and documentation of the
contents of DSK descriptors.
See the parameter definitions file
for declarations of DSK data type 2 (plate model) parameters.
Any numerical results shown for this example may differ between
platforms as the results depend on the SPICE kernels used as input
and the machine specific arithmetic implementation.
1) Find the surface intercept points corresponding to a latitude/
longitude grid of a specified resolution, for a specified
target body.
This simple program assumes the shape model for the target
body is stored in a single type 2 DSK segment, and that this
segment is the first one in the DSK file to which it belongs.
Example code begins here.
PRO dskx02_ex1
;; IcyUser globally defines DSK parameters.
;; For more information, please see
NLAT = 9
NLON = 9
TOL = 1.d-12
;; Local variables
dsk = ''
;; Prompt for the name of the DSK file.
read, dsk, PROMPT='Enter name of DSK file > '
;; Open the DSK file for read access.
;; We use the DAS-level interface for
;; this function.
cspice_dasopr, dsk, handle
;; Begin a forward search through the
;; kernel, treating the file as a DLA.
;; In this example, it's a very short
;; search.
cspice_dlabfs, handle, dladsc, found
if ( ~found ) then begin
;; We arrive here only if the kernel
;; contains no segments. This is
;; unexpected, but we're prepared for it.
message, 'SPICE(NODATA): No segment found in file '+ dsk
;; If we made it this far, DLADSC is the
;; DLA descriptor of the first segment.
;; We're going to generate the intercept points
;; using a set of rays which point toward the
;; origin and whose vertices are on a
;; specified lat/lon grid. To start out we
;; must pick a reasonable range from the origin
;; for the vertices: the range must be large
;; enough so that the vertices are guaranteed
;; to be outside the target body but small
;; enough that we don't lose too much precision
;; in the surface intercept computation.
;; We'll look up the upper bound for the target
;; radius, then use 2 times this value as the
;; vertex magnitude.
cspice_dskgd, handle, dladsc, dskdsc
maxr = dskdsc[SPICE_DSK_MX3IDX]
r = 2.d0 * maxr
;; Now generate the intercept points. We generate
;; intercepts along latitude bounds, working from
;; north to south. Latitude ranges
;; from +80 to -80 degrees. Longitude
;; ranges from 0 to 320 degrees. The increment
;; is 20 degrees for latitude and 40 degrees for
;; longitude.
for i=0, (NLAT-1) do begin
lat = cspice_rpd() * ( 80.0 - 20.0*i )
for j=0, (NLON-1) do begin
lon = cspice_rpd() * 40.0*j
;; Produce a ray vertex for the current
;; lat/lon value. Negate the vertex to
;; produce the ray's direction vector.
cspice_latrec, r, lon, lat, vertex
raydir = -vertex
;; Find the surface intercept for this
;; ray.
cspice_dskx02, handle, dladsc, vertex, raydir, plid, $
xpt, found
;; Since the ray passes through the origin on
;; the body-fixed frame associated with the
;; target body, we'd rarely expect to find that
;; the ray failed to intersect the surface.
;; For safety, we check the FOUND flag. (A
;; "not found" condition could be a sign of
;; a bug.)
if ( ~found ) then begin
print, 'Intercept not found!\n'
print, ' Ray vertex:\n'
print, ' Longitude (deg): ', lon * cspice_dpr()
print, ' Latitude (deg): ', lat * cspice_dpr()
print, ' Radius (km): ', r
endif else begin
;; This is the normal case. Display the
;; intercept plate ID and the intercept
;; point in both cartesian and latitudinal
;; coordinates. Show the corresponding ray
;; vertex to facilitate validation of results.
;; Use cspice_recrad rather than cspice_reclat to produce
;; non-negative longitudes.
cspice_recrad, xpt, xr, xlon, xlat
print, 'Intercept found:'
print, ' Plate ID: ', plid
print, FORMAT='(A,3F12.8)', $
' Cartesian Coordinates: ', xpt
print, ' Latitudinal Coordinates: '
print, ' Longitude (deg): ', xlon * cspice_dpr()
print, ' Latitude (deg): ', xlat * cspice_dpr()
print, ' Radius (km): ', xr
print, ' Ray vertex:'
print, ' Longitude (deg): ', lon * cspice_dpr()
print, ' Latitude (deg): ', lat * cspice_dpr()
print, ' Radius (km): ', r
;; Perform sanity checks on the intercept
;; coordinates. Stop the program if any error
;; is larger than our tolerance value.
if ( abs(xlat-lat) gt TOL ) then begin
message, 'Latitude error!'
if ( (xlon - lon) gt cspice_pi() ) then begin
xlon = xlon - cspice_twopi()
if ( (xlon - lon) gt TOL ) then begin
message, 'Longitude error!'
if ( xr gt (1.d0+TOL)*maxr ) then begin
message, 'Radius error!'
;; End of longitude loop.
;; End of latitude loop.
;; Close the kernel. This isn't necessary in a stand-
;; alone program, but it's good practice in subroutines
;; because it frees program and system resources.
cspice_dascls, handle
When this program was executed on a Mac/Intel/IDL8.x/64-bit
platform, using the DSK file named phobos_3_3.bds, the output
Enter name of DSK file > phobos_3_3.bds
Intercept found:
Plate ID: 306238
Cartesian Coordinates: 1.52087789 0.00000000 8.62532711
Latitudinal Coordinates:
Longitude (deg): 0.0000000
Latitude (deg): 80.000000
Radius (km): 8.7583867
Ray vertex:
Longitude (deg): 0.0000000
Latitude (deg): 80.000000
Radius (km): 28.023536
Intercept found:
Plate ID: 317112
Cartesian Coordinates: 1.18970365 0.99827989 8.80777185
Latitudinal Coordinates:
Longitude (deg): 40.000000
Latitude (deg): 80.000000
Radius (km): 8.9436459
Ray vertex:
Longitude (deg): 40.000000
Latitude (deg): 80.000000
Radius (km): 28.023536
Intercept found:
Plate ID: 324141
Cartesian Coordinates: 0.27777518 1.57534131 9.07202903
Latitudinal Coordinates:
Longitude (deg): 80.000000
Latitude (deg): 80.000000
Radius (km): 9.2119797
Ray vertex:
Longitude (deg): 80.000000
Latitude (deg): 80.000000
Radius (km): 28.023536
Intercept found:
Plate ID: 327994
Cartesian Coordinates: -0.81082405 1.40438846 9.19682344
Latitudinal Coordinates:
Longitude (deg): 120.00000
Latitude (deg): 80.000000
Radius (km): 9.3386993
Ray vertex:
Longitude (deg): 120.00000
Latitude (deg): 80.000000
Radius (km): 28.023536
Intercept found:
Plate ID: 329431
Cartesian Coordinates: -1.47820193 0.53802150 8.92132122
Latitudinal Coordinates:
Longitude (deg): 160.00000
Latitude (deg): 80.000000
Radius (km): 9.0589470
Ray vertex:
Longitude (deg): 160.00000
Latitude (deg): 80.000000
Radius (km): 28.023536
Intercept found:
Plate ID: 196042
Cartesian Coordinates: -1.49854761 -0.54542673 9.04411256
Latitudinal Coordinates:
Longitude (deg): 200.00000
Latitude (deg): 80.000000
Radius (km): 9.1836326
Ray vertex:
Longitude (deg): 200.00000
Latitude (deg): 80.000000
Radius (km): 28.023536
Intercept found:
Plate ID: 235899
Cartesian Coordinates: -0.78240454 -1.35516441 8.87447325
Latitudinal Coordinates:
Longitude (deg): 240.00000
Latitude (deg): 80.000000
Radius (km): 9.0113763
Ray vertex:
Longitude (deg): 240.00000
Latitude (deg): 80.000000
Radius (km): 28.023536
Warning: incomplete output. Only 100 out of 1135 lines have
been provided.
This routine solves the ray-surface intercept problem for a
specified ray and a surface represented by triangular plate model.
The surface representation is provided by data in a type 2 segment
of a DSK file.
This routine does not assume that the segment from which the surface
model data are read represents the entire surface of the target
body. A program could call this routine repeatedly to find the
surface intercept of a ray and a shape model partitioned into
multiple segments.
In general, this routine should be expected to run faster when used
with smaller shape models.
1) If the input handle is invalid, an error is signaled by a
routine in the call tree of this routine.
2) If a file read error occurs, the error is signaled by a
routine in the call tree of this routine.
3) If the input DLA descriptor is invalid, the effect of this
routine is undefined. The error *may* be diagnosed by
routines in the call tree of this routine, but there are no
4) If an error occurs while trying to look up any component
of the shape model, the error is signaled by a routine in the
call tree of this routine.
5) If the input ray direction is the zero vector, the error
SPICE(ZEROVECTOR) is signaled by a routine in the call tree of
this routine.
6) If the coarse voxel grid scale of the shape model is less than
1, the error SPICE(VALUEOUTOFRANGE) is signaled by a routine
in the call tree of this routine.
7) If the coarse voxel grid of the shape model contains more than
SPICE_DSK02_MAXCGR (see voxels, the error
SPICE(GRIDTOOLARGE) is signaled by a routine in the call tree
of this routine.
8) If the plate list for any intersected voxel is too large
for this routine to buffer, the error SPICE(ARRAYTOOSMALL)
is signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine.
9) Due to round-off errors, results from this routine may
differ across platforms. Results also may differ from
those expected---and not necessarily by a small amount.
For example, a ray may miss a plate it was expected to
hit and instead hit another plate considerably farther
from the ray's vertex, or miss the target entirely.
10) In the event that an intercept point lies on multiple
plates (that is, the point is on an edge or vertex),
a plate will be selected. Due to round-off error, the
selection may vary across platforms.
11) If any of the input arguments, `handle', `dladsc', `vertex' or
`raydir', is undefined, an error is signaled by the IDL error
handling system.
12) If any of the input arguments, `handle', `dladsc', `vertex' or
`raydir', is not of the expected type, or it does not have the
expected dimensions and size, an error is signaled by the Icy
13) If any of the output arguments, `plid', `xpt' or `found', is
not a named variable, an error is signaled by the Icy
See the description of the input argument `handle'.
[1] A. Woo, "Fast Ray-Box Intersection", Graphic Gems I,
395-396, Aug. 1990
J. Diaz del Rio (ODC Space)
M. Liukis (JPL)
E.D. Wright (JPL)
-Icy Version 1.0.1, 10-AUG-2021 (JDR)
Edited the header to comply with NAIF standard. Updated
code example to prompt for the input DSK file. Corrected example's
problem statement.
Added -Parameters, -Exceptions, -Files, -Restrictions,
-Literature_References and -Author_and_Institution sections.
Removed reference to the routine's corresponding CSPICE header from
-Abstract section.
Added arguments' type and size information in the -I/O section.
-Icy Version 1.0.0, 14-DEC-2016 (ML) (EDW)
plate and plate model point intersected by ray
intersection of ray and surface