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   CSPICE_EKSSUM returns summary information for a specified segment in a
   specified EK.



      handle   the scalar integer handle for the EK containing the segment to
               be summarized.

               help, handle
                  LONG = Scalar

      segno    the scalar integer segment number of the segment whose summary
               is desired.

               help, segno
                  LONG = Scalar

               Segments are numbered from 0 to NSEG-1, where NSEG is the count
               of segments in the file.

   the call:

      cspice_ekssum, handle, segno , nrows, ncols, tabnam, $
                     cnames, cclass, dtype, sizes, strlen, $
                     indexd, nullok


      nrows    the scalar integer count of rows in segment 'segno'.

               help, nrows
                  LONG = Scalar

      ncols    the scalar integer count of columns in segment 'segno'.

               help, ncols
                  LONG = Scalar

      tabnam   a string naming the table containing the segment.

               help, tabnam
                  STRING = Scalar

      cnames   a string array of column names in the segment.

               help, cnames
                  STRING = Array[N]

         The following return arguments hold the summary information
         for the columns named in 'cnames'. The ith entry
         in each array corresponds to the ith column name in 'cnames'

      cclass   integer array of column class codes.

               help, cclass
                  LONG = Array[N]

      dtype    integer array of column data type codes.

               help, dtype
                  LONG = Array[N]

               The correspondence between data type and integer codes:

               SPICE_CHR  = 0  (Character data)
               SPICE_DP   = 1  (Double precision data)
               SPICE_INT  = 2  (Integer data)
               SPICE_TIME = 3  (SPICE representation of times)

      sizes    integer array of column entry sizes, i.e.

               help, sizes
                  LONG = Array[N]

               the count of array elements in a column entry.

      strlen   integer array containing the string length for columns of data
               type SPICE_CHR.

               help, strlen
                  LONG = Array[N]

      indexd   boolean array indicating whether a particular column is indexed
               (TRUE) or not (FALSE).

               help, indexd
                  BOOLEAN = Array[N]

      nullok   boolean array indicating whether a particular column may contain
               null values (TRUE) or not (FALSE).

               help, nullok
                  BOOLEAN = Array[N]




   Any numerical results shown for this example may differ between
   platforms as the results depend on the SPICE kernels used as input
   and the machine specific arithmetic implementation.

   1) Open an EK and summarize each segment, and each column within,
      providing the table name, the number of columns and rows, and
      for each column, its class, name, data type, dimension, index
      flag and whether nulls are allowed within.

      Use the EK kernel below to load the Deep Impact spacecraft
      subsystem commands dictionary, and provide its summary.


      Example code begins here.

      PRO ekssum_ex1

         ;; Open the file named by EK, returning the file handle
         ;; associated with the open file to the variable named
         ;; 'handle'.
         EK = 'dif_cmdict_128_20050620.bdb'

         cspice_ekopr, EK, handle

         ;; Set the data type codes. A column of data in
         ;; an EK has one of four data types.
         ;; Character
         SPICE_CHR  = 0

         ;; Double precision
         SPICE_DP   = 1

         ;; Integer
         SPICE_INT  = 2

         ;; Time
         SPICE_TIME = 3

         ;; Return the number of segments in EK.
         nseg = cspice_eknseg ( handle )

         ;; Loop over each segment, summarizing the segment as we go.
         for segno = 0, (nseg-1) do begin

            ;; Retrieve the segment summary in the file identified by
            ;; file handle 'handle'.
            cspice_ekssum, handle,  segno,   nrow, ncol,  $
                           tabnam, cnames, cclass, dtype, $
                           size  , strlen, indexd, nullok

            print, 'Table name ', tabnam
            print, 'Ncols      ', ncol
            print, 'Nnrows     ', nrow

            ;; Loop over each column found in the segment.
            for colno = 0, (ncol-1) do begin

               print, '  Name and attributes of column: ', colno
               print, '    column class                  ', cclass[colno]
               print, '    column name                   ', cnames[colno]
               print, '    data type                     ', dtype[colno]

               ;; Respond as appropriate for the data type in the column
               case  dtype[colno] of

                  SPICE_CHR  : begin
                               print, '     String with length  ', $

                  SPICE_INT  : begin
                               print, '     Integer'

                  SPICE_DP   : begin
                               print, '     Double precision'

                  SPICE_TIME : begin
                               print, '     Time value'

                  else: print, '     dtype value error'


               print, '    dimension                     ',   size[colno]
               print, '    index flag                    ', indexd[colno]
               print, '    nulls allowed flag            ', nullok[colno]
               print, ' '




      When this program was executed on a Mac/Intel/IDL8.x/64-bit
      platform, the output was:

      Table name DIF_COMMANDS
      Ncols                 7
      Nnrows             5798
        Name and attributes of column:        0
          column class                             3
          column name                   SUBSYSTEM
          data type                                0
           String with length            32
          dimension                                1
          index flag                       1
          nulls allowed flag               0

        Name and attributes of column:        1
          column class                             3
          column name                   COMMAND
          data type                                0
           String with length            32
          dimension                                1
          index flag                       1
          nulls allowed flag               0

        Name and attributes of column:        2
          column class                             3
          column name                   PARAMETER_NAME
          data type                                0
           String with length            32
          dimension                                1
          index flag                       1
          nulls allowed flag               0

        Name and attributes of column:        3
          column class                             1
          column name                   PARAMETER_INDEX
          data type                                2
          dimension                                1
          index flag                       1
          nulls allowed flag               0

        Name and attributes of column:        4
          column class                             3
          column name                   PARAMETER_TYPE
          data type                                0
           String with length            32
          dimension                                1
          index flag                       0
          nulls allowed flag               1

        Name and attributes of column:        5
          column class                             6
          column name                   PARAMETER_RANGE
          data type                                0
           String with length            80
          dimension                               -1
          index flag                       0
          nulls allowed flag               1

        Name and attributes of column:        6
          column class                             6
          column name                   DESCRIPTION
          data type                                0
           String with length            80
          dimension                               -1
          index flag                       0
          nulls allowed flag               0


   This routine supports the function of summarizing a binary
   EK file, allowing NAIF Toolkit users to determine whether it
   contains data of interest. The routine also also provides
   address information necessary to retrieve information from the


   1)  If `handle' is invalid, an error is signaled by a routine in the
       call tree of this routine. The output arguments will not be

   2)  If `segno' is not the index of an existing segment in the
       specified file, the error SPICE(INDEXOUTOFRANGE) is signaled by
       a routine in the call tree of this routine. The output arguments
       will not be modified.

   3)  If an I/O error occurs while attempting to obtain summary
       information for the specified segment, the error is signaled
       by a routine in the call tree of this routine. The output
       arguments may be modified in this case.

   4)  If any of the input arguments, `handle' or `segno', is undefined,
       an error is signaled by the IDL error handling system.

   5)  If any of the input arguments, `handle' or `segno', is not of the
       expected type, or it does not have the expected dimensions and
       size, an error is signaled by the Icy interface.

   6)  If any of the output arguments, `nrows', `ncols', `tabnam',
       `cnames', `cclass', `dtype', `sizes', `strlen', `indexd' or
       `nullok', is not a named variable, an error is signaled by the
       Icy interface.


   See the description of `handle' in -I/O.








   J. Diaz del Rio     (ODC Space)
   E.D. Wright         (JPL)


   -Icy Version 1.0.2, 31-MAY-2021 (JDR)

       Edited the header to comply with NAIF standard. Added
       example's problem statement and example's EK.

       Added -Parameters, -Exceptions, -Files, -Restrictions,
       -Literature_References and -Author_and_Institution sections, and
       completed -Particulars section.

       Removed reference to the routine's corresponding CSPICE header from
       -Abstract section.

       Added arguments' type and size information in the -I/O section.

   -Icy Version 1.0.1, 22-FEB-2010 (EDW)

       Updated header to list output of example code.

   -Icy Version 1.0.0, 16-JUN-2003 (EDW)


   return EK segment summary

Fri Dec 31 18:43:04 2021