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   CSPICE_DSKMI2 makes spatial index for a DSK type 2 segment. The index is
   returned as a pair of arrays, one of type integer and one of type
   double. These arrays are suitable for use with the DSK type 2 writer



      vrtces   an array of coordinates of the vertices.

               help, vrtces
                  DOUBLE = Array[3,NV]

               The Ith vertex occupies elements [0:2,I-1] of this array.

      plates   an array representing the triangular plates of a shape model.

               help, plates
                  LONG = Array[3,NP]

               The elements of `plates' are vertex indices; vertex indices, as
               well as plate indices, are 1-based in all languages supported by
               SPICE. The vertex indices of the Ith plate occupy elements
               [0:2,I-1] of this array.

      finscl   the fine voxel scale.

               help, finscl
                  DOUBLE = Scalar

               This scale determines the edge length of the cubical
               voxels comprising the fine voxel grid: the edge length
               `voxsiz' is approximately

                   finscl * {average plate extent}

               where the extents of a plate are the respective
               differences between the maximum and minimum
               coordinate values of the plate's vertices.

               The relationship between `voxsiz' and the average plate
               extent is approximate because the `voxsiz' is adjusted
               so that each dimension of the fine voxel grid is an
               integer multiple of the coarse voxel scale.

               See the -Particulars section below for further
               information on voxel scales.

      corscl   the coarse voxel scale.

               help, corscl
                  LONG = Scalar

               This integer scale is the ratio of the edge length of coarse
               voxels to that of fine voxels. The coarse scale must be large
               enough so that the total number of coarse voxels does not exceed
               SPICE_DSK02_MAXCGR (see

      worksz   the second dimension of the workspace array `work'.

               help, worksz
                  LONG = Scalar

               `worksz' must be at least as large as the greater of

                  - the number of fine voxel-plate associations

                    This number is equal to

                       np * {average number of fine voxels
                             intersected by each plate}

                  - the number of vertex-plate associations, if
                    the vertex-plate mapping is constructed.

                    This number is equal to

                       nv + ( 3 * np )

      voxpsz   the size of the fine voxel-plate pointer array.

               help, voxpsz
                  LONG = Scalar

               This array maps fine voxels to lists of plates that
               intersect those voxels. `voxpsz' must be at least as
               large as

                  corscl  * {number of non-empty coarse voxels}

      voxlsz   the size of the fine voxel-plate list array.

               help, voxlsz
                  LONG = Scalar

               This array contains, for each non-empty fine voxel, the
               count of plates that intersect that voxel and the
               IDs of those plates. `voxlsz' must be at least as large

                      `np' * {average number of fine voxels
                              intersected by each plate}

                  +   {number of non-empty fine voxels}

      makvtl   a logical flag that, when set to True, indicates that a
               vertex-plate association list is to be constructed.

               help, makvtl
                  BOOLEAN = Scalar

               The amount of workspace that is needed may depend on
               whether a vertex-plate association list is
               constructed. When this list is constructed, the size
               of the integer component of the spatial index is
               increased by the size of the list and the size of a
               vertex-plate pointer array; the total of these sizes

                  ( 2 * nv ) + ( 3 * np )

      spxisz   the declared size of the output array `spaixi'.

               help, spxisz
                  LONG = Scalar

               This size must be at least as large as the sum of

                  - the fixed-size part of the integer component of
                    the index, which includes the coarse voxel grid;
                    this value is


                  - the size `voxpsz' of the voxel-plate pointer array

                  - the size `voxlsz' of the voxel-plate association

               plus, if the vertex-plate association list is

                  - the size `nv' of the vertex-plate pointer array

                  - the size of the vertex-plate association list;
                    this size is

                       nv + ( 3 * np )

   the call:

      cspice_dskmi2, vrtces, plates, finscl, corscl, worksz, voxpsz,         $
                     voxlsz, makvtl, spxisz, spaixd, spaixi


      spaixi   respectively, the double precision and integer components of the
               spatial index of the segment.

               help, spaixd
                  DOUBLE = Array[SPICE_DSK02_IXDFIX]
               help, spaixi
                  LONG = Array[spxisz]

               `spaixd' must be declared with size at least

               `spaixi' must be declared with size at least `spxisz'.


   See the parameter definitions file

   for declarations of DSK data type 2 (plate model) parameters.

   See the parameter definitions file

   for declarations of DLA descriptor sizes and documentation of the
   contents of DLA descriptors.

   See the parameter definitions file

   for declarations of DSK descriptor sizes and documentation of the
   contents of DSK descriptors.


   Any numerical results shown for this example may differ between
   platforms as the results depend on the SPICE kernels used as input
   and the machine specific arithmetic implementation.

   1) Create a three-segment DSK file using plate model data for
      Phobos. Use latitudinal, rectangular, and planetodetic
      coordinates in the respective segments. This is not a
      realistic example, but it serves to demonstrate use of
      the supported coordinate systems.

      Use the DSK kernel below to provide, for simplicity, the input
      plate and vertices data. This file has one segment only.


      Example code begins here.

      PRO dskmi2_ex1

         ;; IcyUser globally defines DSK parameters.
         ;; For more information, please see

         SPICETRUE = 1L
         NSEG = 3

         cornam = ['radius', 'Z-coordinate', 'Z-coordinate', 'altitude']

         ;; Assign names of input and output DSK files.
         indsk = 'phobos_3_3.bds'
         dsk   = 'phobos_3_3_3seg.bds'

         if ( cspice_exists(dsk) ) then begin
            file_delete, dsk

         ;; Open input DSK for read access; find first segment.
         cspice_dasopr, indsk, inhan
         cspice_dlabfs, inhan, dladsc, found

         ;; Fetch vertices and plates from input DSK file.
         ;; Note that vertex and plate indices are 1-based.
         print, 'Reading input data...'

         cspice_dskv02, inhan, dladsc, 1, SPICE_DSK02_MAXVRT, vrtces
         cspice_dskp02, inhan, dladsc, 1, SPICE_DSK02_MAXPLT, plates

         print, 'Done.'

         ;; Set input array sizes required by cspice_dskmi2.
         voxpsz = SPICE_DSK02_MAXVXP
         voxlsz = SPICE_DSK02_MXNVLS
         worksz = SPICE_DSK02_MAXCEL
         spaisz = SPICE_DSK02_SPAISZ
         makvtl = SPICETRUE

         ;; Set fine and coarse voxel scales. (These usually
         ;; need to determined by experimentation.)
         finscl = 5.D
         corscl = 4

         ;; Open a new DSK file.
         cspice_dskopn, dsk, dsk, 0, handle

         for segno=1, NSEG do begin

            ;; Create spatial index. We won't generate a
            ;; vertex-plate mapping, so we set the flag
            ;; for creating this map to "false."
            print, 'Creating segment ', segno
            print, 'Creating spatial index...'

            cspice_dskmi2, vrtces, plates, finscl, corscl, $
                           worksz, voxpsz, voxlsz, makvtl, $
                           spaisz, spaixd, spaixi

            print, 'Done.'

            ;; Set up inputs describing segment attributes:
            ;; - Central body: Phobos
            ;; - Surface ID code: user's choice.
            ;;   We use the segment number here.
            ;; - Data class: general (arbitrary) shape
            ;; - Body-fixed reference frame
            ;; - Time coverage bounds (TBD)
            center = 401
            surfid = segno
            dclass = SPICE_DSK_GENCLS
            frame  = 'IAU_PHOBOS'

            first = -50.D * cspice_jyear()
            last  =  50.D * cspice_jyear()

            ;; Set the coordinate system and coordinate system
            ;; bounds based on the segment index.
            ;; Zero out the coordinate parameters to start.
            corpar = dblarr(SPICE_DSK_NSYPAR)

            case segno of

               1 : begin

                  ;; Use planetocentric latitudinal coordinates. Set
                  ;; the longitude and latitude bounds.
                  corsys = SPICE_DSK_LATSYS

                  mncor1 = -cspice_pi()
                  mxcor1 =  cspice_pi()
                  mncor2 = -cspice_halfpi()
                  mxcor2 =  cspice_halfpi()


               2 : begin

                  ;; Use rectangular coordinates. Set the
                  ;; X and Y bounds.
                  ;; The bounds shown here were derived from
                  ;; the plate data. They lie slightly outside
                  ;; of the range spanned by the plates.
                  corsys = SPICE_DSK_RECSYS

                  mncor1 = -1.3D
                  mxcor1 =  1.31D
                  mncor2 = -1.21D
                  mxcor2 =  1.2D


               3 : begin

                  ;; Set the coordinate system to planetodetic.
                  corsys    = SPICE_DSK_PDTSYS

                  mncor1    = -cspice_pi()
                  mxcor1    =  cspice_pi()
                  mncor2    = -cspice_halfpi()
                  mxcor2    =  cspice_halfpi()

                  ;; We'll use equatorial and polar radii from
                  ;; pck00010.tpc. These normally would be fetched
                  ;; at run time, but for simplicity, we'll use
                  ;; hard-coded values.
                  re        = 13.D0
                  rp        =  9.1D
                  f         = ( re - rp ) / re

                  corpar = [ re, f ]


               else: message, 'Icy(BUG)'


           ;; Compute plate model radius bounds.
           print, 'Computing ' + cornam[corsys-1] +' bounds of plate set...'

           cspice_dskrb2, vrtces, plates, corsys, corpar, mncor3, mxcor3

           print, 'Done.'

           ;; Write the segment to the file.
           print, 'Writing segment...'

           cspice_dskw02, handle, $
                          center, $
                          surfid, $
                          dclass, $
                          frame,  $
                          corsys, $
                          corpar, $
                          mncor1, $
                          mxcor1, $
                          mncor2, $
                          mxcor2, $
                          mncor3, $
                          mxcor3, $
                          first,  $
                          last,   $
                          vrtces, $
                          plates, $
                          spaixd, $


         ;; Close the input DSK.
         cspice_dskcls, handle, SPICETRUE
         cspice_dascls, inhan


      When this program was executed on a Mac/Intel/IDL8.x/64-bit
      platform, the output was:

      Reading input data...
      Creating segment        1
      Creating spatial index...
      Computing radius bounds of plate set...
      Writing segment...
      Creating segment        2
      Creating spatial index...
      Computing Z-coordinate bounds of plate set...
      Writing segment...
      Creating segment        3
      Creating spatial index...
      Computing altitude bounds of plate set...
      Writing segment...

      Note that after run completion, a new DSK exists in the output


   Users planning to create DSK files should consider whether the
   SPICE DSK creation utility MKDSK may be suitable for their needs.

   This routine supports use of the DSK type 2 segment writer cspice_dskw02
   by creating the "spatial index" arrays required as inputs to that

   A spatial index is a group of data structures that facilitates
   rapid high-level computations involving sets of plates. The data
   structures created by this routine are aggregated into arrays
   of type SpiceInt and type SpiceDouble.

   Voxel grids

   A key geometric computation---probably the most important, as it
   serves as a foundation for other high-level computations---is
   finding the intersection of a ray with the plate set. DSK type 2
   segments use data structures called "voxel grids" as part of
   their indexing mechanism. There is a "coarse grid": a box that
   completely encloses a DSK type 2 segment's plate set, and which
   is composed of identically-sized cubes called "coarse voxels."
   Each coarse voxel in composed of smaller cubes called "fine
   voxels." When the term "voxel" is used without qualification, it
   refers to fine voxels.

   Type 2 DSK segments contain data structures that associate plates
   with the fine voxels intersected by those plates. These
   structures enable the type 2 DSK software to rapidly find plates
   in a given region of space.

   Voxel scales

   There are two voxel scales:

   -  The coarse voxel scale is the integer ratio of the
      edge length of a coarse voxel to the edge length of
      a fine voxel

   -  The fine voxel scale is the double precision ratio
      of the edge length of a fine voxel to the average
      extent of the plates in the input plate set. "Extents"
      of a plate are the absolute values of the differences
      between the respective maximum and minimum X, Y, and Z
      coordinates of the plate's vertices.

   Voxel scales determine the resolution of the voxel grid.
   Voxel scales must be chosen to satisfy size constraints and
   provide reasonable plate lookup performance.

   The following considerations apply to spatial indexes of
   type 2 DSK segments:

      1)  The maximum number of coarse voxels is fixed at
          SPICE_DSK02_MAXCGR (declared in

      2)  If there are too few fine voxels, the average number of
          plates per fine voxel will be very large. This largely
          negates the performance improvement afforded by having an
          index. Also, the number of plates per voxel may exceed
          limits imposed by DSK subroutines that use static arrays.

      3)  If there are too many fine voxels, the average number of
          voxels intersected by a given plate may be too large for
          all the plate-voxel associations to be stored. In
          addition, the time needed to examine the plate lists for
          each voxel (including the empty ones) may become quite
          large, again negating the value of the index.

   In many cases, voxel scales yielding optimum performance must be
   determined by experiment. However, the following heuristics can
   provide reasonable starting values:

      Let `np' be the number of plates. Let `fs' be the fine voxel
      scale. Then a reasonable value of `fs' may be

         fs =  np       / 8.

      In general, `fs' should not smaller than 1.


   1)  If the fine voxel scale is non-positive, the error
       SPICE(BADFINEVOXELSCALE) is signaled by a routine in the call
       tree of this routine.

   2)  If the coarse voxel scale is less than 1, the error
       SPICE(BADCOARSEVOXSCALE) is signaled by a routine in the call
       tree of this routine.

   3)  If `nv', the number of vertices, is less than 3 or greater
       than SPICE_DSK02_MAXVRT, the error SPICE(BADVERTEXCOUNT) is
       signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine.

   4)  If `np', the number of plates, is less than 1 or greater than
       SPICE_DSK02_MAXPLT, the error SPICE(BADPLATECOUNT) is signaled
       by a routine in the call tree of this routine.

   5)  If the workspace size `worksz' is less than np+1, the error
       SPICE(WORKSPACETOOSMALL) is signaled by a routine in the call
       tree of this routine. This is merely a sanity check; normally
       the workspace will need to be substantially larger than this
       reference value. See the description of `worksz' in the header
       section -I/O above.

   6)  If the voxel-plate pointer array size `voxpsz' is less than 1,
       the error SPICE(PTRARRAYTOOSMALL) is signaled by a routine in
       the call tree of this routine. This is merely a sanity check;
       normally this pointer array will need to be substantially
       larger than this reference value. See the description of
       `voxpsz' in the header section -I/O above.

   7)  If the voxel-plate list array size `voxlsz' is less than np+1,
       the error SPICE(PLATELISTTOOSMALL) is signaled by a routine in
       the call tree of this routine. This is merely a sanity check;
       normally this array will need to be substantially larger than
       this reference value. See the description of `voxlsz' in the
       header section -I/O above.

   8)  If the size `spxisz' of the integer array `spaixi' is too small
       to contain its constituent structures, where the sizes
       of these structures are derived from the inputs

           nv, np, voxpsz, voxlsz

       the error SPICE(INTINDEXTOOSMALL) is signaled by a routine in
       the call tree of this routine.

   9)  If there is insufficient room to create any of the data
       structures contained in the spatial index, an error is
       signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine.

   10) If any of the input arguments, `vrtces', `plates', `finscl',
       `corscl', `worksz', `voxpsz', `voxlsz', `makvtl' or `spxisz',
       is undefined, an error is signaled by the IDL error handling

   11) If any of the input arguments, `vrtces', `plates', `finscl',
       `corscl', `worksz', `voxpsz', `voxlsz', `makvtl' or `spxisz',
       is not of the expected type, or it does not have the expected
       dimensions and size, an error is signaled by the Icy

   12) If any of the output arguments, `spaixd' or `spaixi', is not a
       named variable, an error is signaled by the Icy interface.










   J. Diaz del Rio     (ODC Space)
   M. Liukis           (JPL)
   E.D. Wright         (JPL)


   -Icy Version 1.0.1, 31-MAY-2021 (JDR)

       Edited the header to comply with NAIF standard.

       Added -Parameters, -Exceptions, -Files, -Restrictions,
       -Literature_References and -Author_and_Institution sections.

       Removed reference to the routine's corresponding CSPICE header from
       -Abstract section.

       Added arguments' type and size information in the -I/O section.

   -Icy Version 1.0.0, 13-DEC-2016 (ML) (EDW)


   make spatial index for type 2 DSK segment

Fri Dec 31 18:43:03 2021