Table of contents
CSPICE_DIAGS2 diagonalizes a symmetric, double precision,
2x2 matrix.
symmat A symmetric 2x2 matrix.
help, symmat
DOUBLE = Array[2,2]
That is, `symmat' has the form
+- -+
| A B |
| |
| B C |
+- -+
This routine uses only the upper-triangular
elements of `symmat', that is, the elements
symmat[0, 0]
symmat[0, 1]
symmat[1, 1]
to determine the outputs `diag' and `rotate'.
the call:
cspice_diags2, symmat, diag, rotate
rotate are, respectively, a diagonal matrix and a 2x2
rotation matrix that satisfy the equation
diag = rotate * symmat * rotate.
help, diag
DOUBLE = Array[2,2]
help, rotate
DOUBLE = Array[2,2]
In other words, diag is similar to `symmat', and
rotate is a change-of-basis matrix that
diagonalizes `symmat'. cspice_diags2 chooses rotate so
that its angle of rotation has the smallest
possible magnitude. If there are two rotations
that meet these criteria (they will be inverses of
one another), either rotation may be chosen.
Any numerical results shown for this example may differ between
platforms as the results depend on the SPICE kernels used as input
and the machine specific arithmetic implementation.
1) Define a symmetric matrix, print the diagonal form of the matrix
and the corresponding rotation matrix.
Example code begins here.
PRO diags2_ex1
;; Define a symmetric matrix.
mat = [ [1.d, 4.d], [4.d, -5.d]]
;; Diagonalize mat.
cspice_diags2, mat, diag, rot
;; Print the diagonal form of mat and
;; the corresponding rotation matrix.
print, 'Diagonal form of mat:'
print, diag
print, 'Corresponding rotation matrix:'
print, rot
;; Confirm `diag' and `rot'.
diag2 = transpose(rot) ## mat ## rot
print, 'Difference between cspice_diags2 and IDL native'
print, 'methods for computing diagonal form of mat:'
print, diag - diag2
When this program was executed on a Mac/Intel/IDL8.x/64-bit
platform, the output was:
Diagonal form of mat:
3.0000000 0.0000000
0.0000000 -7.0000000
Corresponding rotation matrix:
0.89442719 -0.44721360
0.44721360 0.89442719
Difference between cspice_diags2 and IDL native
methods for computing diagonal form of mat:
4.4408921e-16 2.2204460e-16
0.0000000 0.0000000
Note that the difference between cspice_diags2 and IDL native
methods should be the zero matrix to double precision round-off
The capability of diagonalizing a 2x2 symmetric matrix is
especially useful in a number of geometric applications
involving quadratic curves such as ellipses. Such curves are
described by expressions of the form
2 2
a x + b xy + C y + D x + E y + F = 0.
Diagonalization of the matrix
.- -.
| a b/2 |
| |
| b/2 C |
`- -'
allows us to perform a coordinate transformation (a rotation,
specifically) such that the equation of the curve becomes
2 2
P u + q v + r u + s v + T = 0
in the transformed coordinates. This form is much easier to
handle. If the quadratic curve in question is an ellipse,
we can easily find its center, semi-major axis, and semi-minor
axis from the second equation.
Ellipses turn up frequently in navigation geometry problems;
for example, the limb and terminator (if we treat the Sun as a
point source) of a body modeled as a tri-axial ellipsoid are
A mathematical note: because `symmat' is symmetric, we can ALWAYS
find an orthogonal similarity transformation that diagonalizes
`symmat', and we can choose the similarity transformation to be a
rotation matrix. By `orthogonal' we mean that if the `rotate' is
the matrix in question, then
rotate rotate = rotate rotate = I.
The reasons this routine handles only the 2x2 case are: first,
the 2x2 case is much simpler than the general case, in which
iterative diagonalization methods must be used, and second, the
2x2 case is adequate for solving problems involving ellipses in
3 dimensional space. Finally, this routine can be used to
support a routine that solves the general-dimension
diagonalization problem for symmetric matrices.
Another feature of the routine that might provoke curiosity is
its insistence on choosing the diagonalization matrix that
rotates the original basis vectors by the smallest amount. The
rotation angle of `rotate' is of no concern for most applications,
but can be important if this routine is used as part of an
iterative diagonalization method for higher-dimensional matrices.
In that case, it is most undesirable to interchange diagonal
matrix elements willy-nilly; the matrix to be diagonalized could
get ever closer to being diagonal without converging. Choosing
the smallest rotation angle precludes this possibility.
1) The matrix element symmat[1,0] is not used in this routine's
computations, so the condition
symmat[0,1] ne symmat[1,0]
has no effect on this routine's outputs.
2) If the input argument `symmat' is undefined, an error is
signaled by the IDL error handling system.
3) If the input argument `symmat' is not of the expected type, or
it does not have the expected dimensions and size, an error is
signaled by the Icy interface.
4) If any of the output arguments, `diag' or `rotate', is not a
named variable, an error is signaled by the Icy interface.
[1] T. Apostol, "Calculus, Vol. II," chapter 5, "Eigenvalues of
Operators Acting on Euclidean Spaces," John Wiley & Sons,
J. Diaz del Rio (ODC Space)
E.D. Wright (JPL)
-Icy Version 1.0.1, 17-JUN-2021 (JDR)
Added -Parameters, -Exceptions, -Files, -Restrictions,
-Literature_References and -Author_and_Institution sections.
Edited the header to comply with NAIF standard. Updated code
example and extended -Particulars section.
Removed reference to the routine's corresponding CSPICE header from
-Abstract section.
Added arguments' type and size information in the -I/O section.
-Icy Version 1.0.0, 16-JUN-2003 (EDW)
diagonalize symmetric 2x2_matrix