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   CSPICE_RAXISA computes the axis of the rotation given by an
   input matrix and the angle of the rotation about that axis.



      matrix   a double precision 3x3 rotation matrix.

               help, matrix
                  DOUBLE = Array[3,3]

   the call:

      cspice_raxisa, matrix, axis, angle


      axis     a unit vector pointing along the axis of the rotation.

               help, axis
                  DOUBLE = Array[3]

               In other words, `axis' is a unit eigenvector of the input
               matrix, corresponding to the eigenvalue 1. If the input matrix
               is the identity matrix, `axis' will be the vector (0, 0, 1). If
               the input rotation is a rotation by pi radians, both `axis' and
               -axis may be regarded as the axis of the rotation.

      angle    the scalar, double precision angle between `v' and matrix * v
               for any non-zero vector `v' orthogonal to `axis'.

               help, angle
                  DOUBLE = Scalar

               `angle' is given in radians. The angle returned will be in the
               range from 0 to pi radians.

   Please note cspice_raxisa is not guaranteed to invert the
   operation of cspice_axisar.




   Any numerical results shown for these examples may differ between
   platforms as the results depend on the SPICE kernels used as input
   and the machine specific arithmetic implementation.

   1) Given an axis and an angle of rotation about that axis,
      determine the rotation matrix. Using this matrix as input,
      compute the axis and angle of rotation, and verify that
      the later are equivalent by subtracting the original matrix
      and the one resulting from using the computed axis and angle
      of rotation on the cspice_axisar call.

      Example code begins here.

      PRO raxisa_ex1

         ;; Define an axis and an angle for rotation.
         axis = [ 1.d, 2.d, 3.d ]
         angle = .1d * cspice_twopi()

         ;; Determine the rotation matrix.
         cspice_axisar, axis, angle, rot_mat

         ;; Now calculate the rotation axis and angle based on the
         ;; matrix as input.
         cspice_raxisa, rot_mat, axout, angout
         print, 'Axis :', axout
         print, 'Angle:', angout

         ;; Now input the axout and angout to cspice_axisar to
         ;; compare against the original rotation matrix rot_mat.
         cspice_axisar, axout, angout, rot_out
         print, 'Difference between input and output matrices:'
         print, rot_mat - rot_out


      When this program was executed on a Mac/Intel/IDL8.x/64-bit
      platform, the output was:

      Axis :      0.26726124      0.53452248      0.80178373
      Angle:      0.62831853

      Difference between input and output matrices:
         1.1102230e-16       0.0000000       0.0000000
        -5.5511151e-17   1.1102230e-16       0.0000000
             0.0000000  -8.3266727e-17       0.0000000

      Note, the zero matrix is accurate to round-off error. A numerical
      demonstration of equality.

   2) This routine can be used to numerically approximate the
      instantaneous angular velocity vector of a rotating object.

      Suppose that R(t) is the rotation matrix whose columns
      represent the inertial pointing vectors of the body-fixed axes
      of an object at time t.

      Then the angular velocity vector points along the vector given

          limit  axis( R(t+h)R )

      And the magnitude of the angular velocity at time t is given

         d angle ( R(t+h)R(t) )
         ----------------------   at   h = 0

      This code example computes the instantaneous angular velocity
      vector of the Earth at 2000 Jan 01 12:00:00 TDB.

      Use the PCK kernel below to load the required triaxial
      ellipsoidal shape model and orientation data for the Earth.


      Example code begins here.

      PRO raxisa_ex2

         ;; Load a PCK file containing a triaxial
         ;; ellipsoidal shape model and orientation
         ;; data for the Earth.
         cspice_furnsh, 'pck00010.tpc'

         ;; Load time into the double precision variable `t'
         ;; and the delta time (1 ms) into the double precision
         ;; variable TH
         t = 0.0
         h = 1d-3

         ;; Get the rotation matrices from IAU_EARTH to J2000
         ;; at `t' and TH.
         cspice_pxform, 'IAU_EARTH', 'J2000', t,   rt
         cspice_pxform, 'IAU_EARTH', 'J2000', t+h, rth

         ;; Compute the infinitesimal rotation r[t+h-1]r(t)^T
         cspice_mxmt, rth, rt, infrot

         ;; Compute the `axis' and `angle' of the infinitesimal rotation
         cspice_raxisa, infrot, axis, angle

         ;; Scale `axis' to get the angular velocity vector
         cspice_vscl, angle/h, axis, angvel

         ;; Output the results.
         print, 'Instantaneous angular velocity vector:'
         print, format='(3F15.10)',  angvel[0], angvel[1], angvel[2]

         ;; It's always good form to unload kernels after use,
         ;; particularly in IDL due to data persistence.


      When this program was executed on a Mac/Intel/IDL8.x/64-bit
      platform, the output was:

      Instantaneous angular velocity vector:
         0.0000000000   0.0000000000   0.0000729212


   Every rotation matrix has an axis `a' such any vector `v'
   parallel to that axis satisfies the equation

      v = matrix * v

   This routine returns a unit vector `axis' parallel to the axis of
   the input rotation matrix. Moreover for any vector `w' orthogonal
   to the axis of the rotation, the two vectors

       w x ( matrix * w )

      (where "x" denotes the cross product operation)

   will be positive scalar multiples of one another (at least
   to within the ability to make such computations with double
   precision arithmetic, and under the assumption that `matrix'
   does not represent a rotation by zero or pi radians).

   The angle returned will be the angle between `w' and matrix*w
   for any vector orthogonal to `axis'.

   If the input matrix is a rotation by 0 or pi radians some
   choice must be made for the axis returned. In the case of
   a rotation by 0 radians, `axis' is along the positive Z-axis.
   In the case of a rotation by 180 degrees, two choices are
   possible. The choice made this routine is unspecified.


   1)  If the input matrix is not a rotation matrix (where a fairly
       loose tolerance is used to check this), an error is signaled
       by a routine in the call tree of this routine.

   2)  If the input matrix is the identity matrix, this routine
       returns an angle of 0.0, and an axis of ( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ).

   3)  If the input argument `matrix' is undefined, an error is
       signaled by the IDL error handling system.

   4)  If the input argument `matrix' is not of the expected type, or
       it does not have the expected dimensions and size, an error is
       signaled by the Icy interface.

   5)  If any of the output arguments, `axis' or `angle', is not a
       named variable, an error is signaled by the Icy interface.




   1)  If the input matrix is not a rotation matrix but is close
       enough to pass the tests this routine performs on it, no error
       will be signaled, but the results may have poor accuracy.

   2)  The input matrix is taken to be an object that acts on
       (rotates) vectors---it is not regarded as a coordinate
       transformation. To find the axis and angle of a coordinate
       transformation, input the transpose of that matrix to this






   J. Diaz del Rio     (ODC Space)
   E.D. Wright         (JPL)


   -Icy Version 1.0.2, 10-AUG-2021 (JDR)

       Added missing description of changes for Version 1.0.1.

       Edited the -Examples section to comply with NAIF standard. Added
       example's problem statement, reformatted example's output and
       added second example.

       Added -Parameters, -Exceptions, -Files, -Restrictions,
       -Literature_References and -Author_and_Institution sections, and
       completed -Particulars section.

       Removed reference to the routine's corresponding CSPICE header from
       -Abstract section.

       Added arguments' type and size information in the -I/O section.

   -Icy Version 1.0.1, 05-JAN-2005 (EDW)

       Updated the -I/O section to extended the description of the output

   -Icy Version 1.0.0, 16-JUN-2003 (EDW)


   rotation axis of a matrix

Fri Dec 31 18:43:06 2021